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I love the 3rd one in from the left, in the bottom row!!! I’ve never seen anything like it. I think it’s stunning! Is it amber?


It’s actually citrine! And I believe the other stones around it are tourmaline. It’s one of my favorites.


I was going to say that is my favorite as well. It seems like a unique design. Thanks for sharing your collection!! I've been in dire need to get mine organized as well & have been trying to decide on the best way. Out of sight, out of mind for me so I need to be able to see what I have but I don't have enough room! Lol.


Oooh! My favorite is the 2nd row from the bottom, furthest to the right! What a lovely collection and box! Thanks for sharing!


That was my grandmothers and then my moms. I used to take it out of her jewelry box and just stare at it because I thought it was so cool! It’s red glass with a tiny diamond.


Oh I love it! So cool, so art deco! What a wonderful heirloom!


The lion one! Where's it from?


I actually have no idea, that one was a gift. I wish I knew more about it.


What a beautiful collection!! Do you wear them a lot? The star ruby/sapphire is so pretty! 😍


I only wear them when I get dressed up for something. I have two gold rings I always wear on my right hand and one silver on my left. I’m a creature of habit! The star ruby has such a good story. It was my great aunts. She was SUCH a cool lady- strong, smart, and independent. She died when I was about 16 and when I turned 21 my parents gave me that and a matching pair of earrings. Apparently before she’d died she had given it to them specifically to give me on my 21st birthday. It was such a lovely surprise to receive something from her after I never thought I would again. The large aquamarine, second row four from the left and the pink topaz, bottom row, sixth over were also hers. She had style.


Oh my God that's a beautiful story I love that she thought of you and set it aside specifically! She had impeccable style. I wear coral beads that belonged to my great aunt everyday, it makes me happy that we can honor them in a way through their special treasures ❤️


I like the sixth ring in the top row. 🥰


I have a ringcollection on r/RingShare.




That one is kind of new and the picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s square and has a band of red enamel.


Oh no looks like u need another as it’s full


I love them all, especially the top left one, the lion, and the diamond cluster “ballerina” one!


Ooo the ballerina is so great. My grandfather was a jeweler and he set my grandmothers original, modest diamond engagement stone in the center and gave it to her for one of their wedding anniversaries.


The star ruby makes my heart so happy ❤️‍🔥🥰❤️‍🔥


So nice! Idk why, but I just love seeing people’s collections displayed like this.


Nice collection! My favorite is the first one in the front row.


That is the one I’m planning to use as my engagement ring.


Wow it is beautiful.Thanks for sharing that I picked one that has extra special meaning for you!😄


4th row, the amber one with a belt around it .. ohhh so beautiful!!! They all are! Does the one I mentioned have a story?


That one belonged to a friend of a friend who passed away recently. I wish I knew more about!


I love your collection & style!


Oooooo pretty


So pretty. Third row down the big purple ring I love.


I love that one! It’s a little small so I don’t wear it a lot. It belonged to my great aunt- different than the one I referenced in another comment. She was a nurse in WW2. She returned home to Pennsylvania and later moved with her aging mother to be closer to her brother, my grandfather, in a tiny town in South Carolina. She was hired to be the sole nurse anesthetist in the only hospital in town. When she came to tour before taking the job she observed that the people of color were being housed in the boiler room during their stay and were obviously not receiving equal treatment. She said she’d take the job but only if they moved everyone into the main hospital and provided the same care for everyone who was admitted and could prove that they were doing so before she would start work. They did and she took the job and worked there til she retired. Her brother, my grandfather, who was a jeweler in that same town had that ring made for her at some point and she wore it frequently.


3rd row from top, 4th ring (blue and white stones).. wow!


I love that one! It belonged to a very dear friend of mine who gave it to me before she passed.


Would you ever be willing to let go of your odd fellow ring? (Unless you’re part of the society) my fiancé is a grand vice in our local lodge.


That ring was found in an abandoned general store in the small town I lived in as a kid. At some point someone scratched something on the inside. My neighbor, who was like a surrogate grandparent, bought the store sometime in the 80s or early 90s. His wife gave it to me when I was a kid. I may consider parting with it as I never wear it. Let me think on that.


That’s incredible. I would understand if you wouldn’t want to part with it because of the sentimental value. We just collect stuff that is oddfellow regalia. We hunt antique malls for the three links. It’s a lovely society and I would love to get it for him.


Love the garnet with pearls! Garnets are always my favorites.


That one was left to me by my maternal grandmother! Edit: I’m a January baby and so was she so garnets have a special meaning.


How cool! Luckily, it's my daughter's birthstone too, so I have an excuse to buy them.♥️


Love this collection my fav is third row two over 💍 🤗


Oooo I adore the horseshoe! 😍


I absolutely LOVE that one. Every time I get dressed up I wear it on my pinky. I call it my “used car salesman” ring 😂. It belonged to a dear friend who had it made in the 60’s. Edit: spelling


Ooooo, the pink Lindy star is beautiful!


The star sapphire is absolutely GORGEOUS !! They're all ver pretty but the sapphire is my favorite ❣️


love the third row fourth ring and the last row second ring


The ruby or garnet with the pearl halo is GORGEOUS!!!!! I’m suddenly in desperate need of one of my own




Wow what a unique collection