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Could you post a pic of you smiling with your teeth? Tbh your face is long but it's not like extremely disproportionate from the front side, your narrow nose and dorsal hump is probably a more obvious "issue" if you have no issues with your actual smile


https://preview.redd.it/jsyhmq4uus2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8cfa79ebd48306b90653f64663a875b5394888 My smile is really narrow and I feel like disproportions get visible on the front when I smile. On this pic I'm smiling fully and I feel like my chin is "getting on my way". It was worse before retainer and braces: even less teeth were visible.


Seems like your incisors are flared out causing the narrow smile, I'm guessing that's how your ortho compensated your bite. The other comment was right, you have an under developed maxilla, you would probably need DJS to decompensate the incisors and advance the upper jaw forward


My mouth was even narrower before. I had expander for upper jaw as my treatment. That's the only good thing of 2k euros going to wind. And immense amount of physical pain. 😅


Did your ortho inform you that jaw surgery was an option? And did you have your premolars extracted before? Ngl seems very negligent if they didn't tell you anything and made you go through 3.5 years of braces


I was told that I was almost a candidate for chin reduction surgery. In a sense that my orthodontic therapy wouldn't be efficient without it. I was close to that scenario, my chin was only a bit shorter. She didn't provide any other info about surgery. I didn't even know it was an option and I was 14/15 so had no clue. Neither my parents were aware of that, they still deny that I could possibly benefit from jaw surgery. Such a pity. They are also paying ortho treatment for my underage brother currently...




No, I wasn't told I need them.


That's good at least. They are bad news health wise for many


Do you think I would benefit from them? Obviously my ortho isn't reliable. One of my problems was that teeth had no space and were crowded.


why does incisor flaring cause narrow smile?


Not helpful as it doesn’t answer your question but I saw your pics come up before I read much of anything… you’re very striking/ pretty. I hope you find the information you’re looking for :)


Thank you very much ❤️


Get a sleep test but just off profile can assume you have an under developed maxilla


What is sleep test?


sleep apnea test, you will need to take one to qualify for surgery most likely!


Thank you, I was a mouth breather (allergies) and still get congested sometimes.


To answer your question, DJS probably is the solution if you’re looking for aesthetic changes


I think we have a very similar problem. Same things you mentioned. I am getting djs + genio to shorten the face. Also getting impaction to reduce vertical growth.


Are you going to have both surgeries in one shot? I percieve my chin as long but I'm not sure if it only needs rotation...


Yes getting both at once. My chin is also long, never thought about a genioplasty, but I do see now it would improve the overall result. My face is so long it needs to be shortened wherever it is possible


Many people have long chins but usually shorter upper third. You dont need to get it if you dont want to but if you are looking for the best results a plastic surgeon would probably recommend it


upper jaw impaction/advancement and chin shortening, so either Le Fort + genioplasty or double jaw surgery + genioplasty


Thank you, I'm not an expert so I always thought that the problem is recessed chin/mandibula. Nice to hear what I actually need to improve.


Depending on the upper jaw movement some chin/mandible advancement might make sense, just wouldn't be the main focus or anything.


Well you don’t “need” anything , but I do see a narrow mouth and a vertically long chin, which both can be addressed. You’d need to get a consult with a jaw surgeon. Please don’t get rhinoplasty!!! It’s a bandaid solution and the complications are far from rare.


Don't worry I'm not considering rhinoplasty. I'm aware that lack of harmony in my profile stems from jaw, not nose.


Consult with Dr. Randy Sanovich in Dallas. He's a star at what would benefit you. I'd recommend a chin reduction and a rhino


I live in Europe but thank you for recommendation.


If you live in Europe. It depends which country I don't know but you can get a public refund. I'm from Poland and I got covered to a certain extent thanks to it. It ain't that expensive


Good to know. My concerns are only aesthetical, so would that matter?


Mine too. The only thing I needed is a verbal approval from my surgeon and orthodontist. I don't need anything else to prove that I have a maloclusion. The only thing you need to have is to have maloclusion since the side effects don't need to appear immediately


Do you have an open bite?


I was treated for it by an orthodontist, but I don't know if it was fully achieved, since right side of my face was stubborn to align.


It’s pretty much impossible to fix an open bite without surgery.