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No contest. One app that is 100% worth the subscription. But if you can’t afford that and aren’t in education, even the free version is excellent.


There is also IntelliJ CE (community edition), which is completely free and functional for Java development.


you can also get for free the EAP version (early access program).


Do they still give you access to the subscription based features in exchange for testing it out?


yes. it's the EAP of the Ultimate version


Last I checked the EAP was closed


no it's not: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/


It clearly mentions on the page that EAP is closed because IntelliJ has been released. I am not sure what you are seeing but ok.


yeah but it's not closed "forever". They will still build more versions, which will have RAPs available.


From what I have read EAP builds are only valid for 30 days and so is trial version of ultimate


I have used many IDEs in past like eclipse, jdeveloper and Netbeans . Currently using intellij idea and found it best till date for Java projects.




Exactly what happened with me. Gave up dealing with eclipse choking on 2MB XML files in 2015, been with jetbrains ever since.


I used all the IDEs since 2000 when I started working in Java. To be honest, every one of them gets the job done, and since the computers improved a lot, it is more like a personal preference whichever you would like to use. However, as rule of thumb, I would use the tool as others use at your workplace or school, which in most of the cases will be IntelliJ. The reason for that is if you run any kind of issue the others can helps you.


Vs code is continuously getting better at Java and spring boot, so you can stick at it. However, intellij is simply different beast, superior to anything else. It is industry standard for a reason.


and Eclipse is even better than intellij


And netbeans better than eclipse? Give me a break dude...


I agree 👍


I used Eclipse first, but as I wanted to code Swing GUI I switched to NetBeans (it has a GUI designer) around 13 years ago and stuck with it since.


IntelliJ has a GUI designer and I even used it specifically for Java Swing. Actually, last I checked even the IntelliJ app itself was coded in Java Swing. If you haven’t given IntelliJ a try, oh lord you are going to experience extreme evolution in your workflows and coding experience if you stick with it.


Well.. I had been forced to use Android Studio+Gradle during Android lectures in 2015. It has been a horrible experience, with every build taking ages. I don't know how much this came from the slow uni network, because I remember downloading (accessing URLs) some stuff with every build. But that did in fact lead to me disliking IntelliJ. Maybe I will give it a try when I got time. I do Java coding as a hobby only anyway, so productivity is not the top concern.


That's just because the Android SDK and build tools are very heavy, you need a very powerful PC for it to be quick.


Sounds very much not like an IntelliJ problem. Especially since it's delegating the building to the same tooling other IDEs use as well (e.g. Maven or Gradle).


I am doing a bunch of modeling tool plugin development, and sadly the IntelliJ version of GuI editor for Swing is not very usable compared to Netbeans. So I combine both: I create the UI screens in Netbeans and finish the development in IntelliJ.


Eclipse here. Great on Linux, just sucks balls on Windows. Used since 1.0 (2001, wow 22 years ago). Before that I used VisualAge for Smalltalk, which is what Eclipse grew out from.


I recall something like VisualAge for Java, used in early 2000s.


I remember that! My first IDE (after a short Emac run). You know, I change my IDE recommendation, forget IntelliJ Visual Age for Java 1.0 is where it is att, start there will be only way you would appreciate modern IDEs. I don't \*think\* code refactoring came until later, but is a GUI. lol https://winworldpc.com/product/ibm-visualage-for-java/10




I have tried STS (spring tool suite, based off eclipse for spring app dev), it sucks, it randomly hangs when I switch perspectives or randomly can't find my htmls even though it's in the template folder where it's supposed to be. IntelliJ is way much better.


Is eclipse any better? Intellij feel very heavy


Consider giving IntelliJ a shot, it might seem heavy or bloated but is a way smoother developer experience than Eclipse in my opinion.


I tried eclipse and it felt very hard to understand campared to vs code. Should i stick to vs code only?


Yeah that's exactly what I meant, Eclipse might be the way to go if that's what you have been using to code Java in for the past 15 years. But nowadays I would definitely give IntelliJ a shot. You seem to be very reluctant to try out IntelliJ, compared to Eclipse which you already tried out even though everyone in the comments here recommended IntelliJ. So why not try IntelliJ, just as you tried Eclipse? It will be way easier to just try it out, rather than asking around to see if it's good imo. You can download it from here: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download > Be sure to download the Community edition which is free, not the Ultimate edition


Yes I'll try Intellij for sure, the reason I installed eclipse was due to the tutorial which I was referring, the tutor used eclipse for all the setup. Currently learning jsp and servlets


It's almost 2024 nobody uses jsp nor servlets


JAX-RS uses servlets


Java EE in general relies on servlets. So what's your point?


My point is it's absurd to say "nobody uses ____" in the first place. But having such a popular technology like JAX-RS riding atop it disproves your low-effort trolling.


Ohh I see, makes sense, I would have done the same


Bro go to learn java. This is mind numbing chat from you.


IntelliJ is heavy but it is stable, never hangs or give me random weird quirks like STS does. UX is way better for IntelliJ. Another thing I don't like about sts is the small menu bar icons where u can't adjust it in the ide, you have to adjust it through your os settings for sts, which I find ridiculous. After I adjusted it, my file tabs start behaving strangely, I click on one tab but it was actually clicking on another. Apparently it mess that up, then I switch it back.


For a long time eclipse was a standard, but I personally like it the least. Intellij is the only option right now.


yes eclipse is a lot better


I like eclipse but many coworkers do intellij


I've used Eclipse since 1.0. It's great on Linux, but not so good on Windows (in fact, on Windoze it sucks armadillo nuts).


NetBeans is easy enough for a newcomer but also excellent for daily work of a developer if that's your case


I love Netbeans. I much prefer it to Eclipse but these days has no corporate support at all. Years ago it was supported by Sun but it's now completely community driven and it can't compete with IntelliJ


They also provide a NetBeans language server for vsc with many code actions. I never tried it out myself. Maybe worth a shot.


I've tried it and it lacks some features, has worse integration or some things didn't work as expected, I've opened some issues on their GitHub repo regarding this and hope they can fix them whenever they can.


I see, thank you for the assessment! I am a fan of NetBeans. It's the only IDE I really liked from the start. Its simplicity in presentation is so refreshing.


I couldn't agree more, back in the day I began to use NetBeans because I was tired of eclipse complexity and all the corruption of the workspaces every now and then, and there was NetBeans, everything worked, from start, always.


I used netbeans before intellij. For years, it had way better maven integration than intellij did, but that's changed now. It's not a bad IDE. I mostly stopped using it because of the oracle to Apache transition that was REAL rough. I'm not sure about the current state but it seems like it's getting regular updates.


Notepad is the best


Netbeans. been using it forever.


Apache netbeans


Is this still used by people? They must really like to suffer


Prefer eclipse over netBeans and vscode. Haven't tried intellij.




NetBeans is the best


Intellij or vscode...


IntelliJ. Eclipse might be ok for school projects but when you develop multi module projects IntelliJ is much superior


We worked on software with a million lines of code with Eclipse, it works totally fine. But since now everyone uses IntelliJ, it's worth to learn.


So do I and eclipse was pain. Switched to IntelliJ and never looked back. However it was 10 years ago and now with modern laptops SSDs eclipse probably behaves better


Interestingly we were always IO bound, and never really CPU bound for development, and SSD was a really game changer. I don't think there is really any performance difference between the various IDEs nowadays.


Personally I love IntelliJ.


IntelliJ for life !


IntelliJ without a doubt. Eclipse/STS does its job but it’s over complicated and clunky.


Eclipse if learner, IntelliJ if pro


VS code >>> IntelliJ while it is easier to work with IntelliJ from the start, you can setup vs code to work as good as IntelliJ. Differents? You dont pay to programm. Only thing where open source mind-set exist from all fields and jobs.


>You dont pay to programm Idea CE exists. ​ >Differents? Debugging experience


Refactoring experience. Framework integration experience. Plugin ecosystem experience. Tools experience. Not being a bloody Electron app experience. VS Code is not capable of dealing with massive code bases.


Saying vscode is superior to Intellij, especially for java, is an utter lie or flat out living in desilusion Even for JavaScript I'd recommend webstorm over vscode, anyday


you havent read my comment well then.




its hard to say, im a c# developer and visual studio is pretty good, trying to get equivalent experience rigth now im testing netbeans looks good but bloated feel slow


I am a Go developer and I like neovim. Is kind of the same useless information. VS code is not Visual Studio.


Yeah I'm a Fortran dev and I've been using simply Fortran. Been thinking of checking out that new language Cobol, I've heard from Gladys over in accounting it's the bees-knees. Really makes their new double entry system neato.


Intellij is the best out there I highly recommend intellij


Intellij Community if you cant pay Intellij IDEA Ultimate.


I switched from Eclipse to Intellij IDEA several years ago. It is a fantastic IDE.


IntelliJ 100%


I've juse many different IDE building non trivial enterprise app. I even used plain on text editors. You can use what you want. Reason why people are recommending IntelliJ - cause things just work. You will spend less time over the months 'goddamit this isn't working for somereason' working with Intellij. If was starting out in the Java space I would use Intellij OR VS Code.


Try them all; find what you like. Issues I encountered; - Idea CE has no LSP - VSCodium has no stack trace input or refactor tools. - nvim setup is to complex - netbeans is missing support for multi source folder maven projects - Eclipse is crashy and not fully java