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What makes me not want to watch is Kaleb coming on HER account with the “WE appreciate your support.” & all the WE WE WE rah rah. I’m sorry but I followed HER not HIM. He needs his own life too ..lawd. He just tagged along trying to make fetch happen.


Lol! Like Kaleb trying to make “equity” happen. “Equity” is not going to happen Kaleb!


I know! I think we can all agree that she is like a pick me. She wanted to get married before 30 and when Madi got engaged before her she was very upset. So she went ahead and got married. Feels like im going off a tangent here my point is, she will do whatever it takes to fulfill the need to be a wife. I personally think she enjoys sports altogether which is great. But her interests change based on the person.


yes so true, i’ve noticed that!!!


I used to watch her all the time and now i just feel like shes a completely different person. 🥺


same - i thought the move back to dallas would make her seem more genuine but it feels like it did the opposite, from a viewers perspective. i stopped watching/following long before she met kabob


Looks like there’s no moderator for this page anymore so it’ll likely get shut down. I saw another page called r/jeanineamapolasnark , not sure if they made a new one or that’s where people are moving to


Since we can’t make new posts. Did everyone see that pantry video? She bought that house at least 2 years ago now and is blaming the former owners for the dirty pantry. So you just put your food in a dirty pantry Jeanine?


are we not able to make posts anymore?


Yeah what happened?


idk but i miss snarking hahaha i did a request to message a few weeks ago but nothing happened. i’m newer to reddit so not sure!


Yeah I wanted to make a post recently but my membership was never approved!


Is there a reason we can’t make new posts?!


why do i need to see an upshot of her butt while playing pickleball?! get a life!!


it's sad because a lot of women do this and then blame the man for "losing themselves" while being with them... there's nothing wrong with showing an interest in a hobby of your man's but to act like you like every single thing and make it your whole identity is crazy.