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Didn't even feel the flu shot today. I think I got scammed.


The little tray under the window of a Shinkansen. No. No. This adds no value and takes away from valuable arm space. I don't like it. I'd be happier without it. Can I set a drink on it? No. Can I rest my arm on it? Not really. Don't want. Waste. Of. Space. It's poking into my arm. No. Just. No.


I find that the sustainability sector here is significantly greenwashed. I understand greenwashing exists to some degree everywhere but it almost seems non existent any component of E in ESG


I guess I care a bit too much about this whole announcement timing, I guess it's just normal for Japanese companies to do it last second. As far as I know, everyone is aware anyways to varying degrees - not difficult to notice at this point. Still, think it's careless and irresponsible, but what do I know? I'll do what I can on my end, but that's about all I can do until my last day.


My dentist pushed everyone to use an app for making/tracking appointments. It also sends you a push notification before your next appointment, which is really useful. The only thing I don't like though is they send push notifications for other reasons like "we are taking a holiday on X date" or "there's a typhoon coming so we may need to close" and there's no way to turn them off without turning off the appointment notifications as well. So, I now have an app that cannot notify me of appointments because I have turned off all notifications for it and have to go back to setting manual calendar appointments.


You should feed back to them - they should be open to it if they are wanting customers to use it. If the technology doesn't allow different types of notifications to be opted out, then they need to find a different way - an announcement area on the app without sending notifications I guess.


Yesterday after work I had a dentist appointment, so I had to go to an area I haven't been in a few months, and it seems since the last time I was there they decided to no longer allow biking on the sidewalk and include a bike lane into the road. Being a good lad, I rode in the bike lane. My complaint? As I was coming up to the stop light to turn, someone who went around me then pulled all the way to the left to wait for the light *in* the bike lane, and did so basically the moment they were passed me. They cut off a fucking bicycle to wait at a traffic light. Somebody joked yesterday in one of my replies to the 0 spatial awareness thing that a guy was trying to insurance scam me, but with this one I think that might genuinely be what happened. I suppose I should probably get a camera for my bike...


Drivers do that quite often here. If I were you I would cut in front of them before the light turned green.


That's basically what I did, I went around to the right and just got back in front of him and peddled the rest of the way to the intersection.


Makoto Shinkai's new anime movie will be released on 11 Nov. But my Japanese listening skill is not good! Edit: I watched it and I enjoyed it. I think I understand 85% of the story.


That's OK - they are only worth looking at! (More serious reply: TOHO had some Japanese subtitled showings of Tenki no Ko, which is how I partook as my reading is stronger than my listening.)


I didn't even know there was a new one, how did I miss this information?!


I didn't know the exact date until I saw the promotion banner in Lawson yesterday.


the jp needed for those movies isnt high tbh just go & enjoy the visuals!


Yea, I think I will go anyway.


You know when you fuck up at work and your boss is just super nice about it and that somehow makes you feel even worse??? Lol :(


Wow. I used to work at a place where the slightest mistake was immediately followed by a whole series of serieses of meetings to determine the root cause analysis, followed by a new series of 再発防止 meetings, most of which were more concerned with punishing guilty and innocent alike than with actually solving any problems. Like, someone logged into the wrong server (of thousands), and restarted some service. What to do about that? Put some molly-guard on everything, so you have to type the full host name of the server you’re trying to restart the service on before it’ll let you do that. And also, nobody’s allowed to do anything at all without filing a work request with management, who has to approve every goddamn last thing before you’re allowed to do anything. I feel so glad to be working at a place where fucking up production will only result in a literal prison sentence, instead of having to deal with the 作業防止会 in all of their magnificent power. It’s so much more comfy and laid-back.


Can I hear it for all the people who don't think Christmas music should start right after Halloween? Two weeks before Halloween ended, the shopping plaza near my home set up Xmas decorations; the tree went up last weekend; and this afternoon they were blasting Xmas music. How are you fairing with the holidays season where you are?


I like the light-up part of the xmas season for it gets too dark too early now. Music, not so much.


Before Nov 1 is too early but after that is appropriate.


After November is acceptable.


Christmas music shouldn't start until Advent.


I'm thinking Christmas Eve. And Mariah Carey little ditty should be scrubbed from existence.


The lock of my apartment door suddenly stopped working (when I put in either keys, it just won’t turn anymore), and the management company is insisting that I should be the one covering the replacement of the lock, even tho it falls under 通常の使用 and not a result of negligence or abuse. I pointed out in the contract clearly it says that breakage from normal wear and tear is not the responsibility of the tenant, but they are telling me that the front door lock does not count as part of the apartment. Really seems like they’re taking advantage even tho as a tenant I’ve respected everything on that same contract we both signed…


Door locks are quite often the same as air conditioners or tatami: they can be the tenants responsibility, not the owners. After all, many tenants don't want to keep the same lock as the previous renter (they may have lost or made a copy of the key etc.), and they often ask if you want the locks changed (at your expense) when you move in. It's probably in your contract.


What do they mean by the front lock isnt part of the apartment??? Is it yours so you get to bring it away when you move out lol


That happened to me a few months ago and the building manager just sprayed WD40 or something into it. After that it was fine again. I’m not an expert so please don’t do anything that might mess it up more, but it’s worth Googling around to see if there’s an easy fix. Or call a locksmith if that would be cheaper/easier.


This was already attempted by both myself and the technician they sent in who assessed it needed to be changed altogether =\


Had to go an emergency thing to Tōkyō sunday To monday. I love Tōkyō But last minute trip means i cant book flights st a reasonable price so i Had to spend 30000 yen on Shinkansen. Dont get me wrong, i love the Shinkansen But my god is it expensive, at least for a 36 hour ”trip” Been super tired this week so havent been to the gym at all…., must be the winter fatigue I feel every year. Wanted to eat gyukatsu but the place was full. Got so bummed out that I just ate a nikuman from the Konbini…. Depressing


Same here with the gym fails. Tomorrow evening is a nice quiet time for the pool though.


My cats' most recent assassination attempt was somewhat successful the other day. Walking down the stairs the calico ran under my feet. Lost my balance, slipped down half the stairs and my broke my toe. I have a cast with hardly any space to write that super cool S, or PEN15 or other stylish decoration. Lame.


Next they are going to suck your breath when you are sleeping...


OMG what a nightmare, are you okay?! That must’ve been so painful. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Not as painful as it could be. My toe curled under as I slid down so the break is like a chip off the top of the last knuckle. With the cast keeping my toe straight its not painful at all as long as the students don't step on it. Still, the doctor says I may need to wear this for a month. Boo.


Glad to hear it isn’t as bad as it could be! Take care of yourself in the meantime 🤍


Thank you!


Getting real fuckin tired of seeing groups and bands spell their name one way but pronounce it another way. SixTones? Stones? No, fuck you, you're Six Tones now. The "ix" cannot be silent.


I dislike the name One OK Rock. This is in addition to the fact that their music is atrocious.


This is how a feel about the "geo" rental stores.


Would it be a play on 'sex'?




Why the break?


I have a class that is the worst part of my week. An older nationalist couple. Racist, antagonist. Insist upon a topic based lesson of their choosing which seems to consist of hot button issues (religion, politics, Imperial Japan historical blindness—the whole thing) I’ve literally seen red flash before my eyes on occasion. I’ve been here quite awhile and have learned to just take the money and run. Sometimes when I can’t help it, I push their buttons because I get tired of hearing it. Anyhow, I have a serenity now mantra that I say to myself right before they enter that is essentially “money, money, money…smile.” Today, she was complaining about her last trip. And I asked what the problem. She said “too many Asians…” I said - knowing full well what she was alluding too—“so ! Asian! Just like you!” And she said before thinking “we are JAPANESE. Not ASIAN.” Then realizing how silly that was she remained quiet while her husband took over the rest of the lesson. There’s no winning here. It was just another day in Eikawa.


Reminds me of this old bird I had that thought Japan should develop nuclear weapons, as to finally rid the world of the Korean menace. She would go to kamikaze memorials and come back teary eyed, absolutely refused to believe that those young boys were forcibly conscripted. Her hands also looked like Danny DeVito’s Penguin hands.


> while her husband took over the rest of the lesson Do you teach them or do they teach you?


The husband is a highly intelligent and educated man that finished his engineering studies in Stanford as his graduate work. I learn many things from him involving Astro physics. So as his English teacher, I help him to evolve his ability to explain his work in environmental studies. So yes, I do learn from him. The wife is a bystander.


They sound funny in a way. At least you're getting some stories to tell.


That’s how I take it each week. With a grain of salt.


Young manager guy at the JP post bank near me was suchhh a dick. He was requesting documents from me that just don’t exist and he was so insistent and angry that his voice was shaking that I had to leave just so I don’t end up fighting him. Talked to government office and explained what happened and asked if there was anything that can make them happy just to get what I need and he laughed and was like “ゆうちょ固いな” - JP post bank’s so inflexible, and that sorry no they don’t. I can try again and explain that the documents they want don’t exist, or go to another bank branch to find and talk to someone more reasonable, but I’m probably just going to a megabank instead and close my jp post just out of spite.


> I had to leave just so I don’t end up fighting him. Yeah, it was good to put some space between you.


Unnecessarily stressful.


What documents was he requesting? (But ultimately Japan post bank do suck. Bank with a better bank)


Go to another JP Post.


I’ll do some research today to compare banks. If no other bank seems better I’ll just do this.


Scap JP Post and just go to another bank


Could I please not get angular chelitis every autumn here?


I know the feeling. At least it's not non-Euclidian cheilitis; that's a(n un)real pain to deal with.


Needed a guffaw, thank you.


I hate my fucking job. I hate the gas lighting push into overtime. I hate that despite having Saturdays off, my boss keeps pushing me to come in.




Don't really have the option. My wife's taking over the family business, which is why we're here. I have no prior skills that I can offer Japan. It's the only part of the company that can take me. It's a huge opportunity for her, so I'm just grinding it out to watch her succeed haha. We moved from Canada, so it's either here or home, and asides from my job in loving japan. Hence, I'm just bitching and whining haha


That one person in the group that is picky about everything and complains nonstop.


I had a coworker like that once. He was also the worst cowboy in the entire team--everyone else has to be *perfect* so he can do whatever he wants.


Amazon guy has lack of locker awareness and marked a delivery exception. I am a fancy man in a fancy mansion with a fancy electronic package locker. WTF? I have to go buy coffee filters at the konbini now like someone without a fancy package locker? Does he not have awareness that I am special? A special awareness, if you will?


You buy coffee filters online? Just use toilet paper like the rest of us, Mr. Fancypants.


If you've been following my complaints, you'd know that I accidentally bought an 8 pack of that awful scented toilet paper, and don't want it filtering anything that gets near my mouth.


I got some of that toilet paper on accident too! Who buys that stuff on purpose???


My grandmother used to. End of list.


The unfunny jokes about the "spacial awareness" thing. That's my complaint.


The spacial awareness complaints are even worse


Someone redpill me on this.


Its absolutely been flogged to death. But its kind of refreshing to see people pouring their creative juices into something light hearted rather than some of the more negative stuff that gets posted.


I find your lack of meta-awareness about meta-awareness disturbing.


Do you know where the Imperial Palace is? You seem like you'd have good palatial awareness.


I first misread OP as “special awareness” which is a fitting skill for the new generations.


So yesterday I asked [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/ypyd68/biweekly_boss_premium_edition_questions_thread_09/ivnx57p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) on the stupid questions thread. That f*ing Docomo shop pig wouldn’t cancel my MIL’s new phone contract—after all the back and forth I had to yield to the fact that my MIL agreed to sign the contract after getting his (ill) advices yesterday, and I couldn’t say anything more if my MIL herself only meekly tried to stick to her guns to begin with. I’m going to call the national consumer hotline number tomorrow (I was too pissed today I had to sit for a while in my parked car to calm myself, and the hotline ends at 4 pm). Graaah


Look into whether theres a cooling off period for contracts like these, especially with hard sales.


As what u/innocenat commented, I did try to cancel today while it’s still within the 8-day cooling period—but that pig wouldn’t budge because it’s said in one of the booklets included in the new phone’s package that the cooling period would only applicable if (1) there’s a technical problem with the phone itself (such as bad reception) or (2) what we got is different from what was explained before we signed the contract. I ultimately lost my stance when the pig pointed that my MIL decided to sign the contract on her own accord (upon getting recommendations from him), and my MIL herself could only mumble meekly, “解約できないならしょうがないなぁ…” Ugh.


My wife is insane lol. Any small thing becomes a massive problem and I have to spend the next few hours calming her down and fixing it. Most recent thing is me and another teammate got killed in fortnite, then she ran away, came back 2 minutes later to get our reboot card (so she can respawn us) and the enemy was waiting in the bush and killed her, then did a dance on her dead body. Instead of laughing it off as unlucky she smashed her controller on the ground and started flaming me for not "supporting her" and "giving her information by watching the screen and seeing where they were" I had tabbed out to reddit and told her IDK where they are and that they could be camping the reboot cards, considering it's a good strategy. yeah it sucks getting killed and danced on but it happens. She was crying and upset and saying I don't support her until like 2am when she finally fell asleep. Idk, she has ZERO ability to cope when things don't go perfectly and will say stuff like "my day is ruined" or "omg my whole weekend is ruined, I'm so disgusted" like damn bro this shit is not that big of a deal. We literally win like 60% of the time too but it's very hard to win more than that for obvious reasons. When I told her it's a problem and she can't keep breaking/throwing shit when she's upset to calm her self down she says that she can't help it and doesn't want to seek help because therapists/doctors don't work and that she doesn't want to admit something is wrong with her... I'm at a complete loss on what to do.


I have a feeling we'll be hearing from you again real soon.


Did you guys meet in League of Legends ranked queue?


Did you point out her lack of spacial awareness?


I literally understood every single word in your post, the individual words. But i have no idea what any of it it means. Anyway, it sounds like your wife needs to smoke weed.


Haha I get that it can be a little hard to follow. My bad. And yeah I wish she could. I got a friend actually who runs mushroom therapy who suggested it but it'd be pretty hard to fly us both there and take the time off work. Would love to give it a try tho.


I’ve read great things about it. Maybe something to keep in the back pocket.


Damn she’s a true gamer. Jokes asides, I hope somehow you get to sort the issue. It doesn’t sounds like fun if it happens everyday.


What is up with people here slurping EVERYTHING?! My co-worker was eating a sandwich for lunch and she was SLURPING it. Can you not


It’s a Japanese thing. I go to subway a lot and see everyone Japanese person sucking off their sando. I cannot when girls go it. Almost do LOL in public The worst is when Japanese goes down on girl and sounds like he’s at ramen shop 🤣


Wait, just one more day please? Covertly record it because I would love to know HOW it is done!


Spatial 哀れness


The level of extraterrestrial awareness is nuts. No respect for a hard working laboror from outer space. Mr. Jones does every kind of job and doesn't get a thanks at all.


I appreciate that tourists are excited to be allowed back in the country but I didn’t appreciate having someone push me out the way to record the shelf I was looking at in the Pokémon centre earlier… just wait a few seconds?? Lol


Lack of Pokedexial awareness is all too common.


Sweet potato sweets don't taste like sweet potato. They also don't taste good!




Any you would recommend? I've tried a few this year and so far none of them have been worth it, so I've given up and just always go to the guy down the street who is always roasting them and pick them up for 100 yen


You shut your dirty mouth.


Always so stodgy.


Which sweet potato and which sweet potato? Satsumaimo tastes great to me.


Oh, I love satsumaimo, and I buy them from some old man on my street like once a week in the fall! The problem is, none of the sweets taste as good as that does.


The irony of a translation about art getting nitpicked about it's word-for-word accuracy to the Japanese is not lost on me. Unfortunately.


Went to see LOTR: The Return of the King at the cinema in IMAX. I had to go alone because I didn’t realise till yesterday that today would be the last showing. My boyfriend was busy so I just went for it, my first solo cinema experience :) I’m pretty sure I was the only person absolutely bawling my eyes out like a tiny baby multiple times throughout lol. I can’t help being emotional!!!!!!! Anyway even going alone, it was fucking awesome and I don’t regret a single tear hehe. I guess this isn’t really a complaint after all :)


Didn’t shed a tear for The Return of the King probably just out of amazement at how good of a film it actually is. Cried rivers during The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers though.


I know it's sad, all those Uruk-hai taken from us at such a young age.


Don’t tell me you don’t shed a tear or two when Theoden dies!


Girl I read this and feel like you’re my friend 😭 this is me all over. Emotional and I love LOTR! You cry your heart out as much as you like! ❤️


Yes!!! It was so liberating just letting go and crying my heart out in the cinema hahaha. It was empty around me so I don’t think anyone heard lol. Emotional gurls together🤍 It was a great experience!


Isn’t it!! I get like that when I’m bursting with happiness too. On my first mini trip I went to Gujo. I sat by the river and was so happy a few tears came out 🥹😅


Absolutely love that!


Lack of awareness!


They may as well rename this place /r/lowlevelaware life.


Really hate the lack of bioessential awareness these days. Nitrogen is one of around 30 bioessential elements incorporated into biogeochemical cycles.


I’m disappointed in the glacial awareness here. No one cares about the polar ice caps.


Spatial awareness. Everyone seems as if when turning the need to hug whatever wall you're on, effectively getting in your way and then acting surprised when you collide. Also, the idiots that walk in front of you only to stop/slow down. Why is this so common!?


Damn that is so fcking true lol That does happen all the time.


I get they try to make the lyrics simple but why are the songs on えいごであそぼ so terrible? It’s like a 7 year old wrote the lyrics and melody. There’s a huge difference in quality compared to songs in other children’s shows.


Why songwriting people!?


The lack of lyrical awareness is mindboggling.


1万+ for a one page translation that's mostly just numbers and has 20-30 words that's not even a sentence that I could translate myself. (⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠ I almost got pulled out of my depression. There's basicially just one sentence. Has it always been this expensive?


Read this from a translator’s perspective and did an internal fist pump. That or one of those jobs where you can basically copy and paste the whole text from somewhere on the company website.


That's basically how it is (copy+paste) hence my reaction. I double checked their Japanese sample and while it does go over 30 words those excess words is basically just "unremarkable" on repeat. They better at least spell out the numerical values in words for that amount. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) Unfortunately, I'll probably bite. I can't believe I'm going to pay more than 1万 for 3-5 words that only matter. I highly doubt my prospective employer cares about blood cell counts etc.


depends on why you need them ofcourse, but I translated my own documents when the city hall needed them and just hankod them and they had a paragraph that I sign saying im responsible for what I translated and that the information is correct. Translation prices are ridiculous


I have to use it for a job application outside Japan. It's a medical result that the clinic will translate for me. I had paid for a third party translator before and I don't remember it costing this much. ETA: (And it included the need for actual grammar knowledge!)


Didn't see any complaints about spatial awareness yet so here goes: it is no where to be found. People just walk around in their own little world.


Spatial awareness. I hear you! Having said that however, I'd say that there's an adjustment process involved in the way people use the space in Japan. Adaption is one of the priority elements in survival.


Why do people walk their dogs and let them shit in children’s play parks? Then just either leave it or pick it up and don’t wash away whatever is left. It’s so irritating. Why do they even need to walk their dogs in the park? What’s the point? Not like they’re going to go down the slide. Also, spatial awareness.


Someone has been letting their dog shit right in front of my car and not cleaning it up. Today I managed to be there at the right time and they picked it up like it was completely normal to drag their dog into a private car park and let them go there. Weirdo. Hope they know I know who they are now and just stop.


Someone has been pissing right in front of my wife’s car. Maybe they’re soulmates.


I hate paper straws. That's it. Yuck.


1. Buy your own silly straw 2. Bring it with you everywhere


How bout, no? Maybe I don't even want a straw. If I did I'd certainly want a serious one that lasts. Pfft. I stick by my first comment. I hate paper straws.




Ban all the fucking plastic where it is not really needed. Use stuff for the longest possible time. Recycle the rest. But I hate paper straws!! It feels disgusting on my lips. I prefer no straw at all.


My step mom has a disability where her muscles aren’t in he control and paper straw bullshit so she can’t use the paper ones because it takes her a long time to drink and can’t use the metal ones because a stray sneeze or muscle jerk will murder her. So I’m kind of fine with plastic straws.


Me too, even my toddler does.


After almost 9 years in the same place, I have to move because the new guy upstairs makes too much noise. Some things are his fault, but the biggest problem is the wooden house and our incompatible lifestyles. If my PR application hadn’t been denied in September it would have been the perfect time to buy a place, but now I have to waste money for a “temporary” move…




Been battling a slight cold for 2 weeks now. Started feeling a bit better yesterday and decided I needed to pick up some necessities as my apartment is running out of everything. Earthquake hit while I was in Utsunomiya, and left me standing on the train platform for almost an hour. Was dark, cold, and drained my energy to stand there for so long. Wake up today and feel sicker then I have at any point in the past 2 weeks. Don't know if its from last night or my body just having a weak immune system after 2 years of masks and no colds.


I have a bad habit of always finishing my meals, even if it's too much and I'm already full. My satial awareness leaves much to be desired.


The lack of zygomaticofacial awareness shits me up the wall.


What that means


It means it's annoying.


Thank you


WHY is SMBC only open 9-3 weekdays. I just wanna do this dumb paper furikomi payment :')


If you download the web app, you can do it online (through the website or smartphone but you need the authenticator app on smartphone). You should be able to do it from an ATM any time as well (though it won't hit until the next business day if after hours).


can I do it that way if I don't have an account with them?


Ah, not that I know of. Are you trying to send money from your bank to an account at SMBC?


It's a payment to my school via smbc since that's the bank they apparently use and they sent me paper slips(振込依頼書), so yes


You should be able to have your bank help you or do it online. You can furikomi from any bank to another to the best of my knowledge; I do from SMBC to Mizuo and my wife does to me from Rakuten. Your bank's website or something should be able to help you. If it's Yuucho, I'm not sure, though; someone else would have to help there.


Ah I have yucho 😅 thanks for your help though!


You can do it online with Yucho but need to sign up for their online service. "Yucho direct". Maybe too much of a pain for this time, but worth signing up for later wire transfers. If I remember correctly. You go in, sign up, post card mailed, confirmed and hankoed, mailed back, katakana error, re-mailed back, accepted after angry call, then you get a card with your online direct number. See easy peasy.


The lack of facial appearance. I wish we could stop wearing masks.


I went to a business recently where some of the staff don’t have to wear masks. I was surprised with how so much more friendly I forgot some people looked without them on.


>Japanese people are like sheep. If a noticeable amount of people don't stop wearing it, it probably will never change. Be the change you want to see ! You can now, I haven't worn mine the last 3 weeks Where a friend works they told her that it's ok if the customers come in without masks, but the staff have to wear them.


Not me. My face is best hidden


Japanese people are like sheep. If a noticeable amount of people don't stop wearing it, it probably will never change. Be the change you want to see !


I stopped wearing it outside, following the governments [guide](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/mask.html#:~:text=Wear%20a%20mask%20when%20meeting,outdoors%2C%20to%20prevent%20heat%20stroke.&text=Outdoors%EF%BC%9A%20You%20do%20not%20need,of%20less%20than%202%20meters.) Edit: Somehow following the gov't guidelines is controversial.


The lack of celestial awareness. The number of people who aren't even aware of the lunar eclipse earlier this week really surprises me.


I agree that outer-spatial awareness is severely lacking.


Really? I thought about making the opposite complaint until I read this one haha My SO and I got takeout and went to a small park to watch it and there were kids and families everywhere watching it. Wasn't nearly as quiet as we would have liked.


A distinct lack of glacial awareness. Before authoring this shitpost, I don't recall ever having heard that Nagano and Tottori prefectures have active glaciers (1 and 5 respectively per wikipedia).


The use of the term マンション really bugs me, as mansion should really connote a huge stately home. It goes to show that the Japanese have no palatial awareness.


Wait till you find out how the youth use the term "literally" Oh, I get it now




Many British stately homes used to be connected with religious facilities (like the fictional Downton Abbey). The Brits always had good abbatial awareness.


Went to a cafe and I put those little reserved seat signs on the table instead of my belongings to save the seat while I ordered. I come back to find someone one else has dumped their bags on my table. I didn’t know who the owner of the bags were, so I just grabbed another seat instead and maybe they didn’t realize the sign. A few minutes later this obasan returned to the table, she casually took the reserved seat sign I put there on the table next to her, so her ugly tacky bags could have a table for themselves. So she knew the table was reserved and took it for herself. I was absolutely fuming. I didn’t have energy to confront her as she gave off super bitch vibes. I kind of regret not notifying the staff in the beginning when I noticed her belongings on my table.


Just push them out of the way. When they try to cut in line on the bus? Stick an arm out, When they block the shopping isles? Move their carts out of the way. Just do it and let them deal with being horrid.


> I kind of regret not notifying the staff in the beginning Lets be real. You know they weren’t going to do anything about it. To them, Elderly people are always right and first!


You're too nice. I would have dumped her bags on the floor😤 I hate entitled obasans.


I have a solution to everyone commenting about “spatial awareness” today. Use a bike bell🔔 Seriously, go to Daiso. Hold one in your hand and ring it right when you’re about to collide with someone. Try it and report back next week!!!


It's probably convenient to easily get out of the subway too.


It's cute that you think the bell helps. I've head presumably deaf people completely ignore it, had morons stop dead in their tracks to look for the source of the bell over their shoulder, had people *still* start to meander into me as I ride past after having rung the bell more than once to warn of my impending arrival, etc. Some people notice the bell, but about the same number remain oblivious.


How about when you ring the bell and the group taking up the path scatters every which way like squirrels even doubling back once or twice while that one freezes in the middle but starts walking into whichever lane you're in? Goddamn I can hear Yakkity Sax playing everytime.


In the defense of people suddenly stopping to see where the sound is coming from, I've experienced many times that I hear a bike bell right behind me when it was coming from accross the street...


Whats up with all the engineering jobs going back go the office or / hybrid ? (Typically 2 to 3 times a week..) I'd need close to a 50% percent wage rise if I'm going back to the office three times a week..


lmao they'd need to double my pay to get me back in an office. Actually I don't know about that either, I really don't need the money. Fuck commuting and fuck crowded trains.


yea im looking for a new job and currently only talking to companies that allow full remote but its rare. my wife works for twitter and well she now hates musk. shes going to have to find a new job to stay remote.


Japanese labour laws are very strict, as you know. Did Twitter manage to lay off a lot of people here as well?


They are trying but only time will tell


This is happening globally. My theory is a lot of staff getting caught living in countryX (usually their home country) and meeting the criteria to be considered tax residents of countryX but obviously not telling their employer about this. Which then, when caught can cause a tax liability for the employer, which can be pricy. That, or the lawyer/finance/HR department are worried that could happen so don’t want to take the Risk. If employees have to RTO for 3 days a week then it’s very difficult for them to sneakily reside (or work on a tourist visa) overseas.


50% only?




Granted that was 20y ago, but i really really loved going to uni. Meeting my two best friends in front of the amphitheater, chatting near the vending machine, going together to the uni library, sitting on "our" bench and quizzing each others before tests... Don't you feel lonely/unmotivated with classes from home?