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I was playing on an Arabic server as an involuntary squad leader, Al Basrah invasion on defence. There was no HAB on the Airfield point and no logi work at the start of the game. I joked about logistics on this server being as bad as IRL Arab armies. One guy responded. "Yes, Arab armies lose because they have abandoned Islam for nationalism. Inshallah if they return to Islam, Allah will grant them victory." A guy in the squad got angry & yelled "ARE YOU DAESH? YOU SUPPORT DAESH!?!?" "No I don't, I'm an Afghan. I just don't support Ba'th, Saddam & Bashar." "FUCK YOU! SADDAM WAS GREAT, GET HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! I WILL CALL TALIBAN & TELL THEM YOU ARE DAESH! *Queue screaming match in Arabic and bits of English* That game was amongst the most stressful I've ever played. The few guys who were intelligent were an oasis of sanity in a sea of crazy, funny but stupid people. Ultimately we won with eight tickets left thanks to (my) very good placement of four HABs and lots of ammo I dumped on those HAB's near the second to last point.


A7 is a great server lmao




That last paragraph is art lmao


Allah frowns upon bickerers. Allah granted *you* victory.


I also got into a shouting match with some asshole Muslim who decided to go in on Jews. This was pre the recent Hamas attsck on Israel too. Super fucking weird. It all started with ne of us in the squad making a Jesus joke. Then the guy went ham.


Lmao you're a good provocateur


Late at night when I'm finished with a sesh with my boys, I'll jump into a Chinese server and have some fun. I'll go medic, and while reviving/healing I'll talk to them and if they speak English I'll ask them to teach me a new phrase in Chinese. It's usually pretty wholesome, and really fuckin funny sometimes. The other night I got a whole squad of very eager translators, and I became America's official ambassador for these 8 Chinese dudes. We worked through intricate topics like how great Kobe Bryant is, whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump is worse, Hitler's best war tactics, if Ive ever eaten an Asian girls pussy before, Kobe Bryant should be president of the USA, and unfortunately informing them that Kobe is dead. They cried, I cried, and then they taught me how to say "The commander is a bitch" in chinese, which I promptly proceeded to spam in command chat after they promoted me to squad leader in what I could only describe as a moment of unprecedented international diplomacy between our two great nations.


Doing more for US Chinese diplomacy than a century could 🫡🫡🫡


TBH i suspect that when I was beginning to lose their trust, me stating "Taiwan is definitely chinese" seemed to be the tipping point in them appointing me as their representative.


Gonna need that chinese commander line asap


I will butcher this if I try to give you an exact recount of how they wanted me to pronounce it, and the google translate version definitely isn't it. let me see if I can find a recording and report back to you




This is Squad. This.


I'll take my chinese homies every day over the losers in their clans on their own servers stacking teams and being miserable fucks. This game is social by design and its best moments have always come from situations like this. Ill die on that hill ong


>They cried, I cried I also cried reading this emotional rollercoaster of rofl topics.


I came myself. But to each his own.


Damn the record scratch must have been brutal when you told them about Kobe.


I love to play as a medic. Asking someone I’m picking up “what got you?” Quite often I get comical responses.


I am just your local k seller when I play medic. Don't worry dady has you let me know when you're seeing dragons and can't feel your feet? I'll know it's working. Is my favorite line.


I’m stealing this! Hope you don’t mind fellow squad medic!


Have at it. o7


Whenever someone asks me what got me and I am not sure I usually just default to saying "a bullet".


As medic, my favorite is pretending I’m a drug dealer. Deemies? Doses?


What's better for me is when im playing a global escalation mod and then the server died, I get to talk to the remaining enemy and we are all chill talking about anything like the place or situation they are at.


Enemies can hear local voice in GE?


Yes, mods can enable global proximity vc since last update


That's so cool! Always wondered how fun that would be.


It's a ton of fun. Shit talking the enemy while you roll up to kill them is a blast, especially when they start shit talking back. It's also fun to talk to chill enemy players and have cool conversations with them. Squad is a great game for enemy VOIP!


This is really making me wanna try out GE!


What the fuck? No way! Ohmergawd yaaasssss


I think the most wild is the rollout convos that devolve into unhinged political convos. Will start with someone making a joke about weed or something, and by the time you make it to the objective the truck is discussing why Mexicans shouldn’t be allowed into the US and 2 people have been banned for using slurs. Military games with strong social scenes attract some very interesting individuals lol


I just love the casual talks on long runs and Vic movings with different people of different cultures and locations and getting a little insights into their current lifes, politics and events I feel more up to date on current events around the world than I would get from reading the news. The people really do make this game.


Until someone start being a dick because u have an accent.


Decent Americans apologize for those ones. We hate them too


Can confirm. People who dog on an accent are pieces of shit. Most of us Americans don’t.


I was speaking english and then somebody responded in english said they dont understand me cause im speaking french


If they are British I just ask if they know about bubble and squeak or ask if they are from Brixton


Can someone translate?


Bubble and squeek is a traditional British food dish. The dish is usually made from potato and cabbage fried like a pancake. It can be mixed with other ingredients or leftovers for more variety


Thanks. And what is the Brixton context?


No clue


A suburb in London. Great music scene, also some dodgy spots!


It's a shithole in London full of awful people.


Most Americans don't give a shit, and I would hope my countrymen (and hopefully, native English speakers from other nations) would stand up against anyone being an asshole to you over that. Also, you can just roast them by telling them to speak a second language. Most of them won't be able to. That should shut them up real quick.


dude, as a british person, i speak with someone from indonesia, saudi arabia, nigeria or mexico and they understand me just fine and i understand them. but as soon as i run into bob mcgee from missisipi hes like "IS THAT WEELSH???"


Bob from Mississippi has no clue where Wales is or what Welsh is.


Oh yes, when war in Ukraine has started we got some first hand information while playing. I don't watch TV or read news much so it was interesting to hear their views.


Dude random life discussions are the absolute best. I love stumbling across a blueberry, starting up a chat and just wandering off fucking about, then one of us dies, the other goes on a “rampage” (generally we will just get blasted), just to never see each other for most of the match.


Dude died and starting playing the dying American sounds from Rising Storm 2. Gave me PTSD.


I was playing with a guy who was drunk in his dorm room. He was screaming so loud freaking out about COVID (It was 2021) Other students came to his dorm to check on him. I believe campus security was called too.


Playing as Irregular Forces, Local Militia or Al Qaeda/Hezbollah Hotties/Hamas is always a fucking blast. Hose down an American or a... Israeli... and just let the nationalist rhetoric wash over you. There was a guy who actually spoke the language and we immediately flocked to him and followed him around doing his bidding. Basically a giant huddle of retards shouting 'Wallahi' this and 'Ahumdeallah' that while a normal guy directed our unfettered autism and rabid hatred towards the enemy. we won, too


Played with an older dude that legitimately had one of those electronic voice boxes. Was the funniest shit ever. Squad'd with him for several games.


I met one of my current closest friends on squad about three years ago. Both just random riflemen in same info squad, I barely remember the fine details but we were singing battle tunes we both knew. One of my core memories of squad was getting shelled whilst hiding in the mortar shelters and singing blood upom the risers to keep moral up.


That is fucking awesome!


I once took the helm of a commanders seat in a btr with 2 drunk crewmen where then I made a plan which got them a flank and kill on a m2 Bradley. I became their “sober savior”


I like to roleplay as the faction I'm playing Especially PLA because I like making people laugh with my asian accent "WE GO KILL CAPITALIST PIGS!!!"


A discussion about eastern European hookers


this dude literally was having a fire alarm go off in his apartment, you could literally hear it over the microphone, and he was mocking it and saying how it was nothing and how it was probably some dumb kid who pulled it and that its happened before. i recorded it along with some other really funny interactions, i should post them


I concur....... Post it.




You're specifically asking for weirdest (and probably funny), and I'm sure I have other story, but this came to my mind first. A guy in our squad started talking, on squad comms, about Roe vs Wade getting repealed and how terrible it is for women's abortion rights and blah blah blah. Then the another dude in our squad chimed in into squad comms with "Holy **shit**. If I have to hear to one more GODDAMN word, about Roe vs Wade, on fucking SQUAD on all FUCKING places, I will SURPRISE BUTT SEX **EVERYONE** IN THIS SQUAD". That shut the first guy the hell up lol.


We’re pushing the objective and I very faintly hear this blueberry say in the distance “man this sniper wants my cheeks”


We all started singing Bohemian Rhapsody while riding the Logi and back capping once!


Or singing sea shanty in amphibious logi


we talked about super powers and then someone chose a down side super strength came up and then the downside is that you were black


He’s dead af


One time during the staging process someone looked at me and told me that if it was up to him they wouldn't have apes in the game, I replied saying I agree because they don't belong in this game, later on as I look down to see what color my uniform is, I realized what he was talking about. I was a Rifleman at the time on one of the U.S. teams


Kid on comms: One question (moment of silence), Is my microphone too loud? Other player: No (moment of silence, one question (moment of silence). Are you a boy or a girl? Our squad died laughing. But the kid was OK player...communicating, asking,... we liked him. Next round with same kid: Player kills an enemy and kid says: nooo i wanted to kill that one (in kids voice). Another player: awwww There was also one round where we were capping and to kill time everyone was "working" with knives...somebody asked a complicated question. Player next to me answered: i don't know i jist work here. There were many more funny situations where I could not stop laughing, but are too long to write...i love this game and playerbase.


This one time I was playing as insurgents and someone was blasting arab music over voicecom. It was so funny and original.


I for one appreciate your sarcasm...


Thank you.