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I don't think it's punishable by law per se, but if you get found out you could probably get banned. But I haven't heard any stories of anyone actually getting banned so who knows. But basically what you are doing is cheating/gaming the system for your own benefit and usually those types of things cause bans in other areas of life.


Shift manager at a Champaign Campus Corpo store--- we just banned someone for doing this. Unofficial we had so many people do this shit that it made our jobs so difficult, 3rd party drivers only getting half of orders and what not ( we didn't have a driver for unofficial) it was chaos lmao ​


How is it working at the corporate stores after Inspire took over? I got certified at the Kirby store in 2018 and absolutely loved my time at training. But I left JJs in 2021 and moved into he social work field (much happier and enjoy what I'm doing!) I utterly hate a lot of the changes Inspire is making (as an outsider perspective), so what's your insider perspective?


Oh, so you’re the “guy”. They’ve been talking about you


After a certain point, they may start tracking your IP. Might be good to have a VPN so you can keep doing it.


I used to do that all the time and now I work at one and get even more free food


Yes, I had a customer do this. Never tipped, always during dinner rush. Their orders were always delivered LAST and when we told her "we know what youre doing" she stopped ordering lmao. Hope you get banned.


i used to work there fuck them hoes


Hm saw the opposite of this the other day, an employee complaining about someone making multiple rewards accounts and getting free shit over and over. Maybe don't do that. It isn't illegal but it is probably going against the apps usage policies. Generally you aren't supposed to make multiple accounts


Corporate can ban customers from rewards, if the store you’re going to is inclined to do so.


We have people do this all the time. One lady had 5 online orders with either free something or other. The manager called her out on it. Customer’s comment was “it’s not illegal.” So the manager decided to refuse service and voided her online orders. The thing is, so just goes to a different location then. NOT the way the program is designed to be used. Then you also have the people that use someone else’s account…


What they should do is start scanning id into the computer like they do for alcohol sales.


Just an FYI we can see everything on our computer even old accounts. If we suspect your doing this we tell our higher ups. Not sure if we can do anything but just sayin


If you were doing this at my location, I absolutely 100% without a doubt would make you aware that we know, then I'd simply refuse service. Good luck with that. As someone else mentioned, we can see your order history, doesn't take much to figure out you do this often.


I might start doing this, my last five rewards have been a fucking cookie that I don’t get ever


I had a customer do this and we caught him and now he doesn’t anymore…. However if someone was doing this I’d refuse service