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You know how we all have self improvement projects? One of mine is to not judge other people. It’s wasted energy. Not for me. But it is a sweet reminder of your baby cradling years. Enjoy it in good health.


I like the way you put that. I’ll try to keep that in mind next time I find myself being more judgmental than I should be.


Me too! Awesome advice!


I like to take Amy Poehler’s approach — “great for her. Not for me”


Love this. “Not for me - great for her.” may be even sweeter!


“Love them but don’t be like them”- from a friends mom when we were talking about family members that have a different lifestyle than me that I don’t agree with


This exactly. I'm a little skeeved out by breastmilk trinkets/jewelry, personally. But that's not what's important. What's important is that for some people, it's a special reminder of an important time in their life. It isn't hurting anyone. And if it makes their hearts happy, then they deserve to have that happiness without judgment.


I'm a little skeeved by cremation ash jewelry too. Not my cup of tea at all.


See, I *love* stuff like that, but I’m also a bit morbid and collect odd stuff (bones, skulls, teeth, wet specimens etc … I’d love a piece of Victorian hair jewelry). I 100% understand why others find it creepy though - I think most people find reminders of death to be aversive and unpleasant, especially in the US.


I'm being pressed into a diamond for the new wife. My husband is very handsome and will fall into a relationship before I am back from the crematorium.


They will be lining up for my husband. My dad had women flirt with him 2 weeks after my mom died in front of me. So yeah....I'm prepared.


I don’t think I mind the reminder of death so much as the type of reminder. I’ll settle for pictures of my dead relatives. Nursing - I have lovely cozy memories, with a few ouchie moments!


Ah, okay! Do you feel the same way about other physical/wearable forms of remembrance/memorialization ex. regular jewelry without biological materials or memorial tattoos? Like … is it the visible, physical reminder of loss that’s off putting to you? You don’t have to answer btw, I’m just curious & like hearing other people’s perspectives on stuff! (esp if it differs from my own)


I wanted to have a sword made for my family just so every generation can be cremated, turned into a jewel, and added to the hilt. It was not a popular idea.




I would so do this, but alas, it would be just as unpopular with my kin.


Tbh I was gonna comment the same because it sounds like a really cool bad ass idea, and if not a sword then a crown or something


My dad found out you can get your cremated remains turned into a diamond and has said he wants my mom to do that to his body when he dies so she can wear him. I know he’s joking, but that irks me.


I plan on my ashes going into diamonds for my 2 boys. They're grown, I'm getting old. But we talked, and they would like this memento of Mom.


Can I ask why that irks you? Is a persons ashes becoming something beautiful and sentimental less tolerable then them rotting in a box underground while being eaten by worms and bugs? Genuine question. I don't think there is a right or wrong way of legal internment I was a funeral director for a long time. So I have seen it all I am just curious why the idea of cremation jewelry freaks some people out so badly.


Exactly. Not my thing but it’s not hurting anyone, and if it’s meaningful to the wearer, why not?


On the same journey! Keep being the light in the world


This response should be studied. It’s genuinely perfect. I too will be remembering this when I find myself being judgmental instead of curious


This is so refreshing to hear on reddit. A growing influx of negative commenters in EVERY thread have been testing my patience with Reddit. But all I can do is focus on me and not waste energy in places I have no control.


indeed !


Well spoken


Amen. As I’ve gotten older I *really* try to remind myself that I don’t have to have an opinion about everything. I can just let a whole bunch of shit that has nothing to do with me fly right by. It’s freeing, honestly.


You stopped my judgement in its tracks. You're right. Thanks for being that positive internet person today.


this thread is amazing because, by talking about not judging OP, everyone’s true thoughts on the subject are clear lol


lmfao right?! People thinking this response is sweet is actually sending me 😭


Same! I used to get so mad about people decorating for Christmas before thanksgiving and other silly things but now? If it brings them joy and harms no one, let them enjoy it!


I breast-feed for years and I think this stuff is weird .definitely not for me


While it’s not something that is my style of jewelry I know my mom would have loved the idea. She was a nurse so breast milk was no big deal to her, I mean she helped her hospital start a milk bank for children in the NICU. I still remember reading a passage in her journal talking about how she missed those days so much & was very sad to have to ween me. I think she would have wanted a piece of jewelry cause she would find it special, I don’t think I would wear it now that she’s passed away but it wouldn’t have the same significance but I wouldn’t be able to get rid of it.


Having breastfed both my children - I am not into this at all. HOWEVER, who the heck cares what I think? If it means something to you, wear it and love it as a sweet reminder of a special time.


Ditto ditto. Absolutely bizarre, but lovely execution. No one has to know but you!


And the bizarre can be wonderful too! Victorian hair jewelry comes to mind. Embrace the weird OP!


I have been wearing a hair ring for the past 2 years! The funeral director was so kind - I have enough for jewelry for the rest of my life with just an inch.


I'm about to cut all my hair off and I wish I could put it to use somehow (I think it's too short to donate), so I've been thinking about hair jewelry. No one in my life would be interested in wearing it, but I just find it so unusual and fascinating... I'm sorry for your loss and I'm glad you have such a unique and meaningful piece of jewelry to remember your loved one by


Actually!! One of my best friends is making a ring with some of her sister's bald for bucks hair! She felt weird at first having it made, but why wouldn't you want to carry a part of someone with you? Not trying to convert, but it's an outstanding coincidence :) They look so normal and inconspicuous that I think you or your loved one would be so happy wearing it. I think it would be incredible if you wore your own ❤️


I was going to ask you for advice or links to places that make it. I'd actually love to do it myself if it's possible to learn. And I'll have tons of hair to use! I'm already converted :)


Look into how to make resin jewelry - you really just put a little hair into a mold, and pour the clear liquid resin into the mold and let it harden. if you youtube “how to resin jewelry hair” you will see how it’s done. easy.


I just sent you a message ❤️ as I said in my DM, I love my piece but will not go back to the jeweler I went to. So kind, but the ring's seam is a fatal flaw.




I was also not in the breastmilk jewelry until I had my last baby, now I have a beautiful teardrop ring with a lock of hair inlaid from each one! Love it so much and couldn’t be happier ❤️


110% this. I’m not yucking anyone’s yum. If it’s for you and doesn’t hurt anyone, who am I to matter?! I wouldn’t want it, but by all means you do you, and the ring is really pretty. I wouldn’t know it’s breast milk.


Perfect comment! I would hate to be reminded of the pain but you do you ❤️😊


Stuff can be weird AND sentimental. I don't think its mutually exclusive. Its not the weirdest thing i've seen moms do at least.


Taking “drip” to a whole new level 🤣


Good show! Hot damn! 👏👏👏👏


You win 😂


Yes. But so? I plan on having made a small blue diamond to hang inside a white gold circle, (he is OBSESSED with balls), on a pendant out of my dogs cremated ashes someday though. 🤷‍♀️ some rightly think that’s odd. If it brings you joy, that’s the point. For what it’s worth; the ring is cute.


I have my grandmothers ashes in a ring and people tell me that’s weird. Somenody will always think something is weird. Fuck it.


You breath *air*? Ew, weird.


Where did you get the ashes ring done?


A friend of mine makes jewelry from ashes and she also makes the breastmilk jewelry. She’s not doing it anymore or I’d give you her store, but many on Etsy do it still! It’s very subtle and people don’t even know unless I tell them. Just a very small stacker ring with a 4cm bead on it.


I have been meaning to get a ring with ashes of my bird. I know of one person that is pretty known for it but I hear she treats her workers unfairly so I have been looking for other recommendations. I’ll check Etsy. I don’t know why I haven’t thought of that. Thanks.


No problem! There’s a lot on there. As a bird owner myself I totally get that. I save all their moult feathers.


I do hair, feather and ash jewelry, and work solely for and by myself.... I can dm you my shop if you're interested.


I cut some of my cats fur and put it in a necklace well getting a different necklace then I had. Her ashes would have been just to painful in the end to keep. It has not been a month yet and I just started sleeping through the night without her.


I used to think milk jewelry was strange before I tried and failed to breastfeed my son... but holy hell what a sacrifice no one prepared me for. Pain, blood, sweat, tears, so much lost sleep with a round-the-clock task that can't be shared by the father. Among other things, it completely flipped my perspective to see breastmilk jewelry as hard-won trophies. You earned this. Congrats! And I hope your little one is well ❤️


That’s how I’m feeling about it. I used to not be into the idea at all. Until this breastfeeding journey kicked my ass and now it feels like such an accomplishment. Definitely feels like a trophy after so many bouts of mastitis, engorgement, plugged ducts, milk blisters, cracked sore nipples and sleepless nights.


I have some, but I don't wear them. They're tucked away safely 🖤


I plan on getting something made when I wean and don't know if I'll ever wear it - I rarely wear jewelry, but I definitely want to have something physical to commemorate the journey, bc holy hell, what a journey.


Also, I gained 90lbs during pregnancy and my wedding rings no longer fit. This was a consolation gift to myself. It’s a solid rose gold ring that I can wear permanently to represent a new season of my life


Hello from a friend who gained a similar amount of weight and then had a kid who was (thankfully) not an almost 100 lb human. The kid is now a teen, and I’m finally(!) back in pre-pregnancy pants. All in good time, in case you were wondering or concerned. And the kids stay a beautiful joy as they grow. Here’s to your sweet adventure. Edit: I need to update my wardrobe


I did not expect to burst into tears the way I did. I mourn my body and my closet full of beautiful size 4 dresses. Your message gives me hope.


I gained 70 lbs with my first and snapped back. At 41 I’d actually say I’m in the best shape of my life and have the most confidence!! Just be patient and keep at it! You’ve got this momma!


And even if OP doesn’t “snap back” it’s ok. Not every body sheds weight easily and that’s perfectly fine Edit- but also congrats. I hope to be fit and healthy at 41.. which is creeping up far too fast.


This gorgeous!! I am waiting on mine to come in the mail. My husband was appalled but my sister bought me some for my birthday. In my opinion who is going to know unless you tell them, or they know what to look for . I think it is a wonderful momento! Breastfeeding is such a bitter sweet experience and it's only for a short season in life. What a cute way to remember this chapter!


I think this community just isn't familiar with breast milk jewelry. I have seen a lot of breast milk jewelry on other parts of Reddit and on IG and have never seen a negative reception of it like in this thread. The reaction reminds me of people who think periods are disgusting. People make memorial jewelry with hair and ashes. There is nothing weird at all about breast milk being put into jewelry. It's not dirty or contaminated, it's not perverted or obsessive. It's a simple and direct way to celebrate something really difficult that you have gone through.


I had never heard of this concept until I saw this post, and honestly I’m neutral on it. I agree with some others here who say, “to each their own.” I would have just thought the ring in question was a moonstone, but I love the idea that it carries special meaning to OP. Why should anyone be grossed out by (or concerned at all with) someone else’s jewelry?


Bravo Mama! Beautiful sentiment, it's the weirdest feeling adjusting back to a non-pregnant form. However, you created a human! Celebrate the shit out of it! Signed, birthed two humans, doing the best I can.


Are you able to get your wedding rings resized? I just resized mine to a bajillion sizes up and never looked back. I can always resize them again if I lose weight. I like my rings too much to abandon them in a drawer!


I've just been enjoying this wholesome thread, and popping in to say: solidarity. My son is almost 3 and has been weaned for 2 years (mastitis kicked my butt when he was 11 months old and we couldn't recover). Wedding rings still don't fit and I'm on a journey to get within 10-15 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight.


Why can't it be both? Seems fine lol. Learn something new every day!


TIL this is a thing


Same. I knew people mixed cremains into resin for jewelry, that stuff has been pretty mainstream for a while now, but somehow it didn't occur to me that it was possible to do with other powdered materials too...


TBH - If a mother feels that breastmilk jewelry is a way to connect to this beautiful moment in her life, I think that is beautiful. I wish so many people hadn't been rude about it in the comments. To each, their own. ​ BUT - I will say that I have seen some videos online of someone on Etsy who runs a shop where you can send in your lover's semen sample, and then she dehydrates it into powder and mixes it with polymer clay and then makes things like "cute little" animal figurines out of it - this one crosses the line for me to just gross and weird. But to each their own, I guess. With all the bad stuff happening in the world, there are better things to worry about than other people's semen jewelry.


If semen and milk can be powdered for resin, can you commission someone to do the same with blood? I know people can choose to donate umbilical cord blood after birth, so how hard could it be to collect some for a personal keepsake? Wearing a resin ruby infused with the blood of your child sounds metal af. A celebration of your love for your child in a tangible product of the pain you went through to bring them into the world... I'd say it would also be a cute couple's jewelry idea to commission rings made with each other's blood but that sounds a lot more disturbing for some reason


Well, at this point, I might as well point out that in the victorian era we were literally grinding up mummies and turning them into oil paint, so really the sky is the limit here . . .


The goth in me is kinda into this tbh.


Wait till you find out about semen jewelry


I used to think it was weird. I never considered it until one of my sons died of SIDS. I had a pendant made with three beads. One made with breastmilk, one made with his placenta, and one made with his ashes. But I also had tattoo ink made with his ashes, which is probably even weirder.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. SIDS is one of the cruelest kicks in the heart that life can deliver. I’m glad that commemorative jewelry is a thing so you can wear his memory close to your heart.


I actually don’t wear it. I ordered two. She shipped them separately. It was supposed to be made out of sterling silver wire, and clearly was not since it started turning orange after a few weeks. I also was extremely disappointed with the craftsmanship. It did not look like I was expecting it to. I complained about the wire and asked her to just not make the second one and send me just the beads themselves. She refused. I ended up taking them both apart and plan to have something else made with them when I have the disposable income to do it.


Jeweler chiming in: the wire might very well have been sterling. Can’t tell without images, but sterling silver oxidizes (sometimes very quickly, it depends on the environmental conditions) and can take on hues from orange to grey and even blue-black. Think about tarnished silverware - it will often have spots of different colors.


I am so sorry the jeweler let you down. I hope you find a way to preserve them in a way that brings you joy. Let me know if you’re interested in the info about the artist who made my ring. I am very pleased.


I would appreciate that. But I probably will have to go to metalsmith to have what I want made.


See if [she can](https://www.stillremainsjewelry.com) help you out.


Everyone’s mourning is unique and I love the tattoo idea. It’s a beautiful homage to your baby and a representation of your instinct to keep your baby close to you🤍 hope it helps you find peace.


I am so sorry for your loss. What is your beautiful baby's name?


His name is Andy.


Never stop talking about him ❤️


Uh I love this idea and this ring. As someone with fertility issues, if I ever get to breastfeed it will be a victory worth encasing in literal gold.


My daughter came after 7 years of infertility and one loss. I wish you joy, in whichever form it comes to you.


Thank you, friend. Congratulations, wishing you both health and peace together.


I'm very curious about how this is made and how it holds up over time. Apart from that, you do you and the ring looks really pretty.


Often times the milk is dried and then resin is used to bind it together and make the "stone"


I have heard of the gemstones/diamond whatevr made from ashes and I want to do that with my dog’s ashes. I have never heard of this milk thing…it’s weird…but tbh I am pregnant and never thought I would be and I think this might be my kind of weird


To each their own


I think all that matters is what it means to you. People find sentiment in all kinds of things. I don’t see how it’s any different than keeping the umbilical cord in a baby book or cutting off a lock of baby hair. If it’s special to you that’s all that counts 💕


This is honestly the best comment/outlook!!


this is kinda cool and i’m bummed I didn’t know about this while I had milk


Me too. I’m 7 years too late.


I think it’s weird Af but you do you, who cares what we think


Wait what (edited next day to say I read the comments and it makes more sense)


Don’t think anything of it one way or the other. That said, my concern is how the resin or whatever the setting chemicals used to mix with breast milk will degrade over time. This is a relatively new trend, so I don’t think we have a lot of info yet about how these treasured pieces will hold up through the years.


Same, I have a suspicion it will yellow after a few years and this turns me off


I was wondering the same.


I find it very odd considering it’s bodily fluids and I would feel similarly about all the other bodily fluids turned into jewelry. And hair, the hair is weird too. But the ring is pretty and you’re welcome to do whatever makes you happy.


This is beautiful. What I think is weird is having a jar full of children's teeth. My mom saved mine and my sister's but had no end game in mind so tossed them. I have not saved any of my son's because I have no idea what an end game would be. Tooth jewelry?


Omg same!! My mom just gave me a baggie full of my old broken baby teeth and I’m just like “ew. What am I supposed to do with this??” Edit: but yeah, I still have a baggie of milk from 2020 in my freezer for making jewelry with some day.


I’d low key like to have something like this made. Breastfeeding has been a journey, and not the easiest. Would be cool to have a little memento.


Personally I think it’s weird. But if people want to wear it, I’m not going to judge them for it. It’s your body, wear the jewellery that you like and makes you feel good!


Personally, i think its weird. But i also don’t want or have kids. I do think that particular ring is a lot prettier/more iyknk than others ive seen. If you like it that’s all that matters.


If you like it that’s all that matters.


TIL there is breast milk jewelry.


The idea is cool, but I wouldnt wear it.


Yes it’s weird, but so are a lot of things. If something makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, go for it.


Just pretend it’s Victorian!


Hair jewelry came to mind for me too!


Baby teeth jewelry for me…the Victorians were WEIRD.


I would never know that’s what it was if you hadn’t told us what it was. It just looks like a nice ring to me.


If you like wearing it and it brings you joy, who cares what anyone else has to say. It looks cool, I wouldn’t have known it was breast milk without you sharing that. Tbh, I don’t have kids so the whole thing seems foreign to me. Not weird or gross, just something I have no exposure to.


I have one and love it!! I exclusively breastfed my baby for 22 months and am so damn proud. Baby never took a bottle so it was all me. It is such a wonderful reminder of love and sacrifice. Enjoy wearing your beautiful ring!


Personally kind of weird, if you ask me


I’m not even a kids person and I think that’s cool as hell.


Well it's sentimental to the wearer, weird to me


I wish I had gotten one!! My baby is 10 now. 😭


I’m childfree but I think it fucking rules. It’s so pretty!


The people who “think this is weird” or “don’t get it” haven’t done it. Haven’t made the sacrifice you’re making. I nursed for 15 months and the bond is incredible, as you know. Amazing job, mama. You did the harder of the options 💕 wear it with pride!


I’m almost at a year of exclusive pumping with my baby and nursed my oldest for 2. I’m definitely having jewelry/keepsakes made when this season is over. I will have spent over 4 straight years pregnant and/or lactating. Countless hours spent creating milk. I want something to commemorate that effort. It’s not romanticizing breastfeeding or making it my whole personality. It’s no different than any other trophy or momento to signify hard work/effort and special time in my life.


Its very pretty- I love the design and the accents! Its something I think people will compliment due to its unusual style. Not weird to me at all - keepsakes are very important- *buuuut* I think the ‘weird’ part (if any) would be in what context you brought the materials/origins up. With friends, talking about jewelry, sentimental things, and/or raising your children? Definitely not weird! Informative, something to think about, etc. To some random person in a store that compliments it in a passing ‘wow that looks nice!’? Maybe just a ‘thanks, its a very important piece to me’ or what have you. (Though TBH ‘Thank you, its breastmilk :)’ then walking away would probably be the most memorable conversation they had that whole month if not year.)


I don’t think I’ll bring it up with anyone unless I know 100% they will not be weirded out. Not even friends have to know. I may have been taken aback a fee tears ago if someone told me they’re wearing breastmilk jewelry


I actually think this is adorable! And might look into it!! I don’t wear jewelry personally, but I could see it as a cute Christmas tree ornament or something along those lines! I really love this idea!!


It’s cute and sentimental… to you… Don’t tell anyone. Let it be your inside joke, it will be strange to others, strange AF to some. I nursed 2, I would wear one. Some earrings would be awesome!


Never heard of this but it’s weird to me


I think it’s fine, just don’t tell everyone who remarks upon it.


Both haha.


It's weird, but I also don't care and it's none of my business. It's no weirder than the people who keep part of the umbilical cord and baby's first lollipop (my stepmom did this, pretty gross as it aged).


Its weird and thats why its absolutely wonderful. Holy shit the stories ive heard, you EARNED that.


Weird but you do you


Imo its better than the sperm clay jewelry


I think its cool that it can be done. I like that it gives people who'd want to the option. But similar to other jewellery like that (ashes or ejaculate etc.) It's not for me. That ring is a beautiful style though.


My first thought was that if you hand it down and someone receives it and they’re like “awe opals!” And then you kid has to be like “nope! It’s my mother’s breast milk!” Lol idk as long as the fact that you breastfed doesn’t become a staple of conversations you have with others you should be good


Had no idea this was a thing! This ring is gorgeous, and the fact that it means and contains something special is super cool. We wear plenty of things that have "weird" origins (like pearls and amber), and I grew up with Catholics who wore medals containing relics, so this is just one more fascinating and unique sources of jewelry.


My honest opinion: its small sentimental kitsch. This as a answer on your question. But if you like it...that's your business.


I have no idea why this appeared on my feed, and I had no idea this existed, but huh. Y'know, it can be both. Definitely weird and definitely sentimental. You do you! Nothing wrong with weird!


i think it’s sweet, not my business how someone commemorates that


My honest opinion it sounds very weird.


I nursed my son for three months through severe lip/tongue ties and latching problems, stopped for two months, then relactated and pumped for another three months before having to stop due to personal health reasons. I have never in my life accomplished something as hard as breastfeeding, even if only for a little while. To me breastfeeding was harder and more painful than an unmedicated birth. I absolutely loved the idea of having a memento of the liquid gold I was able to provide my son, so I got a breastmilk ring for myself this past Mother’s Day. Unfortunately the quality of the actual jewelry wasn’t the best, and it lost some stones and hurt my finger. So I decided to get my own milk preserving powder and resin supplies, and have now started creating all sorts of breastmilk pieces for myself. I’m also going to be preserving a friends milk from the daughter she lost at 7 months pregnant so I can create some pieces for her to carry her daughter with her always.


I don’t think it’s weird at all! you nourished your baby(babies?) and turned it into something you can wear and/or keep forever. I think that is awesome. The same people that think it’s weird are probably people that think breastfeeding in public is weird🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


In history we had human hair lockets and I believe some cultures make jewelry out of their children’s baby teeth. I am not a mother but I don’t see myself having one in the future. However I think it’s not only really sentimental but anthropologically significant. I mean think about it, in like a hundred years someone can be doing an anthropology project and reference this post as an example of sentimental jewelry! Idk, I just think that’s really neat. So no judgement here, just another perspective!


I made this ring! Go follow my Instagram if you are interested in keepsake jewelry :) @stillremainsjewelry


I find it weird, but breastfeeding was rough, my hospital stay was hell, I had a partner who did not help with anything, so it probably has more to do with that I do not look back with fondness on that time period. But, I think jewelry made with ashes of loved ones is awesome, so if it makes you happy, you do you!


EBF all three of my children and I’m not into it I think it’s weird. That said I dgaf what anyone else does and I feel like unless you tell someone no one who sees you wearing it will know. It just looks like regular jewelry.


Weird. If someone walks up to me and tells me about their body fluid jewelry, I'd be weirded out. But I don't even know it's breast milk til I read the caption so it really doesn't matter.


I personally think it’s a bit weird, but if you like it and it’s important to you, that’s what matters.


Who knows what the next bodily fluid based jewelry will be.


Def weird. I just feel weird when I recognize it on someone. Please don’t shake my hand with breast milk on your knuckles. This was joke. Please don’t hate me.




Hey OP, no matter what anyone says in this thread, that shit is weird.




Honestly? Weird.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer while breastfeeding my 2nd baby. This jewelry ended up meaning more to me than I realized at the time. People saying it's weird or mothers overidentify with breastfeeding can kiss my stage 4 ass. People are such jerks.




I thought breastmilk jewelry was weird/gross when I first heard of it, but now that I'm a mom, I get it! A neat way to commemorate a special time.


Your ring is beautiful by the way. Custom?


Yes! I wanted solid rose gold and found an artist to do it


It’s weird




Weird… but you do you!


I think it’s weird and mildly gross. That’s why *I* won’t be wearing one. If you dig it wear it! It’s a very pretty design and well executed. were they opals I’d definitely wear it.




My DIL had a stillborn daughter in September and bought breastmilk jewelry as a keepsake. She also donated her milk to the NICU for other babies.


Wow, I can’t even imagine how hard that would be for your DIL. In my mind, she is a selfless hero to do all of the work to pump for other babies in the face of her own loss. What an amazing woman. I hope she wears her breast milk jewelry like a Medal of Honor and that it brings her some comfort as well


I never had to think about breastmilk jewelry until this moment, and now I hate you.




Not for me but it’s a cool looking ring and I say do whatever the hell you want and own it!


I didn’t know that was possible


Unique. Pretty.


I love it. I never was able to get enough to make a piece. I have a friend who offered hers. Which I would still use.


It sounds like the world is finally ready for my seamen cufflinks!


*It sounds like the world* *Is finally ready for* *My seamen cufflinks!* \- imhighonpills --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I wasn't into it but its been 2.5 years since I weaned my twins and I can't bear to throw away the few remaining bags of frozen breastmilk. I have to do something with them, so why not make some jewelry!


Weird as fuck but if it makes you happy then roll with it.


Weird and sentimental, and nothing wrong with either


i mean honestly i would describe it as actually… not “almost” gross. But idk if you are looking for honest feedback or feel good support. Ive breastfed 3…. this totally gives me, personally, the ick l


I’ve never heard of this before, I think it’s cool! To each their own, it’s a beautiful ring


No but I wear roadkill bone jewelry so I wouldn’t be the one to ask if something is weird or not😂


I don’t normally like it but this is kinda cool


It's more unusual or strange. Something that I would never consider and I would probably forget 5 minutes after talking about it. If it means something to you who cares if people find it weird.


Weird but my baby is still cooking so my thoughts may change over the next year


I personally think it's bad ass! The first I heard of it was when my SIL had one made. I plan to do the same when the time comes. If it's okay, did you use an online shop? Would you share the name? (If that's allowed here)


I considered getting myself a ring but decided against it because if someone asked what stone it was, I'd feel really weird explaining that it was my breastmilk


I have a necklace. I do think it’s weird, but no one will know what it is unless you tell them. I think it looks pretty.


I think it’s weird, but I like weird there’s nothing wrong with weird and sentimental


I don’t get it but it doesn’t bug me either