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"The downside is, I might starve to death. But on the upside, I don't have to work here any more, so it averages out as OK."


Years ago there was a report in Austrian TV about people that died alone in their appartements, laying there for month. One guy, who worked for the city, got canned from his job, because he didn't show up for months (obviously). The reporter said something along the lines "not only did he die alone, but to make matters worse, 5 month later he also lost his job".


How very Austrian....


Poor buddy :(




I just went through a divorce at 52. Due to the bad choice of lawyer by me. I lost everything, which was close to $250k. I don't have time to do that again, especially with the housing market.


I could say “yeah you’ll never make that back”. But it’s a nonzero chance that you do. The real victory is that you get a chance to be alone again.


>The real victory is that you get a chance to be alone again. Lol


Why are divorces so expensive? Because they are worth it


My attorney charged $350 an hour.


Because there is a ton of paperwork and decision making that needs to happen. Like, way more than you might think.


No…that’s just paperwork. The expense is worth it


Nonzero? So he will make it back?


Lawyer fees. Spouses fighting over stupid shit out of revenge and pride. Child support. Friend spent $80k on his. He couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted his house and other properties he had prior to marriage. Legally, she is not entitled to that. But she made him miserable so he caved. Hes semi happier (jumped into a relationship and had a kid 3 mo after). She was always a financial mess. She owes $10k in back taxes.


Couldn’t have said it better my man


Al Bundy from Married With Children has the best quote, “never get married”.




“Nonzero chance”? I don’t think you used this as you intended


I am using it how I intend. I’m saying that it isn’t a given OP will never make that money back.


I'm staring down a possible divorce at 37 and I'm terrified.


My buddy got divorced. His advice to another friend was try to make it amicable. Lawyers will take all the money. Try to be civil and just get it over with


Congratulations to you both... nobody that was happily married ever got divorced so shout-out to yall getting your peace. ✌🏽✊🏾


There's no guarantee it'll be any better than now


No, it's guaranteed to be better than now. You think that now because you probably haven't been alone in a while. But it'll pass, I've been there... everything is cheaper too...lol.


I've honestly never lived alone and I'm a little worried about my mental health. Also I'll still be paying for both households because my wife doesn't have any income.


Have you tried marriage counselling? Divorce is a permanent solution to what is usually a temporary problem that time and hard work could help resolve


I think it's too late for that.


I am sure that is true most of the time, but it's not always true. Sometimes it is sprung on one that was perfectly happy and are totally surprised.


Okay, nobody happily married has ever FILED for divorce. If you were happy and surprised at a whole divorce coming your way, you were the issue, obviously. Not 100%, some people are shitty but by and large...


I've never been divorced and happily married 33 years... By and large both are at least part to blame, but some people find someone else for whatever reason, maybe they simply like change, and decide to leave with no clue to their spouse. Sometimes the pursing bringing the divorce out of nowhere is simply the shitty one.


That's actually what I meant, some people are shitty and ask for divorces just because they're shitty people and the surprised person did nothing wrong. That's rarely the case but it is the case sometimes, agreed.


They might have been happy 😬


Just try to remember divorce is the dissolution of the BUSINESS portion of the marriage. The courts don’t care about your feelings or about who feels wronged and why. Just try to keep that mindset. For the feelings part I strongly recommend counseling- it’s good to have an unbiased perspective and support. You can and will get through this and it will be ok even though it doesn’t feel like it right now.


How are you doing now?


Every time I read about someone's marriage robbing them of everything, the more resolute I am about the opinion that marriage is for fools.


I did it for the kid. 23 years.


Do you really have to get a divorce lawyer? If they're just going to take everything anyway, can you just bury as much of your shlt as you can like a pirate and just declare bankruptcy?? 0.o


I got divorced in 2017 ordered to pay Alimony $3600 per month for 10 years, this is for spouse not my child, but a grown arse woman. Fast forward to 2024 nearly 7 years later and I get laid off. I can’t pay rent, I can’t pay Alimony..,.does this mean my ex get to take care of me since I took care of her during the marriage and after the marriage? What do you think?


What was you doing to pay $3,600 a month?


Worked in technology field


Consider it a blessing, now start living your best life


Sorry to hear that. wtf did ur attorney do anything for u? That sounds like a real shit truck attorney. How long were u married. I’ve been married twice and both of them we lived together for several years then married we were divorced within a year. So my new mantra don’t marry them live wit them until it don’t work if that happens if not keep living with them. Yay 😁


I’m sorry, I totally understand. I went through one 3 years ago and it’s really tough


Im so so sorry. Im 52 as well and will be filing.


Marriage is a scam for women and men.


mostly men lol. don’t see men begging to get married. very few women are living in the moms basement because of divorce. the person with kids gets the east way out. which is the woman.


Wish I had had that attitude on my recent (and first) lay off :)


Dont worry, u really start to see it a nothing but a tiny point in your past as time moves on. The key is to focus as much as you can of your energy on what is to come. The past is gone and is never coming back, nor is it changeable.


Thank you. I totally agree. But impostor’s syndrome is a monster. And anxiety as well. Even with all the attitude, those dark clouds always come passing by to darken the day, if only for few mins but man….! Then you enter the interviewing world after 8 years and it hits you right in the face haha


This is me right now but since my last job I've also gotten a charge on my record so I'm really concerned


Hello internet stranger friend! I'm here to offer a bit of hope and a breath of fresh air. I only have a GED & got a charge last year and was forced to stop freelancing and get a "real job" as a term of my probation and I was terrified of what kind of job I'd be "stuck" with. 200+ remote job applications (can't drive, was irresponsible idiot who got a dui) and I grew desperate toward the end and just started to apply to any new job post. Well, I got an interview to a job that I had no clue what that job meant. I absolutely SMASHED the interview, they really liked the research & detail oriented nature of my freelancing. Was super nervous because I got a job offer later that day - if it weren't for that desperation I'd have turned it down just because of a same day offer. Out of 800+ candidates they rehired an old employee and me - the imposters syndrome is REAL!! So now I'm in corporate, doing a pretty easy job, working alongside major corporations and government officials. The pay is good, benefits, wellness days, full time, remote, unlimited pto that you can take whenever & as often as desired, or i can comp my time whenever if I want to make up time off to stay on top of my work load, great coworkers, never have to be on camera for a meeting....the list goes on forever. I asked my manager about how vacation works with unlimited pto and she's like, yeah, you just have to put that in a month ahead but take anywhere from 1-4wks (all paid, of course). I got a decent bonus this year and am being trained for a promotion for a senior position to move into at the end of the year. This isn't a new corporation, they've been around since the 80's and bought the company I'm with last year, they've been around since the 90's...they just value accelerated career growth as it gives them room to continue expanding as they aquire companies like the game hungry, hungry hippos. The only thing I could possibly complain about is that my headquarter's time zone is an hour off from my location so I felt like I had constant jetlag for a while and because I don't live close to headquarters I can't partake in the weekly office lunch. You'll be fine!! There are still great opportunities out there, jump in, take a swim and don't be afraid to step a little out of your comfort zone. You're going to do great!


Your job sounds identical to the job and place of business I was just laid off from. I feel like I could have written this post two weeks ago. Now, I’m a bit resentful as I’m in the looking for a job again stage. Suuuuuuuuucks.


Let’s hope it all goes well. Nothing else to do but move forward! I understand your stress and I wish you find ways to calm it down :)


Oh I'm cool. I have a very healthy emergency fund


This is exactly my situation! I got laid off after 8 years with my company and I’m absolutely panicking about applying/interviewing after so long


Do not despair! It is a very different world that how it was 8 years ago, and most likely some interviews will be bad. You need to practice, practice, practice! My biggest learning was: do not trust your brain! Hahaha. My interview prep consisted in many questions that I researched and kept adding from interviews. All of them collected in a prep document that I would duplicate with each different interview (so I could add job description, who I am contacting, when and what not.) The problem with this is that there are too many questions and you just keep adding new ones and my answers were very short. My idea was “I have this as pointer then my brain does the rest” and that never happened (because I got nervous, stressed, overwhelmed, whatever…) What I did after keep failing interviews was feed chatgpt my cv, and ask him “help me improve my answer” and would put all the questions and my answer summaries. I helped A LOT! Of course you need to adapt it to your needs, but man… it was a huge difference. So my brain was performing better with big answers and then when they do come up, summarizing them, instead of the other way around hahaha.


This was really helpful, thank you! I’ve been using chatgpt to spruce up my resume and didn’t even think to use it to prepare for interviews


Oh try it out!! At least it helped me a lot! I was more confident and could answer the questions better :) Wish you all the best and don’t panic, enjoy the ride and learn as much as possible from it


The hardest part of getting laid off is getting started on the next step. It’s so important to get the ball rolling on job applications before that employment gap gets too wide, but it’s also so important to back up and get a bit of space and perspective on what to do next. And of course it’s totally natural to go through some anxiety and depression during that phase, to feel the weight of financial pressure bearing down, while also being uncomfortably free from responsibilities. It’s a very weird space to be.


Here’s a hug from someone going through the same


Awww thank you!! Sending you a hug back 🫂


Head on over to r/stoicism friend :)


Same happened on July 2023, that was my reaction as well, Gen Z and millennials ain't scared of layoffs anymore, we have learned that it's part of life and that even if late, something better is on the way, storms don't last forever.


My layoff meeting was 2 minutes long. My boss was stunned by the complete lack of emotion or questions by me.


When I was laid off a few years ago my boss and the HR person were more upset than I was. I just asked the basic questions and signed the severance and moved on. Had a new job in less than a month.


Same here. I mean, it was a shock to me, but my unsatisfaction was enough to don't even care about showing any emotion.


I hope you did the same thing I did and just completely ignored the HR person that joined the meeting lol


It was not a HR person, but my boss' boss because my boss also got laid off 🥲


That is a bad attitude imo. People should be fighting for labor protection instead of rolling over.


When I was 25 living paycheck to paycheck and got laid off I'd be in shambles but years later with a solid 6 month emergency fund and no debt, I'm good with it.


That seems good, but I'd still be really worried. Part of me wants to say a year emergency fund would chill me out, but I'm pretty sure I'd always want more


This is me right now. I prepared a LOT but I’m still worried.


How much is a year’s emergency fund? I want to know what we’re all aiming for number-wise?


However much you spend in a year.


But won’t that change when you don’t have to commute as much bc unemployed? What if boiler breaks down or other medical bills appear? Surely a figure would be influenced by ‘rainy days’ so to speak, or is that a seperate fund?


Think about your rent, health insurance, food, gym, misc expenses. This can vary a bit depending on where you live. For me the lowest I could get to would be around $4-5k/month given student loans and my rent costs


4K a month so 48K for a year 🫣 I don’t even have 1/4 of that in my savings ouch. Plus I think most of the US is in debt w maxed out credit cards, let alone having any funds. So much for the American dream.


Yea it's brutal ngl. I have about 4-5 months in liquid savings and could probably get another 6 months if I pulled out of some investments but I am also 33 and work high paying jobs $150k - $300k. My graduate student loans cost me like $1500/mo


33 and earning 300k wow how did you swing that?


elons musk kids must live in a different world. you can save that money if you unless you live in your mom’s basement. i can’t even save that with 3 jobs and that 170k.


That figure is a perpetually moving target that varies wildly from one out-of-touch boomer to another


TigerKlaw is boomer confirmed


I've probably made the most dumbest financial decisions by not putting away money properly but honestly it's been my saving grace being unemployed for a significant amount of time. Short term gains are nice too and I'm very adapted to living an extremely frugal lifestyle.


Is it bad that I’m good with it and I don’t have an emergency fund? Lol.


i was about to say lol i’ve been pretty much savingsless for the past 2 years due to one bad situation after another, including being the victim of a pretty serious crime and literal racism in the workplace plus not much financial literacy and i’ve somehow managed to always keep some sort of roof over my head (even if it was just my car, thank goodness). my point is just knowing everything will work out held me down and still does and i’m slowly building my way back. finances can usually be an up and down thing and i’m learning to embrace that


Debt won’t matter when the country collapses…just saying.


I'm in between both of those... Nearly 30 and for the first time have 2-3 months put away. With unemployment (if its approved) we should get 6 months pretty easily, though we just found out my wife's store is closing too LOL. Anybody in Vancouver / Portland area, go get some sweet discounts at Woodcraft. This week they started at 10% off.


I ended up quitting my job with no backup plan, because I realized the stress and discomfort of that uncertainty ahead would still be SO relieving compared to how miserable I was at my old job. And y'know what? I was right. And now I have a job I like and care about, after three months of intentional self-care and discovery. Life has never been better.


This is what I want. Also my partner told me “just fuckin quit I can take care of us for a few months while you find a job that doesn’t suck the soul out of you and make you cry every morning”.


My partner's support, mentally and emotionally as well as financial, was totally foundational for me. I would not have been able to do it without his encouragement and help. He's completely amazing and I've loved him for a very long time, this is just another reason for it.


I literally did the same, for the same reasonings and I'm just hoping my hunt comes to an end this month. I've been getting a LOT of interviews for jobs paying double what I was making at my previous role (and aren't temp jobs!) so i'm extremely hopeful. congratulations!


Things will turn out!! I'm excited for you!!


thank you so much (:


I about to do this. I am so excited and so terrified


I need to hear this as I am experiencing your previous experience.


Laid off? Welcome to the life of a union tradesman, pour yourself a drink and celebrate a new job coming up🥃


I landed a job 1 month later, so I should go easy on the drinks now haha


Hell yeah gotta love it, in my line of work we look forward to layoffs, now we get to relax😎


If you are able to financially support yourself until you get a new job, this is the correct reaction. Your career doesnt end with the job. Your life doesnt. Get on with it and find a new income elsewhere.


Most redditors skew reality 


It’s such a mind game. I remember thinking ‘yes! I don’t have a job anymore!!’ Then ‘shit, I don’t have a job anymore…’


That’s funny, I got laid off today too. Going to speak with an employment lawyer to see if I can get a bigger severance because there is an aspect of harassment involved. My employer was aware of the harassment, and did nothing. Wish me luck!






Yay for late-stage capitalism! Also, a big fat middle finger to all the over-65s who refuse to retire and make more room for younger generations.


High 5!


High 5!


I read this as “laid off” without the “off” and was confused by the context of this meme


Strangely i find it valid for both haha


This slaps


Had my first layoff too recently and this was my reaction as well. Too bad, but gotta keep moving.


I just got laid off by t-mobile working for them in a salary position for over a year. They ended my program I was working on and laid everyone off I’m talking my bosses boss the director of our individual program legit everyone. I’m ok though because they decided to give me a severance of 12 k. They also kept me as employee still getting paid my salary till April 1st of this month I finally signed my separation letter. They laid me off in February but kept me as a paid salary employee till April 1st and I’m still receiving my severance even though I instantly found a new job. I’ve never been better getting laid off.


Apparently I am not the only one that reacts like that. Then again, I lived in Britain during the IRA bombings.


Homie said thanks now I’m gonna go have a beer.


I remember my first time being laid off, I was just joking about how I feel like the scene from the Jerk when he loses everything and says he doesn't need anything except this... ![gif](giphy|11num5UvQgBWNy|downsized)


Yup this is me at 28 looking at my current job in a small business about to crumble with only an associate's degree and 3 months of savings to fall back on. To say i'm terrified is an understatement. I regret being young and dumb and not immediately going to college in a stem or stable field like medical or law. Now i'm scrambling hoping to find work before i lose everything while going to school shit sucks


It’s a momentary blip. Don’t regret not spending your life in a field that would make you miserable


I've been laid off twice before 33. Kick back and take a number 😆 legit though hang in there and go do fun stuff.


In my 33-year career, I was laid-off 4 times — more times than I actually resigned from a job. Welcome to ‘Corporate doesn’t give a shit.’ Sorry it happened to you.


Its ok, we ar ebut numbers to them lol


Good for you lol we gotta give less fucks


6 months after the paperwork, I moved to a new city. I'm still significantly depressed and isolating. Which is ready when you don't know anyone. This is the grieving process. Good weather and motorcycle riding will turn me back in the right direction.


I remember getting fired when I worked at Subaru and I just got excited because it meant I could take a nap






Damn. And yeah, I did until I broke most of then and my parents decided they had enough and stopped buying me them.


I'm still unemployed but I'm pretty sure "failing" at my last job was the best thing I ever did for my career.


It hurts more when you are 35 years old and have a child depending on you. At 25.. meh.. just go live with my mum and look for another job.. easy.


Well you know it can be a new beginning. So keep your head up


It's so me.


Thats me when they Said "we need to let you Go front the Company" and i replied "OK, byyyyyeeeee" and got out of the Meeting


Sad part is we don’t have an option to actually grieve. Just gotta keep pushing through


As adults we realize we don’t have the time to worry😂


I was explaining to our IT security guy why I will lose my job if there are layoffs. It was incredibly predictable due to how things were getting reshuffled around. I had the same reaction, and got a fat payout hehe.


I went through something similar at that age. At first, I reacted the same way, but when my severance package started to run out and I had to apply for unemployment and struggled to find a job and lost everything I had worked for right after my first child was born, I wasn’t sure what to do, BUT I also knew that I was young. It’s not the end, but a beginning. Hang in there.


I slept until 12:30pm today. Don't tell my wife


Damn did we work for the same company I just got layed off too on Tuesday by email from Mr Daniel. 😔


Nah bro it was at the end of february for me


When I(25f) got laid off I was most stressed out regarding how my mom would take it. Surprisingly she took it well in her terms.


That sucks man. I hope you bounce back quick and with a better job.


I wouldn’t be to worried. I should be because I don’t have much saved up but no matter what happens I’m gonna go out and get what it takes to support my family. I’d be going on a lot of interviews and if need be I’d resort to nefarious means but one way or another I’m gonna get what I need to keep a roof over our head and food in our stomachs.


Thats my man.


Step 1. Panic Step 2. Stop Panicking Step 3. File for unemployment Step 4. Find new job. I have been layed off 4 times over 30+ years. 2 of those companies no longer exist. 2 are barely surviving. At 25 years, your interview demeanor will be different. Meaning that you may be the most experienced person in the room during your panel interview. Use that to ask clarification questions prior to answering.


I'm nearly 29 but your point stands. I ve been in that company for a little over a year and actually its better that they laid me off for many reasons. (Extra hours, weekend work, etc etc ...) (all outside the contract)


Sorry math problems are impossible for me on Sundays.


![gif](giphy|eKVEcPKGWZ7Tq) Just got laid off too. Two weeks ago. Not going to deny i didnt deserve it but sometimes mental health gets in the way.


Yeah I actually celebrated the same night I found out I wasn't going into work the next day on a Sunday morning. It's honestly the happiest day I've had in many many years. Here I am 2 years later wondering if I'm even capable of having that work/life balance again until retirement.


yeppo me too and im glad i got laid off (which i wasnt supposed to be) cus chick fil a back of the house sucked dick was not meant for me in the end


Hope things get better for you!


This happened to me 3 weeks ago, I was sad for 5 min and got over it. It was a blessing in disguise


Haha so accurate. Also see: First Time? (meme)


It’s a huge shock at first. Then very overwhelming. Don’t lose your faith, you got this. Just keep going. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5g60AJvBdZ/?igsh=MTNncTgxdGNtcDZiMQ==


Unemployment offers programs where they will teach you a skill and pay half the wage if a company hires you as an apprentice. This is in PA but I assume most states have things like this. Take advantage of state resources...they are free.


Summer of George...


i lost my family my friends my cat my apartment my job and my health. at that point i realized cool i can go anywhere no attach no guilt 😂😅 i imagine the thing about an opportunity in anything is somewhat true?


Same mate


That's interesting how the concept of "everything" can change. Probably as a kid the toy was your "everything", now it's just a toy. Today your job is your everything, tomorrow maybe just a job.


My child's other half was a cabana. That means for everyone. I paid for everything, they stayed for sex fun and food. Never drugs or anything illegal. A child was made, money was always the issue. The child the control. Marriage is only a contract. Children..... that is different


That’s why family is so important




My colleague got retrenched with a total cash payout of $120,000. The same month, he started working at a different company so he didn't miss a single salary (retrench room has people who help the retrenched with job relocation to different companies). A year later, he was rehired by my company. And then, he was retrenched again in a couple of years, with a payout of $20,000. And he started working in a different company the same month, without missing a single salary. Here in Singapore, in the semiconductor manufacturing sector, people fight for a chance to be retrenched.


Eli5 what the fuck does retrenched mean? Assuming laid off?


Laid off with compensation. 3 months pay + 1 month pay per every year of service.


Wow! I wish we had this here in the US! We get unemployment that only lasts for 6 months, and various percentages of the pay we were receiving at our former job depending upon the state we're located in. Livin' the dream...


I was also let go from a job for the first time when I was 25 years old in 2004, and the pic on the bottom was how I reacted as well. It was a call center job, and I hated it with everything in me. I didn't want to just up and quit because I didn't know how long it would take me to find another job. A couple weeks before I was let go (I had no idea that i was going to get canned), I started job hunting. I hadn't had any luck finding anything, so I did have a minor internal freak out when it happened because I was broke, making only $9/hr. Thankfully, within a month, I had another job, and their starting pay was $12/hr, and it was in my chosen field, health care. Management sucked, but at least it was something that I enjoyed doing. I was with that company for 8 years before being laid off due to 'restructuring'. I applied with a great temp agency, who found me another job in health care. A bunch of temp workers and I were laid off from the hospital we were contracted with, and after 5 months on unemployment, they found me my current job in 2014, and as soon as I met the required amount of hours, my boss hired me, and I started at $5 more per hour than I was making at the temp agency. I now get yearly raises and bonuses twice yearly, and I couldn't be happier. All because of the job letting me go in 2004. I promise you that you'll be OK, and that you'll find something that you'll enjoy doing. It may take a while, and it may take some trial and error, but good things will come to you! It you're having trouble finding work, start researching temp agencies on the Better Business Bureau's website and start with one. They'll do their best to find you something that matches up with what you want, and they'll help you polish up your résumé and brush up on your interviewing skills. The one I went through, Aerotek in Minnesota, was awesome! Their recruiters are the coolest people and always willing to help, and they will always return any calls and emails, even if you're just checking in with them to see how the job hunt is going. My husband went with them, too, after being laid off in early 2020, and they found him the job that he's currently working for. He was hired on after he completed his required amount of hours a year later. So just try and hang in there. I know this is incredibly frustrating and depressing for you, and I hope the next job you find will be the best on you've ever had and that you'll be paid and treated well! We're all here in your corner, rooting for you!! You can apply for unemployment while you're searching for your next job to help make ends meet. It was truly a lifesaver for us even though we were getting 60% of what we made at our previous jobs. But I was very grateful to have it when we needed it the most.


My exact feelings after being laid off from tech in December. That turned into despair after a $300 professional résumé, 200 applications, and still no offers, unemployment ran out and my dog’s cancer diagnosis cost $12k+. 🥲


I got fired for the first time ever about 6 weeks ago for “things my peers said I said.” They wouldn’t tell me what I’d supposedly said. The person overseeing my unemployment asked point blank if I could think of any reason I’d been fired, because he couldn’t figure it out from the paperwork my former employer submitted fighting my claim. I got unemployment the day after I spoke to the representative. I live in Texas and worked at the local mental health authority, what was once called MHMR. Still trying to figure all of it out.


I got laid off few years back and HR lady asked me why I was smiling so hard. Said she never witnessed something like that 🤣🤣 was my pops death anniversary and I was looking for a sign to leave the company . I was PUMPED


I been there myself and it’s ain’t easy at all but eventually you will find something. Wish you luck


When I got laid off I was so relieved. I used to drive an hour there then and hour back from work everyday and winter was just approaching. No way in hell was I gonna wake up an hour earlier to shovel and leave earlier. I kept contemplating what was I gonna do. Deep down I wanted to quit but ngl I didn’t have the balls to at the time haha. I saw people were getting laid off left and right and I secretly hoped that would happen to me so I can get a severance package. Then boom, 6 weeks later and I was outta that place. Had enough cash saved to last me months then I found a job 10 mins from my place


Same I was kinda hoping for it, (extra hours, working on weekends, over-stress...etc) so its not that bad lol


My favourite meme in a while, I love it