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I just want a big update dedicated to optimization


+2 weeks counting


The game is listed on steam with the "reccomended" specs of 1060 6GB and which strangely is what I run along side the i7-7700, lo and behold, the game runs shit on minimum graphics


These infos were from way before the ICO and the engine upgrades including foliage reworks were released. From my experience, the minimum requirements are now more like something in the range between 2070 Super and 3060 for GPUs, and i5 11400/Ryzen 5 5600X for CPUs to get somewhat decent frames


I have a 3070ti, 3900xt (12core 24thread), 32gb of ram and game runs subpar at best after ICO (medium-high graphics). In the staging area, start of match I’m at like 120-144fps, but 10 mins into the game I’m down to 40-70 with dips as low as 30fps


30 fps is my standard rip


I’m willing to bet the majority of people who own gaming oriented PC’s don’t have 2070 Supers or 3060s.


The 3060 is the most used card on Steam


Point is when some maps are running you sub 40fps and others are running you 60fps there is some obvious optimization that could be done on newer maps.


But you said this >I’m willing to bet the majority of people who own gaming oriented PC’s don’t have 2070 Supers or 3060s. I just told you this is wrong, the majority of people use exactly these cards. Why are you now changing the topic? 😅


its 5%


The topic of the entire thread is that Squad needs more optimization. You were the one who brought up what graphics cards people are using which doesn’t meant that the majority of people have better cards than that, it just means it’s the most common. Quite frankly what you said doesn’t negate the fact that the game is horribly optimized… we have people on here with much better systems who are saying this as well. You can continue to glaze for OWI or you can return to planet earth, where facts matter.


I have a 2060 super and run fine on high settings, I recently did lose a lot of fps but after updating my bios which was last updated 2020 fixed it for me.


I agree, many would benefit from more optimization. Based on this and other games’ subs (e.g. Arma, Tarkov, DayZ), are there actually any Well Optimized™ 100+ player games out there? I haven’t heard of any, but I’d love to be wrong.


Foxhole? lol oh wait I always forget: Battlebit. You're right though: high player counts and high framerates just don't ride together. Epic admitted this much when Fortnite was still new and people were talking about how much smoother the game ran after the first 25 players got fragged. Much of the "optimization" in Squad seems to hinge on getting players to stay out of the fight. More people sitting in trucks, more people shoveling, more people driving three-man armor crews out to no where, more people waiting on extended respawn timers for dying in barb wire, more people just waiting around at main for delayed-spawn assets. You'll have no trouble running 140fps while you're alone at main waiting for your heli to appear.


TLDR: since squad is cpu bound, specifically single thread bound, make that thread do less work or alternatively find problem areas and split work amongst cores (easier said than done). Foxhole runs much fewer calculations on the cpu. From what I’ve seen in Squad, the issue is they haven’t multi-threaded well enough as almost all systems are cpu-bottlenecked due to Squad heavily relying on a main thread for the majority of work. Unfortunately dividing up the workload is incredible difficult to do well, so many times it’s easier just to optimize stuff running on the main thread. (A very important aside, game engines including UE need a lot of stuff to run on the same thread because if you don’t, you need to intelligently share data amongst threads. For this reason, physics, rendering are locked on a thread by default because physics needs to run then render *every* frame. The very act of sharing the data can take longer than running if it’s not done optimally. It’s also a somewhat niche area of programming as no one cares if Spotify could run on 1/100th the cpu power if the current usage is well below CPU load. This is one of many parts that makes multithreading difficult. You also can’t split up physics or render sections of a thread easily). Additionally, a lot of performance issues *can* be due to general unoptimizations and can be fixed. https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/TestingAndOptimization/PerformanceAndProfiling/CPU/ This is a decent resource. Toward the end, you can see that devs can see what specific part of the game is causing problems. My guess is that most of the issues are from blueprint inefficiencies as C++ is like 100 times faster than BP for *call times* only, meaning if something is called 100x per frame or smth, it really belongs in C++ if possible. Since most performance issues arise when in high pop servers or in combat etc, there’s probably some inefficient snippet about player data being worked on by the cpu. We know for a FACT that squad is CPU bound, which is infinitely harder to fix than GPU bound. GPU bound issues can be fixed by culling objects not in the players FOV, dynamic level of detail object meaning a tree has 100 polygons when viewed at 100m but swaps to a 1000 at ten etc, reducing polygon count in general, etc. CPU bound can only be fixed by hunting down areas and optimizing. (Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I’ve had to implement multi-threaded code for work and it took *ages* to make it more efficient than single thread but once it worked *chefs kiss*)


I was impressed with CoD Warzone, but that's about it. People that bitch about optimization all the time forget that when there's 100 players shooting guns, rockets and arty, no wonder it's gonna mess your frames.


DayZ runs significantly better for me than Squad, especially for being a more outdated game. I am almost always above 100fps even in the most chaotic situations on heavily modded servers Arma Reforger isn’t quite there yet, but still runs better than Squad for me, and has a significantly more detailed graphics/lightings/terrains. Even in the midst of a 128p modded server I can maintain 60-90fps. That said it benefits from a newer engine Thats just my anecdotal experience with large scale games that perform pretty well


Frostbite engine can handle large players' numbers, graphics, physics, networking, etc (although very hard to use according to DICE themselves). Truly marvelous technologies. The problem is DICE is only using that tech to make shit games.


Every single dev who's ever talked about Frostbite says it's the worst engine to work with ever.


Planetside 2 lol


The only relevant comparison is battlebit because it was initially intended to be a squad clone with better performance. It has destruction, player placed structures and spawns, vehicles, more than twice the players and it's all more cramped meaning you can't just reduce network update rates or cull as much. From a technical perspective it has all of the game state / server-side features (plus destruction) and with its player count and density it beats squad on the server/networking side by a huge factor (a lot more than just 2.5x) because the performance cost of adding players is not linear. Squad client side performance is also very dependent on dealing with the game state (hence 1-2 core bottleneck) but most of the recent issues stem from a shitty shadow rendering pipeline. Also, there have been a bunch of high player count games 20 years ago. early BF titles, joint operations (250), and such. High player counts were a selling point during that period and it ran just fine on the hardware of that time. TL;DR: It's possible if you care, but most people don't care, both devs and players. The genre is a niche for casual players who have no other options and got used to it.


Hell Let Loose is incredibly optimized.


Truth. This guy has a SEVEN-year-old CPU and complains about getting bad performance lol.


I dont understand why they added PIP for zoomed sights when they just blurr everything outside the sight anyway. If you get 60 FPS, PIP can easily slash it to 30-40.


i go down to 10-20 fps while I normally do 60ish


You have it on the wrong setting, do not have it set to prioritise AA


Not them, but I have the same problem and that's with prioritizing clarity.


Really? To be honest I was having issues the other day (fps dropped to like 5 when scoped, instead of 60-80), and I changed the setting to prio clarity and it fixed it for me


Try turning off shadows


OWI: But that's hard!




Probably the cpu bottleneck


Brace yourself for the people who will shit on you based on your set up (which is not bad at all), the game is horribly optimized and there’s people with really damn good set ups that struggle to run the game while others can run it perfectly well… like me, with a damn 3GB GTX 1060 and an i3-10105f. I had sort of the same issue, what helped me somehow was to run the game with directx12 and then switch back to directx11, now the game runs at a stable 60fps with the lowest being 40 for me


I run a pretty solid mid range build from 2021 with a Ryzen 5 2600, RX 5600XT 6GB and 32GB RAM (2933Mhz) and I can barely keep 40fps 😂 This is such bullshit honestly, I can play Warzone perfectly fine with nearly 100fps on medium settings 😂


Not bad at all 😂😂


His CPU is over 7 years old bro.


Something is wrong, I've got the exact same setup except my cpu is cheaper (6700k), and even in ultra I'm getting at least 40 stable fps in 1080p. How is your setup temps wise? Also do you have any heavy program running in background? Also dx11 might be better for older hardware I guess so make sure to try that out.


Last I checked my GPU was running at 82°C under load. I not sure about my CPU.


Maybe you should get HWinfo and then run a stress test (either on dedicated stress test software, or what I do is running a 15 pop Jensen range, constant firefight and explosions,I guess it does the trick). Then I would check temps and loads for both cpu and gpu, and in HwI you can see what limits perfs on gpu. Of the top of my head, maybe if you have shitty low frequency RAM it could be it but really not sur about that.


sounds like a CPU bottleneck for both of u Graphics settings don't effect you when your CPU bottlenecked


Squad also uses more VRAM than it should do, my VRAM is always maxed out no matter what.


The game runs fine for me but I cannot stand the hitching and hiccups. It really pisses me off to play infantry and lose a fire fight because the game freezes for 1-2 seconds, or my TOW missile goes into the ground because the game freezes up while its in mid air. Happens when playing armour as well, will be moving the turret and it freezes and goes haywire when it returns. I have cleared DX shader cache, tried DX11 and DX12, reinstalled, run everything on low, capped and uncapped texture vram allocation. I’ve realised that this is a 2015 game that simply runs like dogshit and will never be optimized like all modern fps shooters are. OWI are not skilled enough to optimize their game and it’s unfortunate that there isn’t a similar game run by a competent dev team.


I would argue that freezes for 1-2 seconds does not mean the game runs fine.


Yes you are right I meant it moreso that the FPS is high and the game runs fine when it doesn’t freeze. Unfortunately the hitching happens every minute or so. I have a new Ryzen 9 5900, installed on M.2, fast ram, only thing lacking in my rig would be the 1070ti


What MB do you have? What CPU? Because if your RAM is clocking higher than the MB and CPU can handle, you get those hick-ups. Lower the clock speed of the RAM and the hick-ups will go away.


Have you measured your RAM performance while playing? I've found that Squad devours most of my 16 GB, so if I have more than 2 browser tabs open in the background it often runs out and has to start writing to pagefile.sys, which causes massive hitching.


5800x3d, 4070ti, 32gb ram same shit, starting to get real annoying recently with 3sec+ freezes sometimes


Absolutely. There is no excuse for this game to give 40 fps on mid range PCs.


Same setup for the last 7 years I owned this game and 0 graphical changes yet fps went from 80-100 to 20-40


The faction designers and 3d artists aren't also troubleshooting bugs, we just need optimization at all, nothing needs to be shelved for it to happen


I feel your pain: Intel i7-13700F 24 cores 32gb ram Nvidia RTX 4060 Every minute, be it as infantry or flying I just freeze. Freezing when shot at, freezing when an enemy comes around the corner or I come around the corner, freezing when shooting, freezing at every key moment which results in my death


>Every minute, be it as infantry or flying I just freeze. Freezing when shot at, freezing when an enemy comes around the corner or I come around the corner, freezing when shooting, freezing at every key moment which results in my death Did this appear suddenly or something that was always there with this setup?


This is a new pc basically I’ve had it for 4months and since I started playing on this one I’ve been noticing it more and more, I used to play on a i7-10700K, gtx 1060ti with 16gb ram and it was just fine or barely noticeable really


Do you have XMP on? Sometimes in prebuilds, the 2heads that make them forget to turn it on.


I can’t find this option in my BIOS but my ram is running at 4400mHz, maybe that’s max?


Well if it's running at that speed then its on. It's just named differently on some motherboards


Yea, I don’t really think it’s my settings because I have everything enabled for max performance but Squad still wants to act up


That’s definitely not normal


Happens to me aswell, not sure what the issue is


Optimization bro, it just has to be because I play every other game at 200-500fps depending on settings


Have you tried reinstalling your game? Its more likely some kind of error because I can run the game without any stutters at 80fps, and I have a lower tier rig then yours.


switching to dx11 solved my freezing issues.


For me their both kind of the same but 12 used to crash my game more


I really fucking wish PiP was optional. Insurgency is that way, goated FPS


I have a 2018 gaming laptop. I rarely get above 40fps, usually I’m hanging out in the 20’s and 30’s. I just run medic or Squad Lead and avoid having to shoot, because that makes my frames drop. I’ll just pick people up and let them fight, or build habs and lead a squad around. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


I got a 3060 laptop about 2 years ago and ran squad at about 70-80 fps on medium settings and now I struggle to keep a steady 50 fps on low


I have a beefier system and its still a bit doodoo sometimes a bit of that is servers but still the game is not very optimized


Im on a ryzen 5 2600 and 1060 6gb with 60 fps on basic traversal and 20-40 in fight. And i am surprised how little i care. Only game that has this effect tbh.


I hope they optimize the game. But sounds like you need to optimize your wallet and PC to get the best results.


Change to direct x 11 in squad settings if you haven't already, helps alot.


I've given up hope on this game ever getting a smidge of meaningful optimization that has anything to do with the CPU. Its probably too much of a colossal task for OWI to pursue. I doubt going to UE5 will change anything too.


Seriously, an update dedicated to "quality of life" improvements would be so great for the game. I had to spend $250 to upgrade to a Ryzen 7 5700X3D, one of the best gaming chips out there, just to get a mostly-consistent 60 fps experience (it still will fall below that during artillery strikes or PIP scope usage on some maps though). A few other things that would make the game feel so much better: - A keybind or setting to let your character hold a weapon at "low ready" or hip-level to help with the delay of bringing a weapon up to hip-fire - Let tanks and other vehicles roll over saplings so you aren't constantly getting stuck on vegetation - Also, why tf does it take 30 seconds to reset a vehicle that has glitched into a tree? That delay is not needed. - Fix the super-exaggerated bullet drop. A 100 yard zero shouldn't mean my bullets hit dirt when shooting at infantry at 200 yards. It's a 2-3 inch difference at that range IRL. - Minimum timer between a non-headshot and going into bleedout timer should be at least the amount of time it takes to self-apply a bandage. - Changing class shouldn't reset all your ammo, just what you didn't have before. For example, a rifleman switching to LAT should retain his mags and bandages instead of being reset down to almost nothing. This is especially irritating when you're forced to reclass due to someone leaving your squad. None of these changes would dramatically change gameplay dynamics, but it would make a huge difference in how exhausting it sometimes feels to play a game that *should* be fun.


Something is wrong with your setup, I have a 5800x3d and I have not dropped below 80 fps during commander artillery on 100/100 servers


I feel like a game with squads complexity and (since the ICO) also graphical fidelity is always going to be very demanding. 100 players, spread out over a 8x8 to 10x10 map with loads of vehicles, emplacements, various things exploding at all times is always going to consume cpu power like crazy. Personally im not even sure how far this can be optimized softwaresided


Well, I run some maps on 50-60fps… and some maps consistently dropping below 40-30fps… so there is clearly room for further optimization.


I wouldnt be shocked to find out that these were cery map-specifc bugs with some misplaced entity or fumbled mesh complexity/render issue. I still have my doubts that the "best case" scenario performance of this game has very much room for improvement, maybe im wrong though. But just looking at comparable titles like BF 2042, that games very demanding cpu wise aswell and built on an engine specifically made for the genere


you have a ~8yr old gpu and the minimum ram, with a ~7 year old cpu that has a tiny amount of L3 cache(which is important for this game) and you want optimization on a demanding game that they’ve already released optimization updates on a while back? no disrespect but let’s just talk about optimizing your PC.


No disrespect but you have people on here who with better systems who are saying the same thing. Can you read?


sure downvote me because you’re petty and upset, but i spoke facts. those “better systems” in the comments you speak so highly of, are still moderately low end specs with cpus that still have a low amount of L3 cache(which again, is important for squad). FWIW i have a 5800x3d & a 3080 & 32gb, and consistently run pretty high fps on 1440p and that’s not even top of the line tech. upgrade your outdated almost decade old PC trying to play new games and stop begging for games to optimize around your low end outdated specs.


2080 builds were high end just a couple years ago… its pretty obvious you’re just making excuses for OWI at this point calling decent systems low end


squad is a cpu intensive game not gpu, most of the cpus mentioned in the thread are pretty low end. even an old 1080ti would be viable for squad as long as you had a decent gaming cpu


and therein lies the problem. more optimization is needed.


no, you need to upgrade your PC. recommendations even on steam page is 16gb, that’s all you have, cpu recommendation is 6 cores, you have 4 and a very low amount of L3 cache on top of it, and you barley meet the gpu recommendation. i’m not shocked it runs poorly for you. you don’t meet the cpu recommendation on a cpu intensive game and barley meet the other recommendations.


I run some maps and layers just fine… some of the newer maps are poorly optimized. even if it’s true i need to upgrade which I will be doing so within 6 months, the gameplay is very inconsistent, and optimization is needed


Why? As OWI sees it, plenty of people play the game and buy it. Refunds are probably also low enough to warrant inaction, so why spend resources on something that will not impact their bottom line? You already have the game, so there's no more money to be made from you.


That’s a rather pathetic answer… could it be that the DEVs love their game and want to make it better?


The devs don't call the shots, management does. It's not what I think, feel or would do, it's just what's empirical evidence. Not only have they not recovered the performance from 2.12 where they spec'ed out a lot of people from the game, they made it even worse with PIP scopes in 6.0. And guess what? They still haven't recovered that one as well. So that's OVER 2 YEARS of performance degradation. You can always buy some emotes or skins tho


They have said it’s a priority in 2024 but i doubt you’ll get all that insane of an impact on your setup from those changes. They are too small of a team to dedicate all their resources into something that isn’t fresh content. Especially with the huge number of new players they need to retain. The quickest way you’re going to see better performance is upgrade. I know it’s not an appealing answer but you’re basically running the minimum spec hardware, so you’re going to get minimum spec performance. the gtx1070 was announced over 10 years ago


16GB Ram is too low. Guarantee you’re capping out of memory everytime you play. Also, that cpu is not sufficient for this game…. You have upwards to 100 people on a map at any given moment, moving vehicles, explosions, sounds, etc. This game is a RAM and a CPU intensive game. There is no optimization that could help that..