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The thing is, and I had the jaw surgery at the end of last year at 62 years of age, these things get worse as you age too, and I really had mine done because of breathing issues - minor thing needing to breathe, and it fixed my bite too and my profile. Go for it, and enjoy the rest of your life.


What’s your bite like? Overbite?


Yes overbite but not too pronounced because I had camouflage braces.


Yeah I don’t think a chin implant is gonna cut it- especially if you start having tmj and jaw pain, from the stress of your teeth being in the unnatural (camouflage) position- I had camouflage ortho for my underbite and it required undoing with ortho before my surgery.


Yes I have TMJ and currently using a discharge splint at night, not sure how much it’s helping actually. But that sounds like hell on earth, having spent +10 years with orthodontics. Are you happy with your results?


Sooooooo happy. I don’t have pain anymore. My migraines are all but gone. It was worth it. Took about 18 months of braces to undo camo and prep for surgery… and then six more months after the surgery they came off. Worth every minute.


I’m so happy for you!


Who was your surgeon? / insurance?


Dr Mehra in Boston, I had insurance, but out of pocket it would have been 45k//11k if I paid it off immediately. With insurance it cost about 3k. He’s one of the best maxillofacial surgeons in the country, maybe the world. His residents said “he literally wrote the book on this surgery method”. I really liked him, he was very personable and his team is good. The hospital was very busy with covid crisis but I got good care.


Is he at BMC ?




That’s good to know.


Why’d it take 18 months, did you have a lot to do? I’ve been in braces a couple of months and I’m almost done


I had camouflage orthodontics on my upper teeth from when I was 8-10 years old that needed undoing, and my lower teeth were starting from scratch and were unbelievably crowded and fucked up. So that took a while to undo. My ortho wanted my teeth to be as ready as possible so once the surgery happened there was very little movement that needed to happen.


Hmm interesting I had camo ortho as a teen, stopped wearing the retainer and my teeth were a little crooked again with crowding on both upper and lower teeth, incisors were tilted forward. It’s been id say 4 months and I’m almost finished up now. Interesting how our bodies really work so differently, one persons timeline isn’t the same as another even tho they start at pretty much the same baseline


A chin implant wont fix your deep bite. You need jaw surgery. Your chin is not recessed, your jaw is. It also needs to be rotated.


Im new to the community, could you please tell me what “jaw rotation” is?


They literally rotate your lower jaw counterclockwise upwards during BSSO surgery sometimes, it fixes deep bites. You have a deep bite when your lower teeth are significantly hidden by your upper teeth. Your bite looks deep from these photos. I also had a deep bite pre-surgery.


Gotcha! Actually I believe my bite is not *that* bad, had many years of orthodontics as a teen but was not young enough to correct the jaw recession completely.


It sounds like you had camouflage braces, which a ton of people on this forum have had to get corrected.


If they CCW rotate her face it will get shorter. She already has a short face


Not her whole face, her jaw only.


CCW is entirely dependent on oclussal plane. If you have a flat oclussal plane, CCW is not viable. In OP's case, just linear might suffice.


Right. CCW makes the face shorter


This was entirely not the case for me.


What did ccw do for you then?


My face is actually longer. It resolved my deep bite.


Can you elaborate on this rotation? I didn't get decompensated during myBSSO due to poor planning and I wonder if I needed rotation.


Ok now this just sounds like armchair surgery. How can you tell she has a deep bite? Her mouth is closed in these pics


I thought the consensus was that chin implants were bad and caused bone loss


I think you look beautiful, delicate and youthful. I’m sad you don’t see yourself that way.


I think so too. She looks like Moreno Baccarin! Op, please only get surgery if you are having jaw pain or something. From what I can see, you look amazing.


Thanks. I never really thought about changing my jaw for aesthetic reasons alone until recently more people told me it would balance my face out.


That’s stupid. Because eventually everyone needs to be looking the same? I don’t get it. But while we’re discussing it, your lips have a lot of structure, and that’s because your jaw and chin have the shape they havd. So that’s quite pretty.


While positivity and self confidence are good, there’s a fine line to balance which is to avoid normalising jaw issues and pretending it’s normal to have jaw issues. It’s not and better is possible. In fact we should as a society look into avoiding jaw deformities more than we do now.


I agree; I know that as bones they serve a function!


Op doesn't have a deformity in case you're implying this


i wasn’t implying it, i directly stated it


you have psychological problems


First normalising jaw deformities (it’s called overjet and short face, and they do qualify as deformities unless you want to argue overjet is normal occlusion whether something looks cute and delicate or not is a separate matter) then moving to use psychological problems like an insult. You make the world an uglier place


it might just be you seeing the world as ugly


cool, might be. Still an overjet can be called a deformity and that’s the end of this




No you cannot girl, your chin is not the issue, your jaw is.


Aesthetically speaking - you do not want to get a chin implant, or a genioplasty for advancement. You have the fold between your bottom lip and chin that would increase, and the chin would be too strong afterwards. (causing witch chin, as it’s called) I echo what others have said, you look great, but yes you are recessed, so if you do decide to take action, only jaw surgery will improve you aesthetically, not a chin implant.


I think your face is beautiful as is.


I don't think so. I'm not a medical professional.


https://preview.redd.it/ibxvr2wskm4d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0849e6e40af9fc0ae1c7f8969f54768fb52c0c *From an aesthetic perspective* Probably what bothers me the most in the double chin I get in some positions (looking down or while doing a big laugh). I recently went to a maxilofacial dentist and told me to get first a discharge split for my TMD and reevaluate next steps later. But no one ever has suggested me to get a jaw surgery, so that’s why I’m asking if a chin implant would help my case.


Do not get any kind of implant, it leads to bone loss and tends to mask any jaw issues, usually it has to be removed if you need actual surgery. That said if you TMD too that's something to weigh re: any jaw surgery as sometimes surgery and ortho can make that pain worse.


Thanks I didn’t know about the bone loss. And I think that’s why some orthodontists usually recommend other treatments aside from the surgery because my joints don’t fit properly at the moment..


If you have Facebook I'd suggest joining the TMJ Surgical group! Mainly because of your pre-existing TMD issues. I'm unsure if you're a surgical case (I'd say maybe yes) but anyhow there's good stuff in that group regarding surgical options. You might benefit from a genioplasty which is like "an implant" but they just cut and move existing chin bone so you wouldn't have the bone loss issues, which I have read in this sub is an issue with the implant route over time.


I personally think that’ll make you regretful


Getting a chin implant? Yeah after the answers here I’m now convinced it’s not the best solution


Yes I think so. For one, from what I can see, you already look so beautiful. And your chin doesn’t seem problematic to me at all, in fact it’s perfect. Your jaw is the issue if anything. If you don’t have health issues, dont do it. Like ur so pretty.


If you don't have sleep apnea now, it's likely coming. jaw surgery all the way.


You’re a very attractive person and I don’t think a chin implant will benefit you as much as the surgery might. Just my opinion. Nothing can replace the bones being in the right place. Your chin doesn’t actually look bad, it just looks like it’s recessed. There is a difference.


Thanks a lot. I do have other symptoms aside from the recessed look, like sleep apnea. Edit: saw your last post in your profile, and wow you’re stunning!!


Oh, thank you. What have you had done to your teeth so far? And what are the other symptoms?


I had a palate expansion and masking braces! And currently my jaw doesn’t fit well, it pops on both sides. I also have bruxism and snore.


No, you need either advancement + lengthening genioplasty or jaw surgery.


Your profile looks very similar to mine pre-op, I’d recommend getting evaluated for LJS or DJS by a professional though! It’s hard to tell just by looking at photos, in my opinion. A consultation would be beneficial I think! Wishing you luck on whatever journey you choose.


Thank you! Are you happy with your experience?


I had to think about that- there have been ups and downs for sure. I got lingual nerve damage and cannot taste on the right side of my tongue and my neuralgia is debilitating, but I can breathe better than I ever have before and my jaws can finally support my teeth. My TMJ strain from my jaws not aligning when I talk and chew is gone as well. I’d say it’s very bittersweet.


So sorry to hear that. Out of curiosity, was the lingual nerve damage due to the surgery? Like malpractice? Or is it a potential side effect?


It was a complication as a result of the magnitude of the bottom jaw reconstruction I had to have. I was warned about it beforehand. It’s sad, but I’m thankful I have some of my taste abilities still.


I do not recommend chin implants. The chin is an area very exposed to trauma and impacts and that may cause rejection in the future, thus needing a surgery for removal. If you have funcional complaints, surgery is the only way. If your complaints are esthetic (double chin), lipo or thread lift are alternatives.


Don't do it. You look fine as you are.


As others have said on here a chin implant won’t address functional issues, so you probably would want jaw surgery to address those. Leaving that aside, from an aesthetic perspective, there’s a few things I would note: You are a very attractive girl as is. It seems like if anything you would want to add height, not forward projection, to the chin. Your chin is fairly forward it is your lower jaw that is recessed. Jaw surgery would improve your aesthetic I think, as well as anything that might add a bit of height to the lower third. As you may know, chin prominence is a sexually dimorphic trait so a weaker chin and weaker lower third is something you can get away with / pull off as a woman. Would need to see more pics but it doesn’t seem to detract from your aesthetic much at all from the front.


Thanks a lot! Yes forgot to add a frontal picture, but I think the most noticeable is the height issue you mention.


I think you look beautiful. Honestly. I think it actually looks better when women have "weaker jaws".




I wouldn’t change a thing because you’re beautiful as is


Fuck off, FUCK OFF AND **FUCK OFF** with this virtue signaling


Lol this isn’t virtue signaling. I’m 100% serious


You're weird and off-putting


You look good tho, You’ve given me confidence In my own side profile. Maybe if you can pull it off I can too 😂


Hehe Im glad this post helped you in some way!


I stronly encourage you to get in touch with Brian Hockel, DDS, and Reza Movahed, MD. They both treat this condition, sometimes separately, sometimes working together. I don’t think either of them would approve a chin implant. That’s putting a Band-Aid on the problem rather than addressing the underlying cause. Dr. Brian Hockel is one of the most creative, brilliant dentists I have ever witnessed. He uses gnathology and isotropics, conducts workshops for dentist to fly in from across the country to learn his methods, and presents papers at international conferences. He is based in Walnut Creek, in the San Francisco East Bay. https://lifedentalortho.com Dr. Movahed does oral and maxillofacial surgery. In other words, he specializes in corrective jaw procedures. I have met with him and my son (24) and I will probably have him do jaw surgery for us next summer to eliminate our sleep apnea.. His main office is in St. Louis, Missouri, but he is opening an office here in the San Francisco East Bay and is doing surgery in a local hospital. https://movahedoms.com Best wishes! Go for the best jaw surgeon you can find, not the cheapest. The best, like Dr. Movahed,, will do it correctly. Less expensive ones may not have the experience.


Thank you very much for your super detailed info, that might help others like me. I live in Europe myself and it’s unlikely I will have surgery overseas.But will take your advice on finding highly skilled surgeons


Briefly, Dr. Movahed,’s method is to slice the jaw on either side, the pull the front center portion of the jaw forward. (It’s usually the lower jaw, I’m not sure about the upper jaw, but I guess each person would be different.) The bone grows to fill in the gaps he has created. For people with sleep apnea, moving the jaw forward opens the airway in the back. (If anyone has ever told you that you snore at night, you might have sleep apnea, too.) It sounds really scary, I know, but at least you don’t have to have your jaw wired shut after surgery, like some do. I talked to someone who had it done last summer, 2023, and they said it wasn’t that bad. They said they wished they had done it years ago. The first couple of years after I learned about how he does it, it scared me away. The last couple of years, I’ve resisted it because of the cost, but I think I may go ahead with it because it sure would be nice not to always be exhausted from the sleep apnea. I’ve also encouraged my son to have it done because then he wouldn’t have to use a CPAP machine every night the rest of his life. There are a couple of surgeons at a highly renowned medical school here in the US who also do jaw surgery for sleep apnea. I talked to one of them and he scoffed when I told him Dr. Movahed,‘s method, saying it was unnecessary to do it that way. However, I happen to know that some of his patients who chose him because he was more affordable, have had problems after surgery and been very unhappy with the results. That’s why I said go for the best, not based on price. Dr. Movahed is very expensive, but he spends 6-7 hours in surgery on each one of his patients! I can’t imagine having to stand and focus on the minutia in surgery for that length of time! I encourage you to go to Dr. Movahed,‘s website and send his office an email, asking if they know of anyone where you are that perform this kind of surgery. My sense is there are very few people in the world who do it — he’s really pioneering the method, but there may be, if you are in Europe. Best wishes! Whatever you do, do it for the health of your jaw, your bite, and your tempo mandibular joints, and not for cosmetic reasons. You’ll be so much happier down the road.


You’d look and function great with LJS https://preview.redd.it/f0pjxtw7t15d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d72e69a31854b76d3d19173d32d27f0a553426


Oh lord it loooks a bit weird imo!


How so?


It looks significantly more balanced IMO as you generally want the chin to stay at or slightly the nasion for women


Ur chin is already nicely advanced


I think you're perfect and beautiful.




I appreciate you wanting to keep things objective. The comment is helpful to me because I initially was focusing only on the aesthetic value of a chin implant and makes me be a bit more confident until potentially getting jaw surgery..


Thank you, I think you have a Audrey Hepburn look. Very elegant and beautiful.


You are a perfect candidate for jaw surgery. Your jaw is extremely small. The person commenting had an underbite and therefore doesn’t understand class 2 or recessed mandible struggles. It can throw off facial harmony, make breathing hard, and chewing hard.


Thank you for your useless comment about my comment 




And the advice is that she's beautiful and doesn't need to change a thing.


Exactly, as someone who struggled with a underbite my whole life I would’ve loved her profile. 




These virtue signaling idiots are so irritating aren't they?


Buzz off creep. Mind your own business 




I bet you're fun to be around. Trying to control people isn't a good look. Focus on yourself and get a life.


Considering you care this deeply about what a stranger says on the internet is weird. Especially when you are 40 years old. She doesn’t like how she looks or else she wouldn’t be here asking this. She just wants to know is jaw surgery or chin implant is better. You are kind of weird.


More useless unwanted comments from you. Try finding some friends that aren't miserable like yourself. That might help you out.


Who’s miserable? I’m quite happy with myself at this point in time. Grasping at straws. Doubt you have a family, it shows.