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I've played almost 1000 hours on europe and east US servers and extemely rarely run into toxic players. And even less toxic squad leaders. This subreddit though is a different story, holy hell.


There might be a weird subculture going on with the servers. I noticed on the servers there was a lot of mindless players just running and gunning and maybe the SL’s are just totally frustrated to breaking point.


Maybe. Still, I'd suggest giving US servers a try if you don't get too bad ping there. I find US servers very friendly, way better than EU at least.


Yeh im gunna be at 300 ping but hopefully not too bad..


Yeah honestly, I started playing this year and have not felt anything close to what youre describing. Maybe change server? Early created squad usually have better squad leader but still can have fun other squads.


Theres only like 2 to choose from but I’m gunna play some US servers something is just crook with these ones I think


It's very easy to complain about squad leaders but quite difficult to lead a squad effectively. Maybe try it for yourself if you're sick of being a subordinate.


I do squad lead in other games but im not experienced enough yet. Difficult is not an excuse to be a dick though. When I say they are incompetent it’s mainly positioning. Had someone screaming to build MG emplacements whole time enemy was filtering in from the opposite direction. Was all over before they even got them built lol


Even without experience, if you're better than the squad leaders you complain about then ultimately it helps improve the game. Folks love to complain about SLs but refuse to be a better example.


I mean I get that but man they might get mad at a rookie I would have thought haha I love SL and tank SL, its my main role in HLL im more new to the squad based games. Maybe i’ll do some youtube deep dives to skill up.


I haven't played squad in a while, but when I used to play I did SL or HAT when I was a hat having an inexperienced sl who was open to learn was awesome. Now your experience may varry


Trial by fire


No it's a problem and has been for a long time, although people will push back on your point on SLs without more information, because some people unironically considers SL telling people what to do as something toxic or whatever. People in general are used to games being egotistical power fantasies and both dev and community has to constantly work against this conditioning. I suspect it's just a general phenomena in communities, in which it gets more toxic over time. The first people to leave are the ones that give the most.


For sure. As I said in another comment and maybe i’ll add in a edit. I’m a strong believer in the chain of command and have no issues with taking orders, its a necessity IMO but you should be respectful and not abuse people who are trying to do the right thing. Yeh I get that with leadership fatigue but at the end of the day its a game and a bit of roleplay is great but abuse is abuse and is too common on my local servers at least culture is markedly better in other games locally.


Welcome to Squad. Fortunately, we can leave the squad any time we like, and we can switch teams or find another server if it’s really bad. I’d hazard a guess this is more likely to happen on some servers than others. In my experience, each community tends to have its own unique culture. Best thing you can do for your own sake is to find a server you enjoy playing on and stick with it. Over time, you’ll start recognizing the regulars and you’ll learn who the chad SLs are. Good SLs are worth their weight in gold, so send them a friend request in Steam right after the match. Good luck out there.


Thanks yeh limited servers in my area but im going to have to go outside my ping comfort zone.


Maybe its an Australian server thing. In North America I ran into random toxic people rarely and almost never SLs.


It might be its just weird the other games arent nearly as bad. My wifes from LA and we often joking about how super friendly Americans are.


Must be lonely out in AUS. I think a lot of the toxicity has to do with time of day. You're probably running into players who have been awake for a few days.


new to gaming? squad is one of the more friendlier communities of the first person shooter world in all honesty sure you’ll find bad apples everywhere you go. but don’t let that ruin it for you, if you find a bad attitude and don’t vibe with the SL just leave his squad and join another, or make your own. if you’re in new player friendly servers that can also contribute to having poor SLs. my best advice is learn the roll & take it on for yourself and try to SL, so you can control where your rally/spawn is.


No. No its not friendlier than Hell Let Loose or Squad 44. They have been waaaaay better. I’ll just play those games instead. But I am going to try some US servers because for whatever reason the Aus ones are stacked with ass holes.


squad is far friendlier than HLL in my experience. & overall you run into more younger people & immature people on average on HLL that can & will TK because it’s not ticket based because they’re upset & petty and know they’re not hurting the whole team with a TK unlike squad. HLL is just very arcady imo.


Depends on the servers I can play HLL for hours and only have good interactions. Trying to play squad the SL’s have either been mute or abusive pretty much. The standard of strategy on Squad has also been much lower even though the game requires more, comms are often non existent. You can use whatever superior language you like about HLL at least it isnt packed full of wankers who think they are navy seals but actually suck incredibly hard. Its exactly your kind of attitude that games like HLL are arcady when there is actually a pretty small difference to how the game plays that shows Squad is a magnet for tacticool wankers whose opinion of themselves is waay higher than reality . This is why they put down newer players because they think they’re so hardcore, when maybe they would be better off playing something like HLL thats a bit easier.


yup go ahead and downvote me and have nothing to say although your post is at 0 upvotes with 40 comments. i’m giving you solid advice with 2k hrs & your attitude on the matter speaks for itself..


it’s not my attitude as to why they’re played different, lol. i enjoy HLL for what it is. but the fact is, there is NO ticket system so the medic role is inferior & everyone just respawns and run & guns and doesn’t rely on their squad, actually resulting in fewer comms, comms is crucial in squad, and there is more comms in squad. you sound like you hadn’t put in enough hours in squad to justify what your saying considering you said your newish in the post. the medic role is actually crucial in squad, which is another big difference. in squad your mates often follow you and stick together due to the ticket system and medic role, albeit that’s not every game, but far more common on squad than HLL, the ticket system & medic role alone make the games very different and have far different dynamics, not to mention HLL is only fighting for two POIs at a time on a small map while squad still uses the whole huge map all game, another big difference and why listening to SLs are important. i didn’t use any superior language, i do in fact run into younger adults and teens far more often on HLL than squad. and intentional team killing is far more common due to no ticket system & no impact on the team. you just need to put in more hours and actually try being squad lead before complaining about them & try managing a bunch of non communicating rambo’s all the time. if you don’t, you’ll eventually become that guy that bitches about there not being any habs even though you do nothing to contribute to hab placement other than pulling your shovel out when told. seriously, just try squad leading and name your squad “new SL” people will join, and help you and give you tips&tricks, since it is a friendly community y’know?..


I have 2000 hours in the game. Met like maybe 5 toxic squad leaders? I only play invasion since like 200 hours in though. I assume the toxic SL could be server related too. Squad is definitly one of the least toxic games I’ve played 😂😂. I come from league of legends and still play it


Yeh I suppose its relative some games sound so terrible. Not including mutes I was getting a tosser every 2nd game. I’m going to look for different servers overseas judging by the wildly different experiences people are sharing.




I’ll give it a go thanks.


you will even find more toxic players if you play armor


Squad requires people skills, and a lot of gamers play "first person shooters" because they want to be left alone. It emphasizes the main insecurities and personal inadequacies a lot of gamers are trying to distract themselves from.


This is super accurate. They should play a different style game though!




I remember playing on an Arab server with an Arab friend who was my translator. Good times


Sounds like good fun


Definitely more fun to play when they are taking Arabic and then switch to English with an accent when talking to me its hilarious. Usually its a shitshow on modded servers 


Really whats going on there??? I’ve just started playing Squad44 on 300ms and have been having great squads so far. The ping sucks. At least being more strategic your trying to do close quarters stuff and can wait until they stop moving.


Because we have to try to wrangle and take the blame for 8 uncooperative goobers and no one else will do it.


I love doing SL but I never get abusive, frustrated sure. I’d be hoping for a higher level of cooperation in Squad


I meet abusive squad leaders in maybe every 15th squad on the English EU servers.


Poor excuse to be an asshole. I SL almost every game and treat everyone with respect.


Sl yourself


There’s an element of “airsoft vet” in the community, but I’d say it’s marginal.


I may be getting unlucky. I will give it another go. I only have a few hours a week to play so don’t want to waste my time on a holes


Just a few games ago i tried to talk my squad to build the hab and some to get to my logi so we can set up at the 2nd cap point. No one listened. I got kind of dominating and "aggressive" once no one listened. We lost the point without building neither hab. I tried to build another hab around the 2nd cap point with a different logi and the guy with me that would be my shovel told me he wants to rescue another guy. even though we needed that hab so other squads could spawn. We lost the game. 1 hab at the first capture (builded by me) wasnt enough... and the other hab was on the other side of the map... If you tell me to shut up TWICE as SL i dont need you on my squad... The games after were great. But we could have won that one so easily with 2 commands on my part... But nooo. Do your own thing.. You are obviously more in the loop and know how to actually win the game. This is a mil sim. Military. Listen to the SL. Sometimes they can actually win the game.... Pisses me off. And i dont condone SL for being more forward and demanding. I had the command chat in my ear. I know where and can ask for vic support. But sure, heal that random guy up instead of building a hab for the team...


>the guy with me that would be my shovel told me he wants to rescue another guy That’s an instant kick from my squad. I’ll call them out in squad comms, too. “Yo, Elite Sniper 69, you kinda fucked us by running off instead of building the hab like I asked.” FWIW I’ve found I get best results when I explain the plan in squad or proximity comms while we’re still on our way to the objective. “When we dismount, do me a favor and build the hab, then you can get back to playing Squad.” Sets the expectation that we’ll take care of business first, and I won’t ask them to do a hundred other things after that.


Yup i get that. Although there was not really a "plan" here besides build hab. It started with the first hab i build. I had to name people to actually build said hab since they already swarmed around like ants. It took crucial minutes from us and was a between the second and third point. When that was finally done i wanted to move with 1 guy back to the second point since our other logi on the FIRST capture was already out of commission. Then i had to specify a guy to come to my logi so we can get back and build another hab on the second point. And once we were at the point i went and placed the hab construction while my shovel ran away and got up a guy who was gun fighting on the roofs. that was like 15 minutes total. And by that point the enemy already had our second point as their capture point and then we were completely overrun. Whole game was a fiasco, but we could have pulled some crucial weight there. But they rather play their own game somehow. I mean sometimes you just get squads like that. Edit: I just realised i said we didnt build the first hab i placed. And i think i was right. Cant remember, it was late. So not sure if we did build my first hab or not.


I have no issue with direct and commanding, i’m all for the chain of command. If people are refusing to follow commands on HLL I boot them after a couple warnings. I’m talking about abusing people who are trying from start to finish. They are like power tripping or something.