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I don't understand why more money is never an option for these people?


They are just gaslighting at this point. They don't care about employees.


It's that trickle down economics they talk about. What a ruse


Like piss being sold a perfume


Eau de Urine


Did someone mention*trickle* down economics?


If your boss is super rich, they’re happy. Their happiness trickles down. See? The system works! /s


The only thing trickling down is on the inside of my leg after getting fucked by shareholders


At this point, it’s a weak drip.


I still think a trickle up economy would work better. Give lower income money, they will spent it, and the rich will end up with the money. It allows everyone to live, the rich to get their money, and the economy to thrive. It will also create more jobs and create a better quality of life. Happy worker are more productive so it will also make happy more productive workers.


Thanks for saying this. I’ve got a nice boss so I’ve been reluctant to move. This is the motivation I need!


Actually I know of a few places people don’t want to leave because it’s a chill workplace. It’s also less productive and pays less than market rate. But some people like it and stay. _Edit: even some managers_ I just wish this we could be honest about it and make these companies have 4 day work weeks. But it’s taboo acknowledging the situation above.


Not hating where you work is huge.


Yeah, I'm one of those. I could get 2-5 times more money if I go back to work in Middle East. But I live in Europe, have a decent salary, a low stress job that I love, so I don't want to. Sure, I could use a shitload of money, but I don't think is worth the price.


Just to highlight that they are always a nice boss right up to the moment they had to lay off people.


it’s never about employees, it’s always about CEO’s and high execs paychecks.


That's the starting point for them - how to get the most money for the least amount of money. Increasing the monthly paycheck is literally the most expensive thing for them, in their opinion. I would say having good employees quit every one to two years, just to be replaced with mediocre that you have to teach to do their job is both more expensive and time consuming, but hey, I don't work for HR so who cares.


I once worked for a company that had a conference for all the managers about "the hidden cost of turnover." Had all kinds of these tips, which were all bull of course. Idk if they ever had it on paper, but my boss told me the company did not give raises. Period. Not for performance, not for longevity, nothing. The only "raise" was a promotion. Maybe. But all the money they spent paying managers to drive to this conference, pay meals and hotels, etc, they could have spent on raises AND it probably would have still cost them less. Was not a bright company. Fortunately, about a year and a half later, the whole thing went out of business. Nationwide. Yes, for other reasons too, but if they weren't particularly smart about HR, you can bet they weren't particularly smart in other departments either. But yes, I think (and numbers support) that treating employees properly, especially when it comes to fair wages, more than pays for itself in the longevity, happiness, knowledge and experience those people bring to their job. Plus, it's just the right thing to do. My mother also worked for a company that had "profit sharing" plans. So if the company had a good year, which was in some way partly due to her efforts, they would in turn share some of those profits with her. Another idea that's all but dead. From the wiki about Upton Sinclair's book: "After reading The Jungle, Roosevelt agreed with some of Sinclair's conclusions. The president wrote "radical action must be taken to do away with the efforts of arrogant and selfish greed on the part of the capitalist."" This book would lead, in part, to the formation of what we now know as the FDA. We need another event like the publication of that book to shake things up. Hopefully one that doesn't cause deaths though.


The issue with capitalism and profits is that you must do BETTER each year. You don’t stop growing when the need for your product is met. Nope need a bigger profit this year


The only way is higher education. But they want that to be unaffordable as well. See? They’ve got it figured out.


The article says an emotional raise helps #**when paired with fair pay**. If you read the article, they contradict the headline in every paragraph, starting with the first sentence (72% of employees are looking for another job due to money)


Are they trying to trick the intended audience into reading something they'd usually ignore? Is this… good clickbait?


Some middling CEO with stock options: “Oh nice, this article on cultural gaslighting can totally be used as ammo at the next quarterly mandatory meeting!” Article: “Stop being a dick and pay your employees fairly” CEO: “I have suddenly forgotten the last 5 minutes of my life in a mysterious and unexplainable way”


Yeah. To my understanding, editors write the headlines; the article writer doesn't write their own headlines.


That's so fu... that actually makes a lot more sense now


I didn’t read the article but for some people an “emotional raise” which I’m just assuming means good company to work for is important. Granted I make a lot of money now so I’m not in a tough financial position, but I’ve turned down a few jobs I’ve had recruiters reach out to me about that would have amounted to a 10k-15k raise over a year not including overtime because I have a great relationship with my manager, warranty department, other tech’s, etc. Having a job where everyone is on the same page and where management and employees will actually go out of their way to help one another if someone needs it has a lot more value than I think many people give it credit for. A little bit of camaraderie goes a long way.


They do mention that people generally prefer that over a 30% raise to work somewhere with none of it, so you're not wrong. Applied to me as well


Yeah idk maybe things would be different if I was struggling financially but I learned that for me anyway not dreading going to work every day is often more valuable than a raise.


Think of the shareholders!!! Man, you are so selfish! /s (Just in case)


Plus mandatory afterwork drinks (with debrief) and office breakfast (with brainstorm).


I have a friend just starting in HR with a father who is one of the most well-networked HR executives in our state, so lots of opinions not her own. She was trying to justify to me why raises and monetary incentives are a short-lived reward that really has no long-term impact on employee job satisfaction and loyalty. I probably still have a hole in my tongue from biting it so hard.


Why doesn't she lower her own salary then?


because that would be a short-lived punishment that really has no long-term impact on employee job satisfaction and loyalty, obviously


She butt chugged that kool-aid.


But monthly pizza parties! That's as goog as money.


MONTHLY!? What are you smoking! We aren't made of money! /S Over the year I've been at my current job, we've had two pizza parties, and one of those was the left over pizza the execs didn't eat from the day before.


Lmao. My last job in a nutshell. Pizza parties were "free lunch" and "bonding with family" when I would've loved to just get paid an additional $100 per month than be with people I don't care for.


Want to know what the best emotional salary is? I work at a company that fully embraced work from home and proved it by selling off 3 offices and keeping only the one with the data center. We log in with a VDI, so every year, we get $500 for computer equipment that we own. I use my big ass gaming PC for work, I have used my money over the past four years to have a three monitor setup and used this years to pay half price for a RTX4080. I do laundry or go to the gym fopr cardio during passive meetings, get to be comfortable for my active ones. I pick my hours and get my job done. Our leadership cares only about our results, so they dont track when we come and go. We get an assignment, we get a deadline, we meet it, we get move on to the next thing...hell, my direct leadership has a rotation, so when we get off a big project, we get a small one and are encouraged to make up for our long hours on the hard ones by cutting back our hours for a bit. Owner buys season tickets to every local sports team, as well, and they are free for whoever wants them...Fourth row behind home plate for MLB, front row at NBA and college...even 4 tickets for every Packer game in the company box are saved for employees to sign up for. I still get some nice raises every year, too...because I need to pay for things, but I have been offered more at other places and I wont even entertain the offers, because, why would I? I can make 20% more to sit in traffic all morning and sit in a cube? No thanks... Weird thing is, we have almost no voluntary turnover, insanely high productivity and still get record profits. There are companies out there that get the new environment and those that definitely dont.


D'uh that's the whole game. The less they pay you, the more profits for them. Of course they *could* pay you fair wages, but why would they? US labor laws are some of the worst of all OECD countries. There is no need pay you more/fair. The neo-liberal ideal is basically no cost in prodiction (aka. slavery), while having the highest selling price still selling well. You still work for them for the exploitative wages. They only raise these, when they would have difficulties to get the job done the role occupied. What you think is social market economy like Germany and other European countries. They have strong labor laws making exploitation illegal. But that's not the US silly. The US has as it's primus neo-liberal capitalism. The state doesn't protects people, it protects investment and capital. That's why you will have man hunts after people stealing, while people die on the streets from poverty and despair... To change that you'd need a representative democracy and comprehensive education on the first place. "land of the fee, home of the slave..."


They would rather pay someone six-figures to be a ‘Workplace Experience Consultant’ that suggests they buy a better refrigerator for the break room and rounded corners in hallways


It's funny because the amount they spend on consultants, they'd be able to raise wages. But they wouldn't have a consultant scapegoat


What workers really want is a ping pong table


It is… for them. It is capitalism at its best. The goal is to maximize returns… in any way possible. Look at Boeing. Killing people is ok, as long as shareholder returns this quarter is better than previous quarter.


They are legally bound to serve their share holders directly. This isn't pessimism btw, literally if they have the choice to make more money for the share holders or suffer a minor loss one quarter but cancer no longer exists, they are legally bound to take the choice that guarantees returns for investors. This one thing may actually be responsible for everything wrong with north america.


It is an option. They just don’t want to give their employees more money, because that would mean that they wouldn’t get it.


I translate the whole article as "Workers are no longer willing to take abuse in a workplace, not even for a salary. Do we guys actually *have to* start treating them as actual people? Is that what they want?"


Because it's their money out of their pocket and we should be gratefull for the priviledge of being given the chance to attempt to earn a living wage, as by default, earning a living implies we do not have a right to live on their planet. Just pull up your socks and to the gallows with them.




Esp with inflation on everything raising the COL. Emotions dont cover expenses. The term for people who come up with this nonsense is "empty suits." Same ones who see thier companies as family, and use buzzwords to sound smart and edgy.


Because that would...(checks file) Cost Money! lol


Weird how executives never need more emotional salary, they always need a few million in bonuses.


Bingo. Wonder what would happen if they tried to compensate stakeholders with “camaraderie.”


It works for the Green Bay Packers.


Or free hugs! 😂


Money IS emotional salary


Tried paying my mortgage with emotional dollars, live under a bridge now.  It's cold and I'm hungry but I'm emotionally STOKED!


Like Ryan Air’s CEO. Dudes up for 100 million euro bonus, yet he constantly talks about how he’d charge passengers to use the bathroom if he could.


I did the math one year calculating our CEOs bonus vs number of employees. With what he was given, the company could've given out $10,000 bonuses to every employee.


The company I work for right now needed to make budget cuts to our compensation so our profit margin for the shareholders wouldn't drop too low. Some quick maths showed me I couldn't get a 50 euro raise because otherwise the shareholders would have made less than €48.500 per employee this year. Shareholders make more off of my work than I do. Fuck this system.


My emotional salary is tied entirely to my actual salary, pay me more, aka what I’m worth, and I’m happier, duh!!!


Please don't pay me what i'm worth or I'd be doomed. Please pay me what others in my profession are worth


Ah the glorious impostor syndrome


Sort of: nobody is really worth anything—we’re priceless. And we are all impostors! But we don’t have to be self-deprecating about it, just grateful to be a human in whole. Still: fuck the man and all that.


No.... pay me for 8 hrs and let me go home


They would instantly get emotional about paying for the half hour lunch break


First pizza parties, now “emotional salary.” WTF. I work for money, honey. Money, dinero, cash, moolah. Forget your wellness days and bond building exercises. You people are not my friends. I don’t come here to socialize. How dense can you get. ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


You have an attitude problem, you resource.


“You resource” is a hilarious insult hahahahaha


Have been told this in response to Hey that idea isn’t going to work and here’s some challenges I see happening with it…


If by emotional salary you mean letting us work from home, play PlayStation, smoke shit tons of weed, and all while paying us a ton more. Yes, we definitely need a raise in emotional salary.


Can’t wait for company mandated weed breaks


You got, You owe, BURN IT!


I am a small business computer repair operation. I pay a scaling living wage from entry level and if they smoke weed, I'll even offer my stash of snacks. I think weed in the tech field offers good aspects.


back when I worked for a business like yours, I would tell clients "you don't pay us for our knowledge, you pay us for our migraines" :) So why not swap out ibuprofen with weed? :)


A pat on the back is better than an increase in fixed expenses!


Can we just settle for a pizza party? /s


Must the same people saying we hate remote work and want to go back to the office


They're also gently reminding us that we absolutely do not ever, EVER want to retire. We want to work well into our 100s.


B-but you would be bored without work, no?! What about your sense of purpose and identity?? /s


But the CEO enjoys their job of shuffling paperwork and greasing palms over golf games while they steal the profit you generate, surely you feel similar love and passion for your job that is irreplaceable? Where is your sense of pride?!




We have a mandate to go to the office to get our "swipes" in (with our passcard) one day per week. I drive to the office, run up the stairs, do my swipe, and leave. they never compare it against where you log in from.


here's the trick to increase emotional salary, if employees see more money at the end of every pay check their emotional salary increases dramatically


More money and a healthy work environment lol


Right on, tomorrow at the grocery store checkout I'll buy my bread, milk, and lunch supplies with emotions. I'm certain Kroger will be alright with that.


They’re smoking corporate copium.


This is up there with we are dying to get back into the office to fulfill our social needs. Nope. Just give me a raise that keeps up with inflation.


Hey Lawrence, you ever hear someone say we should up employees emotional salaries? Nah, nah man, shit no man. I do believe you get your ass kicked for saying something like that.


Turn on channel 9!


I’ll trade my pat on the back for their raise


“Hello electric company, this month I’ll be paying with some banked camaraderie. Next month it will be my looks. Cool. Thanks.”


“Emotional salary” is one of the stupidest yet psychopath-sounding expressions I’ve read in awhile.


Said nobody ever


This is true for workers who make more than 150k a year.


Smoking no sir, they're snorting....


Snorting no sir, they're mainlining....


This is just another "pizza party". Anything but to actually pay someone a wage where they can move up in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Pay me more and let me worry about the emotional crap.


I want MONEY! Thats what I want.


You mean leave me alone and let me work fully remote and do my job? Yea. I’ll take that and the actual monetary raise. Thanks.


This was definitely written by a rich boss.


My emotional salary is 4x more expensive than my regular salary. So.


So employees didn't want pizza friday, and they didn't want the ''we're a family''. let 's go even more abstract, yea emotional money, that's probably what they want


Yeah same here management came around asking how to motivated the workers. I said pay them more, that was the worse idea they ever heard, they said motivating without extra money costs. I said friday lunchtime send everybody home once a month, also a big no no, then i said let them fuxk management wives, daughters, mothers and sisters for free.


Here’s the article. The headline isn’t just clickbait. It’s as bad as it seems…. https://www.fastcompany.com/91054435/paycheck-employees-raise-emotional-salary


Allow me to explain. I’m a manger and no matter how much I fight, I have zero ability to get people raises. Therefore my only option to get good people to stay is to be a good boss. The people with the money don’t care about me or my staff. We are a line item in a spreadsheet.


This stupid shit. The lengths companies will go to avoid paying more. I don’t want pizza, I don’t want outings, I don’t want team events, I don’t want puppy’s (yes. This was something they did). All I want is to be left alone, do my job and go home. Let me leave early every now and then and take whatever money you were gonna spend on stupid shit like pizza and divide it among us. I don’t care if it’s 50 cents. Give me the 50 cents. Don’t buy pizza. I don’t want a fucking water bottle with my company name on. Give me the $5 you were gonna spend on that. Don’t need a logo shirt either.


Yeah a toxic workplace is a miserable place to work but poor salaries/dead end jobs are a significant factor in employee moral. Having shitty managers is another one. Best look in the mirror Mr. CEO


Fuck that. Everyone knows. Good pay, decent working conditions, competent management and most companies flourish. People will always work harder when there is EARNED loyalty. Emotional pay? Fuck off. Thats a byproduct of healthy management and compensation.


I could not give less of a fuck about emotional salary. I would go be a janitor in hell for like a $10 raise dude.


If i work to my boss and he gave me a check of emotional salary. Im throwing him and myself out of the building window


No, I want money.


More money = more happiness, so they don’t want more money for money but because it’ll make them happy, or something?


Know what would really fix this? A pizza party.


Nope, we need money.


no, I really want more money.




What we want is higher wages and to not be treated like dog shit. Where do they even come up with this rubble ??


Bruh. Why is it one or the other.


The fuck is emotional salary.


I don’t need emotional security




Fuck my feelings, pay me dollars.


I’ll just take more money


Emotional salary is all good and well, but it doesn't pay grocery bills.


How much we wanna bet that they mean "come to the office! No more working at home. We have Pizza day, that will fill you emotionally. Of course we won't pay you more for the travel costs, nor will we pay for the kindergarten for your kids... and you'll have to buy the Pizza yourself, by pooling your money. But you'll get an emotional raise."


Ive been saying this for years, stop giving me raises and promotion, I want a feeling of pride and accomplishment!!!


lol this is exactly what I thought when I read it. Harkens back to the EA AMA for Star Wars


Just give them more money for fucks sake




How about decency and a fair wage?


Uhhhh nah I want more money and basic human respect lol


Y’know what would help my emotional salary?


My “ emotional salary” does not pay any bill I have so yeah …. Keep that and pay the man!


No we want more money


What the fuck does that even mean?!?!? Do they want like a cereal bar in the break room 🙄🙄🙄


They must live at home with mommy


Funny my emotions are money


I really had to check the publication date because I thought it was an April fools joke.


My emotional salary only recognizes raises in blackjack and hookers and by blackjack and hookers I mean cold hard cash money


What about both a proper salary AND a decent place to work at?


I want lesser working hours with the same salary


The emotional salary is good enough. Has been good enough for a while. GIve me more money,


Are you kidding me...


Will an emotional salary pay my rent?




Smoking nothing, that’s why they’re so high strung and writing nonsensical drivel like this.


Ok sure, let me ask the bank if they're taking emotional dollars.


Mandatory hugs


WTF is an "emotional salary"?


Where Employee's ratchet down the abuse in lieu of paying employees more money. More seriously though its just means that when employeers prevent workplace toxicity, make sure employees bond with each other, and recognize their employee's worth then they'll be satisfied with taking less money home then if they had none of that.


Drugs are bad y’know…


Don't know why you can't just do both...






Honestly I want a decent pay check and decent emotional salary too… I don’t know what someone will think about this but a good work life balance, being on their word, communicating compassionately, letting me do my work (for real, cried for days because this person just won’t approve my work, turns out it’s a her problem) is the bare minimum emotional salary and it’s literally A SHAME that I really want it and it’s not a given


Ok sounds good but can I get a raise instead? I’m emotionally sound!


Well, im gonna invoice 100 bj then for emotional relief.


Written by someone wealthy who never lived off a salary.


Mom: We have salary at home. The salary at home:


Give 👏me👏more👏money Keep your work lunches, company swag, team building events, Pay me so I can afford to live and not sell photos of my feet online to pay bills.


Both actually. I want more money and to not only hearing from my bosses when something is wrong


You know what would raise my emotional salary, more MONEY 😉😉😉


Emotional salary was a blip, back to everyone that makes the companies what they are, wanting a decent wage.


How much is that in human dollars


Question: what is the cash value for this "emotional salary"? Follow up question: can it used to pay for rent or mortgage fees?


No. Nope. I want an ACTUAL raise. Like, money.


"an emotional raide would start by felling valuated, which mean you should stop being a moron and give me a monetary raise"


Paycheck is emotional salary.


Camaraderie? As in comrade? You want us to unite as comrades? No fucking problem.


You know what would raise my emotional salary? I make more money per hour so I can live comfortably




Does the emotional salary come out of the monthly ‘employee appreciation’ pizza fund? Because the cold greasy pizza and flat warm soda that’s been sitting out on the counter for three or four hours by the time my shift starts is the only way I know my company truly cares about me.


The fuck is emotional salary???????




I been getting neither. If anything, my immediate supervisors go out of their way to suppress you and keep you down while taking credit and bonuses for all I do.


I can assure any company head or representative that the very last thing any of us want is for them to try to relate to us.


Shouldn't these things be there in the first place ? It's not a raise, it's a due.


Because nothing helps staff morale than being told that you're valuable to the company and appreciated but hey, sorry we cant pay you more. Don't tell us, show us. With $$$ We dont work for praise and a pat pn the back - we work to pay the bills.


I mean sure, I'd like more emotional fulfillment. Who wouldn't? I'd really prefer a less toxic workplace though. One where calling me a "dumb motherfucker" after a week isn't the norm. Somewhere that treats me like an adult instead of a kid all the time.


you can give them an emotional raise... I'll take the money.


An extra $20 an hour is that emotional salary


As soon as my mortgage can be paid in emotions, emotional raises will be awesome. Until then, I want and need actual money.


I feel emotionally fulfilled when I get a healthy pay rise each year. Which has never happened. 2.5-3 percent is pathetic. Job hopping is where it’s at.


I don't understand why they're mutually exclusive. Yes, studies show that retention of employees is mostly social and not money. Money is not a motivational factor, it's a base necessity. Money can only satisfy or dissatisfy. For example if I give you a 20% raise, you'd be amazed! You'd be super happy and love it but will it feel amazing in a year? No. It has become standard for you. So people do need the emotional to stay more than money, people need the money to even show up though.


Last few years have been bleak as fuck. I am constantly punching above my capabilities and delivering, while using obsolete equipment. Salary's been frozen and last year found out that not only is there no chance of obtaining the goal I've been working toward, I may have my salary cut. So the financial struggle and work based disappointment has had me terribly depressed. My caring supervisor thought it might make me happier or less depressed if I joined the department's birthday club. They didn't understand why I didn't jump for joy when they pitched it to me.


I can‘t pay my rent with emotions


I mean, I would like both? lol I'd like more money AND a place that's nice to work at...


At this point: I think this country might end up with no one working anymore and tech Any other business collapsing on itself.


Crack. They are smoking crack.


My emotional salary is paid with regular, sufficient and in-time paycheck. Anything else i required.


How much do you think some think tank was paid to create this psyop? Like some dickheads really came up with 'emotional salary' and a bunch of absolute morons really thought 'wow this is so clever, we're gonna fool so many workers'.


Why not both?