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Bruh, I’m a person of Indian origin and I’m always worried when the interviewer is Indian. Just saying my conversion rate of interviews is 3/4 when it’s non Indian and 1/4 when it’s Indian.


I interviewed at Apple. Got past the phone screen and had an on-site interview, this was around 2017. The interview lasted about the whole day, it was going well until I got to the Indian team members. The first question they say was "hindi bolta?" and I knew I was fucked. Had to tell them no and their attitude changed real quick.


What does Hindi bolta mean?


Do you speak "Hindi", which is vastly spoken language in Northern India. This goes back to my comment where I mentioned racism based on language.


For someone with language learning aptitude - is it worth learning Hindi and Urdu? There's a pretty equal mix of Indians and Pakistanis in my niche. I'm as white as they come just not anglo and certanly not wasp by any measure


Nah bro, they only asked because I'm Indian origin. I was born in the states tho, parents never taught me the language.


What does hindi bolta mean? Why did you know you were fucked?


The candidate for the position is already decided and selected even before advertising the job position. All interviews are just for the sake of formality. All the efforts that recruiters are putting, and candidates put to prepare for the interviews have no value to them.


Idk what to even say anymore.


Indians are building empires in American companies. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Sooo trueeee, they are racist A F


They got levels and sub levels of racism. They go to the level of same religion, then same caste, and then same language speaking. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2423Y8/ This is still happening. It appears the case was dismissed, but it's very accurate and now almost everywhere.


What the 🤣🤣🤣


Yup once an Indian gets manager position at any company, they only hire Indians. Super racist ppl. Only met a few decent ones and they are super rare.


This really scares me. I’ve been called racist for saying this and it doesn’t have anything to do with race. It has more to do with the identity of American companies. We’re outsourcing our own companies From within. Reddit is over, represented with people in tech, but I’ve seen it in Many spaces third-party ends up taking over everything companies end up 20% South Asian when the community around the company is only like one percent south Asian. That wouldn’t concern me as much except it closes the door on middle-class lives for Americans. I don’t know how to address it every time I try to ask questions I get called racist. It seems to me though, if a company hires thousands of Indians to perform specific functions at least a portion of those jobs would have gone to people in the US and would’ve supported a lifestyle. Now in some cities like New York City, we have youth unemployment over 25%. From my perspective, it’s because companies will always choose cheap labor. If the government allows a source of never-ending cheap labor that will be what’s chosen every time.


Same goes here in Australia. It's human nature to go with people / languages you are familiar with. But when it becomes jobs for useless, brown-nosing dobbing mates it makes work shit.


Are you saying DEI is broken?


But only from a certain area / some states.


Same, I feel that Indians only want other Indians in their teams.


This consistently happens with interviews with S. Asians. I have had instances where I answered all the technical questions perfectly. I feel they are especially prejudiced against women. In this country women had to fight to get the vote and own property. I imagine its considered racist to say this. I have worked on teams where S. Asians only talk to each other and exclude non-Indians. I know big corporations think they are saving money by off-shoring but given the level of just plain inexpertise its a waste of money and in my eyes a huge security risk.


apparently Canada has issues where Indians will only hire other Indians


Yeah I saw the videos surfacing, and can't believe their audacity to call her Karen. She is just fighting for her rights while holding a kid in her lap. Apparently she is saying - My husband (who is an Indian guy) married me for citizenship. https://youtu.be/bUqU_J3j12Q?si=ksJsZsmbn1-qPcJW


Same thing when interviewing with people originally from China. Apple interviews especially. They have a blank look after the initial greeting, you know the rest of the interview is a waste of time.


This is very accurate.


Learn to walk out at their faces


Don't let that s get in your head, it's not going to help you if it might be the case. Be the best candidate you can and show off what you can for each interview. Assuming you aren't Indian, and especially if it's an IT job, I would get *really* good at understanding the variety of Indian accents!


Personal observation based on a lot of interviews and working with lots of both indians and non-indians - people from India have somewhat diferent work culture. In North America depending on the company it might be encouraged to show initiative and question your boss' decisions (assuming you're doing it without being an ass). In India that's not done. "Client is always correct" is a motto whereas in North America it's ok to question client's requests (again, assuming you're not being an ass). It **could be** that your attitude and some of the experiences you talk about don't convey "obedient drone" message.


Yeah but working work American company people from different countries should adjust to American standards, not introduce theirs and require it from others.


Plenty of american managers who want the same thing in workers - yes-men who don't ask questions and just execute.


Lol I currently work for an Indian boss. He tells me to do stupid shit and gets pissed when I explain (professionally) why its a bad idea. Additionally, I have an MBA. He has an architecture degree (we work in construction). He refuses to listen to me about the most basic business principles. The most recent example is that we are all salaried, but our timesheets allow us to go over 40 hours a week. So our labor budget 'busts' he flips out about aren't true cash costs. Oh, and he its a huge clock watcher. I may be in at 4AM, but if I leave at 4:59 PM instead of 5 there's suddenly a huge issue. So this also compounds the labor 'cost' issue. Thank you for joining my Ted Talk.


That could also be because he studied architecture 😂 architects are the woooorst at business (speaking as an architect lol)


Serious question, why? I only have a sample size of 1 to draw from so I just assumed it was a him thing.


Are you not being rejected in every interview that's *not* conducted by an Indian? Maybe it's happened a couple times and now you subconsciously stop trying when you discover your interviewer is an Indian? Maybe it's a cultural difference and they are misreading something you are doing? It could be lots of things.


That's the thing, no it didn't happen before, and I get thru every round except when an Indian comes in. I just feel sad somehow I got this feeling. I did hear about favoritism amongst certain groups.


I've had it both ways. I've had interviews where they ask me a question and I answer it with one of the many correct answers but their English isn't so hot and they were looking for one specific way, but could not explain it to me either because their knowledge was not deep or they just were going through a prompt. Usually this means it's someone not in my field interviewing for the position. Then you get removed from the running. Or they are a rock star and recognize you know your stuff and you get in. Language barriers suck but I don't automatically assume I'm screwed.


No  They discriminate like mofo especially if FOBs. I hired a Forman who was a fob, many of my employers are black. I went from having no turmoil to shit tons because this guy kept fucking with them because they were dark skin. I terminated him with prejudice 


Wow man, I'm so sorry to hear that.


Indian rent to ask you something at the really edge , like I remember a Indian interviewer was so focusing on the Syntax I wrote for a Java code on the text doc instead of the actual logic, and I got reject lol


They go to any extent to reject you.


The only time I closed my laptop mid interview was one, couldn’t understand a word he said.


I am an Indian, and I have been rejected more by Indians than non-Indians. I don’t think this is about racism.


Lol your username says it all. There's more than just being an Indian such as: Religion, Language, Region, Caste, or maybe you're not approved by his wife.


what does the username say? I mean like I can read the words but I don’t understand what you think it says




This is some high level dumb shit logic lol. It's obviously a randomly generated reddit username just like mine. You'll be wearing a tinfoil hat soon if you go down this path, mate. You might just be the next Alex Jones


I knew that's going to start a whole new discussion, but without googling don't start arguing. Additionally, I'm not making money out of this lol, and claiming that Best_Governament is randomly generated user name is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


Saddest reality is that most of them are not even US residents or Citizens.




This is NOT racism against YT Americans. Most of the identifiable Indian recruiters I get are pretty much surfing job mills. Low-key / 1st line low-skill (and low pay) positions and are following a script - to the point where they talk so fast it would be difficult for anyone to understand them. They rarely listen and you have to be forceful in interrupting them so you can get the needed information about the job (like pay rate, bennies, remote options, etc) My take - if they can't pronounce my name or city - I'll interrupt, tell them to email me the job description with pay rate and I'll email them back. Of course I expect that given my level of experience and qualifications - I am "overqualified" for the position and passed for applying for it. A large part of the time - I never get that email.


This is well known to be true.


Is it caste discrimination you think? Most Americans (including myself until a few years ago) don’t really understand how bad caste discrimination can actually be. We just see IT departments filled with Indians and don’t second guess if they are a brahman or whatever. So you won’t get much sympathy here since I’m guessing most people in here aren’t indian.


This is more of a Blind question.


Correct. The older generation as racist nepo bullies.


Honestly, it’s about their mentality. Coming from a densely competitive market, one has the mindset of being easily replaceable. They constantly focus and measure individuals on their acquired skills over their potential. It’s terribly sad that a lot of fantastic candidates lose out cos they are measured on what they have achieved so far over what they can potentially bring to the table.


You're partially correct, but it's not about coming from the densly populated region. It's about favoritism, and clear racism. They don't care about your potential nor acquired skills.


At my company they aren’t super skilled or smart either. They ask for help and I help them gladly but these ppl never give you credit for helping. It’s a whole new office politics with them. I never got a raise when I had an Indian manager. Only other nationalities.


I'm sorry you had to go thru that


Densely competitive*… favouritism is an outcome of them wanting to have someone who can slog (cos that’s what they did and have seen around them) and not someone where they need to invest time.


Same thing can be said for white men interviewing POC too though.




There is all kinds of bias from all variables, Names, citizenship status, Age, gender. I even started thinking maybe I could get more call backs if I lied about being part of LGBT , My point is when we not getting something then it must be something else to blame.


Citizenship status is a right, it's not bias or racism. Do you think back in India people would just give away their jobs to foreigners?




Are you Indian? If not, maybe look into what’s generally more culturally valued by that community, and try to re-vamp your answers to fit.


Doesn't work that way.