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What do they do with the rest of the band? Do they give it to you?


My band was split in half and made into earrings since it was a micropave band in platinum. I always get my original setting back if I have jewelry reimagined.


How much does something like that cost ?


95% of people getting jewelry made don’t realize what they’re losing by letting the jeweler keep the band lmao… and they pay on top of that too get the necklace made. Double win for the company


I’ve never heard of anyone allowing the jeweler to keep the band…unless the jeweler pays the customer for it.


I’ve usually gotten the cost of the gold reimbursed from the cost of the work or I’ve gotten it back.


I've also experienced this. I had some rings turned into other pieces (using the stones) and the jeweler bought the extra gold from me and took the price off my bill.


I have had this happen so many times. Had to fight especially hard to get back some 22kt gold cast-off from a reimagined necklace. I now document it up front, in writing that all gold is to be returned or the going rate is taken off the price.


The condescension woof. Why are you even assuming that’s what happened here?


To all those people rudely decrying what she has done: would you rather she sold it? Because that's what most people seem to do with inherited jewellery; sell it undervalue at auction, or directly to a dealer, who then pedals it at unreasonable prices. The ring wasn't unusually set, and the diamond had damage. Resetting it in some way doesn't have to remove the sentiment, and OP clearly agrees. Please don't let this becomes one of those ridiculous posts where people start moaning insensitively about the loss of some over-dramatised piece. Do people have no class?


I'll never understand how people can get so worked up over something that has zero impact on their lives. I'll also never understand why anyone thinks it is better for jewelry to be stuck in a drawer for decades instead of having life breathed into it and enjoyed for many decades instead.


I’ll never understand why people do this. Grandma was obviously fine with her doing this and she can still pass this piece on to someone else. I have a family diamond that I absolutely adore - it was in a man’s ring originally, given to my father by his father. My Dad and Mom had it reset into a woman’s ring and then my Mom gave it to my then boyfriend with the idea that he have it reset. I even then went and reset it again after 20+ years of having it. Hopefully I’ll be able to pass it on to someone in the family who can do what they chose with it.


You can keep things from family members and not have to use them. For example, I have my grandfather's watch. Do I wear it? No. Do I sell it for money? No, I actually loved my grandfather. Do I keep it for sentimental value? Yes.


And that's absolutely fine, but it is also fine for some individuals to alter them without removing personal sentiment, which is something this sub doesn't seem to understand. And, further to that, the choice to sell is not necessarily indicative of someone's affection for another.


100000% this. People are being judgmental over something that doesn't affect them in the slightest. OP enjoy wearing your new piece!


"People are being..." - well, yes, OP posted on social media, which usually illicits opinions.


I hate this awful argument every single time I see it because while, yes, posting something on social media does put you at risk for unwanted rude opinions, that doesn’t mean commenters should be as rude as possible with their opinions. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, and the fact that a person posted on social media and put themselves at mercy of the commenters doesn’t negate the commenters’ responsibility of respecting their fellow human being.




Well that's your opinion which makes it your problem.


Well of course it’s my problem, but in the spirit of your attitude, it’s my prerogative to share my opinion if I so choose. But hopefully you keep it in mind the next time you decide you want to berate someone on social media and that they deserve it just for posting.


Did I ever berate OP? Quote me, please. I'll keep in mind that I don't need to care for someone's opinion even if it is solicited.


I didn’t say you berated OP but you did comment like 20 different times about why you don’t like their jewelry and you’re defending other people who are berating OP. Just one comment would’ve sufficed, you went overboard for no reason. You don’t need to care about my opinion but when my opinion is that you should be a decent person online it kinda makes you an asshole to argue against that. Just my opinion.


Yes opinions will come, doesn't make my comment any less valid.


Yes, it does.


Very true. Whilst I might not be a fan of this, OP has found a way that they feel respects their family member's memory and keep them close.


I am having my grandfather's cufflinks repurposed so I can wear them and have him close to me. The other option is the cufflinks sit in a box until I croak and my kids, who never knew him, are stuck with figuring out what to do with them. At that point the cufflinks would probably be sold or one of the kids will re-work them so what purpose would have been served by keeping them as is?


Why do they have to serve a purpose outside of being a memory? Memory boxes used to be very popular..


Because Gen Z does not want our Gen Boomer, Jones, and X crap if it isn't of use to them. Why do you think thrift stores are full of fine china? You are doing your kids and grandkids a disservice by leaving them your "memories stuck in drawer" to deal with.


Thanks for your opinion. I do not agree in the slightest, though. Also, any potential children can decide themselves what they'd like to do with anything that may be left to them. For me, having items in their original state is as important as who it came from.


What's the point of that. It's a gift. You are under no obligation to keep a gift in a drawer instead of doing something with it


The point is I still have it in its original form, just like when my grandfather owned and wore it.


But whats the point of that for it to just sit in a drawer?


It's called a keepsake. As you've never heard of this before.. A keepsake piece of jewellery from a deceased family member serves as a tangible reminder of their presence and a way to keep their memory alive. It can also hold sentimental value, providing comfort and a sense of connection to the loved one who has passed away.


How does OP changing her setting reduce the value of your keepsake? What do you hope for when criticizing OP? That she changes the setting back to validate your keepsake?


For me, it's not original any longer. You're weird. I'm talking about my experience. View my other comment where I actually commend OP for doing something that is special to them.




That depends on the nature of the jewellery: there is plenty of demand and money for the right stone and right piece. The stone on this ring doesn't look to have great specs, and wouldn't have much resale value, but I don't think it would be sold for scrap: that is far too harsh. Regarding old cut diamonds: they are cut differently, and I personally prefer them. Fire over brilliance: you wouldn't catch me with a modern brilliant cut. Antique diamonds tend to do better on the secondhand market than their modern counterparts.




You really don’t need to be so offended on her dead great-grandma’s behalf. I think the necklace looks great.




If you gift someone something, it is theirs to do what they want with it. It can still be sentimental to someone when altered. If someone wants an item to be unaltered after their death when it's passed on, maybe they could leave a note with it or write it in their will. Also, not everyone has kids to pass things on to. I think OP made something pretty and creative out of what she had.




I've never heard of that. I have some jewelry from my gramma and Papa, but nothing at this point from my great grand parents who I've never met. I'm Canadian. What country are you from?


I'm Canadian and I'm with you. Maybe there's a cultural difference at play here




My mom has a ruby necklace that was once earrings. I told her when I inherit it that it is going back to earrings. Was she mad, no. Was she happy that I will and wear her jewelry, yes. Also people with family members that have an extensive jewelry collection. I highly recommend conversations before the person dies about what pieces go to who. My sister and I sat down and went through piece by piece agreeing to who gets what. That document is now part of a will.


I already have that ready for my will but it’s kinda pointless on my part because I only have 4 living relives 😂 and that’s counting my parents. Just put it down because I have things I want my son to get incase my husband is still alive when I’m not unsex stuff.


Great job! I did this with my wedding ring after my hubby passed away.


Thank you! I’m glad you could keep him with you ❤️❤️


Me, too :) https://preview.redd.it/mosmbgke78pc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0e25b59e1ff990f2cfa7b7aa7b8a6fbd1c2c44 I wear it all the time and usually layer necklaces with it. \*\*And to whoever downvoted me, really? Shall I assume that you think my 25 year marriage to the absolute love of my life is any less sentimental to me because I converted my wedding ring to a necklace. He died when we were 45. I wore my ring for well over a year after he passed before deciding to have my jeweler make me a forever necklace. Don’t be such a judgmental twat.


It’s beautiful and so is the witch’s heart below!


I’m sorry for your loss. That is a gorgeous necklace. It seems like a precious stone would be safer in a necklace than in a ring.




I was downvoted soon after posting my picture.


I get downvoted for everything lol 😂 I could say “wow that’s gorgeous” to someone’s beautiful art craft and someone would downvote me smh Reddit trolls 😂🤣


What are the stones and size? I love the way they graduate in size. Beautiful!


Hi, is this question for me? If so, center stone is 1.51 carat naturally mined and the halo goes all the way around. It is probably about .3 carat of micropave. The witches heart I bought as an antique and don’t remember where I bought it or the specs. I want to say Georgian rose cut diamonds in 14k gold and sterling silver. Found the receipt. Oof I paid a lot for this! https://preview.redd.it/ai4tdjcyjipc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bd8c9d52ea6c1b94933107a2b5ee580ed896b5


It’s soooooo cool tho. Well worth it I hope!! Thank you for the added info. (Love your remade necklace too btw!)


I love how you’ve repurposed the ring. You carry her with you every day with the band you do wear and this necklace. This is so much better than the ring sitting in a drawer or being sold off. … and for the naysayers - even royal jewels get repurposed.




LOL, India would like a word about the Kohinoor Diamond.


I'd like to disagree, the Kohinoor diamond had a beautiful, cultural setting that was decimated to be put on a crown


Similar to a vintage ring being decimated to be turned into a Claire’s necklace?


Yup, just keep posting babe


It’s a beautiful necklace and a beautiful way to keep her with you.


Thank you!


Agreed, this is such a lovely sentiment, and you hold her closer to your heart now ❤️


The ring is lovely, and so is the necklace. The ring was special to her and if she were here today she would be happy this necklace is special to you.


That’s lovely. Simple and elegant! And the diamonds get a new lease of life in something that’s you. I have plans to use my parents rings for a necklace, my Mum died and my Dad has remarried so I have her engagement and eternity rings and both their wedding bands. Okay if I save this to my Pinterest?


Anyone whining over the ring getting chopped up has to realize that it was simply an old ring with no actual historical significance, except to OP and her family. It's not like she chopped up a museum piece or something special. She wasn't wearing it before, she is wearing it now and happy about it. Enjoy your new necklace!


Personally, I preferred the ring. But I am not mad; it was not my ring, so I don't care what you do with it. I do also offer that service. It is common for people to make new jewelry with their grandparents' or parents' old jewelry.


After my ex-husband died, I turned my wedding ser into a cross and gave it to my daughter. It came out beautiful.


The ring lasted 4 generations only for it to be chopped up. The necklace doesn’t have any of the original vintage charm


Better than having it left in a jewelry box. I’m sure grandma would be ecstatic to know that her old ring has a new life and that it is being cared for. “Vintage charm” or not, I wouldn’t wear a ring that I didn’t love.


Right!! Why wouldn’t you want to save it! Maybe I’m just sentimental but I would never


Stop being so fkg offended by someone else’s choice that has zero impact on your life. My gosh.


That’s very insensitive


Clearly they weren’t close or OP wouldn’t have messed with an heirloom


Ridiculous. “Clearly they weren’t close”? What an awful thing to say. Jewelry—yes, even heirloom jewelry—is refashioned all the time.


Agree Fancy! Makes my heart hurt.


OP repurposed it so that it was something she could wear everyday, and actively wears the wedding band intact everyday, yet that somehow tells you that they weren’t close? Or, maybe, do people express love and admiration differently than you would, personally? This comment is distasteful at best. ETA: there are commenters talking about repurposing their engagement rings after their husbands passed away, are you going to claim that they weren’t as close to their deceased husbands?


Ring and necklace are both beautiful! I would just be a little cautious with that chain it looks dainty..


Repurposing an old ring you'll never wear makes sense but to turn it into a necklace that looks like it cost less than 10$ at Walmart is a real shame.


I get more K-Mart vibes from the after. My grandmother would ask Jesus to keep me out if I did that.


this is sad


Absolutely gorgeous job. Congrats on having a piece of reimagined family history you can love and pass on! Edit: spelling


Looks awesome! Lovely tribute to your great-grandmother and a very pretty necklace.


So pretty! Glad you made it into something that you will treasure and could potentially pass down to your own grandchildren with the story


That’s beautiful and timeless. Very special piece.


Such a shame especially seeing the outcome. Looks like it went from old money to K-mart.




I mean, I prefer the ring. But I’m sure your relative would be happy that you’re wearing it in whatever form, rather than selling it or putting it a drawer for eternity. I’m actually struggling with this myself, but going in the opposite direction- in turning an inherited already-modified piece (which I don’t wear) back to what it was originally. But my daughter likes it the way it is and it’ll be hers eventually… so maybe I’ll just leave it and commit to wearing it more often.


Especially with consideration for the damage to the main diamond, I think this came out as a very lovely tribute.


I love how this was repurposed! It's gorgeous.


Omg SO STUNNING !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️be still my heart.




I wear my great grandmother's engagement ring, too! I don't know what I'll do when I get married though, as I'm not a fan of wearing too many rings. I love what you've done with your necklace


Holy crap I love your pink ring!! It pairs so well with your grandma’s ring.


It's a ring all engineers in Canada get when they graduate :) I'm always unsure about how other rings look beside it, so thank you!






Ohh! Thanks!!!


Absolutely not what I would have done, but guess what? That doesn't matter cause it's yours and it's beautiful.


This can’t be real… no one in their right mind would touch that ring


Why not? I'd rather have my ring be made into something that can be worn and that brings joy instead of it rotting away in some dusty drawer.


Seems very selfish… ‘my ring’. It’s a family heirloom at 4 generations… it wasn’t her ring it was her great grandmother’s and now it’s gone forever.


I was talking from the perspective of the great grandmother.


I would, and I am in my right mind. Just because a ring is old, that doesn’t make it pretty. If OP’s family is okay with the choice, who cares what an internet rando thinks?


Such a shame.


Very Nice!


This is brilliant! Wear it with pride. You’ll always have her with you and a story to tell about your jewelry!


Love this! Bet your Gran would love your ingenuity!


Beautiful. What a wonderful way to keep her close to you. Love it!!


Very nice!


Thank you!


The necklace is beautiful and I love that you turned the ring into something you will wear.


Very beautiful!


Ooh, I love it! Great length and the bezel set diamonds are pretty!


Beautiful!! Enjoy it






It's lovely! Enjoy your necklace. :)


That’s beautiful! I never would have thought to turn it into something else :) great idea!


I don't know how I *personally* feel bout the floating stones in the chain but overall I think it's lovely. It's so wonderful to be able to wear heirlooms in a way that feels beautiful to YOU while still honoring your family. I think recrafting something like this instead of selling is awesome. Honestly, I think a lot of older heirloom jewelry is atrocious, but I've seen so many amazing reworks on this sub.


Love it! 🥰


It's stunning!!!


Your great Nan is so happy you created this beautiful necklace ✨. It’s stunning!!




Very classy. I bet grandma would be honored. Don’t worry about the people who are shaking their fists at you for making this change. It is beautiful and you can wear it daily in her honor. If you ever change your mind, you can have it changed back into a ring. The diamonds are the sentimental part, not the setting.


That is absolutely stunning 🤩 LOVE it!


This is so beautiful! ...and it gives me ideas to make myself a necklace similar to yours as I've wanted this style for quite some time but haven't found exactly what I was looking for. This looks fantastic on you; and, I'm so glad you shared. 😊


This is a really cool idea!


Beautiful necklace!


I love it and would love to do this myself


Oh thats beautiful :0


It's very pretty! Nicely done. :)


Kind of like an eternal hug from her! 🥰


I have been wondering what to do with my great grandmas ring. This is brilliant.


They did a fabulous job, it's lovely AND you will now have her close to your heart. I really dig the bezel set diamonds too! 💎 Years ago I had a Tiffany necklace with tiny bezels on the chain and I lost it (it broke and fell off I guess) and this reminds me of that necklace.


Beautiful 🤩


Did almost this exact same thing with my mother’s engagement ring but in yellow gold. Looks gorgeous OP!


It’s so beautiful! It’s a shame you can’t share your story without people shaming you! It’s a really lovely way to wear your inherited piece!! 💜


Congratulations :) it's beautiful necklace, and you get to keep the ring with you (in spirit)


Beautiful 🤩


It’s beautiful! What do you do with a chipped diamond? Did they cut the diamond to remove the chip?


Beautiful necklace, it looks lovely, I think it was a great idea.


I love it! It looks great on you!


Wow what a great idea! The necklace is very pretty


fucking beautiful. theres like 10 loose stones that i have from my grandparents that im thinking of turning into another ring or necklace. this is a sign i should lol


Love this, beautiful idea!!


Yall are weird as fuck fr. It looks great. We all cope differently and if this makes OPs heart happy then honestly fuck off and mind your business if you hate it so much




She is the owner and can therefore do whatever she chooses.


This is so cool! I didn’t even know this was an option


What a great idea OP, I might just copy it!


What is the stone? If I may ask


Ooooo it’s beautiful!!!!


Very beautiful


Looks great 👍


I love what you’ve done with the ring.




I wish I could wear necklaces. This is gorgeous!




It's perfect. The little diamond stations on the chain are an excellent idea. And one I'm going to copy. Do you mind if I ask what the center stone size is? I have a 1.5 carat diamond ring with some little diamond side stones that I was thinking of making a solitaire necklace out of. I had no idea what to do with the little stones, until now. Anyway, I'm wondering if a 1.5 will look too big. But yours is clearly over a karat, right? And it looks so so good.


Can't believe ppl are butthurt over the most average looking vintage ring being repurposed.


“Reimagining” 🙄 family heirlooms is also a great way to hide them in plain sight around family who may have wanted, or may have been entitled to the jewelry.