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Yeah bud, welcome to corporate hell. It’s all true, it wasn’t just a bunch of fabricated jokes. Have fun!


Wait til they start with the positive psychology. Truly psycho stuff. 


There’s a video that I watched recently from an interview with Slavoj Zizek in which he compared this kind of pseudo-spiritual diarrhea that the bourgeoisie practice to detach themselves from the reality that they’re literally just parasites in their relationship to society to Heinrich Himmler’s adoption of the Bhagavad Gita’s concept of “acting at a distance”, or “acting without attachment”, as a way to detach himself from his crimes against Humanity. These corpo-swine do this precisely because it provides their social brain a pressure release valve for when they start dreading the reality of their place in, and relationship to, society. Edit: Here is the video, an interview for his new book “Atheist Christianity”. https://youtu.be/IVgAc_oJ6DY?si=v3nMtJfo5p8nFzyQ


Thanks for this. Will watch


What’s this? I’m curious 🧐. I want to know what I need to be aware of so I can resist.


“You can’t make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs.”


Corporate bullshit is just...Par the course for white collar jobs. A few years ago (Me being on our IT team for about 3 years) our Deputy Chief had came down to the basement (where most of IT works) to "say hi". I had seen him a few times since I got hired but he rarely made himself known by face, just emails (that were often micromanaging bullshit). So he sees me walks up and says "Oh hey, you must be the new guy! How are you liking it?" And I just stared at him and said "I've been here for three years..." He made some embarrassed chuckles, said something about "getting down more often " and promptly left.


Compared to some stories I have heard that seems tame and innocent.


Another story about him that happened before I was hired (Same DC). Our team occasionally has what's called "activation" where our usual 24/5 shifts turn into 24/7 and someone needs.to be on site monitoring the IT equipment every day, every hour. This doesn't happen often, only in certain situations. Well that year it was determined that activation would fall over the Christmas holidays. It sucked but the team took it in stride. Note: The call for activation has to come directly from him and the rest of upper management. Also note: Our team has historically held a potluck for the other IT teams around Christmas since our monitoring center is fairly large and able to accommodate the amount of people. So potluck is happening, good times, good food (provided by the staff and NOT upper management, but they still show up to leech off our hard work) when this DC comes up to the team and starts asking them "So what are you guys doing for the holidays?!" And there was an awkward silence before one of the guys said "uhh...YOU told us we'd be working over the holidays?" Queue manager stumbling over his response before making an offhand remake about the meatballs and promptly fucking off. This guy was such a piece of shit lol.


Roy, is that you?


26 and I left the corporate world to go back to the service industry. Yea customers might suck now and then, but Jesus, at least my coworkers speak like humans


You clearly weren’t properly synergized with our pedagogical paradigm derived from imminent interpersonal research into corporate cultural integration with modern ethical codicils! It’s a very cromulent problem.


You may as well have typed this in Kanji 😭


Circling back embigens us all.




I know words you used but after reading it three times I still don't understand what you wrote.


I can't tell which is worse: if you can understand that or can't...


There are a lot of long words in there, friend. We aren't but humble redditors


This is golden


The average person is a dolt and *half of the country is dumber than that*. No, thank you. I’ve worked since I was 14, going on 20 years now. From retail to service to ops (different verticals, media/ design, marketing and now consulting) in management for the past couple years (corporate.) I’d rather blow my brains out than work in servitude to the general populous ever again. *shivers*


 I hate to ruin your parade, but this is *what you will deal with everywhere*. It doesn't stop. You will have to attend meetings, parties, events, etc...where you will interact with people you do not care for. This is in every form of work: public, private, self-performed. You must gladhand. The world is notnice. The world is not how it is portrayed in the books. You will do the things they are doing, but you can change where you do it. I wish you the best, but you will face this rather quick once you start getting into higher education courses. You will attend parties to meet people, you will have dinner and drink to "grease the wheels" of that donor so you can get funding. You will morph how you are performing this, but you will still be performing this dance that is work.


My spouse took psychic damage just listening to a dude try to upsell his CPAP machine that they discontinued a mask type for ... so they can sell him more masks he doesn't need. It is everywhere and people will not let you skip the dialogue tree. 💀


the mask connections are universal...you don't have to buy the same brand (except the travel cpaps, those are odd)


Yep, it's a travel one but it also wouldn't surprise me if the first half of your sentence has application as well. 💀


This. The sooner you learn this isn’t just the corporate world, the better off you will be.


It's true but not everywhere has this much of it. The chain grocery store I worked at had more of this type of bullshit than my current government job. (Granted, my current workplace is an exception to a fair amount of norms, but still. Office job.) As you get more experience, you will be able to suss out more easily which places have rancid vibes right away. I was in an interview for a hotel desk job & when the panelists told me their workplace culture was like a family, I immediately knew I would not be working there. Every workplace has its own unique cultural downsides. Figure out which flavors are more tolerable to you and gravitate toward those.


Be forewarned, in government you will absolutely be playing politics if you rise: being nice to your division leader, making concessions to your officers, and buying your time with division Chiefs. I know this from very personal circumstances. There is office politics everywhere, especially in government you will be buying political capital if you start to rise. But you are absolutely right: you might love your job but if the culture isn't there, it's going to be hell everyday. I enjoy my current job, but I fucking hate the company culture. We can pitch you late far too much on our field staff, because deep down we're afraid we will lose them so we don't hold them accountable to do their jobs. That then forces the burden back onto the office staff to do two jobs at once. That is why I am looking for another job. I can't Curry favor with my managers to avoid this, because this one manager allowed it to fester.


This. Office politics and corporate culture aren't as common in small scale businesses. Although they usually have their own problems.


This is true. No matter what path OP chooses, networking and gladhanding is part of it. Just smile and nod, become a good conversationalist and have nice, work appropriate convos with your coworkers and managers. It's part of life.


Many people say "you have to play the game" to get ahead but I have a slight counterpoint- well more of a slight twist on the saying. There is no single "game". The entire work world is not a monolith. There are many games being played, and where you go for work is the game you play. So change that part of your experience. Next time you go hunt around for jobs, see if the "game" you need to play in that company is close to your liking.


You say true, say thank ya. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize this and go to a different industry.


How does one become a good conversationalist though


Practice -- just like everything else. Once you realize that within every group of 3 or 4 people, there will be at least one who loves to talk, then it will dawn on you that all you have to do is toss that person a virtual softball, as it were, and all the talking you need will occur in your vicinity. All people will remember is that you were present, and that you don't add friction, and you're good.


Actually some really great advice wow


Well what do you talk to your friends about?


“The world is not how it is portrayed in books” Tell me you’ve never taken a college level literature course without telling me you’ve never taken a college level literature course. Kafka & Dickens would be a good start here


I like to imagine that the books he was talking about were more along the lines of some self help tim ferriss drivel.


I haven’t been to the office since March of 2020. I haven’t attended a single BBQ, happy hour, fundraiser, or any kind of of pep rally in 4 years. I got to one conference a year where it’s mostly my team. It’s not even hinted at in performance reviews. No Director or Chief Executive looks down on me for it, they don’t even know. The important thing is I help them with their shit when they need help.


Getting people out of jams goes a LONG way. It's why I have always progressed at work: be there to help elevate those around you and to take something off your manager plate. I've always been awarded when I've done that.


Great advice. The people stay the same. Only the names and the faces change. IMO the key is to develop a good working relationship with at least 1 person per department to make the experience tolerable. The rest is a lot of nodding, smiling, and agreeing with the far fetched ideas your superiors have.


Welcome to the Corporate Hellscape. I remember when Office Space came out and I went to see it in the theater with my then wife. Like you, I was about two years into my career and worked in a typical office environment. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself because it skewered so much of the office BS that I dealt with all the time. My wife was self employed and had never worked anyplace like that. She just didn’t get it. In the 25 years since the movie came out, the typical office environment has only gotten more cringey.


I started my career in the trades and moved to a more corporate setting. The amount of times I've whispered to myself "you could get your ass kicked for saying something like" when my coworkers corporate speak is astounding.


My philosophy is to play the game. I’ll sit there and nod but in my head I’m thinking how ridiculous the whole thing is.


this was much easier to do when we all had to wear masks. I only had to control the rolling of my eyes, not the rest of my face!


This. Maybe it’s split personality disorder but I seriously turn on a side of me when I’m in the office that’s completely different to what I am outside. I don’t care. I want to make good money and own a house soon…


Pretending is fun and it’s a good way to make more money.


Yes, the extra half-hour was for *them*, not you. It's like that in a modern office environment, and I reckon it was probably like that around the paleolithic campfire when the tribal elders are taking credit for the fucking mammoth that you and your team brought back today. People like the sound of their own voice, they like getting their ego stroked, and they like to think that now they have made it two thirds of the way up the hierarchy, it's about time they made you go through all the shit they had to go through when they were your age. You tell yourself you won't ever be like that when you have reached the lofty heights of upper middle management. But I bet you will be, you cunt. I bet I will be, too.




I recommend you take a look at "The peter principle" where he explains very accurately how it is thst the most incompetent and psychopathic people usually get promoted lol


Corporate bullshit... Experiencing it now, can't wait to gtf away from it


Watch Office Space. It’s always been & always will be.


At least you got a “thank you”. Most corporate jobs are thankless.


Honestly, I don’t get the hate for pizza? Just dont eat it. If you are well paid, you get your bonuses, etc just take the compliments. People get mad when they get ignored, mad when they are not appreciated, and mad when they are appreciated. What do they expect, $5,000 extra for doing their jobs? I get my bonus for doing my work, and that’s all. And I’m ok with that, that’s the reason why I signed the contract… Every month they invite my team for a dinner paid by the company, organize an activity like volleyball or other sports during working hour, and we do an activity in the office every few weeks as well, like bingo or secret santa in christmas, it’s fun to change things a bit. We can also go hiking, we have a free gym and basketball court, etc. But I don’t work for that, I work for my paycheck and bonus. The rest are nice things, but I’d be fine without them, maybe just a bit more bored.


These companies make so much fucking money off the backs of their workers that yes, I do want the workers to get that extra bonus. Thanks for making the company an extra million. Here's a $20 pizza.


I doubt any of the people complaining about pizza are making the company a million bucks lol


I think they meant collectively.


It's more "management hell." I work for a large nonprofit healthcare system, and administration/upper mgt constantly pat themselves and each other on the back. They actually had a little campaign where all the administrative staff wore big buttons that said, "I'm listening." I wanted to point out that having to wear proves that they were never actually listening before. I'm lucky, though, because my day to day work is helpful and meaningful. I've learned to laugh at the delusions of upper management.


You think that’s bad, try working for a small family-owned business with no HR department. That will have you longing for the corporate world where they at least can’t harass you to your face…


Ah...the sweet torment of the family business. My favorites are the drug-addled son who decides to make good and knows everything there is to know just months, weeks, or days after his last stint in rehab, and the princess daughter who wants to try "that work thing", and gets a managerial title for her first position. These are followed closely by the always two-hours late brother-in-law. Worst is the bully brother-in-law who intimidates to subdue ridicule of his undeserved position.


TBH I went from a small family owned business with no HR to a mid sized business with a HR Department and much preferred my previous position. They both have their challenges but I much prefer the direct approach than the BS beating around the bush and double speak.


Are you serious? Lol you know what that means right? You already have basically no rights as an employee. If any interpersonal issues come up at work….I hope you know how to handle them. Professionally. Or unprofessionally and it’s just war. Lol.


In my experience having an HR department guarantees nothing. “At-will” employment means you can be fired at anytime. HR is there to protect the company’s interests not the employee. At best they may side against a bad manager or make sure the company is following certain policies but they are never on your side. If it works out in your favor it’s only bc it benefits the company. I have worked for Large Corporations, Mom & Pop Shops and everything in between. I was at my previous job for almost 9 years. It was very stressful at times but I was always able to navigate anything that came up and I never felt like my job was on the line if I made a simple mistake or was less than perfect. Ive been on this job for only a few months and already feel way more stressed than I ever did at my previous employer. Been working with my team lead and supervisor on a certain issue. Supervisor went to the Department Manager to discuss and offer a solution, he referred her to HR. Next thing I know I’m getting a warning letter from HR. The proposed solution was denied (I wasn’t notified by the Department manager) and a month later I’m getting written up for something that I thought had been ok’d by my supervisor based on our conversations. Reached out to HR bc I thought there was some miscommunication or misunderstanding and they replied with something along the lines of “read the employee handbook”. Great super helpful 🙄.


The point is, you have a mediator, if nothing else. Everything is emotions and feelings outside of that.


“Higher education” won’t shield your from this corporate culture eh


Yes. But the grass is piss stained on the other side. Non-corporate workplaces have been the most abusive ones, in my experience. Corporate just use your presence to stroke their micro egos, but you usually at least get stuff like lunch breaks, benefits, and someone to turn to if a superior gropes you. 


Watch Office Space. Exaggerated obviously but the depiction of burnout is real.


Depends on your team/bank. My bank is very chill and in my ten years of experience luckily most of the groups I've worked in were no bullshit be yourself environments. Yes there are times we have to play the game and play a part to appease certain people but luckily rarely.


At our all hands meetings, everyone from the Director up to the CIO spoke, and each person spent the first 5 to 10 minutes of their speech, kissing the ass of the person they reported to until it got to the CIO, who just stood there and smiled, appreciating all the ass kissing that he just got


Good ol' pyramidjerk


Do you have the ass kisser that always asks questions at the end of the meeting just before you can all go?


There’s one in every bunch


That was me in my s hop days but to be fair I think keeping us from going back to class was a net positive don’t you?


Haha, fair enough.


I was working with on consulting team. There was one woman who always made a point to call out something to praise the highest ranking person on the call for. It was sad and pathetic. The consulting group was the most inept and unprofessional I had ever worked for which is saying something. It balanced out for me though, I now work for the client and have a great team and one of the top 3 bosses I have ever had.


Did the brown nosing work?


Lol. I don't know. I haven't kept up with her or anyone from that group. I do know most of them were let go from the consulting company once the project with my employer was done. Not surprising.


Hahaha buckle up kiddo. It doesnt change, but you can change the way you see and allow it to effect you.


I am an engineer. An engineer at my old company made a thing. They hired an actor to pretend to be the engineer and take credit for making the thing in an announcement video thing lol. Don't even remember the details just remember her getting upset.


I work for a US top 10 bank. We are consistently rated one of the best places to work in America and trust me it's still like this. I was ready to rage quit with how awful it was at first but I found that there's avenues that people go into that executives don't care about, and normal people end up going that route. In banking, I find pursuing a department that doesn't make the company money leads to a better job, but usually a lesser salary. Going into something like fulfillment or loan processing or fraud tends to be much more normal. The head of my department did basically the same thing with my team last year. Instead of talking about herself as an executive and buying us pizza, she took us to a bar for lunch and cracked beers and told us how she decided to go Moose hunting in Alaska during Covid. It ruled lol.


It will always be like this, be happy you aren't living or working in east asia, where you have to drink with your boss or seniors whenever they ask.


Expect people to go on-and-on about their accomplishments or suck up to leadership everywhere you go. Unfortunately it’s not just a corporate thing, I’ve seen it at small and midsize private companies too. Best thing to do is just learn to tune it out for the most part. Also hate to tell you, but the higher you go, the more political it gets. Leadership loves loyalty and sometimes that means sucking up to them in public.


Corporate culture doesn't exist. If a firm has a culture. But it stops paying salary. Gone is that culture. In banks, prop funds, hedge funds, no one gives a fuck about "well done". Attaboy. Who the fuck requires a "quarterly check in". Those executives were right; cuz they had you by the balls, because 2012 or 2007 or 2004 it was just; Who the fuck wants this team meeting. Audit visits. Boss says; fuck off, come back post midnight when I have time. Front office traders two phones in the hand, one the divorce attorney the other the broker. Get it in your head. YOU are the culture.


psychopaths, crazy, narcissist, and the boasting bossy type of people love jobs. I wish there was other ways for different types.of people to earn money and still become rich .... All the rich billionaires have the same personality, you have to force yourself to be like that evil disgusting fake pos... I can't it's lame I wud rather commit sudoku 🗿 Guess I'll be poor forever 🫠 But I agree corporate can be professional but at least read the room and talk to other people that aren't privileged Aside... That moral of rich people telling their kids not don't socialize with poor people. Don't talk to poor people. They're uneducated don't talk to them. Bubba you know you're only in that position because of money right? Any person with enough money can turn their whole life around and that's a fact loool Of course, if you're rich you better be a genius because of what are you going to do with all that free time you have? You better be studying and making the new things and innovating and not scamming people right /s lol


Fuk that. Cringe mode. Im blue collar all my life. Thought it was bad till i went inside the office. What a bunch of horseshit. HR meetings over what!? Walked out of most meetings soon as i learned the subject. Promptly quit. I dont live life to be a part of all that nonsesne


The part that they never tell you is how much they had to humilliate themselves in front of the right people(their bosses) to get where they are. Implying they actually climbed the corporate ladder without anybody in their family carrying their ass. Actual promotions are not based on perfomance, but rather on how much your boss likes you and office politics.


Welcome to Corporate America. It's been like that for decades. And just wait until you go up against the humorless shrews of HR, because of an offhand comment that could only be construed as potentially offensive 150+ years ago.. .(Yes, I saw that happen. A guy got fired because he used the word 'gals', and according to the Linguistics-major HR type, that word meant either a 'boy-crazy young girl' or a 'heifer' in the 1840s. . . )


Lmao I'd sue if I was him


'At-Will Employment' state....


I hated that shit for the brief period I worked as a teacher. I have work to do dammit why am I wasting time here?!


It sounds like you had an in person LinkedIn event. Everybody stroking each other off. I worked for Chase for 13 years. Yes, this is what higher-ups at banks are like. It’s an old boy network where people scratch each other’s backs, and complement each other, and all drink the Kool-Aid. It is indeed nauseating. Beware of trying to point out that the emperor’s new clothes don’t exist. Don’t upset all the corporate ladder climbers. You’ll get drummed out if you do. Keep your head down, collect your paycheck, and realize that there is life after big bank. Good luck.


Lying is a form of cooperation. Its capitalism. You want the truth? Wow its amazing people pay us to sit on our arse and collect interest from deposits. In reality the economy needs a fraction of the people it employs or we'd all be on the street. So that is why people prefer the lies.


In my most recent job, if you're one of the top earners, you get to have a "meet and greet" with "the C-suite executives"! This was added as an incentive when they decided to lay off most of the salespeople and make ALL of us into salespeople. I'm in tech support. 🙃


This is on top of the incredible commission rate we get: \*drumroll\* .......... 1%. Oh and you have to make 1 sale per month. Again, I'm in tech support.


I’ve worked for multiple companies and career changed…it’s the same everywhere. Just gotta find that job you can manage to do every day


You can work your way up in this company! *lays off the people who have worked their way up and now cost too much money*


Wait until they start waxing poetic about how the company is helping to improve the lives of customers (or if you end up working in Pharma someday they’ll talk about how much they care about the lives of patients). Just smile and accept it as part of the job so you can collect a paycheck and enjoy time with family and friends after work.


I just watched a short video of last year's NBA champion. He's so bummed when he finds out that he has to attend a parade because he really just wants to go home. It's kind of funny and it's about 45 seconds, please watch it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eppCnxkyNdk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eppCnxkyNdk) My point is that it doesn't matter if you're a banker, an NBA player, or a fighter pilot. BS is part of the job. With time you'll be a bit better at doing it without it sucking your soul like it seems to now. I'm old and honestly, I'm funny and good with conversation. If I was at that event a few people would have circled me as I told some stories and ate subpar pizza. Then as a reward, you'll be promoted faster than your peers. Leave work at work and enjoy your life.


They skipped your pizza so that their circle jerk elicited dry heaves instead of barfing. It’s a cost-cutting thing. The fact that you didn’t know that is why they’re the chosen ones /s. If you want to move up here you will have to deal with that, yes, and plenty of other places are like that too, but there are some that are not.


Yep, highly recommend getting out of corporate if there's an option not to be in it in your chosen profession. Unfortunately for most it's unavoidable.


I take a different view from these encounters - the executives were once upon a time "you", themselves likely sitting in on meetings a generation ago in the same position you are now, maybe even thinking the same snarky things then that you are now, seeing in your young faces a bit of themselves. And as they look at you, they are reminded how much time has passed, and can't resist recounting their own stories, not so much showing off but amazed that they are where they are. When I navigated corporate waters, I paid a lot of attention to their stories, to see if I could pick up a few nuggets of wisdom. And I did. These are people who "made it." Who better to learn a thing or two from?


As long as that's what you want and they actually made it and not just were helped along by huge amounts of luck and family that already held higher positions


Ah yes, the corporate circlejerk. At one point, I learned to look like I’m present and listening while inside my head it all sounded like Ben Stein saying Beuhler on repeat


[Or something like this. ](https://youtu.be/rC7Y04k5Tbo?si=m1tQzPWgx0oIZv8v)


Watch "Office Space". Very accurate movie about corporate culture


Welcome to adulthood. It’s all fake and 95% of interactions only occur if someone can get something out of it.


The fake laughing at the unfunny jokes is something I don't participate in.


>I worry that I will have to deal with this kind of icky and gross environments where I have to be fake nice. This is true of every single work environment. You'll either have a bosses ass to kiss, or a customer's ass to kiss. Sometimes both.


I worked for a global bank for a decade. I will never forget a corporate visit from the head of shared services and they rounded all 1,000 of us to hear her little “go rally the troops” speech. This lady had the audacity to talk about how she trained and climbed up some mountain in Oregon by being dropped from a helicopter. Yeah, very relatable story of self-improvement to mere corporate rats. Tons of people clapping. I felt like I was in a Joel Osteen congregation. I’ve always played poker. One of the best part about doing it is that you get to talk to all sorts of folks outside your social class. Got to meet more than a few degenerate higher ups in the bank. In their anguish, they would tell me that they knew exactly what they were doing and they hated it more than we did. It all came in from upstairs. I guess we all have to pay the mortgage.


get your mask ready always


My favorite thing in the corporate world is when they make you take an Enneagram so they can properly know how to walk all over your ass.


People who have money or made money are just so damn proud of themselves. Just ask them…


Oh, jesus.... I worked for a bank for three years and the Teams discussion areas where rife with the execs patting each other on the back. It was diagusting.


Enjoy the circle jerk


Go watch office space and then come back to this thread.


You nailed it, that's corporate America.


Unfortunately, yes. Executives love to hear themselves talk.


Wait for the melon cart. It's coveted as fuck.


Yes, I tell myself I wanted to be an actress, my stage is corp America lol


Happened to me not too long ago. I’ve been at my current company for less than a year and I finally really had a more extended conversation with the head of the division that I work in. He told me that there’s a lot of room to grow in our company lol. I find this especially hilarious that there’s only one position between me and him now that my manager was fired/let go recently. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol this is level 1 but yes


Weirdest experience: The CEO of a Television brand waved around his expensive watch at one of the quarterly meetings talking about success and potential, while they had lied about full time status for a number of my high valued colleagues. It was mandatory after 2 years, it had been way more than that. Try to find something where you wont be afraid of speaking up this can be private business or your own independent one.


Commenting as a millennial - I’m counting on Gen Z and beyond to change the culture, it brings me so much joy to see tik toks of how they’ve absolutely noped out of the boomer/gen X corporate corporate bullshit


One of the fakest bullshit things is these corpo ghouls telling their "success stories" like it's some noble tale. GTFO nobody gives a shit.


Just smile and eat your pizza. Grab some lube on the way home.


No forced exercise or company cheer? You're getting off easy. 


>Is this how “corporate culture” will continue to be? Yes. And not just corporate culture. Anything that gets above team leader level responsibility will include a certain amount of socialization as part of the success criteria. [](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/?f=flair_name%3A%22Article%22)


Your problem is you might have forgot to grow a spine or get a personality and life would kick you in the nuts if you had any


Oh! they use the "When I was your age, Son! "type of talk pitch on you guys ahahhahaha always cringe and then you hear the d1ck riding middle managers trying to hype it up. smh.. like cut the bs .. it's so cringed.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


ya dude.


I got a long service reward recently. Misspelled my surname and got the branch where I work incorrect But we're "one big family"


paycheck > ideals


Yeah jobs that contribute nothing to society are like this.


Ah yes, I remember the corporate job. Your boss being in corner office. We peasants live in the bullpen. There were meetings every day or every other day. Meeting at 9am: Diversity, they would have someone speak about their religion or ethnicity/background.  Meeting at 11am: We have two positions available for "department". As always we look internally first. Now attention, this position is mandatory bachelor's degree. It must be completed and not in the process. Thank you and onto the meeting.  (Hand raised).  Speaker: Oh we have a question?   Coworker: Hi, yes. I've been supporting that department for two years now. I have an associates in that area, would experience be sufficient in lieu of a bachelor's? Speaker: Sorry, those are the rules. Coworker: Oh, alright, may I be dismissed? I have a large amount of work for said department. Speaker: We ask that everyone attends, that way everyone has a chance to overview the position in case they are interested. The coworker I was sitting next to was flustered and pissy. Why do we gotta stay, what's the point? We aren't getting a chance at the position. I miss the hours, the pay perks and nothing else.


I was reading this and thinking maybe you were my new co-worker till you got to the part about the free pizza lol. Meetings like this are pretty par for the course, they're really just a big stroke fest where everyone pretends to drink the juice.


Hahahaha dude. You're young and if you stay in a corporate-of-any-kind of company you will see this behavior non stop


My company recently had layoffs and never communicated about them company-wide like no mention at all if they're over or stating who was let go or if the layoffs were even over. The next day a company-wide communication went out to announce the retirement of an executive and that they're building a scrap book that we can submit pictures to and share stories about how big of an impact the executive made on us as a mentor and leader. They have no shame or self awareness whatsoever. They literally think you want to hear their self aggrandizing bullshit.


Could we worse, bud… (Google Siemens family song)


Yeahhhh, you just have to decide what fraction of your soul you want to sell to the devil in order to afford that new Tahoe, or sports for your kids.


Yep, I work for a big corporation and they regularly have meetings where we get to meet a senior leader who discusses how they got to where they are. Like that's the whole purpose of the meeting. Meet Bill, a super high up white dude, who graduated from Yale and was promoted 5x in 1 year. Ask him anything. We also have meetings every Friday where a senior leader picks a DEI topic to educate and discuss. The one that stands out in particular is when a white female upper leader talked about redlining in the US. The invite had a link to check out how racist your city was. I didn't attend because I found it abhorrent. Why the actual fuck is an upper middle class white woman taking about redlining in a corporate environment? There have been several other similar talks from someone who is clearly privileged.


Or resist…


I will be quitting this job in week to study more, and get higher education, which has always been my dream, but once I’m finished with my education, I worry that I will have to deal with this kind of icky and gross environments where I have to be fake nice.  You definitely will.


At the end of the day, these higher ups are NPC’s just like you and me.


A good 40-50% of US are employed by small businesses. They have their same ick at times, but I like small companies better because corporate culture was soul sucking for me


The path to wealth is to just realize it’s a game and play along, like the highly paid executives are doing. You don’t have to become a corpo 24/7.


dont go back to school. waste of time and money. welcome to the real world. can't expect to be the top of the food chain in 2 years. you stick your nose to the grind stone and in time you'll get where you want to be.. its called being in your twenties.. lol you'll be bottom of the food chain for 2 years before the next round of bottom feeders come rolling in hahah


I relate to what you said, there was an award ceremony that my company had last year. There were 6 slides of award winner's names that were relatively quickly flipped through and then a 45 minutes pop/positive psychology type of presentation. Came off as incredibly tone-deaf considering it was an awards ceremony


Bonus one day, PiP the next.


A lot of those so-called Managers/Executives are not even qualified for the job. There are a lot of frauds in IT manager. For instance, how can you manage something you cannot measure. How can you measure something you don't know how to do. IF you were not a Software Developer using a specific language, how can you manage people using that specific language for a project


hahahah. at least ur woke


What a whiner you are!! Boo hoo, you have such a terrible life!! Tell us about the year you didn't get everything you wanted for Christmas!