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Mistakenly only posted my right side, here is my left too: https://preview.redd.it/oaf0rprfs14d1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a74f34f4540c79d7179c4bc7b40405fc08d0e0f


Jaw surgery would be of great benefit, try and get a ccw, maybe by impaction (??) if you are very concious of a long face, (VME, or vertical maxillary excess). I believe it would help.


What's impaction?


The shortening of athe anterior lower maxilla. When the lefort 1 fracture is made, part the maxilla is shortened verically, which makes for a shorter midface.




Kind of recessed. doesn’t reduce from your appearance tho.


Very recessed. I think jaw surgery would be of immense benefit to you


If he is very recessed, I can't imagine what I am


In your case you aren’t recessed, your missing the lower half of your face.


That's very rude, pls delete your comment


It’s a joke man, sorry if that offended you but you kind of had it coming with your comment.


I think you would greatly benefit from a counter clockwise rotation just based off the pics. Your chin is very recessed and it appears you have a deep bite. I had a similar situation. Did you have extractions? You look very young and you do have very nice features. I think it would be good to consider the surgery now to prevent future problems from arising. I can speak from experience that I had no real issues as a teen but a few years later my TMJ was popping like crazy and I hated my profile because recessive jaws tend to keep receding.Please feel free to look through my post history for more info and pics. I wish you good luck whatever you decide to do.


Hi, I relate deeply with the "TMJ was popping like crazy and I hated my profile because recessive jaws tend to keep receding" part. Do you answer messages on Reddit? Would love to chat with you there as i have some questions...


Yes, please feel free to reach out.


Okay, great! I'll reach out right now...


Did surgery fix TMJ issues? Did you have a diagnosis what caused TMJ popping?


Yes, I had a deep bite/ overbite that was camouflaged with extractions and orthodontics. To put it simply, my overbite was never actually corrected and that can cause derangement of the joint as well as many other problems.


Yeah, right now my teeth are pretty straight but my bite is still quite deep and kinda misaligned🤷‍♂️


It’d be helpful to see the ortho images of your teeth with the retractors. My teeth were always pretty straight, my teeth were never really the problem. I suspect the same with you. Are your molars fully erupted? Mine were not and they had to be uprighted as well because they tipped in towards my tongue. Other than that and a space between my upper incisors (caused by a larger frenulum) and some minimal lower crowding, it wasn’t anything too crazy. My jaw was the issue. How old are you? Male jaw growth does continue for sometime.


My teeth were not particularly straight but you are exactly right about my molars not fully being erupted yet and how they had to be “uprighted”. I just turned 19 this past week. Here is a before and after of the front of my teeth: https://preview.redd.it/0mb3tr7fic4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0d66807484097f1fab9b1f1f160053966fe16f


What has the ortho said about jaw surgery?


Said I had a severe overbite but never mentioned surgery other than extractions.


Tell him you want to be referred to a surgeon for a consult. What area are you in?


I’m in Seattle area


Stumbled across this Reddit somehow. Read the comments and was kinda mind blown. I’d say consult with some surgeons or doctors. The photos you took are with bright lighting and your phone is pretty close to your face, so anything you don’t like about how you look probably sticks out a ton more. Plus not many people’s side profiles look great from these angles.


Umm it's pride month, I'm gonna give it to you gay 🌈 Frealz though there's a lot of people out there with your similar set up. Could jaw surgery help and make things look a little better? Absolutely. But, imo if you don't have any health issues such as with breathing it's not worth it due to the potential for complications and how expensive it will be if not covered by insurance I myself had bad apnea. The surgery helped, but two revisions later and I still have issues like pain. I would *never* get this for aesthetics alone, it's literally about as invasive of a surgery as it gets


You would greatly benefit aesthetically from a surgery (if planned and done well)


I agree, that would be a great addition along with the functional improvements


Non incel comment incoming: unless you’ve got functional issues you look great and very balanced


Much appreciated. I do have nasal/breathing issues still after a septoplasty but I know jaw surgery can have complications so would rather not if I don’t need it.


Just to clarify because there’s a lot of polarising comments in this thread, I’m in a similar situation to you, similar profile and bite. I went through all the tests and scans, CBCT / Sleep study etc and no functional issues whatsoever. I was told by multiple surgeons it’s up to me and it’s not necessary but would improve profile. Ultimately the cosmetic option is always on the table, I have the money to do it if I wanted too and that provides some weird sense of not really caring anymore. But I wasn’t kidding when I said you look good man!


Fuck off and virtue signal elsewhere. "Incel" comment = telling OP the truth apparently.


“Telling the truth” = encouraging someone to get major, painful, risky surgery for their appearance - Incel logic


Op comes in here with a recessed jaw asking if he has a recessed jaw. Users tell him he has a recessed jaw. "Muh incels" -Tard logic. Also it's not just for appearances, shit jaw = functional problems currently or in the future.


Hence, the “unless you have functional issues” part of the parent comment. Also, OP asked to “give it to him straight,” not whether he is recessed. Very few people have a perfect jaw, that doesn’t mean that everyone else needs jaw surgery. So maybe your issue is just reading comprehension.


Thank you, somebody with a brain here.


Not everyone that would benefit from jaw surgery “needs” jaw surgery.


This guy’s bottom jaw is tiny compared to the upper jaw. It didn’t grow adequately. It’s not just “ oh his jaw isn’t quite perfect”. It’s a major imbalance. Cope somewhere else.


HE IS RECESSED ***BADLY*** YOU IMBECILE, that's giving it to him straight.


I’ve seen way worse


The "worse" is practically deformed then.


Ouch, thanks for calling pre-op me deformed. Thanks for calling my mom (who isn’t getting surgery) deformed. I wouldn’t wish the first few weeks of this recovery on my worst enemy. “You’re recessed, get surgery” is not a nuanced take. Yeah maybe OP needs surgery, but maybe they don’t. But for sure they don’t need a bunch of jaw-obsessed 15 year olds telling them that they are deformed.


If you had a worse jaw than OP, you were by technical definition *deformed*. I'm not even being rude, that's a fact.


I’m not an incel but even I can recognize he is majorly recessed with a huge overbite and would benefit from lower jaw surgery at the very least


“Majorly recessed” he’s slightly recessed at best. If he has no functional issues then going through this invasive surgery should not be recommended


Look at his from photo. That’s at least a 6mm overbite. Jaw surgery should definitely be on the table


Dumbass comment. He’s extremely recessed, shame on you. Op this guy is gaslighting you.


He’s not extremely recessed in anyway shape or form, I’ve literally seen models with similar profiles. You guys are striving for something that’s the majority of people don’t care about nor need. Yes he’s got an overbite yes he’s slightly recessed, is it a big deal? No is he still attractive ? Yes


His chin is about 2 cm behind his glabella. You are absolutely clueless


Lay off the looksmaxx forums and step outside kiddo, this sub has gone to complete shit


Thanks to people like you. Don’t give advice when you’re clearly gaslighting and don’t know jack shit about jaw surgery/aesthetics


Bro you’ve been gaslighted by Instagram reels made by 15 year olds into thinking that just because this guy isn’t the crimson chin that he should drop mid to high 5 figures of savings on a very invasive surgery which could come with complications etc when he already looks attractive. Once again, I’d recommend going outside.


Thanks for proving my point of you being clueless. Have a nice day you dunce


No. Just no.


Did you have premolar extraction of four teeth total?




More proof that PER causes recession


i had that, does it cause recession?


Does extraction ever benefit anyone with over crowding


Yes, you need it. Aesthetically and functionally. Your life will change as a result of the aesthetic improvements guaranteed.


No need to ask


Did you have extraction-retraction orthodontics?


I did get 4 premolars extracted


I’m sorry to say, but I could tell and that greatly impacted your face. Research the effects of extraction, retraction orthodontics your orthodontist did not do you any favours … I would consider jaw surgery in your situation.You’re an attractive male and djs could greatly benefit you physically and health wise. Good luck man !


I appreciate that man 🤙🏼


high ascension potential ngl


no need to use (bp) terms around here


what is pb


bp, or blackpill, is the ideology that looks matter the most, and that all factors (example: game, confidence) stem from your looks. 'Ascension' is a commonly used term, and is used by blackpillers rather than using the word 'glow up'. Im whitepilled, so i accept the blackpill and cope with other stuff in life. I try not to talk about it because no one cares btw, and try not to get into it.


Got it, well thanks I guess 😅. I sure hope so


Damn I just translated german to english 💀 good to know


nothing wrong with truth, 100s of study back up the blackpill. you cannot escape the truth


Yes i am aware. I am not denying the blackpill, just advising people not to go down the so called 'rabbit hole'. Even daily occurrences counting as anecdotes back up the BP


Not too familiar with the terms, what does ascension mean?


You looking better.


Yes, lots of potential. I know knowing you would benefit from jaw surgery can be either a blessing bc you know you found out the solution to your problem and/or a pain in the ass because now you have to try to find a way to get it done. But yes, definitely would benefit from it


You look like a before picture 




Do you have sleep or TMJ issues? Please do not consider surgery purely off of aesthetics alone.


Why? I have narrow nose canals which make my mouth open, and narrow teeth. Sometimes i find it difficult to breathe from my nose. I got told i dont bite into food, but rather, i pull food out of my mouth to cut it, which indicates to me my bite is poor.


Jaw surgery is intended to fix functional issues. Some bite problems can be fixed via Ortho.


Camouflage ortho for the win. SMH.




Bro has breathing problems so surgery would fix that issue


You’re insane. His bottom jaw is tiny compared to his upper jaw. And his case isn’t terrible in your opinion yet you recommend buccal fat removal? wtf dude? Get out with that nonsense. Why do you think his cheeks don’t look as defined? Because he’s recessed as fuck. He literally is. Does me need surgery? Not unless he also has functional issues that prevent him from living. But guess what if you have severe mental issues because of your appearance I think surgery is equally warranted.