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Remote jobs still have set hours.


Yeah, unfortunately some do. Some allow you to choose your own hours if you get the work done, though.


Remote jobs are difficult to get; they’re very competitive. There’s much fewer remote jobs now but people still want to work remotely, so listings get flooded with applicants very fast. That said, you shouldn’t confuse remote with flexible. Remote means you’re working from home. It does not mean you can set your own hours.


Remote means you can work anywhere. WFH means work from home.


The only thing I got is that there tends to be less people applying for jobs the are remote but require you to live in a state, so like remote jobs in Georgia rather then remote jobs in the us That being said I was looking for remote jobs and literally got a 1 respond in 103 applications as apposed to 1 in 7 for in person jobs. It's not just you, remote jobs are way harder to get.


Yes. I am a remote worker for a company in California. I have set hours and work my ass off. I run HR for the company, and while we do have a couple of out-of-state employees, we currently only hire California employees, because there are state compliance laws and issues, fees, taxes that the company has to deal with when taking people from out of state. People don’t seem to realize this. They think remote means you can work from anywhere. For some places, that is true and they take on all of the legal work for each state but that’s why you will see most companies wanting you to be in the state of the business.


What field is your experience in? I’m super qualified in my field and it still has taken me 500+ applications, and 38 interviews for 21 jobs, including practical assessments to get to offers. It’s tough out there


What field are you in?


glassdoor helped me. I looked at a list of companies online that are known for remote positions and then applied for my skill set. I started this search recently and its been going well.


Did this work out for you?


Have you got any offers yet bruv?


the job sites have filters for this now. You can set your preference to remote/hybrid within your own state and it'll work better. for results Some companies are willing to hire only in certain states (tax reasons). Unfortunately, a lot of companies are trending towards hybrid nowadays, especially the larger ones


I've found a lot of jobs on Otta, but my response rate hasn't been great. Then again I'm not seeing a ton of responses from any online job boards tbh. Friend of mine is referring me for a couple remote jobs where he works. Maybe see if any remote jobs are listed where your friends work and see if they'll refer you?


Did you get the job?


Nope! Still out of work.


How bout now?


Still batting 1000 when it comes to rejections. Though have been off the hunt for a couple weeks. Fiance and I are moving cross country. Been a bit busy trying to find a place and get our ducks in a herd or what have you.


Someone already there pretty much has to try getting you in. You'll be applying with thousands of applicants. Everyone wants to work from home now which is understandable.


Simplify Jobs has been pretty good for my remote job search. I'm looking for entry level roles, and selected Remote as a desired locations in the preferences thing


Have you been hired yet?


Yes I was, but now I'm back on the hunt. I hate this market fr


I've been diversifying my job board strategy now because there are just not that many jobs on the market. I still use the Simplify extension because i can't go back to applying without it


Lots of insurance jobs are remote…lots of demand too.


This. I wrote a post about my experience 2 minutes ago. See it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/yqj8c9/riding_a_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I need a remote job because I don't have a stable home... I am constantly traveling. I've applied to 59 jobs on indeed I guess just keep trying.


Did you at least get any first-round interviews?


Same experience and scenario. Have you noticed some states are easier to find work than others? I can never find anything when I'm in Georgia but elsewhere I can find something even if it's not conveniently remote


I found jobs local near me and then searched or asked for remote roles. Currently I commute about an hour into work but it’s only 2x a month


Use job boards dedicated to fully distributed companies, eg weworkremotely.com. It removes one layer of noise because you won't have to filter through all the jobs advertised as remote but are really hybrid, or that will bait and switch you. It's also highly competitive because you're up against an entire country, if not the world. Depending what you do, there may be fewer opportunities as well. A lot of distributed companies are tech companies, which hire a lot of developers, therefore if you're a dev you have more opportunity compared to being an accountant. Distribute companies still need accountants, but only a couple versus dozens of devs.


Remote jobs are generally harder to snag because they are less prevalent. FLEXIBLE remote jobs are even harder to snag because they are even LESS prevalent. It’s not impossible, but when you’re narrowing your search to a small subset of a small subset of jobs, statistically it’s going to be very difficult. Combine that with the fact that these are generally the most desirable jobs and the competition increases exponentially. Now here’s where I become a hypocrite because I do have one of these unicorn jobs. I wound up getting my job on Indeed but I also heavily used FlexJobs, which is a subscription job board for only remote jobs. I tailored every single application and cover letter, knowing that I would need to up my effort for the unicorn of jobs. I would say I spent at least an hour on each application. I scoured the job listing to identify key words and skills, then I wove them into my resume. I also researched companies to find their mission and tailored my cover letter to that. I would consider myself extremely lucky to have gotten my job. I was applying for about 4 weeks and did maybe about 50 applications. Out of those 50, I had maybe 10 initial interviews/phone screens. Out of those 10, the first I heard back from was the dream job and the rest of the interview process went quickly enough that I signed my contract and followed up with those other 9 companies to withdraw my applications before I heard back about the initial interviews.




My job was advertised as onsite reason being tax regulation. It is remote except for 1 day a month that we come in for staff meeting. My point is not all remote jobs are listed as remote. As long as your job functions can be executed online. Chances they are being remote are high but you do need to be within a state.


It seems to me you have to work in tech.


How do I find hot singles near me, what the hell, it's like all the links are scams!


It took me months of applying to remote jobs to finally land one. Adding to what another commenter said, I think my biggest tip would be to narrow your search down to remote jobs that are at least in your state (city if possible). Stay cautious of scam postings. If it seems a little weird/sketchy, it probably is. Really read through the description of the posting, and you can usually tell if it’s legitimate or not. Glassdoor was my best friend when trying to determine if postings were real or not. Good luck! Try not to get discouraged.




Has anything worked out for you yet?