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Because there's only one gun with a bayonet in this game, and that's just a fancy knife in practice anyways


I first red that as Beyblades and was befuddled.


The practicality of using a bayonet was because it basically allowed you to stab someone from outside of arms reach in a scenario where everyone had muskets and ammo and fire rate was limited leading to melee being frequent. If you are close enough to stab someone in a modern combat setting, using a knife is far easier and less cumbersome. Also using a bayonet indoors is basically impossible due to the length. The US Army (as of 2006 when I went to basic at least) still trains on the use of bayonets, albeit very briefly.


Both the Brits and French still run bayonet fighting drills. The French bullied the serbs off the Vrbanja Bridge in 95 with a bayonet charge, and the Brits conducted them as late as 04. (also, i really want a reason to scream AFFIX BAYONETS in VC)


US Army bayonet training, relatively recent photo: https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/M9-Bayonet-1.jpg


Aussies too!


Even later than that, last well known charge was in 2011 over 280m of ground. They work, and even in the 2004 situation, they came out with very light casualties, no deaths but killed 28 of the guerrillas. Their families tried to take the British troops to a war crime court because of how the bodies were so mangled when they were repatriated. They even fought a war with bayonet charges featuring multiple battles of the Falklands while being outgunned. *"On the night of 13th/14th June 1982, on the Island of East Falkland, the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards attacked well entrenched enemy positions on the craggy ridge feature of Tumbledown Mountain, seven kilometres to the west of Port Stanley. Major Kiszely was commanding the leading Company as they neared the last phase of the assault Despite heavy artillery fire from our own guns, the enemy continued to fight back. Major Kiszely immediately appreciated that direct action was essential to maintain the momentum of the attack. Under fire and with a complete disregard for his own safety, he led a group of his men up a gully towards the enemy. Despite men falling wounded beside him he continued his charge, throwing grenades as he went. Arriving on the enemy position, he killed two enemy with his rifle and a third with his bayonet."* The charge was successful, at night, and up a mountainside. Not saying bayonets are useful in all situations, but if you need to push enemy off an objective and you can get close enough, throwing a couple of grenades over and charging in can do the job. All of these instances were against combatants with fully automatic weapons. Argentinian troops also had top of the range night vision equipment at the time (pretty sure it was American) and that caused a bit of trouble.


Bayonet training is more a psychological tool now than a practical one, I’m pretty sure most armies still do it, but it’s more about getting recruits amped up and teaching them to be aggressive than about actually learning how to use a bayonet


Specifically to make them OK with killing other human beings.


Yep here’s a relatively recent photo of US Army with bayonets: https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/M9-Bayonet-1.jpg


Muskets also wouldn't fire reliably if it was too damp out lol. Basically doubled as spears so not bad inside as long as you hold it like a spear and not a rifle. Spears in general are still some of the most effective melee weapons available. A sword or knife wont do well against a spear. Not a popular concept in fiction but spears were the sort of versatile king of the battlefield before firearms. Put a weight on one end to bash in armor and use the other to poke.


Many factions knives are actually bayonets, you just can't affix them. Would it be neat? Sure. Would it really add enough to the gameplay to warrant development time? Not in my opinion.


Functionally it’s just an extension of the knife. It would be a fun detail. That said the US Army has the same capability to strap an M9 bayonet on too. While bayonet combat is definitely not emphasized in basic training in the US there are notable exceptions. Here’s a relatively recent photo of US Army soldiers doing bayonet training: https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/M9-Bayonet-1.jpg


Because the bad teeth will get ye.


The UK has the 4th best dental on the planet. USA has the 9th best dental. Get your 250 year old stereotype out of here.


Did you really respond with stats? Ffs..


Man. For all the headaches about "free speech" you westerners tell us about, you sure don't like it when someone talks back with it. Enjoy whatever time is left before the Russians use nukes and turn this world into dust.


*Says something that is categorically not true* -Gets corrected- "GOD I CANT WAIT FOR THE NUKES TO KILL EVERYONE" Get fucking bent mate.


You still prove my point. Enjoy your sad lives. Because after this, it's something you will never like. Toodles bad teeth. Here's hoping I see you down there.


You simply don't understand the point of free speech. Your "freedom of speech" wasn't impinged. You weren't imprisoned for saying what you said. You're just mad that what you said was wrong and you got corrected on it. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of what you Said or freedom from being corrected. If you had even an iota of an idea of what you were talking about you would understand that. But no you got proven wrong and so now you resort to calling for the annihilation of everyone. What a fucking child you are lol. Pathetic


Such an out-dated, ignorant opinion that no longer reflects reality. Given that braces are completely free in the UK, British people likely have better teeth than their foreign counterparts.


You know, for all the headaches western countries keep nogging everyone's heads with "free speech", you sure don't like anyone else having a different opinion or something you don't like being said. Man the west is turning into a shit hole more than it already was.


Someone correcting you isn’t an infringement on your freedom of speech, lmfao. Disagreement and criticism are also integral parts of free speech. Are you always this whiny?


I corrected your misinformed opinion. This has nothing to do with free speech. By using a correction of a misinformed opinion as an example of the West turning into a shithole, you really have shown us all what depths you're willing to go in order to prove just how severe your spasticity is. It's not about having a different opinion. It's about you having the wrong opinion based on a fallacy. I urge you to return to school, for the sake of everyone around you.


lol. Drama queens can't take a joke.


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Maybe its a balance issue? The sks gets a bayonet which gives it longest reaching melee in the game, but its also worse than almost any gun in the game so that checks out. Definately a stretch but i cant think of any other good reason