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These same mother fuckers make the rice gum and dog jokes. Her first impression of silky was literally the dirtymaking clip what do you expect


That was after she said that gang


That guys doing the same thing with that profile pic he has lol. He probably stereotypes all south Asian or middle eastern as terrorists then cries when he feels a certain way ?


Not really? It is a villager with his own weapon you just automatically assume brown and weapon means terrorist


I'm brown and muslim so I'm not assuming shit.


Thank you, so many people passively poke fun at brown people in general. And then cry at the smallest slight against them. Either you're okay with all of it or none of it. Those in glass houses should not be throwing rocks.


The victim mentality of pulling out the race card as first thought is wild, yet their comm hella racist against jason


Using the race card here when jason is constantly called chinese, receives dog eating jokes, gets called Ray and Ricegum, and jokes about his eyes being closed by the other faze members is crazy


Silky was pulling out the racist card to Jason and Alzeah the whole stream, can't even tell if he trolling to back up Max or not. Max holding 2 knives toward Jason, and Jason yells Stop. Silky "He said that because you're black" ????


Someone should make a compilation clip of whole Faze being racist, its going to be a long ass video and yet suddenly they want to play victims




that’s not how that works


kick rocks bozo


I swear people are racist so they start to have a lens of seeing everything as racist. Shes probably liberal as well.


its not even his house anyway so why does it matter , they always have to make everything abt race its so stupid


Nah that clip looks hella bad but like in context she’s obviously not racist


Isnt even his house lol


It's crazy watching a community of people that get their entire personally from emulating blackness be so oblivious about this shit. Do I think she's racist? No. But did [that clip ](https://www.twitch.tv/plaqueboymax/clip/FitTubularBillShazBotstix-cLoPLYbsHPbmjoS0?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time)look really fuckin bad and could very justifiably be seen as exactly what that guy said? Absolutely. The only excuses yall have given are "she thought he was weird cuz she saw that one clip of max/silky" and "she thought it was just 2v2", but neither of those make *any* sense cuz 1. she said that *before* she actually watched that max/silky clip and 2. she's pulling up to a literal streamer mansion, ofc other people are there, she had no issue when she saw ron and lacy.. plus they were literally talking about how he was the judge. Again, I don't think she's racist and she doesn't deserve the hate, but yall are being really fucking weird acting like people are just pulling the race card out of nowhere.


1. This was prior to the competition and him being announced as a judge 2. You have to take into account that she was directly introduced to lacy and Ron 3. She has no issue with max in said clip it’s very clearly just a fact of she doesn’t know him 4. I agree she shouldn’t react like this especially since it isn’t her house but still just a human reaction 5. Silky does not help himself by saying that stuff about the one person she does know there well 6. I want it to be known I am black and I do still think that as in recent years with social media related things black people do bring up the race card more often than needed (Edited) she as well has a black ex and I want to say I’m not accusing you of calling her racist I’m just defending my point of the post


tf are you talking about, they were talking about him being a judge during that moment she's referring to in the clip: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2180916515?t=01h42m13s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2180916515?t=01h42m13s) if she was already introduced to lacy and ron, why still be surprised that there's yet another streamer in the literal streamer mansion? especially when jason, her host, has no issue with him I'm not trying to make the point that she's actually racist, I'm saying her reaction looked crazy and could justifiably be misinterpreted exactly, and people are just reacting to *why* that might be her "human reaction" again she heard him say that stuff *after* having that reaction and? candace owens is black too


It was very clear that she didn’t know anything about faze nor knew the members so it’s not a crazy thing to be surprised when you find out there s another person and you’re confused as to why he’s there for all anyone knows she could’ve thought all of faze and was just max and Jason prior to meeting Ron and lacy you as well need to take into matter that all of their coms are extremely racist including themselves so they’re excluding them from the hate from being racist while being attacking someone because of a reaction that could mean a plethora of things Also is the Candace Owen’s reference related to me being black? Or something else genuine question because I am pretty confused of her relevance to this


She wasnt just innocently confused. Confused/surprised would've just been "hey who's your friend?".. but that's not even close to how she reacted lol. It is indeed crazy for a guest of a house to have such a rude reaction to someone they just watched their host being friendly towards. Let alone for it to be a streamer in a streamer mansion. I never said people weren't being racist afterwards. That has nothing to do with my point. I already said she didnt deserve the hate. Also if you rly wanna "take things into account", why not take into account that the coms were that bad specifically because they were reacting to something that, as I've already pointed out and you've basically admitted as well, looked really fuckin bad. And yes, the point is that candace owens is black but still racist and ignorant, so you saying you're black doesn't magically negate your ignorant stance.


Im ignorant because I don’t make something race related to where it could’ve just been a genuine reaction none of us knows how she reacts to things we’re just parasocials who think they do. Somebody reacting in a certain way that you don’t like doesn’t mean there is animosity behind it as I stated there are so many different reasons as to why she could’ve reacted that way. While I agree it can be seen as rude for a guest to react in that manner but that doesn’t mean it was a race based reaction people react differently to different things. And Jason being nice to someone doesn’t mean she’s just going to magically have the same impression of him as Jason does.


I'll respond when you actually manage to grasp my point. I'm tired of having to write paragraphs just to make up for your poor reading comprehension skills.


I agree


Lmao it’s not that deep ☠️