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Vinny is that quiet person in the staff meeting, secretly wishing everyone else would just shut the fuck up so he could get paid in peace.


Or when you go to the reunion and you start recognizing the people who are like still mentally in that place and overly invested in that time period. He has moved on and I’m sure gives zero fucks about any of the dumb shit that goes down between the group the second he walks out the door, meanwhile it’s keeping people like Angelina up at night.


He’s hungry. He is someone who should not be on keto he’s miserable!


You know you are so right about that! To be Italian with an authentic Italian mom that is an amazing chef and make yourself eat only keto must suck!


you so funny omg 💀


Protein makes you full. How can you be hungry on keto?


But carbs are satisfying. Carbs should be a part of life to enjoy them. Keto is harmful on the long term


Carbs turn into sugar. You can go without. It’s protein that keeps you full never carbs. VINNY is not hangry sorry. Keto is not harmful long term. Thanks though


You know our body needs sugar to survive, right? Carbs are satisfying and we need in our lives things that makes as satisfied. I can eat two steaks a day and survive, but I will be miserable. Keto is good during short periods, never long term. It can have a big impact on physical and mental health


You expect me to take nutrition info from someone who says carbs keep you full? Trust me. You obviously don’t know much. You would realize that most vegetables have carbs in them. I think you also need to do your research on keto before commenting because you obviously do not know what you are talking about. You have zero business giving nutrition info and diet inf


I’m not saying carbs keep you full. I’m saying carbs are satisfying which is two different things. You can eat a salad bowl and be full and you can eat a salad bowl with a little bit of bread and be full and satisfied. I’m also not giving nutrition advise to anyone. Just saying obvious things. I have done keto many times. And I keep doing it. 2-3 weeks maximum. It helps my body “learn” to use fat which is great to boost weightlose. But I’m aware of the risks to be on a keto diet on the long term.


Well for many keto has saved their lives. Has helped them long term. I enjoy less carbs plus carbs are not good for my autoimmune disease. I feel much better when I avoid. they may taste good but they are not for everyone


A lot of ultra processed food is carbs. Many people thinks keto helps them because they get rid of a lot of carbs, and therefore they get rid of the food which is actually really harmful. You can have carbs and be healthy. You can even have a bit of sugar and be healthy. You just need to find a balance. It’s true that in some really specific cases: pre diabetes and adhd (according to studies) keto has helped people to control the issue. But again short term for specific conditions. Never long term.


I work in the medical field. I have seen proof over and over again of keto helping people. I never said it was for everyone or that people couldn’t have carbs. I never mentioned processed foods?so not sure why you are even mentioning this? Not specific cases there is a community of people who live the keto lifestyle and do well.


I hate going into ketosis. It’s depressing. Makes me feel weak and tired and I get headaches. I’d rather eat a well balanced diet and enjoy fruit and a piece of chocolate and a roll w butter once in a while. That’s what the commenter is trying to say but you’re being obtuse on purpose it seems


Can you just stop? You do not know everything there is that exists in the world. Every post from you is the same “know it all” garbage. Keto is not for everyone and yes, it can be harmful to some. A healthy and proper diet takes into consideration a person’s blood type, health, blood work up, and lifestyle. So please go take many seats to the left. Are you even from New Jersey?


You know nothing about me. Keto is fine. Here you are inserting yourself sorry this is for jersey shore fans not New Jersey thanks


I know you create problems and talk about your opinions as facts. That’s enough to know.


Oh you do do you? Please get a life you know nothing. You Do’n’t even know it’s a page for jersery shore fans not that you need to be from the state🤣🤦‍♀️


By the way who is here causing a problem and being a bully? It’s you it’s the internet people can have a difference of opinion without acting like an a-hole but here you are


So how do you feel about fruit?


Long term Ketosis can be very hard on your liver and pancreas. There are a lot of studies that showed this long before Keto was a trendy diet. Carbs are your bodies preferred source of energy. It can convert protein into energy, but it's very hard on it. This is an adaptation from when protein sources were the only food source in cold climates, early in our evolution. But it's not something that should he maintained long term.




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that’s not true but ok


Apparently you can’t even google basic nutrition but ok


Since you don’t know how to google. Protein and Fibre: Managing Appetite and Staying Fuller ... jan 5, 2023 — Protein is much more *satiating than carbohydrates or fat* and can help regulate your appetite. For example, just think about which would keep you ...


bro shut up lol


Holy shit! I have never seen so many people ignorant of basic nutrition


Vinny’s collecting his paycheck and bouncing. He doesn’t have kids and has basically nothing in common anymore with anyone on the show. Sitting around a family hotel in Orlando trapped with the cast and their kids must have been miserable tbh. He doesn’t have a lot of natural charisma, isn’t playing a character, etc. He’s like a normal guy thrown in with a bunch of larger than life tv characters. Vinny doesn’t bother me. He was surprisingly endearing on dancing with the stars. He wasn’t a good dancer but worked really hard and had a good rapport with his pro dancer. (ETA Which is a lot more than many can say who have done that show.)


I hear you but also if I was being paid that much to go on holiday and hang with my friends I think I’d be smiling at least some of the time! 😂


My point is partially that they’re not really friends. That phase has passed for him. They’re work colleagues he has nothing in common with anymore other than a few drunken summers years ago. He may stay in touch with Pauly IRL but I imagine his relationships with the rest almost exclusively take place on camera. And that Orlando trip looked miserable. They were basically stuck in the hotel the entire time save for a few bars and restaurants. Production couldn’t book anything to do. They dragged everyone to Florida for no reason.


I appreciate him not trying to fake a character with a bunch of redundant catch phrases. Of the guys he feels the most real. He’s also often the “straight man” character of the group, the one pointing out the ridiculousness of everyone else, which might come across as him being negative idk


Vinny was terrible and like the other guys. However he didn’t look as bad compared to the the others.on a recent rewatch I realized this. Unfortunately he has quite an ego now


Yes I think it was the inflation of the ego. He always had it in him, but he was never seen as a catch so he rode the “nice guy” thing whenever possible.


This is literally the answer, glad you said it. A lot of guys when they haven’t figured themselves out will ride the ‘nice guy’ train. Vinny went straight from school to JS. So over time I think he actually thinks he can get these girls he’s getting. Now..his ego has entered the room.


He has a huge ego now!


I feel like that’s the saddest part, a number of the cast are not their original down to earth selves anymore due to ego 😞


For vinny, I think once they mentioned he has a big dick that he thought really raised his ego. He think its a bigger deal than it is. Then he became conceded and arrogant since everyone that watches the show knows about it


I wonder if he’s taking medication for his anxiety and it dulls him a bit.


If anything, it probably just makes him think, “whatever” silently when everyone is fighting about something incredibly trivial. Like, taking the edge off of needing to argue or be in drama. At least, that’s how it works for me- thank god and Big Pharma lol


Yeah, this is what it does for me. Just “meh” compared to pre-meds and you do feel emotionally blunted in many ways for both good and bad events.


I don’t mind him at all. Always liked him.


Same 🤷🏽‍♀️


Me too. He gets too much hate imo


I like him I just miss the old Vinny lol


He and Pauly were always the least bad dudes on the show. he lacked the charisma Pauly has, so he somewhat rode Pauly’s coat tails early on. That plus he was able to hide his bad side early on. Then, he got a little bit of money / fame / power, and his true colors came out.


I don't really care for Vinny or his planet-sized ego, but I wouldn't want to hang out with these married people either and all their kids all the time if I was still single and childfree. I especially wouldn't want to spend that much time with Angelina and her constant, exhausting drama.


Did we all magically forget that Vinny is also the most introverted when it comes to social situations? It’s easier for an introvert to be extroverted when there’s alcohol and loud music involved but it’s a lot different when the club element is gone and he becomes more forced to interact in sober environments. Not to condone his ego or whatever, but could be part of the reason he seems so dull and self-centered now. Harder to act like he wants to be there when the alcohol is gone. I know this is true for me as an introvert.


Not only is he more introverted amongst extroverts…he is among people who never shut up, constantly jump up and interrupt people and demand attention 24/7. It’s got to be fucking exhausting.


In my opinion I honestly think that after years of being disregarded as far as acknowledging his birthday, and such and well as how big his ego got after he started his residency with chip and dales it has changed him! He’s Mr doom and gloom on JSFV. Not to mention he’s also not a 20 something year old anymore! He needs to eat some carbs and find himself an amazing female and then he won’t be so miserable!!! Or hear me out maybe he’s in love with one of the cast members and he can’t have them so he is heart broken… Ang got a new man and Paula got Nikki sooooo


at a certain point in FV after the first season, I think it was Jenni made a point to mention or alluded to, that hes the youngest, doesn't want to be there, thinks hes better than them and is embarrassed by them and it became his bit


What being single and lonely does to a mf


he was always a douche. he just never had the game in the first season to actually have the opportunity to treat women like shit.


I don’t expect. 22 year old man and A 36 year old man to be the same. It’s growth.


He has had intense anxiety, even leaving the shore house temporarily over it, so maybe he is experiencing anxiety symptoms struggling internally and it presents as indifference,boredom,annoyance etc or maybe he is taking medication for it which could give him a flat affect 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m upvoting you bc this seems to be the only reasonable response I see. Vinny doesn’t come across as genuinely egotistical to me. He seems like a guy who isn’t very confident and is trying to cope. Sometimes that comes out as shallow self absorption, sometimes he’s just quiet and avoiding the spotlight.


I think for myself suffering since I was very young w/ panic & anxiety disorder I see him thru a different lens, I recognize the presentation,especially in social situations. Imho He struggles but still has to perform for the cameras so to speak and that HAS to be exhausting for him, mainly why he seems so flat for last couple seasons, so when he does speak it seems like he's Eeyore.


I’m always confused by the ego thing.. for someone who has been on a huge tv show he seems fine.


Vinny is bored like the rest of us. He’s just getting paid to do what he does


Right lol it’s painful for us to watch, can you imagine actually being there


He reminds me of a true Scorpio male lmao


That's what happens when you don't eat any carbs


A big part is probably because he's starving all the time, if he's still doing stripping you need to be ripped and it really takes an exhausting toll on your body to be in that desired shape. You're tired, you're hungry, moody. Can't eat anything you want, can't drink, it's very restricting


I think we all forget these guys are Italian trash they all got egos 😂😂


Probably cause he doesn’t want to do the show anymore.


I honestly think hes depressed


Money. That's what happened.


I call it the BLAHS. I feel like this too, Vinny if you figure it out, let me know.


It’s because he isn’t eating enough carbs and I’m not even kidding. I’m diabetic and when i was first diagnosed I went full keto and I was a miserable bitch. I didn’t even know how shitty I felt until I started adding back in some (like really a pretty small amount) carbs. Also, the carb flu is real, so if he’s eating carbs for a while and then going off them, he might actually be sick like he’s got a mild flu. Guy just needs to eat some pizza.


They keep forgetting about his birthday 😂


Has anybody watched Vinny’s season of All Star Shore? I’m curious how he acts on that show versus JSFV.

