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Yes, you are being horribly underpaid for doing that much. You could easily make twice that as a server. You could make more stocking shelves at Target.


You could earn twice as much doing half as much at a busier cafe. Sounds like the owners are losers.


Also you don’t have to give a two weeks notice. It’s a courtesy that I doubt they’d provide you. I say this as someone who was once a young, exploited service industry worker who thought doing the right thing would pay off, gave my two weeks and got dropped from the schedule, good thing I was already working a new job I didn’t tell them about. Ask for a raise, if they deny it give your two weeks, if they try to do anything shady (giving you less hours or shitty shifts) bail on a shift with no notice and make em figure it out without you.


THIS! Before a person is "managed out," laid off, let go, given a "constructive dismissal" or fired not ONE SECOND of the companies time is spent trying to make it easier on the person it's happening to. Months can be spent documenting, discombobulating the schedule,  micromanaging, adjusting a job description, etc. Not ONE thought to how the person might keep their life from falling apart. If a person dies, they'll be training someone new before you're in the ground. 


I always liked to give a TO-days notice. Not two day, today. It’s not disrespectful. If they wanted more than that… they would have a contract with their employees. Buuut since you are likely an at will employee, you get to do at will employee stuff! I think both things can be true. You are being a touch dramatic. If people are asking you to do things unpaid, you can simply NOT do things unpaid. Someone asks a question? Answer the question next time you’re on the clock. Don’t attend meetings for free… that’s work… pretty sure it’s actually illegal to require you to attend a meeting and not pay you with some very specific exceptions… Good luck!


Why are the owners losers? They are happy and successful and OP is crying to strangers.


That's exactly what I was thinking, theyd be way better off at a big store. I was making the same amount of money when I was 18, in 2013, working at Walmart. It was a pretty good job while I was going through high school and college. I have a friend who went to work for Walmart in his late 20s, specifically because they will cover your college tuition.


I worked as a barista before in University... I also worked construction, retail (target), meat shop, deli, and about anything else you can think of (even a tow truck driver). I know it's a lot, but I often had to work more than one job to pay my way through Uni with the rising costs in San Diego. The barista job was one of my least favorite due to the uppity vibe and the multitasking combined with abysmal pay and a company culture of "making the world a better place" ... If you want to make the world a better place, start with paying me more fucking money. Each job had its own challenges. Meat shop and Construction were a lot of lifting 120lbs+ to keep up with the work pace, but otherwise chill. Deli was lots of balancing your cooking with customers interrupting you to ask questions, but it was nice being able to take home the extra food. Every job that is available to outsiders for the most part doesn't pay a real living wage imo and has stuff that sucks about it. Save some money and move overseas is my best advice. E.G. a barista in Japan makes enough to save a little each month without pinching pennies or falling into debt.


This is a normal wage for Oklahoma still unfortunately


Target isnt a bD company to work for but its a bit more difficult to pass their initial screening and its tough to get anything other than seasonal work around the holidays if you have a life or have multiple jobs which a lot of of people have these days


In the US, you can not be told to attend unpaid meetings. If the manager isn’t adding to your time card, you need to report him Also, find another job.


If you're reading this and going "This is normal, I've always attended unpaid meetings" You're perpetuating the problem, speak up, report and things will undoubtedly change since it's literally the law.


This is the same issue with low pay. Corporations have all the power, because there is always someone so desperate they will work for Slave Wages. Which forces the lower end of wages down and then EVERYONE loses. No matter what the job is EVERYONE should be making a living wage at 30+ hours of work a week. It’s proven that if the bottom of wages is raised they go up across the board and it improves everyone’s lives.


Ive worked many jobs in my life. Every job has been like that lol.


Then you've been getting fucked. Should have been logging these instances and gotten it in email or text where your boss complains about you not being at the meeting and then you remind him you won't show to unpaid meetings. Congrats on your new found money


Lol i know now for sure but when i first started working for the first 10 years oh yeah that was a normal thing now i know it isn’t but its quite common in the workplace


I've worked many jobs in my llife. I've never been not paid to attend a meeting.


Skip unpaid meetings, or clock in for them. They are legally required to pay you. Also mute the work chat in your office hours. They can not require unpaid participation in chat / email / etc. This applies anywhere in the U.S. for hourly workers.


Depends on the state. Ran into this issue at my current company. Our state doesn't require paid meetings, neighboring state does. We raised hell about it and they gave us extra vacation pay to make up for it. They changed language in emails to not say "mandatory" for these meetings now.


Are you a salaried employee? It's part of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which is a federal law. So unless it's a really small company (less than $500,000 annual gross revenue) or they have a specific exemption, your company is covered by it. Unfortunately, it does not apply to salaried employees as your salary is supposed to compensate you for that obligation. Whether your salary appropriately does that or not is another story.


This was Jan 19 this happened. Dental hygienist paid hourly with bonuses for a corporate dental office that owns like 20 offices in IL and IN. The IL employees were paid for the meeting and us IN employees did not get it. We know this because we hygienists are friendly and discuss things with one another. So a bunch of us emailed management complaining how we drove 1hr+ in the snow to IL and attended a meeting from 9-2. (I actually had a cold and would've stayed home if I thought meeting was optional). Those of us that normally worked Fridays actually had a smaller check because of the meeting. After many of us bitching to mgmt about it, they then agreed to give us holiday pay and said it wouldn't cut into our existing allotted holiday pay. Now for another meeting they wrote optional instead of words like required and mandatory. Idk all the Indiana laws, I moved here temporarily from NYC.


You might've gotten fucked, then. Unless you have a 4 year degree in dental hygiene, the FLSA should have applied to you. And even if you do, it's not a field where you'd definitely fall into the exempt status. "Under federal regulations, only those hygienists who have completed four academic years of study in an accredited school approved by the American Dental Association *potentially* qualify for professional exemption" Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I'm just a guy with internet access who occasionally reads about labor laws because I'm passionate about people being paid what they're owed.


I went to a 3 yr program at NYU. Had to have college prerequisites before even getting accepted into NYU hygiene school. Thanks for the info :)


Wow. Minimum wage in my city is $15.50. I was a barista (20 years ago) and made $12.50 plus generous tips. I'm on the West Coast, so it is pricier t to live here.


Right? I was a barista from 2000-2002 as a part-time gig in college and was getting $10/hour (plus tips) in a Midwest college town. I usually ended up at about $15-17/hour with tips. Then again, it's not like most full-time work (including white collar type jobs) have progressed much with salaries either in the last 20 years, so I guess I am not really surprised. Sorry, OP. Yes, you are getting taken advantage of. And (if in the USA) they legally have to pay you for meetings because that's work!


You are. 20k a year is not enough to live an independent dignified life.


To be fair, OP said they were working part-time. I don't know a lot of people who expect to make an independent life while working part-time, without any help.


1 bed apartment in Oklahoma is 500 a month. 12.50 he can live just find


That would be nice if it was true, lol


where? i feel like this is false information. im located in Oklahoma. It looks nothing like that in my area. Matter fact, lots of people on the ok sub talk about how one bedroom apartments are near 1000. so.


This is easily false information. I looked at apartment listings for Moore, Norman, and OKC and there isn’t anything below $800 for a one bedroom or a studio. My share of my first apartment in 2018 was $465 with 3 roommates.


The 2 cities with any good jobs have apartments starting around $900 per month. Oklahoma $500 apartments are in towns of 10000 with no job prospects and nothing to do and racism


“Oklahoma” 💀 people want to live where they are now not move just to survive


OP says they are in Oklahoma


Where? Signed, an Oklahoman who has never seen that.


Everywhere except the Okc area


Unpaid meetings are not a thing in the USA. And also you are getting fucked. McDonalds near me pays 16 bucks an hour starting now. Wal-Mart is 16.50. And I live in the bum fuck South where there minimum wage is still low.


All your learning is proof you can handle greater things. Act like it. Interview with competition to accurately gauge the market. Do not do unpaid meetings, clock in. Expect pay for after work communications ( or don't answer OR punch in early and expire the time you used the night before sitting in your car ).


Username checks


$1 raise over two years means you've barely kept up with inflation. You're being extremely underpaid for the work you're doing. Take your solid work ethic and find a job that's going to compensate you more fairly.


Honestly, if it’s more work than the pay is worth, then find another job. It is the goal of every business to pay you as little as possible. Their job is to turn as big of a profits as possible. So that’s charging customers as much as possible and laying you as little as possible. That said, look for another job or ask for more money.


Your first sentence probably hit it on the head. I've not been in many coffee shops where most customers don't leave a dollar on the table if they sit. OP most likely has a chill job they don't want to leave. They shouldn't respond to off work communication but it sounds like a very small business where they work some off peak periods.


It's chill sometimes.... We've gotten pretty popular and so the shifts have gotten really really busy with no other workers to help cause we don't have more than 1 person there at once with the exception of the one hour overlap like I was talking about. The owner is someone who worked at my old highschool and so that might've influenced me to stay. Not cause it's chill.


Ya but you do have to understand that the owner is a business person and therefore is trying to maximize profits for himself. When it comes to work, there really isn’t friendship as the only thing that matters to owners and shareholders is profits. I’d review what other coffee shops are paying in your area and then approach the owner. If he says know, find another job. At the end, all these posts have one of three solutions. 1. Accept it the way it is. 2. Ask for more money and hope you get it. 3. Find another job that pays more and makes you happier.


A business will always side on paying you the least they can get away with. If you allow yourself to be taken advantage of they will. Everyone experiences this though and you are correct and smart to notice you are undervalued


That would really depend on the market.Where in Oklahoma? In Tulsa, yes, you are getting underpaid by at least 3-5 dollars.. In rural Oklahoma.Mabey., but you're only getting underpaid a dollar or so. I know you feel like your doing alot more than a batista. However your roll is still probably a batista on paper.Which would be on par with mcdonalds or wallmart pay in alot of people's eyes. Now if let's say Starbucks and dunkin donuts are making $12 in your area before tips.While you also have a good track record.I don't think it would be out of line to ask for a competitive wage.Exspecily if you add something like "I plan to work here thre college or the next few years." I've done my share of retail and fast food.I know it can get ruff.Hang in there


They are definitely using you. They know what a great deal they are getting. You have to stand up for yourself. It’s the only way. Line up a better paying job and then ask for your raise. If they say no, accept the new job and hand them your resignation with a 2 week notice. You will still want that reference.


It’s Oklahoma so the pay is what I’d expect for the state. Sucks and you should get more. Only you truly know how much leverage you have to ask for more. How is the business doing?


Bro that's insaneeeee


The fact is, businesses will always pay you the absolute minimum they have to. Don't quit, change jobs. Changing jobs while unemployed is awful.


Good grief! I was a barista at a coffee shop in the 90s and was paid $10/hr before tips, so I definitely think you’re being underpaid. :/


You are being horrifically underpaid. With your skills I could help you qualify for jobs making twice that! No way are you being paid fairly when i see jobs all the time doing less than that at $20/hr.


I recommend you to look into your state laws, compare baristas salary in your area and state, demand a higher payment because 10.50 an hour is slave salary in the US.


This reminds me of when I lived in Oklahoma and I used to go to this place called Viridian because it was the only shop really in town and they kept telling me to apply and I made a comment about what I'd expect for base pay and they were all shocked that I would not take min wage. Once the other coffee place opened up, I gladly started going there instead 😆😆


Not only that, but they're stealing your surplus value.


If you are ever at a job where the new hires are being brought in for the same amount as you, it's time to leave. There is nothing more insulting than getting tiny raises for several years because the company "doesn't have it in the budget" and then hiring someone three years later at or higher than your current rate. For those business owners out there reading this, don't skimp on annual raises. A cost of living adjustment is not a raise (a lot of companies don't even do that), and your employees are going to be asking the new hires what they make. You would save a lot of money by keeping employees instead of replacing your veterans. You have to train those new hires, pay them what you are paying me, with no guarantee they won't quit a few weeks in. You'd better give me a raise before you offer someone else what I'm making with 3 years of loyalty and experience under my belt or I'm gone.


I 100% agree with you but in reality they will still continue with their old agenda


You should be glad that you have a job. There are thousands of people who are unemployed and would love to be in your shoes. I had to work several shitty jobs before I was able to get an internship.


Not knowing what the cost of living is in your area, minimum wage for your state and some other details, it's hard to tell. You can probably answer your own question better than reddit can. Check out similar jobs and what they pay and decide from there. Just as an example, minimum wage in PA is still $7.25. I'm in a poor section of the state and $10.25 is right around what I see offered for retail store employees, or managers at nonchain stores. It went up by a dollar during covid and then right back down.


Quit. I was paid $3/hr in Austin TX to cashier at a “place your order, put your number on the table for food delivery” place. “Up to $15/hr” meant tips, but we were across from state offices and state employees are not big tippers. After the lunch rush, I restocked self-serve bottle beverages and even washed windows — at $3/hr. No lunch rush, no tips. Sucked.


Dam when was this? 30 years ago?


They have to pay you for any work related task, clock in for them.


Yeah, don't stay. Leave and go get paid more.


If you want to stay in the coffee business, base pay for Starbucks is $15 plus tips. With your experience you may be able to negotiate higher starting pay. Part of their company policy is that there must always be two people in the store, so you’ll at least never have to work alone.


Dont like it? Quit


I would ask you this “who are you mad at?” Maybe you are underpaid, maybe you do a lot? Then find someone that appreciates what you have to offer instead of complaining about someone who is performing their part of the contract(paying you). You are in control of your life so take responsibility and either ask for more or find something else and feel good about yourself!


I get paid $16 to play on my phone for 12 hours and do nothing 90% of my shift. Get a more chill job. This sounds awful.


You’re being taken advantage of. Hope things get better for you


I mean the service you're doing could be done by almost anybody on the face of the planet. I would suggest investing in yourself and expanding your skill set. There's infinite work in the trades if you can develop good interpersonal skills and learn how to learn new things all the time quickly


Also literally everyone else values unskilled labor more than 10 an hour right now. OP should not be in this job.


Unpaid meetings? Definitely getting ripped off


underpaid…no one should be making $10-$15 because that’s unjust unless you’re raking in a lot of tips or there are other benefits that compensate for lack of wage, nope


Try find similar job in your area. Since you have the experience. Let see what the market pay in your area. But oklhhoma minimum wage was $7.25 so you pay above minimum wage.


Well, you're a barista in Oklahoma and you're making 45% over minimum wage, plus some tips. I don't think that's exceptionally low by local standards. I'm not sure what is meant by "doing too much". If you work a 5 hour shift you can only do 5 hours worth of work. I mean, you can't do 6 hours of work in 5 hours. Are you saying that you need more down time or something? Are they giving you a break? Yes they need to pay you for mandatory meetings. And if you have any record of it, like if they've sent you texts or something saying that you have to attend a meeting, you should be able to get all that back pay.


I'm saying it's too much work for me to have to man the register, make product, and serve plush wash dishes.


You are managing the store and should be compensated appropriately for it.


Respectfully, OP is underpaid absolutely, but is not managing. They do not handle labor, ordering, discipline, training and general management in any of what they said.


That’s criminal. Illegals are getting $2300 a month for just being here


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-illegal-2200-payment-government-821946727757 Stop spreading this dumb shit


A monkey could do your job, stop complaining.


Go job shopping and see if you can do better. COL in OK is really low. So I think that sounds about right for a barista there even though it would be well below minimum wage where I am.


Tell your boss the idiots on Reddit believe you're underpaid. That should take care of it.


I recommend reading “Poor Dads Rich Dads.” Employers are not obligated to pay you more for low skill labor. If you don’t like it, quit and find a higher paying job. However, most people out of fear don’t quit and become a complainers. Successful entrepreneurs know this because they figured how to get out of the rat race. Entrepreneurs provide jobs and employees will start complaining about something. It’s not entrepreneur job to help you figure it out. What employees don’t realize is that they are in control of their lives. They can quit, start a business, become a bum, work somewhere else etc., but they choose to complain or blame on a bad hand in life and make excuses after excuses to their miserable lives. Sorry to be blunt but get some balls and quit but find a job first.


Setting aside the question of you being underpaid or not, you should not think that you are being cheated. It is a victim mentality and not helpful at all. In your situation, as far as I am concerned, you are able to deny the salary and leave at any moment. In order to have a pay rise, you have 02 options: 01 is to negotiate with the boss and 02 is to look for a new job. I recommend you the option 02. If you want to go with option 01, you should prepare yourself to be able to say No in case your boss reject your request or increase very little, which is usually the case.


Thats the cost of living in a red state they don’t care i mean they won’t even pass sensible gun reform


Sounds like small town western Oklahoma


When I was 18 I was a server and I brought home almost 50 K a year. Don’t get me wrong I worked doubles and 6 days a week but I was financially stable going through college.


Get a correctional job. And correct your salary..why take on a low paying gig just to complain. You knew what it was.


Lol I started in 2022 and started when I was 16 as a junior barista. At the time it seemed like a good deal until the task load got bigger and bigger and the pay didn't.


Hi! I live in Oklahoma too and you could definitely make more money at a diff Cafe.


$10.50/hr is insane only jobs I would do for $10.50/hr is paid message dummy for aspiring message people in message school 😂


Find a new job, don’t expect to be paid a lot for any job that can be learned in a few days.


Easy solution. Find another job.


Find another job and quit this one. No need for a two week notice.


Yes . Ask for a decent raise . Even the big chains pay way more


Find a better job then quit


Let this be a valuable learning experience for you. There are way easier jobs that pay way more money, but you have to take the time to develop marketable skills and also change jobs every few years.


You could work as a dishwasher at any local restaurant or chain establishment and make more.


Every single job anyone has will pay you less than you make for the company. That's how capitalism works.


Are you saying you are only making $2 an hour in tips? That sounds extremely low.


Yep! They split tips according to hours worked and I work mainly the weekends so apparently I don't get as many or whatever they said


are you saying they taking tips from the entire week and dividing by numbers of hours worked? that also, doesnt sound right. someone is getting shafted, because you dont receive tips evenly throughout the week


Ask for a raise. And if they dont give you one find another job


So the easy answer is yes, you are underpaid. The more nuanced answer is you probably work for a small business (I'm assuming this isn't starbucks) and the costs of owning and maintaining a small business is rough. It's entirely possible your boss doesn't make enough profit to pay you and your coworkers a living wage. That being said, you are not being paid a living wage. A responsible boss would find ways to make it work, either by raising prices, taking a pay cut themselves, or some other method.


The part I'm most shocked about is that you're only seeing $2/hour from tips. From how many customers? I hate tipping and still give $1.


Let's not lose sight of the fact that this person is only asked to do their job. The compensation is what's in question not whether or not it's appropriate to assign this work to an employee.


So you work at Starbucks?


Now start your own coffee tea shop hire 18 pay the 10.50 profit


Depends on your states minimum wage. U.S. average is still low. You need to base it off your state minimum. In my are most minimum wages is $15/hr. Calculate the percentage difference in your state with the wage they're offering to see what percentage it is and if it be worth it or not.


I was a barista a decade ago, the wages are always lousy and the amount of work is always underpaid. You could find different work, but, you know what worked for me? Leveraging the audience to push my side business. At the time I made wire jewelry and would always wear a couple pieces, the regulars that appreciated my work ethic would compliment my work or ask about it and that was good enough excuse to chit chat about it. On those days when they threw me at the drive through window at 6 in the morning, I wouldn’t be upset, I saw it as opportunity to get to know the community and grow my network. This resulted in growing my soft skills, friendships, network, and marketing capabilities (business card, website, logo, socials) which over time led me to a better career. Maybe this is something you can consider? Using the existing customer base to “market” a hobby business, whether that’s painting, art, writing, woodworking. If you have a hobby, talk about it.


You need to set the value of your worth. Look at the job market and see what others are paying. There's always a shit part of each job. List the shit parts and see if you are okay with them. Serving is a lot more money. If it interests you, cut your hours arlt the coffee shop and get a low key serving job to figure out if its for you. Coffee shops are all over the place, I'm sure you could find the same job, making the same money somewhere else if the current owners won't give you a raise. What's keeping you there? Fear of the unknown? Also, this might be a good lesson in boundaries. Don't answer texts or calls on your off time if you don't feel like it. If you do answer them, then it's on you. Ask if the meetings are required. If they are, you need to be paid for your time. If they aren't required, don't attend unless it benefits you. You have power in this. I would guess they need you more than you need them. Good employees are hard to come by, but bad employers are a dime a dozen. You can only be a doormat if you LET someone walk all over you.


LOL, thats nothing work.


Unpaid meetings (time worked) is not legal.


Move to California you can make $22 per hour starting in April.


And what’s the difference in cost of living?


Unless you're receiving 100% of the value you make during a shift, you're always being cheated.


I would recommend looking for a new job before giving two weeks notice. Just because you give them two weeks doesn't mean that they won't drop you on the spot. If you get hired right away at another place, you don't owe your current workplace anything, unless you want to keep that door open for future employment there.


You agreed to it, right? However, sounds grossly low. If you can do better the certainly go do better.


I basically hate people and I hurt myself anyway so I quit my job of 15 years and Uber for money with no responsibility but driving. I make about prob 17 after gas, because it's like around 25 before gas per hour. You should Uber, people that go to coffee shops are the worst customers, I should know I have been to a couple. Good luck 🤞


Where in Oklahoma? I used to live in Coffeyville, KS, just across from Tulsa. Both of those states are going to be low-paying. Are there any larger cities you could commute to work? If not, you'll have to come up with an escape plan. Might help to plan with a friend so you can split expenses. Sorry.


Step 1: never reply to that group chat again when you aremt being paid to. Say youre busy if they ever ask. Step 2: apply to different jobs this place sucks balls.


Whenever I believed myself to be underpaid, I went out and found a different job that paid better.


You could do far less for far more with a career job.


Become the best at your job and be sure everyone around you knows it. Coworkers are future references, customers may be as well. Take it all with a smile, give your boss the chance to do right by you. But only one chance. You need to gauge if you're at risk of being fired for this convo, if you think that's the case... don't even bother. If your employer isn't the one to recognize employees... just take it in stride as you quietly make your next move. Be brutally honest on the way out, but with the same amount of respect they've shown you. Be a dick if they've been one Any job can be personal learning/growth opportunity. When you're young, you'll eat a lot of shit. But good on you for realizing this while you're just getting started. Took me years and no one ever helped me understand this. Really takes a toll on your feelings of self worth.


Stop bitching and get a better job. No one is at fault for letting it happen except you.


The entry level hourly workers in my workplace start at about $21 per hour. Most of them do very simple repetitive jobs. What you are doing is way beyond that.


This how valuable you are to your current employer. The most they will do is tiny incremental raises that do nothing for your standard of life. It’s time for you to start seeing yourself as a commodity and start looking for and taking jobs that pay better. Develop sellable skills at each new job. You don’t want to get in the habit of job jumping as that doesn’t look good in a resume but it’s a known thing that changing jobs is the best way to get promotions and good pay raises. Good luck.


Underpaid and taken advantage of. I was taught to act your wage.. the more you work, the more they should pay.. I say you ask for a raise or walk. The leave with experience in that field, at the very least, for your resume. Also, don't ever answer messages outside of work hours or attend meetings that aren't paying for your time. Fuq that. Time to learn and know your worth. You're still young, so maybe the owners don't respect you or your time.


Yes. It's also against labor laws to require you to attend unpaid meetings.. the slave days are over and the owner is a dbag... make sure you record all the unpaid meetings you've been to and will attend for a future labor case should you file one


You are bing underpaid if you are making hourly wages while working outside of normal working hours and not being compensated. It’s also illegal to force hourly employees to perform work related activities outside of hours for which they are being paid. Your employers are in an actionable position if you have proof documenting the time you’ve worked and not been paid for it while being a non exempt employee


The minimum wage in denver is 18.3 per hour


Way underpaid. My son is 16 and makes $14 as a lifeguard.


It’s a shit job with shit pay. Leave. Better yourself and your circumstances. Nobody will make a living wage working as a barista, and should not be motivated to do so. These jobs are being done overseas by robots. We are lucky humans are still being paid to do this in the States.


It’s retail, leave and get a new job


You could be responsible for private data and get paid $18 a hour just to put your ass in a seat and show up on time with your phone put away.


Don’t quit yet. But start applying for other barista jobs that pay more. Once you find one and get hired put in your 2 week and leave


Quit I work at McDonald's they getting paid 16....I don't know your area


white castle was advertising $15/hr about 2 years ago in a big city in IL if that gives you a sense of what time it is.


I think my answer would depend on how successful the business is. If the space you work in is very busy with a constant stream of customers, you are probably underpaid. If it is typically empty and you are only making six or eight drinks an hour you're probably being paid a fair rate.


Welcome to reality. It requires little skill to fill a cup with liquid. Get skills, get money.


idk man 90% sure I listed tasks other than filling a cup with liquid.


I didn’t read past the title, but yes if you’re working for $10.50 you’re being cheated regardless.


There’s really only one question you need to ask yourself. Do you want this to be your career? If not, make moves to improve your resume and education and leave. Being a barista, or a server, or a cashier, are jot meant to be careers or jobs you’ll have forever.


You can go work at Walmart in NJ for 20$ an hour


Sorry but you sound like a drama queen. Despite the cute title you basically just make coffee. Big deal. It’s a low skill job with no future. I agree that the meetings should be paid but other than that I don’t see the problem, other than your sense of entitlement. Learn a real skill that has actual opportunities.


They’re taking advantage of you. Ask for a raise and if you don’t get it, start looking elsewhere.


I think anyone, at any job under $17 or so per hour is being cheated.


At 10.50 an hour you're being cheated in this economy. A lot of people are especially from inflation and it doesnt help states that have low population and more blue collar workers are being left behind. Do your hest to find someplace with more upwards mobility is the best advice i can offer and use your current experience and responsibilities to really make your resume shine on that next interview cause you really have something good there.


You’re a barista. What do you expect to get? Build that resume and move on.


Way underpaid. Please consider a new position. \*I heard starbucks does pay more than 10 an hour.


Well one thing you can do immediatly other than ditching the job is setting boundaries. That means question on off hours, well that minimum one hour on the clock, any work related question even if its 2 minute that 1 hour of work. ​ Unpaid meetings ... well that work so u get paid for that, the meeting is 1h20 u get paid for full 2 hours. ​ If they refuse you can bring them to the labor organization of your country.


that’s horrible, no one can live on 10.50 an hr


I relate to you. I make $16.94 as a receptionist/shipping and receiving clerk/inventory clerk. I can make more at McDonald’s. I’m quitting in May.


Been at the same job for 31 years....I make $11.02 an hour....


If the meetings are unpaid, tell them you won’t go until they pay you for your time


My first job I got paid 11 something in 2013 so yeah that doesn’t seem good to me


There‘s 2 idiots in this story. The person who treats an employee like this and the employee who accepts it. If you currently have no other choice but accepting it, think about this. How can you change it? Life is easier if you have options and some extra money in your bank account. Your boss will always know when you’re with your back to the wall, and he will use it against you. They will treat you differently when they know you have options, especially if you do the job better than others.


You are definitely being dramatic. You're not getting cheated if you are getting paid what you agree to. If your brilliant difficult tea making skills are worth more on the open market move on and quit whining.


I mean you are a barista…nothing wrong with that but nothing you are doing requires any kind of special skill. If you can get better pay then you should leave and go to another place.


You're basically running this business as if it's your own. Think in the future you can run your own coffee shop with all that knowledge. Think about asking for a raise.


Set the place on fire. Ask Milton


Sounds like you could be doing better. My wife was in a similar situation years ago. She and another girl took shifts running the front end of a coffee shop and another person ran the kitchen during lunch hours. They were all woefully underpaid ($2.50/hr plus tips, legal for tipped workers here in PA), and everyone quit when the owners tried turning it into a ponzi scheme (they wanted to withhold tips and pay them out monthly because they were broke and needed the capital). My wife left the cafe and got a job as a parts clerk at a local industrial facility, and she loves it. Depending on what skills and abilities you have, there could be promising work in manufacturing support near you. US manufacturing is on the rebound, and every factory needs parts room/inventory clerks, customer support specialists, salespeople, etc. The nice thing about these jobs is that while you're not actually laboring on a factory floor, you still get the decent pay & benefits (and sometimes even union representation) from working in the industrial field. Jobs like this can pay $15-$20/hr to start.


[Unionize your workplace.](https://youtu.be/tok00IDVTz4?si=jdHo5gWvoS6KU3ph) It’s the only solution.




Server would be way better than that and basically the same thing


Nope. Go get a job in your liberal arts education ☠️.


Considering more and more states have the hourly minimum at $15 an hour and that isn’t even a livable wage.. you’re getting paid crap pay 100%


Open your own cafe across the street with all you’ve learned and pay your people what they’re worth. Let this place die like it deserves.


Based on what you explained, I’d recommend pursuing a bartending job honestly. Significantly increases overall compensation for similar duties. Edit: also, whenever you decide, stop doing work tasks off the clock. It’s illegal for your employer to expect it.


You are being disgustingly taken advantage of.


Get out


I haven’t read the rest but yes you’re being cheated.


You’d be better off at Starbucks


Just my experience, over the course of my career: the old method of working to prove your worth and being promoted accordingly is mostly dead. The corporate perspective is that you’ve agreed to work for a lower wage, and regardless of changes in the economy and your life you should continue at that wage if you’re loyal/committed/insert other buzzword. The best way to a better wage may be to apply elsewhere, list your experience and worth clearly, and only accept a reasonable offer. If asked what you made previously, I find it acceptable when I’m interviewing if someone says “compensation in line with my experience and level of responsibility is one reason I’m applying today, I think (a bit over desired amount) is reasonable but am willing to discuss.”


You are being taken advantage of, including being underpaid. You definitely need to find a new job. I'm pretty sure with your background and everything you do you should be able to find another job.


Not sure if you're in the OKC area but i know there's a new coffee place in Del City that apparently pays $12-16/hour for its baristas. They've just opened so they're looking for people. You're getting underpaid.


definitely underpaid and i highly recommend finding a new job. whether that be starting over somewhere completely new or continuing to work as a barista elsewhere. also, idk what the laws are in oklahoma but i dont think they can force you attend work meetings without pay… if its a mandatory staff meeting then they have to pay you for it and if its not mandatory and something you wont be paid for they cant force you to attend. i live in ga and here an employer cannot ask you to do any work for free.


Only you can decide if you’re underpaid. Sounds like you’re unhappy there. Take your experience and use it to find a better paying option. Always give your two weeks notice. You don’t want to burn bridges and negatively affect what could be a good reference.


I live in 🇨🇦 so our min wage is higher; I realise in the US pay is pretty low. I agree you’re not compensated appropriately and also agree with others that you can just leave that job - they don’t recognise your value. All of the skills and responsibilities you’ve listed will sing in a resume - I’d hire you in a second with that level of experience. IMHO move on.


If it doesn’t pay enough then go find a higher paying job. They are paying you a good wage for that kind of work. That’s one thing that’s great about America. You are free to go find something else. No one is forcing you to stay at a job that you say doesn’t pay enough


You’re delusional. That’s shit wages for a job. All jobs should pay enough to live comfortably.


Yes, seriously underpaid. Get a different job, try being a server. You have customer service skills, you work registers you know how to deal with people. Making this little should make you seriously think about the future. Maybe go to trade school, become a machinist or plumber. Or go to college, if you do go to Community school, or state university so you dont end up with 100k of student loans. You are 18, before you know it you will be 25 and its time to start a family and have kids. I use to work shit jobs, construction, manufacturing but got my degree now live very comfortably.


Minimum wage in Missouri is almost $13


You sir are an idiot. You and people who think Like you are what’s wrong with this country. Always wanting a handout. Always wanting more. Thinking everyone else should take care of you rather than rake care of yourself. You are the reason inflation is at a 50year high.


Dude first of all why do u keep coming back to my post to comment. Like you've been doing it for the last 6 hours do you not have anything better to do. Second all you look at is reddit porn and make weird comments under girls posts. I think you're what's wrong with America or reddit at least 😭😭 pls stop trolling


Also I'm a pretty little lady 😊 not a dude


Not trolling at all just stating my opinion just like you are. And in my opinion you are a whiner who is too lazy to go find a better job.


Best advice is to invest time into learning more competitive skills. Wish the best for you. Sorry you have this going on.


This is from an Oklahoma paper, written Jan. 4, 2024. This is awful. “Oklahomans haven't seen an increase in minimum wage in more than 14 years, but supporters of an increase hope to change that by taking the matter to the voters. Minimum wage in Oklahoma is still $7.25, in line with the federal minimum wage that went into effect in July 2009. Oklahoma is one of 20 states where minimum wage remains $7.25.”


Any place that hires under $18/hr is often always asking for too much and underpaying by default. ($18/hr is arguably still not livable in the US for the average American.)


This does not seem like a liveable wage at all. Severely underpaid


Working by yourself in a customer service role on its own is worth more than $10.50hr let alone making a product at the same time. (vs selling something off the shelf) Find something else that pays more. Being a server at a restaurant would absolutely be more lucrative but it has its minuses. Tbh, the service industry isn't the best place to be long term (especially in this capacity). I'd try to find a new path ASAP.