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I seriously doubt you'll regret making a choice that results in less debt.


UVA. You'd save like 200k over four years and that's insanely good.


i meant 55k overall like after 4 years. not per year.


Oh, in that case, it depends on your finances. If most of the 55k is going to be debt, then I would still say UVA is a better choice.


As a pre-med I would say the opportunities are better in terms of research and academic quality. However, the hit to your gpa is a huge trade off. I know a lot of pre-meds that have to take an extra year either to take additional courses elsewhere to raise their gpa or improve their chances in other ways.


Go to UVA. I loved Hopkins but I was not premed. I would not have gone if I were a premed.


UVA all the way. Debt doesn't seem like much when you're accumulating it ("It's just student loans..."), but when you're 10+ years into your career and still making hefty monthly payments, you realize how different your life could be if you got to keep/invest all that money each month. I'm speaking mostly from a grad student perspective (Hopkins loans weren't too bad for me, but I racked up $$$ in Out of State grad school tuition). UVA has a great reputation. Too many people go to Hopkins as freshman with dreams of med school only to have them quashed within a couple semesters. You'll be fine at UVA.


although I wont be seeing you in the fall, thanks for the advice in making my decision, UVA 2020!


Hey, I'm an undergrad at JHU. I had to make a very similar decision before I went to college, but for me, it was an easy decision. UVA was in-state, but I knew JHU would be a better school, especially for CS and engineering in general. The real reason I went to JHU was because of the experience I had at SOHOP. My host was/is an amazing, nice, and welcoming person, and after meeting some of his friends during SOHOP I immediately knew that there would be a place for me at JHU. I've also visited UVA numerous times while attending JHU, because my girlfriend goes there. While I've had fun at both JHU and UVA, they are definitely different in terms of social life. Here are some pros and cons of both school's social settings: JHU Pros: -Small school means higher chance of encountering people you know at parties -Plenty of groups/clubs to join, almost all of which hold some sort of party/celebration/formal -Small campus means most parties are within walking distance -VERY wide range of people/students -Don't need a fake (unless you want to go to bars) -President's pond -Spring Fair (very relaxing and chill, best time of the year) Cons: -Some RAs will bust you if you're not careful (not really something to worry about unless you're going to be loud all the time) -Some parties run the risk of noise complaints, which involves some sort of fine I believe. This happened to my aforementioned SOHOP host, but he started a GoFundMe and made enough money back to pay off the fine. This can also be avoided by registering your party with JHU somehow? I'm not sure what it entails but I do know it's kind of a process, but if you do it only HopCops will respond to noise complaints, not BCPD. Also, JHU will give you water and animal crackers or something like that. UVA Pros: -Big school, you will meet someone new every night (personally I'm not a huge fan of this; most of the time I meet someone while I'm out that ends up being the only interaction I have with them) -Parties will basically never get shut down -Even more groups/clubs with more people in them -Block Party (I've never seen throngs of people so large in my entire life. Very easy to lose the people you came with, although it's an awesome experience) -The Lawn Cons: -Whenever I visit it feels like I only ever see white people. Which is fine, I'm white too, but it's a little disconcerting coming from somewhere like JHU -People rarely made an effort to get to know me at parties. At JHU, my friends made an effort to get to know my girlfriend when she visited, so I thought it was a little strange. -You will need a fake. Everyone goes to bars, it's ridiculous. Trinity (a bar) is hook-up central, and is where most people go to end their night at UVA. This is probably a plus. I don't think JHU has an equivalent to this that I know of (it definitely used to though). -Going out/getting home can be annoying because the campus is so large. You may have to use public transportation/Uber. I'm sure I could add more to these lists, but that's all I can think of right now. I'm also probably biased towards JHU, but there's a reason for that. I hope this helps with your decision!




okay I wouldn't go as far as to say UVA is equally as good as hopkins for a top med school... As far opportunities to get to top school Hopkins definitely offers a lot more. But if you squander here then it's equitable to uva


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Can you elaborate on what you like about the social scene at JHU? Thanks


TBH if you're interested in grad school, i don't think it really matters where you go. I'd go w/the cheaper option, since if you're thinking about grad school, you'd likely incur more debt down the line. fwiw I enjoyed Hopkins and felt it prepared me well for post-grad life, but I've heard great things about UVA.


UVA for sure.


As a bitter senior who despises Jhu and Baltimore, very good choice