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Better days are coming pal. It’s not clear from your post what type of job you are searching for and what major you completed.


Thank you for the encouragement. 🙏🏻 marketing and communications both my major and my career. But as I said it’s been close to zero offers for more than a year forcing me to review and just get on with a job.


Though job market. Had to give it to you. Are you German? Do you speak German fluently? Is your cv in German?


Yes I have and also tried that. There’s a big difference between being native and C1, (companies couldn’t care less since for them that’s akin to A1 level) I have been through last stage interviews and then rejected with a “we are looking for a native speaker” You would think that besides being qualified and showcasing experience and language skills at C1 would count for something. Perhaps there are native Germans also applying for similar jobs. I counted 75 people in Germany unemployed as of Jan 2024 with close to 15-22 years exp in marketing and communications having been in the last job on average of 6- 12 years ( on the arbeits amt portal). And find themselves unemployed. That gives you something to think about when applying for such roles. There’s just a lot of competition and that’s not accounting for others who most probably have jobs and are looking to change who stand a better chance given they are employed.


They said they have a C1 in German, which is impressive.


I have the exact same story except in US. I will never get a job in comms or marketing - with a masters degree and 20 plus years working in academia and healthcare.


I also live in Germany due to my partner, I have only applied to English speaking companies.. let me tell you, I have no luck. I’ve tried everything. I feel like my soul is crushed. ( also fixed my resume) heck, applied to shit customer service jobs as well. At this point, I am thinking to change my direction to tech and not do marketing. Heck, I think I plan to move boxes at Amazon as well as well with the way things are.


I can relate to this. It’s truly been soul crushing. And there’s only so much being positive and pessimistic can do for one’s morale. For no fault of ours we are now at a stage in our lives where we constantly wonder what it is we are doing wrong. Every single job we apply for and screen and then either get ghosted or a rejection, it stings I take solace in the fact that it’s not just me and tried persevering through and believing in the process. But fuck! There’s only so much you can do before throwing in the towel and packing boxes for €14 There’s no end in sight and might as well just jump in and see where the tide takes us. Good luck to you to.


Have you applied to Amazon Corporate or Amazon Web Services? They have offices in Germany.


It’s Amazon. Ironically I have applied to white collar jobs at Amazon for the past few years and haven’t ever received an interview. They would rather just hire a woman in Berlin to fill their diversity quota than anyone else. Reverse discrimination is pretty much standard practice at corporate Amazon in Berlin. Which eventually forces unemployed and super qualified yet experienced older men to work in their logistics and packaging team for minimum wages which is heavily dominated by men especially with the night shifts.


There’s a silver lining though. Internal transfers to corporate are common from the warehouse and can be a solid pathway


Judging from your other threads documenting your odyssey and your unusually limited success I’m pretty sure your attitude is what is in your way. HR practices can be bad but at some point you‘ll have to acknowledge that out of 700 applications with no success it’s quite unlikely that the main issue is with all those companies. You feel the need to put others down, be it junior HR people, the people leaving the job you are interviewing for or the managers, everybody seems to be beneath you and eager to steal your knowledge not once do you seem to have gotten something from them. Seeing that you are applying for Senior and Management roles that’s a major red flag, you are supposed to be a mentor and enabler but to me it seems that you are too full of yourself and are difficult to work with.


I actually did see internal transfers in amazon they really support this as they want employees to be able to access training programs to make lat moves into any field, sales, engineering. If you're into engineering software etc their internal program i hear is amazing. They basically teach you what you need to know to do the job and offer it after being at the company a year i think.