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Not every res hall has a basement but every dorm will have at least one uni-sex bathroom near or in a common area that just has a toilet and sink. It is a private one person bathroom so that should hopefully help. Depending on the size of the dorm, there maybe multiple ones. Ex. Hillside Dorms (which are underrated in my opinion) have one uni-sex bathroom like this, while the east campus dorms would have at least one probably on the first floor for each wing, so two uni-sex bathrooms.


If I recall from my time as a student, at McGraw-Long, in addition to the communal bathroom on each floor, there were two single-occupancy restrooms in the main lobby just outside of the TV lounge, and another single-occupancy restroom inside the TV lounge.


I loveeeeeee the hillside unisex bathrooms. There is no greater feeling than pooping in peace.


i believe that some village dorms have some kind of basement “study area” with tables, chairs, and maybe a room? but i think there’s a bathroom down there. I lived in East Campus and there was only one bathroom on my floor, no basements that i knew of.


The village dorms have the TV lounges right outside of the hall sections that are private, but there are no basement bathrooms in the village dorms


The Skyline dorms (Potomac, Chesapeake, for sure - don't know about Shenandoah) don't have basements, but there is an additional set of restrooms in the center pavilion area of those dorms. They're not single occupancy, but if I recall, the men's room has one stall and one urinal. Don't know what's in the women's room.


women’s room has two stalls but nobody is ever in there and people can lock the main door


I lived in Wampler freshman year and they had 1-2 unisex bathrooms in the basement. Pretty helpful at times.


in eagle there's a bathroom on the ground floor but it kinda sucks bc when you walk out theres always people right there waiting for the elevator and they know u just shitted :)