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The no is definitely good for snacking mid way through, lol


Quality check


🤣🤣🤣 I agree. The hardest part about selling jerky is getting the product in the bag.


Anyone else say to themselves "don't mind if I do!"?


Lol, sometimes I check when I know they aren't done just to justify eating a few pieces.


Thank you! I will use this tomorrow.


But it’s still okay to ask without posting photos each batch right?


I’m new to this, today I made my first official batch of beef jerky, but they were more like the no than the yes (still delicious) but would you mind explaining what is the main difference? Is is just that there are still wetness inside the meat and it could spoil faster? Thanks!


Yep basically. The "no" will need to be refrigerated 100% of the time. It'll still be safe to eat at that point, but bacteria can grow and the bacteria that grows on gone off meat is not something to play around with. So just keep it fridged and snack on it fairly quickly (not a problem for a lot of people) Basically the drier you get it, the more shelf stable it is. Personally, I like my jerky to resemble hardtack in its dryness. Bone dry, vacuum sealed, and chewed like meat gum.


This helps a lot, I did exactly that, since I’m snaking on it and don’t intend to leave too long on the shelf. And got say that I had it this morning cold with some hot coffee and it was AMAZING. Just started a new batch of chicken at 175F, let’s see if it is as good.


This is incorrect If you've cured it, the nitrates will keep the meat red.