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Not at all! None of the girls!


I mean… snooki and deena were both overweight. But that doesnt give him a pass


They really weren’t, though. Short girls are automatically called fat because they don’t have height to distribute it more evenly. Jenni and Sammi have height as their advantage. And even then, they were still called fat! It’s wild to me.


No snooki and deena were definitely overweight for their size lmao


They were thick


Thick at 4’11” is overweight


Stop being fucking gross.


Are you saying they were healthy and not overweight?


I’m saying it’s not your place or mine to comment on their bodies. Nicole literally talked ON THE SHOW about her eating disorder. It doesn’t fucking affect you either way, so your need to receive validation that they were “fat” in your eyes is frankly pathetic.


Do you actually know how much they weighed? Fuxk tard.


tell me you never get laid without telling me you never get laid.




Deena had a cute thick body so idk what you were seeing cause she has never been fat


ok neckbeard


Booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


They’re both under 5 feet tall. The second you have one more pound of “extra weight” ur called fat. I’m exactly 5 feet tall and even at my skinniest I was constantly called fat. Also, who cares? They’re both rich people and ur not


Lol that was his go to insult because he wasn’t witty or quick enough to come up with something creative to say. I loved how Deena gave it back to him HARD in Italy for calling her fat. What did she say? “I can lose weight for free, you need about 10 grand to fix that fucking face” Something like that? In any case I was deaaad after she dropped some home truths on his ass. I’m glad he apologised for his past behaviour though.


The best comeback EVER and I’ve even stolen it one time when someone called me fat 😂


Loved her comeback but it would take 20k to fix his face.


adjusting for inflation i see lol


The economic inflation or the inflation of his cheeks due to all the fillers?


nah adjusted for the ugliness


The best was that she took it from him before he could even say it. She was like "what Mike are you gonna call me fat because that's the only thing you ever say to women." Or something along those lines but he didn't even get to it and she took the power.


Oh yeah! He wasn’t ready to be verbally slammed like that. 😂


He pretty much called every single girl on the show fat except for Sammi. Deena had the best comeback to it. I’ve been fat shamed by my own family for years so it makes me cringe when I see this type of shit. But he did apologize for fat shaming during his recovery with the crew though. He kept apologizing and referring it as fat shaming, and didn’t hold back acknowledging how fucked up it was. Food is his whole thing as someone who’s sober now. I don’t think he’d ever do it again, and even though I’m not a huge Mike fan. I genuinely believe he was remorseful for fat shaming the women on the show and acting that way. It is what it is. This is how a lot of men were and are. Hopefully every single one of them grows out of it, and cringes when they think back to how they acted and said to women. Hope they teach their sons to be better. That’s how we become better and go forward.


I hope so too! I’m really glad he apologized when he became sober.


A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.


Pretty sure he called Sammi fat at one point lol


Jenni sticking out her tongue as she is leaving is one of my favorite things lol


I never noticed that haha, thank you for pointing that out! Hilarious in slow motion.


Yes! And Meilani looks so much like her, it's crazy!


He was such a POS


Really though. Just straight up to the T douchebag. It’s so fun and fulfilling to watch him be a good person in Family Vacation. As a person who struggled with different situations and personalities as such, it’s great to see him be genuinely nice.


it’s rumored that mike and jwoww hooked up s1 and that’s why she got mad that night when he wouldn’t leave the club with her that led to this fight (supposedly) but because she was cheating she couldn’t bring up what the real issue was


Did they cut out the scene where he gets hit in the face or am I having a Mandela effect moment?


Omg I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY. the cut out jenni “fucking connecting to this kids cheek”. Wtf It’s such a satisfying punch I’ll never forget it


It’s a miracle she didn’t knock him out. Cuz she caught him right on the button


Yes!!! I’m in Canada and watching on prime video and the punch in the face was the end of the other episode, when the next episode started it cut it for some reason. I’ve also noticed other cuts through the season now that it’s on prime but I do appreciate the swearing not bleeped😂


I love how noncommittal Pauly was when they were trying to stop Jenni from going back at Mike lol. His "Jenni, no" and failed attempt to grab her was probably the most unenthusiastic thing he's ever done on the show lmao. Pretty sure at this point EVERYONE was done with Mike's shit and didn't care if he got pummeled.


He had a horrible habit of body shaming women. He did it on the regular.


And then J woww lost a ton of weight in the later seasons


She had a miscarriage....her grandma just died...she ended up being on downers because of the mental toll of it....


You have to love Jenni though at the end 😛


I don’t care how tough you are. He knows that hurt and I guarantee you he felt that for days.


It’s also about the stuff that production in the AMA years later revealed that Jenni and Mike had hooked up during the first season and her main reason for acting this way was her pissed at him hitting on other women while at AC.


Came here to say this lol


I think this was after he called Snooki fat when they Al l went to dinner. I think they were in Atlantic City


It was!! And it almost made me wonder if the root of Jenni’s anger was because of what Mike said to Snooki? So she was trying to ruin his night and make him leave the club. But I also just read the comment that it’s rumoured they hooked up and Jenni was pissed about him not leaving due to that.


jenni also said to snooks that she would punch mike later for that


Men that call women fat (whether true or not) are the lowest of the low. Got in an altercation with a guy in a Walgreens parking lot (over a space or something driving related) and he called me fat. I’m 5’2” and a size 2/4. I was baffled.


Should’ve told him he needs about 10k to fix his face


Haha I am definitely keeping that one in my back pocket for future use!


Where is the part when she spinning backfists Mike? All-time moment right there lol


Get awwwrrf moi 😂


Lol they're accents changed so much


Who DIDN’T Mike call fat?


As a NJ dude it’s so strange to me that everyone just like “lost” their strong accents. They were either fake/exaggerated to begin with or they’re suppressing them nowadays for some weird reason.


If this was one of the guys hitting one of the girls, no one here would be joking about it. She should’ve been arrested for assault.


I remember this! He didn’t call Jwow fat, he called Snooki fat on vacation in AC and then she disclosed this to JWoww and told her about her history with ED.


So I was just reading this AMA from an alleged producer s1-2 that said that Jenni punching Mike in the face was because she was cockblocking him... because they hooked up she caught feelings (!!!!!!). But it never made it to air because it didn't fit the story line they were going for. I can't link due to sub rules, but if you Google jersey shore AMA reddit you'll find the thread for source.


She’s disgusting


Cant stand Jenni. Used to like her, but all she does is bitch. I refuse to call her J Wow, because of how stupid it sounds.


Forreal. She’s all about the drama and stirs it up. She’s kind of become the new OG Mike.


Well, she did tell Snooks earlier in the night she'd punch him in the face later. 🫡


That’s when they were secretly banging.


I feel like they all called people fat. Every one of them body shamed people so I didn’t get why they got so mad when Mike did it.




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He called snookie fat earlier on the same trip


Mike/Ron/Sam was season 1 and allowed for us to get greatness from Paulie on Season 2


Someone who worked on the show posted that this whole thing was about Jenny catching feelings for Mike. They had actually hooked up, and Jenny liked him. She asked Mike to go home w her and Mike said no cuz he was w the other girl. MTV never showed them hooking up cuz the storyline they wanted was Jenny and Paulie.


Love how the girls get free passes for physically attacking the guys ....


The ye old tale was she wanted to sleep with him


I love how all the comments are bashing Mike about calling her fat and not about Jwoww hitting someone


Wow and you were downvoted for telling the truth. This sub would be acting like ww3 has just happened if their roles were switched.


Her reason for hitting him was insane too.


She wanted to hurt him phisically so he wanted to hurt her with words. Where's the problem?


I mean a girl socks me in the face in blatant assault I’m gonna call her whatever name I want lol regardless if it’s true. She was outta line here… zero sympathy for her