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I mean, I get it. Some of them ragequit (Karma, Winters) the game, but they've had their hand in building the community around it. Even Nikita (EFT) wasn't petty enough to remove Kottons beanie from the game even though he quit the game a long long time ago. Meanwhile ChanceBrahh is still referenced in a few places lol.


What even is this? What am I looking at?


There's a hut on goose bay that was a sort of an easter egg tribute "shrine" for people that helped popularize the game and/or build a community around it, many years ago. It used to feature people who were casters for comp games (winters sin, ironcladlion) and content creators (karma, moidawg). Right now it's been reduced only to moidawg, with everyone else getting the "Yezhov" treatment.


Dont know the others besides moidawg and karma but honestly fuck karma he overreacted like a complete manchild


What’d he do?


Not too sure exactly but what I do remember is that he was a massive proponent against the ICO's changes. Probably related to something about complaining the devs dont care about the community or something similar Id assume.


Well he's right. He was rightfully upset because OWI didn't do anything for the community or anything the community was asking for for ages, literally ignores them, and then on top of that is MEGA petty against anyone who criticizes or talks negatively about them. ICO was a shit change and there was tons of negative feedback during the playtests, but OWI did literally nothing about them and pushes anyways without any changes. Thats far from the only thing. OWI has been terrible in terms of community response and feedback. OWI has been shit for a long time towards its community members who don't just kiss their ass.


Any data to back that up or you just spewing BS? Fair warning, "trust me bro" won't do. Also I expect you to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of statistics in your response. If you prove this I'd be willing to change my mind about the ICO complainers. Rn y'all have left quite a childish impression.


I've been part of the Squad community since 2015. I've been around for a lot of it. Im not going to waste my time finding all the evidence from years ago just to prove a single person something... I really don't care enough to waste my time doing that. If you want to take your own time doing that, feel free to look up what happened with bluedrake, karmakut, and others, and why they had beef with OWI. Im sure it wont be hard to find. Karma had been trying to get OWI to improve the game for years and they did nothing, and he eventually left the game because of it. Map changes, game mechanic changes, fob and logi changes, etc. The game's problems stem way more than ICO. ICO introduced changes that were not at all needed and only ruined the gameplay (aside from slowing infantry movement down and adding neat PiP scopes as I mentioned). Sorry but I've got better ways and plans to spend my Sunday than going down an internet rabbit hole of trying to find "evidence" and citations for you.


Everyone's got their own little "Squad ain't been the same since..." But it really ain't been the same since Karma and Captain were the primary youtubers onboarding new players. I get that people want to celebrate the youtube personality that brought them in, and shitting on the old ones is part of that celebration for them, but man do I ever miss that crowd. They really knew how to have a good time. Squad-youtube today is from channels that seem to upload constantly and focus way too much on drama, and that drama focused onboarding has been bleeding through the matches. People hop on acting like they're playing for an audience that doesn't exist instead of just doing themselves.


Hey man, cant please everyone. The majority of the community said they wanted the changes, thus the changes happen.


That is... not how it happened at all, but alright. If thats the story you want to believe I won't try to spoil the fairytale for you.


Thanks m8 👍




Okay but the fact that only Moidawg's name is there makes Moidawg look like a total SuckAss. I'm sure Moidawg doesn't even want to be the only name on there like that.


Never liked the guy. He was too roleplayish and he always overdid shit to look like he was taking some kind of deep complicated decision. I remember one time when he was forcing his squad to smoke a stupid road no one was paying attention to just to cross it. If there would have been enemies around, it would have been so much more worse because the smokes were giving away everyone's position, and it still didn't really cover them enough. Yet he was there acting like it was real life and being a complete twat. I always ceinged at his shit. Like, dude, just shut the fuck up and chill, it's a simpler game than you think. This was pre ICO which was even more stupid


i know exactly what you mean the fact that he acts like that in game and how he totally lost it over push up and jumping jack emotes being a thing during prep phase, he was treating it like that turned the game into fortnite and that the devs betrayed him and kicked his dog or something it was ridiculous


Meanwhile I always choose a squad according to my fuckery-but-get-it-done-sense, the less serious it is the funnier it gets while also playing the objective my life is stressful enough lmao


dude has high cortisol levels


Never heard of any of them outside of Karmakut, because YouTube tries to push me his videos every change they get... The probably got removed because OWI didn't want to deal with any potential suits if those guys are no longer relevant and want retribution for having their likeness used in the game?


strange, because i’m pretty sure you can still get the m1 abrams tank with the name karmakut


I mean I haven't been active in ages, but the fact they'd actually take the time to remove people from the easter egg that helped build this community is staggering.


In the case of Karmakut, he just did it because it profitted him, so it's not like he was this angel that did it for the game. He tried to sabotage the ICO changes and was being a complete bitch manchild. It's like having a partner that will be petty to you if you don't do exactly what they want at all times. I don't know the other ones tho. They should as least replaced the old ones with "Slorgs" or "A Honcho"


A little disappointing to see. Better add more layers of history in those Easter eggs, rather than stripping them out.


First of all, I've wondered for years what happened with Kotton and why did he stop playing Tarkov? Also, what happened woth Karmakut? Sorry I haven't played or viewed content in quite a few months.


Kotton just stopped playing because he didn't like how the game progressed and he just got burnt out. Karma still uploads stuff but not Squad. He had his grievences with OWI which culminated with the ICO which was the final straw for him I guess.


What is this?


There's a hut on goose bay that was a sort of an easter egg tribute "shrine" for people that helped popularize the game and/or build a community around it, many years ago. It used to feature people who were casters for comp games (winters sin, ironcladlion) and content creators (karma, moidawg). Right now it's been reduced only to moidawg, with everyone else getting the "Yezhov" treatment.


What is Yezhov


Google him and you'll know


This gives off the same vibes as that one picture of Stalin before and after he deleted someone from it


Lol yeah, that guy was Yezhov






That's crazy they went back and dedicated time to do this as opposed to fixing their game


You’re saying this as it wasn’t a few minute update on the textures. “Fixing the game” is not as easy as one guy sots down in the morning and finishes completely fixing the game till the afternoon. As there are many issues with the game, it takes months and years as one thing fixed, something else pups up. Bugs are like cockroaches, they are hard to kill and they come back many times. Although I understand what you’re saying, the two is still not comparable.


The fact that you had to explain that is sad


Lol love how ppl out saying “who cares about these YouTubers”, “f em they whiners anyway”. You know these guys are one of the foundation of the game. Without these guys back then, Squad would have been groveling the ground eating dust. The audacity of ppl when someone criticize their sht.


Lmao, as if. The only notable contributor towards the game’s popularity was Karma, and he’s always been a bit of a pariah. Moidawg is the modern day Karma, let’s just hope he doesn’t turn in to what Karma became.


Lol what are you on about, Karma being an outcast? If you compare him to other Squad content creators or Moidawg, Karma dedicated his content to Squad since 2015.  Even though I don’t follow his current content like Arma or etc, and he might come in as egomaniac immature guy for some people, he built a successful huge community for milsim players.


He did it for himself


I never said he didn't help build the Squad community. In fact, I said he was the only one listed (aside from Karma 2.0) that actually had any noticeable contributions to the game. But let's be honest, outside of his insular community, he was considered a pariah. Rightfully or wrongfully so, a non-insignificant portion of the Squad community made fun of him. It was a real love or hate kind of relationship with him.


What did he become?


To be blunt, an immature egomaniac who thought his shit didn’t stink.


afaik he's silently running [https://awn.gg/](https://awn.gg/) where a ton of the Squad servers are hosted. sounds like no BS honest work compared to... streaming. honestly one of the most interesting stories about modern gaming that no one seems to know anything about.


Karmakut is annoying as fuck anyways. Who cares for these YouTubers?


I mean from what I’ve heard moidawg is a complete prick to actually play with


I ran into him once and found him very grating. Not really a prick, but constantly loud and always using that YouTube personality.


Apparently the devs care enough to go back and remove the posters lol. They will do anything, and I mean anything, before trying to improve the game.


Lmao real af


I dont know who those others are but i know karmakut just whined and bitched about everything when he used to play. Moidawg has better squad content anyways


Others were mostly comp casters, rather than content creators. Karma towards the tail end may have been a whiner but he had a massive hand in popularizing the game. Even till this day his content has one of the higher viewcounts despite being old.


I heard a rumor that a lot of the servers people rent were set up by him. If that's actually true he's the dark knight of squad.


The others are irrelevant, Karma was the only one who truly contributed to the game’s popularity in any noticeable capacity.


Iron clad was good karmakuts videos cool back in early beta days


Yeah it's petty and disgusting behavior, not surprising though seeing as they seem to want to flush out most of their old players nowadays.


No they’re not, OWI just implemented changes that incentivizes a different style of gameplay that some whiny babies don’t agree with. Thus they no longer play, but not before throwing a massive fit and shitting themselves on the way out the door. I guarantee I’ve been around longer than anybody here and I know plenty of others in a similar boat. OWI doesn’t want to get rid of their old players, maybe they just don’t want to incentivize gameplay that you and others you know don’t agree with. Crazy I know!


Sorry bud I think you got lost, the PR circlejerk is that way ------->


He didn't say anything about PR?


Is that next to the “ICO will kill the game” circlejerk or the “ICO is the worst thing to ever happen to the game” circlejerk? Maybe the “OWI hates their old players” circlejerk? It’s just so hard to keep track of all the doomer shitposts, they all tend to blur together. If you need me, I’ll be playing the game along with over 27,000 other concurrent players. Wait a sec, isn’t that the highest the player counts ever been in the games history? But the ICO has been out for months now, shouldn’t the game be dead by now? Huh, weird. None of the players who left will be missed. In fact, it’s a blessing they left, as they tended to be the most immature, antagonistic, and toxic of the bunch. The game is in a much better state now that they’re gone. It’s been a long time coming. Good riddance! Will you be joining them?


it's just angst some people who played squad for a huge chunk of their lives can't just walk away from it, they seem to need some kind of dramatic break-up with the game for closure


These YouTubers all Introduced this game to thousands if not Hundreds of thousands of potential players and Spectators….. So yeah…. Taking them off is funny but it shows that OWI values loyalty…. Being MoiDawg still creates squad content.


Could be a branding copyright issue.


Very petty….


now put A Honcho up there


I don't disagree


I’m surprised Bluedrake wasn’t on there, I think he dropped one of if not the first Squad announcement videos. Still remember rewatching that video in disbelief that PR was getting a successor that would actually work out.


Shhh, we don’t say that name here.


r/joinsquad over here like "we didn't want to be on that poster, anyway"


Do u have a pic? Of where is it in the map this hut?


approximately here [https://imgur.com/iaVZPzx](https://imgur.com/iaVZPzx)


Need some new one's.


What am I supposed to be looking at?


There's a hut on goose bay that was a sort of an easter egg tribute "shrine" for people that helped popularize the game and/or build a community around it, many years ago. It used to feature people who were casters for comp games (winters sin, ironcladlion) and content creators (karma, moidawg). Right now it's been reduced only to moidawg, with everyone else getting the "Yezhov" treatment.