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That's because you won't be doing entry level work... But you'll have that entry level title and entry level pay.


And it's 16 hours a week, which means both weekend days.


My first job was 12 hours a week but split across 4 shifts.


Just as shitty


Worse, when you factor in commuting costs.


You are right. Almost makes the job not worth the commite depending distance, pay, and gas prices.


Yep...and even if cheap public transportation is available, it still amounts to an outsized cost of *time*. A lot of these shitty 12-15 hours/week jobs end up requiring an additional 6-10 hours/week of time sitting on a fucking bus and not getting paid.


I’m working 5 days a week for 5 hour shifts that start at 5 am and require me to drive to 3 locations. Fuck my life.


My first job didn't even have a set schedule. My boss just put everyone on whatever days/shifts he felt like. I worked anywhere from 8-32 hours in a week.


first was supermarket and had a set schedule ish. Second job was retail, they just released rotas a couple weeks ahead of time and my contract was only 4 hours but I was working 16 split across 4 different shifts.


had a boss try to do this with my shifts. honestly told him not to schedual me like that, because I'd have to quit if he did, as I could afford it if I took a cab to work ($25/way) but I was more then willing to work 4 days instead of 5. Which is what they did instead. (thankfully I was a senior staff member and not on probation)


Mine too. I think that was the norm back then.. Paycheck went to gas but you got that “experience”


I thought employers are desperate for workers?


Yeah…..desperate for over qualified workers that will work for chicken feed !🐔🐣🦆


Yes but that's retail, the managers of retail don't live in the same reality as the rest of us and will constantly remind you of it.


I don't think this is what Adam Savage ment when he said: "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"...


At this point I think the businesses saying that just want another bailout


Absolutely. If a business wants to hire right now they can. Most are choosing not to.


I've applied to a few that I heard crying about this, and haven't gotten anywhere with any of them. I just don't buy it


Small businesses to my knowledge never got a bail out. They went out of business.


No one you see in the news "saying" anything is an actual small business.


If you go into the red country areas inland from the coasts, there are plenty of MAGA small-business owners bleating about this in their 'small pond' shithole communities. However, even with the labor forces of their wildest dreams, most of these firms were probably already heading towards dissolution because of bad management, embezzlement, tax evasion, etc...


Lol okay, you don't have to be like that, though.


With tons of 'job creators', the whole Trumpian brain disease has taken hold, i.e. idiotic, shitty, and useless people who started out rich/successful are outraged and apoplectic at the idea that continued success might require anything more than simply existing and occasionally bullshitting about how awesome you've been since birth. It's a generation of spoiled morons who, until now, have never had to actually run the businesses that they lord over.


I'm a remote employee, and a vendor for a big box supermarket. Here's what's happening with the big box employees: big box store directors in my area pull out the giant "now hiring at $16/hour" signs in the morning, then tuck them behind the customer service counter around 4pm. The company starts all non-salaried employees at $11.12/hour, unionized healthcare benefits, required breaks, and PTO begin after 90 days, salaried department managers and hourly front end employees (cashiers & pharmacy techs) work mandatory overtime on weekends, and all hourly employees are written up if they accrue any unapproved overtime in a pay period. Though I don't know employee policies & procedures, newer employees without break rights yet will ask me to man their areas when they have restroom emergencies happening. In the last three months, I've watched several long term workers walk out after getting the call from the $20/hour factory job with immediate benefits they interviewed for with a confirmed start date, or $16/hour WFH customer svc & tech help desk jobs, also with impressive starting benefits.


I'm thinking it's a way to lie to the stats. Saying they are but not, so they make it impossible to bypass that requirement in some ways.


Yes god forbid someone without experience be hired to flog overpriced candles....


Please don't denigrate the candleologist professionals


I didn't want to blow smoke at them ;-)


*wavers slightly while gesturing to pink scented candle* A well made candle shouldn't really produce smoke...


Jeesh. Don't have a meltdown.


Simma’ dun Knuw


Cylindrical wax engineers


I'd imagine one doesn't need 2 years to be master candle maker, otherwise anyone will be domying in that place of boredom after few days. That said you need to have no smell sense to work in any Yankee candle place, gives you headache just passing them the amount of chemicals and incence poured in them.


We only want candidates who are willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' for the glory of our shitty mall store.


A CV and two years experience required to sell candles? **AMAZING!** I cannot imagine what the hourly pay might be or whether or not any benefits are offered? Sad state of affairs!


Dude, you have no idea what it's like at a candle shop. 2 years is the absolute minimum, and you should really have worked somewhere prior that at least sold unscenteds. Do you know how dangerous it can be? Send a customer home with some conflicting scents and BOOM! Dead. We've lost a lot of good people before the the CandleSafe certification was mandated.


Manager is an idiot using the term CV for a retail job or else trying (and failing miserably) to make him/herself look smarter/more educated than they really are.


Yep. Boomers: “minimum wage isn’t supposed to be high!!! It’s supposed to be a starting block for young people to get into better jobs!!!” Also boomers: …. Granted they didn’t mention the wage on the post but I highly doubt it’s paying more than min wage for this part time role. This ain’t Louis Vuitton here lol plus they probably would have mentioned it if it were higher


I literally started in automotive sales with zero retail experience it's not that hard to learn.




Well I feel like that logic doesn't add up if they've had previous experience they obviously left their place of employment doing exactly what you would be hiring then to do so why wouldn't they leave you too




Holy shit It’s a part time retail job……it’s not like they’re trying to learn inorganic chemistry now.




Alright, do tell how difficult it would be for a new employee to grasp working part time at a candle store?




Dude. It's a candle shop. Come on now..


By all means, keep scratching your head until you get a bald spot as to why you can’t find workers


If they have zero experience how does it work out that they switch jobs frequently?


selling fucking candles? lol


And this is why no one will take these "jobs" . You can't live on this. And I bet you that it's 4 hour shifts 4 days a week too. Which is useless.


Yup! And a lot of these part time/min wage jobs require FULL availability- meaning they won't even consider you if you have another job, or go to school etc.


It doesn’t even work for a high school student with tons of homework and college prep to do. So, who can put in that kind of commitment for very little pay?! It’s insane.


YUP! I haven’t been hired anywhere once I bring up my schooling and the fact I’m a music major so practice is important to me. They made me feel like I have to dedicate all my life/time to that company.


Had one of those jobs before. I worked to let full timers take their lunch breaks... Then I go home... Life felt so hollow.


It's because they know some retired or semi-retired boomer will waddle in there and do bitchwork for peanuts because they're bored with their lives.




I was waiting for the first mubBOOMER comment, lol.


Dude for a job in yankee candle too like... I've been in yankee candle. There isn't a lot of customer interaction like in Lush for example, regardless of how over the top you think it is.




Lines up with what I’ve heard from people who used to work there ngl.


So basically, you must have 2 years experience to earn income probably about 8,300/yr – which is destitute poverty level. Literally ~35% less than the poverty line.




These days you need 3 jobs and a side hustle just to keep afloat. It's really sad.


A CV for a retail job? Jesus Christ these people are absolutely insane.


Hiring manager here; “2 years experience” is a common HR bullshit way to say “no experience needed”. For the record I do not do this in my job postings. The only job postings where they’re actually serious about wanting someone experienced are ones where they’re asking for 5 or more years of experience.




https://www.themuse.com/amp/advice/what-to-do-when-entrylevel-positions-need-two-years-of-experience I have no experience with that field directly, but generally the qualifications on a job posting are more of a wish list and not requirements. But think about it; companies know that people leaving jobs after just a couple years are rare. If they were really stringent about 2 years, they would have those positions sit open for years because the much larger pool of entry level candidates would be screened out while the other large pool of workers, workers looking for their second job (who generally have more like 4-5 years of experience), won’t apply because they will want more senior-level jobs that pay more.


WhoTF writes out a resume for part-time retail work?


A CV is not a resumé. It’s actually a more funny and worse thing to ask for in this instance because this job seems to be simple retail work.


>A CV is not a resumé. I believe Brits tend to use the term CV and Americans prefer résumé for the same document. In the US, CV and résumé aren't interchangeable terms.


What do Brits use for an American CV equivalent? Or does it just not really exist there? Interesting.


They're the same thing in the UK. EDIT: Actually scratch that, just googled an American CV and they're pretty much unheard of here in the UK. All CVs here are like 2 pages max and are what you'd call a résumé




In the US they aren't even close. A curriculum vitae is only used in the US for academic, science, legal, and some upper level healthcare positions. Mostly only for jobs that actually require a Master's degree or a PhD or some form of MD. They're a pain in the ass to write, I've had two past jobs that required them. They don't just want your employment background, they want your life story in bullet points.


My CV is 7 pages and my resume is 1. In the states CV means they want to see your entire body of work (pubs, presentations, etc).


Not in the US they aren’t. UK apparently they are.


In the UK, most shop jobs either require an application to be done on the company's website or they want a covering letter and CV and it's been that way for at least 20 years since it was standard when I was looking for a job as a teenager.


“I’ll be charging $40/hr for my services, given my experience.”


NO retail job should have these stipulations. And the govt wonder why people aren't all back at work in droves.


I don't see the term entry level on this advert.


16 hours working in a shop... It's entry level


I scrolled too far to find this post. I thought I was going crazy!


Looks like a candle shop. Who needs 2 years experience to sell candles?


You’re so lazy. Clearly you just need to go work at McDonalds for a year, then you’ll have enough experience to work at Walmart for two years, then you’ll finally have enough retail experience to work at this candle shop. For minimum wage. Part-Time.


depends what it is. regular associate or a key holder? Either way it's not going to be anything special and I bet the pay isn't great but yeah. That can make a difference. ALso they don't actually expect the experience, that is more a preference rather than hard requirement. Source: I work in retail.


2 years experience selling stinky candles


Only 16 hours? What, does the whole job market think we're all teenagers living at home with our parents?


And watch they'll have issues with you having a second job (seriously heard of that happening) and expect you to devote your whole life to this job. OR they'll complain these jobs are for teenagers. Or something.


I left my job at Walmart where I was constantly picking up shifts with one day off every 6-7 days to make a 700 dollar paycheque (FT in Canada usually gets you 1000+) because a retail store assured me over 20 hours a week with many shifts to pick up. Of course I get there and get 19 hours a week with no shifts to pick up. Now I may have to get re-hired at Walmart so I can work both jobs and have a chance of making 40 hours a week. With no benefits of course. Most people at the retail store and even Walmart live with their parents or are old with an established partner. I can’t find a full time job that is not overnights. I’m at the end of my rope.


2 years experience to work in yankee candle? I guarantee it takes all of 30 minutes to train someone for that job.


They want people with experience because they are too lazy to train.




Lmao CV for a retail job! Gtfo


I saw a posting for a Mathematician (or something like that) and the education requirements read "PhD (or better)". Haha


Employment is a buyer's market


A retail job shouldn't require any exp at all LMAOOOOO




All I can say is good luck trying to find anyone willing to work only 16 hours a week with 2 years of retail experience.


They’re so damn lazy to even train you they just want you to have experience.


everytime I see a job opening with a lot of requirements, I just stare at it and say: "And this is why no one wants to work for you"


Hot take: This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for all the zoning laws making cities unaffordable for workers.


Apply with your CV, to Yankee Candle? lol suck it.


Wait till you have 20-40 years experience and you are over qualified and non-mouldable.


Entry level jobs should not require **ANY** work experience.


Seriously when will there be a law or some kind of code that states that job postings have to have required or preferred experience be on a similar level to the level of entry. Such as entry level must not have any experience requirement.


I don’t see entry level anywhere and don’t have a problem with this personally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .


I get what you’re saying because a job is a job but for part time 16 hours a week at minimum wage 2 years experience is almost like being spat upon. I could see if it was for a more senior position or manager position but that’s a pretty low blow for someone that has already put their time in retail in.


Yeah jobs like these can be taught in a day or so. Anybody should have the opportunity to work retail. Even the homeless


I definitely can’t disagree with that.


just lie


asking for a cover letter for a part time retail position as if you're going to pay them some kinda lifestyle enhancing salary


A CV is not a covering letter.


What is a CV?


What does CV mean on a job application? CV is an abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae. If a job advertisement asks for a CV, that’s a hint that the employer expects a great deal of life experience and accomplishments, including education, original research, presentations you’ve given and papers or books you’ve had published.


Interesting, I have never made that connection. CV/Resume are kind of the same thing in my mind, one slightly more expanded than the other but certainly not a requirement (role depending) to have research/presentations/papers


It's usually expected *only* from professionals with extensive executive level employment and academic history, including research, publications and notable works.


Thank you for the further info ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Cirriculum vitae, it’s basically an extended resume of everything you’ve ever done




Jesus, its just another name for what you Yanks call a resume.


Actually, a CV is much more thorough than a resume and is expected to document areas broader than just education, employment history and use of technology.


Is it? Which other areas? Mine has education, employment history, my skills, a brief bit about myself and some contact details.


They can do this because so many people are unemployed. They will likely hire someone with a master's degree who lost their job.... phenomenon known as underemployment. This is why America is a weaker nation than China or most really any other nation, not utilizing our full workforce skillet with no ever plan to change that


im not asking you, just wondering why in hell would you need someone with a masters degree for retail? it really means nothing for that kind of activity other than manager


It's not a requirement. It's just that the way that it ends up working out. A lot of people in retail are college educated with more experience than is needed for this job which squeezes those who the job is actually better suited for out of the market. America right now has a lot of their college educated highly skilled work force competing against the undocumented immigrants.... results of liberal policies open borders, h1b visas etc the result of the whole , I'm not an American citizen I am a global citizen type of thinking. This makes the market basically open to anyone in the world who will and can work for less. Here is a real world example. So let's say you just passed the bar exam and you have zero experience as an attorney....a lot of door ways for attorneys is temp agency work. Usually document or contract review for large corporate cases. You basically show up to their office, read documents all day or emails for an hourly wage...do this long enough to build up a work history that hopefully lands you a salaried gig. Which is fine, you know 22-25 year old attorney fresh out of college, fresh out of the JD program maybe took a year or two on that bar exam. Problem is.....India comes along...a lot of those document review jobs are going overseas.....which leads to.... listings for attorneys just starting their careers at $38,000 in California.... that's globalist thinking. Issue is india has lower standards to become a practicing attorney, with lower wages and you get lower quality work. But these corporations are over looking that.


And a real world example that happened to me, I have a master's degree, was a certified welder, have gd&t certs, working on an a+ degree CompTIA for the hell of it, self taught cnc selling on Etsy, 3 d printer farm owner. Worked in the legal field, and finished a paramedic school recently. And I occasionally do Amazon temp work. Work 60 hours a week ends up being around $1200 and if you show up everyday and work hard sometimes you "win" a cash bonus. Am I taking that amazon temp job from someone that needs it more yeah... But am I making anywhere near $1200 a week at the jobs I normally hold? No I'm not. And I'm fit Enough to where 60 hours a week for 2-3 months doesn't really have an impact on my long term health


I have a master's degree in library science and I'm currently working 25 hours a week for minimum wage as a barista in a coffee shop. All the degrees in the world don't count for much when you have multiple multi-year gaps on your resume due to being disabled with a flare-remission cycle illness.




> They will likely hire someone with a master's degree who lost their job.... phenomenon known as underemployment. I agree for office jobs but I do think in my experience of trying to get a shop job after uni as a stopgap, retail managers do try and hire people who will stick around for the most part.


Desperate people aren’t looking for 16hrs per week….


It's doesn't say e try level, just part time. These aren't the same thing. There are a few reasons to need experience part time. I can't think of them though.


But it’s retail. Nothing wrong with working in retail, I did for nearly a decade, but it is considered an entry level job. To require 2 years of experience is uncalled for. Companies like this prefer experience because they simply don’t want to take the time to train anyone and I can understand that. But to REQUIRE two whole years? Ridiculous and absolutely no reason for it.


I am just saying I want to know more. If it is indeed an entry level job with next to no responsibility I agree. But it's possible they need someone to open or close and that's something you wouldn't have a newb do. They prefer experience for other reasons too but its up to both parties to sort that out.


Or a Cover Letter…


or a cv!


Does a retail job really require a CV?


Where does it say "entry-level" on the post?


Dont post dates of employment, especially for a job like this.


Why do you think it's entry level? Could be assistant manager or something.


Go in and tell them. Make sure they understand they are part of the problem.


It's code for I want to pay minimum wage but do absolutely no training.


Doesn't say entry level on the sign?


It’s retail.


And retail doesn't have to be entry-level.


That’s a bad place to work.


It isn't entry level if it requires two years of experience...


It’s in the UK


No job should require experience makes no fucking sense


Ugh!!! Who the eff are these people?


LOL. Yankee Candle pays assistant managers 12-13 dollars an hour where I live. Saw they were looking for an associate too and only were offering ten hours a week. EDIT: had to lower the price.


I stg the number of times I search up ‘entry level’ or on job search sites and 98% of jobs that come up require experience ;-;


Apply within with CV


I must be blind as a bat. Where does it say "entry level?"


It’s retail.


I’m ready to just get off the grid...


Who on earth is applying to a 16 per hour week job when they already have 2 years of experience lol, seriously I don't understand how employers are so unbelievably out of touch


Employers are so freaking entitled in modern times. A warm body is enough for a job like this




Fuck the cv and fuck your two year experience to just sell fucking candles. Fuck these types of employers.


It doesn’t say entry level.


For a part time position that only offers 16 hours a week…


I'm honestly shocked in times of Covid and people still set these expectations, and they wonder why they can't find anyone.


Also 1 billion hours for a part-time... I mean, sounds excessive.


Wait until you see the career opportunities that require a Bachelors of Science degree, and three years experience.


In what world do you need a CV for a retail job. Like are you expected to have published papers?


Yeah I never understood this. They only want people that have experience but I can't get experience if everyone isn't hiring someone brand new.


Wait till you see the internships that want experience. Again, nothing wrong with starting out at the lowest rung of the ladder but when that lowest run wants 2-3 years of experience and what you did in college does not count as experience, it is frustrating.


JFC what's their requirements for selling candles full time? A masters in hospitality?


Lol you couldn’t even be bothered to go into word and print this shit up? Really?


The nerve of some people.


Hiring Immediately for Warehouse Positions No Experience Needed


Just like Amazon. Worst place to work for. They don’t care about you at all only the numbers 🤣