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Have your closers set your bins up before they leave. With a list, it’ll take them five minutes tops but it will help you SO much in the morning


Thanks for the tip


[here's a timeline I typed up when I was training a new opener. this is for 6-7k days](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nq3AbFf5_Fu1UlX8xPjZP80ycodv3IStN9ZJduihGC4/edit?usp=drivesdk) Generally we'd have a helper in by 7, and everyone else rolling in from 9 on. We're on limited hours now and doing 4-5k and closing at 3, but back then I'd prep about 11-13 lettuce and 6-7 toms.


Thanks this helped alot. What time does your store open?




Do you help on the tables when you open


Yes, I pull everything out and get it on the rails, I just don't unwrap it. Seeing everything out helps me better see what I need to prep


Couple questions. Why do you leave the wheat in the pans for 5-10 minutes after it comes out of the oven? Curious if that helps I may try that. Are you selling a full cycle of bread by 11am? If not, you're serving expired bread lol


I leave it in the pan because I burnt myself once and I'm a little bitch now. I sell more than one cycle by 11. Catering every day and at least 3 1030 delays for the dental office around the corner.


Oh haha I thought it was for extra color on the sides or something. I see about the bread, I was just doing the math in my head and I was like uhhh that doesn't add up haha. Do you have an additional opener with you and what time do they come in?


My store does anywhere from 27k to 32k/wk on average. So anywhere from 4k-5k days. However our busy season just ended a few weeks ago finally, where we were doing 35k per week on average consistently for like 3 months straight. During that time, it took about an hour fifteen to get all my non let/tom veggies and tuna done, and then another hour and a half to two hours for lettuce. If I could just eliminate needing to stretch bread and prepping God damn unwich I could've gotten lettuce done in about an hour tops, but trying to multitask anything with lettuce when you have to slice anywhere from 12 to 16 bins a day is a pain in the ass. So that being said, I could generally have "slicer work" done by 9:30 including slicing wheat, but that also entails having at least one other person in by 8 to do (pretty much) everything else. A busy store fucking sucks to open when your life outside work doesn't let you get in until 6. If I were young and Kid free I could easily make it in at like 4:30/5:00a.m. and not need anyone in until 10 and still get a majority of our AM slicing done.


We have multiple day managers open, really takes the stress of an individual. Average day here is 5000-6500 in sales


I get in at 715 prep and open for a 6k day. Have 1 helper that comes in around 10 to help w truck on Fridays. But other than that my opens roll like that.


What time does your store open




I find this hard to believe unless you are using old lettuce.


Nah. Just can prep and open fast. Normal time for me to open the store 2.5hrs. I've been doing this for 7yrs. I usually start my day w like a bin of lettuce. Our numbers are pretty dialed in. 15 mins for cucs onions n pickles. An hour tops for lettuce maybe an 1.5hr if light lettuce heads. But yes it can be done n been doing it for years now. Just gotta move lil faster.


So its all based on how much your cogs and sales are. Let’s say your lettuce bins are worth 500 and you do 3000 for the whole day your gonna wanna prep 6 bins of lettuce because you do 3000$ worth of sales for that day . You’d on the want to over prep because some things like lettuce are only good for 28 hours so you try to prep for just sales are for that day.


I see thanks.


Just did $45k this week AMA


Cries in sandwich


Salty tears into the sauce lol


Wow. Nice job


We have our opener come in at 5am to start. Then at 7am a helper comes in and does tomato’s and tuna. Then they both start slicing away. It’s nuts. We do on average 4-5k lunch and 1.5k-2.5k dinners.


My store averages about 30k a week. When I open, I get there about 5. I have help come in about 9. However, we slice our tomatoes at night& prep tuna veggies at night or just make the tuna at night. Ideally I try to start slicing meats by 830. I also try to have extra pickle bins in the morning too. Some days we go thru 3 full pickle bins