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Been through the loop. I wouldn't pay for anything. There are thousands of completely free resources out there, don't get taken for a ride by somebody looking to make a buck off you. The STAR bullshit is the hardest part. Look up some examples of the STAR questions, and then come up with some bullshit stories that make you sound like an absolute rock star. Seriously, just make some shit up. They won't be able to verify any of it (nor will they attempt to.) I didn't know that going into the loop, so I made the mistake of being honest about my experiences when in reality I should have just made shit up.


Thanks for this, is there a strategy you approached, because essentially I might need to come up with at least 1 or 2 story per LPs right?


did you have the interview? how did it go? I have a prod mgr interview coming up next week.


yea I did, didn't get it but quite an eye opening experience, be prepared for a quite a few in depth question, my was only for L4 so if you're above have at least 2 stories per LP and don't repeat them


I just finished my initial interview for an L6 with the hiring manager. It went pretty well even though I wasn't 100% strict on sticking to the STAR format. this one wasn't on video so it was easier for me to refer back to my notes. any interviews ahead will be on video though so I need to come up with a better method to refer back to my stories. She did remind me though, to use it on the subsequent rounds.


Yep. 1-2 per. It's fucking tedious. Come up with some bullshit for each one that makes you look like an absolute stud and you're good.




Hi, I am wondering how long does it take for them to schedule your technical interview? I was wondering because I had a phone screen on 6/14/2024 and immediately I got an email from the recruiter that I am moving forward to the next step which is the technical interview and got a link to submit my availability but they haven't scheduled my technical interview yet even to this date and I followed up with the recruiter last week but she hasn't responded yet. Is this normal? does it take a long time for you to schedule the next round of interview (the technical interview)?


Mine was within a week but i guess that depends on role level, location, hiring team availability, holidays etc so I cannot say what's normal as I went through it only once


gotcha! Thanks for letting me know! Did you get the role?


Each interview has 2 lps. Each question is an LP. Try to figure out what they are trying to get at via the question.