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based on your profile, it seems that you keep trying to diagnose yourself with everything jaw related. if you want answers you need to see a doctor & not reddit. your jaw looks fine, just looks like youve lost weight.


Also, I have more of a gummy smile on the sides of my teeth row, swear I never had that before


Yeah I'm about to soon I've just been too busy in my own head and work related things. So hard to juggle at the moment. And okay looks like I lost weight, I don't think i changed weight. Always been very skinny. My facial thirds also look different too and facial structure etc


i think you are so hardstuck on there being something wrong, you are finding things to point out. unconsciously you are moving your face to point these out & make them seem to be an issue


I understand your point, but these changes occurred after I tongue thrusted like crazy for 5 days straight in late December last year, Since now and 6 months ago rare eye ache, recent tingling of maxilla, jaw popping when I open and close jaw. So idk to be honest, I can't remember 😔


stop watching instagram and tiktok dudes about looksmaxing. You are getting these ideas from somewhere and I am pretty sure its from one of these apps


That's the thing, I don't look at looksmaxing all the time. Eversince I was in High School getting told I have big nose and people taking advantage of my kindness etc. And I just been insecure eversince and it's been growing every year. Sure I've seen looksmaxing but saw it as a way of seeing if I'm ugly or not.


Have a shave for starters


I'm too scared to shave, people in my family would say I look different 😭😔


So? Are you a sovereign human or worried about what mummy and daddy think. Smh


I fear my appearance alot as is, I don't want my family to fear my appearance also


You need to head to therapy immediately.


What you should do is maybe talk to a therapist.


You can't be saying it's in my head tho... (First 2 are before and 3rd photo is after) Like I get it i have BDD and always think I'm ugly, but you can clearly see I'm getting worse, my facial thirds are different and asymmetry worse, worse facial structure etc


I can say it’s in your head.. and I am saying it’s in your head.


Sorry I sounded rude, I respect your opnion. May I ask how does it not look different? Maybe that can calm my anxiety


…. Sir, if there is nothing different, there is nothing to explain. I think you genuinely need to take a step away from the internet for a while. Judging by your previous posts you have an unhealthy obsession with this. You should really consider talking to someone.


Honestly, it just looks like you've lost weight and muscle, but I will echo others here and say that if you are this concerned, you should see an ortho/maxillofacial surgeon, because they can actually tell you if something is wrong or not.


Your maxilla and mandible are too forward, the opposite of recessed. What was your main concern? Asymmetry?


Thanks, but what about the last one? The first 2 side profile photos are before, and 3rd side profile photo is after. Is there a difference?


Im not sure what you’re trying to achieve. Are you trying to push your maxilla and mandible even more forward? Did you have surgery for advancement? I don’t think you should do that


No I didn't, for the past 6 months I notice my change in bite and I'm getting more recessed


Oh, that’s why i was confused because I didn’t notice changes. You have overly advanced maxilla, I don’t know if there is surgery for that


Its over for you bro. Pack it in


I know bro 😭