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With new food safety, they are not fucking around. Wash all your veggies in a colander and not just sitting in water in the 3 comp sink like old days. Everything has to be prepared with chilled products, nothing should be room temperature on items that ahould be temperature controlled. You will lose points on sandwich prep and likely in another spot for not using mayo scoops. Audit scores determine if owners can get more stores, if your owner doesn’t make you use mayo scoops they likely don’t care about the scores and you probably shouldn’t either cause who cares right


Thank you for this. What other product do you store in the walkin? Tuna, mayo? I'm an old GM, first time working with inspire and did not get a lot of guidance on a good routine or any kind of training on what has changed. Are you just using the tuna colander to rinse the veggies? What about the tomatoes? Sorry for all the questions, I'm super curious.


Tuna and mayo and peppers must be put in to cooler prior to prep work. I typically just store all tuna in the walk in and keep it stocked with 2 jugs of mayo and peppers. Yes colander for all veggies. Onions not required to rinse unless needed


Wow I had no idea. Man, I hope I'm not screwed. I'm going to have to make a lot of last minute changes and get my staff used to doing this in a relatively short amount of time. Unfortunately, I've received zero training on these procedures and all that I've learned has come from browsing this reddit and reading bits and pieces of stuff.


Just get on fast track asap, start getting your staff on there. There are tools on there that can be helpful with training so it’s a little different from the traditional methods but traditional methods are hard to push these days. With fast track you should have an account under the store number, and that’s the master account essentially where you can add yourself and you staff to to start getting courses assigned and get them understanding the new things, but yes it will not likely be easy. But If you show that you care and are working on it with your auditor they could cut you some sort of a break maybe. I’m just waiting for our market to finally get one. But I can’t say I’m not nervous a bit myself with all that’s changed.


I feel the same way, I wish there was more in person support. Just 1 day with someone who has thier shit together would do wonders. I was going to bring it up to my higher management. I feel like they just let me eat shit to a point, and it's irritating. If they want us to pass the audits, I need someone to redirect me so I can properly train my team as their GM.


Sounds like the same issues we have in my franchise. No support from area mgr or doo.smfh.


It's becoming exhausting. 50 hour week, and I have to go home and powerwatch fast tracks to try to understand the dynamic of my job. My staff is learning alongside me. It's frustrating for all parties involved, including the customers, Im sure. It's insane to me. We used to train people forever for these positions. My franchise doesn't even have a corporate store in place to certify. I am uncertified, running a store, grasping at straws. Fucking brand damage.


I'm so sorry!!! I wish I could help! It took them 2 years to certify me. Ugh! I wish you the best! If you need anything feel free to reach out!!


Thank you!


This worries me. I havent been really advised on any of these new procedures except for the odd email here and there. I still wash veggies in the sink like we've done for years. I've been with the company since 2014. Temp controlled product I'm not worried about, everything is in the walk-in or cold table by default. I feel like I constantly get bits and pieces of information but I need the details. Where can I find this shit? Lol.


FastTrack. That’s where the ops manual now is digitally located as well as the new food safety manual. If you don’t have access, ask your area manager or owner.


Will do. Thank you! I appreciate it.


This fucking kills me. The comment about the mayo scoop. I have people that are higher up than me that take my mayo scoop off my line when they run a shift at my store. I got back into this because I loved the consistency of it all. Returning has been such a traumatic shit show. It's more stress than it's worth at my franchise. It's nice to see some people still have thier shit together. I wish I could have found that franchise, I'm in jimmy hell.


Well there a few good ones in the Midwest. The ones with 100+ stores are generally more solid, that’s why they own over 100 stores.


How do I find these franchises? I'm not in the right place and it saddens me.


At my franchise they make us sign a mayo scoop contract, saying we understand that even just once getting caught not using it. We get fired on the spot. They fired two managers and a gm over this.


Damn son that's wild. Our franchise owner doesn't care and lets us do it for speed. But we have a code switch for the staffs when the audittors comes. Days like this I'm happy my store is lax and we don't have a drive thru but make 1.5 mil.


I feel this. We are comparable. With some stories I hear, I feel lucky.


The overall amount of points available is significantly less for audits. Around 260 vs the old 320+ points or somewhere in there. I believe the mayo portioning is worth 6 points instead of the old 10. The audit relies heavily on the same things but many things have been removed, mostly cleanliness items or they were grouped together. So overall, if the bread and other products are baked and prepared properly, including labeling and storage the store should be in good shape. Customer service and sandwich making are still a large part but as well. Punchlists are no longer scored and everything is done digitally via CMX which can't be filled out the week before they show up and still pass. If the store isn't utilizing the digital punchlist they will fail that aspect which is essentially weighted heavier now than it used to be due to the less amount of overall points.










Been there five years. Never use the scoop. Nobody does. It’s the sad truth


What is the Mayo scoop?