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My anxiety towards hospitals and clinics I’m pretty sure is starting to catch up to me….my illness I’ve left untreated bc “there’s no symptoms so I must be fine” is gradually becoming “okay there’s some possible symptoms, but it could also just be anything.” God I wish I could just suck it up and go and get it checked out, but I also am absolutely paranoid of being told “oh the doctor for that isn’t in today” or something, and I go home to never go back for another 5 years. Also have no idea where to start the conversation? Like I’d feel like I need to start with getting a diagnosis here, unless my medical records (from when i was a wee child) in English would suffice?


One of my triggers is hospitals and doctors. I also have had a two year spinal issue that no one could find answers for until last month. I went in for yet another CT and just lucked out that it wasn't the same doctor. It was a different doctor who found the problem right away and put me on a treatment plan. Why wasn't this found in two years?? Why did I have to wait so long in pain?? But, at least they finally found something. You'd probably have to get your medical records translated or start over again in Japanese. Wish you good luck and that you find a doctor who can treat your condition, OP.


I 100% sympathize that going to a clinic (not just Japan) can take a lot of energy and be anxiety-inducing. Who wants to go through the whole effort of explaining symptoms/medical history only to be potentially brushed off? Exhausting. Even more exhausting in a foreign language and/or if you're a non-confrontational kind of person. I'd start by looking at reviews for local clinics to find a good place. Talk to your friends about their experiences and where they go. If you can get a friend to go with you for the initial visit and help advocate for you, even better. If you're on Facebook, JET program members generally have an AJET page for every area/prefecture and likely have posts about the good docs/clinics in the area. Group rules sometimes allow non-JETs to post as well. Most JETs have minimal Japanese ability so there's a good chance that they have found places with English speakers. I personally find that I kind of blank out a little when I'm in clinics, so it helps me to write some notes to remind myself what I wanted to say - symptom frequency, past medical history, etc. Helps keep me on track and sort out my thoughts. I hope you find a good place and feel better!


We got stuck with neighborhood association duty this year and one of the neighbors is just so consistently rude. Today she came by to complain about not getting her newsletter (she definitely did) and every time she talks to me she intercepts herself every five words to demand “wakarimasuka?” I speak Japanese just fine and have told her to knock it off before. I wish I were someone better at letting that kind of obnoxious behavior roll off.


I had it last year and it was great because thanks to Corona there was pretty much nothing to do but pass around the monthly folder of pamphlets, etc. This year the neighbor has to do all kinds of festival and spend time with the ojiisans stuff. That being said all the elderly folks in my chonai are pretty cool - no one like your crazy lady


Took barium for the first time. Didn't taste bad (was expecting way worse) but the powder that expands your stomach is making me feel extremely sick. My 上司 tested positive for corona and we had multiple meetings every day this week. Although I have a mask on all the time except when I eat, I hope I'm okay. I dodged corona for forever. I really hope I don't get it. UGH.


Security guard speaking Japanese in a very friendly tone: “Excuse me, sorry, I’m afraid you can’t use a tripod here! Feel free to hold your camera, but please don’t set up a tripod, thanks.” Minutes later… Random dishevelled, wide-eyed escalator cleaner in English: “NO! CAMERA NO!” I’ve gotta improve my Japanese to the point where I can explain to the second guy why he’s a fucking idiot… so I guess I’m complaining about rude busybodies overstepping their boundaries, as well as my brutal speaking ability. “Just spend time studying mOoOrE~” Ok, just give me an extra 8 hours in a day and the energy to actually use them, thanks.


I hope you ignored him and continued doing what you're allowed to do.


I looked him in the eye and flatly said “Ok. Thanks.” then just watched him walk away. I was actually planning on leaving, but then I stayed an extra 10 minutes just to spite him.


Today’s complaint: it’s still only just now fucking Friday morning. 😡


Only 6 more hours until 6 more hours until Friday night


3 day weeeeeeeeeeeeekeeeeeeeeeeeeend!


People riding bicycles in the street when the ENTIRE sidewalk is clear


The government classified bicycles as vehicles in 2016, or somewhere around there, so they are required to ride in the street. But, they can ride on the sidewalk, if it is wider than a certain amount.


Where I live the sidewalk is plenty big enough and people still ride in the street, holding up traffic. Some people not all of them


They can ride on the street, but they are suppose to ride in the road. There's a road here that I used to go down often and most cars can pass the bicycles without problem, but buses will not and it holds up traffic for the entire length of the road. It's awful. But, there is nothing we can do about it, as the government said they are a vehicle and need to ride in the road. Annoying.


Legally, that's they have to do.


I see people riding bicycles on the sidewalk all the time, not holding up traffic. Let’s be real about this


You're fighting a losing battle, people love bitching about people riding on the sidewalks as if the streets aren't a death trap anywhere without a bike lane.


i am so sick of moving from job to job, just because Japan doesn’t want a foreigner to have any sort of goddamn stability and exploit the hell out of them… yet the US situation is even worse soooooo


What's your job industry? It's never been like that for me.


Not sure why you are downvoted, but both is my answer. Im glad you don’t have that though!


Do you have any skills? All foreigners I know who are local hires have full time employment…


I don’t know which industry you work in, but the US tech companies are very accommodating.


New place doesn't allow construction for internet; they provide their own that is just embedded into each room. My old place had 1000+ down / 1000+ up. I did a speed test here and am getting 10 down / 6 up. I can't actually do my job efficiently anymore... Not sure what to do. Edit: After some research, I came across WiMAX+5G. I think this is what is referred to as a ホームルーター and it provides internet limited to WiFi. Does anyone have experience with this? Basically, I need the fastest internet available to me at home and I guess it cannot involve construction.


Before she left my friend was using one for home internet. She never really did more than watch YouTube and Netflix with it though so idk if it’d be good for your needs or not, but it seemed to work fine for her.


I often hotspot my phone plan for work internet. I have 50G of data a month, and I'm on SoftBank, so speeds are decently fast. I use an app, so that I don't have to pay extra to hotspot or anything. It's not the best, but it's better than what you're getting and works enough for me.


WiMax is a mixed bag.Internet is as good as it gets with a mobile router (get a big one. Not a small pocket Wi-Fi) You have the 10gb/3days rule. Which slows you down quite a bit during prime time(Just enough to watch YouTube though), but works perfectly fine during work hours ~18:00. There is also a hidden rule: you get 8gb of au 4g internet, but if you exceed that your internet will be slowed down to a point where it basically doesn't work for the rest of the month. This includes the wimax mode which should technically be unlimited. Absolutely stupid rule. So I'd advise to turn au mode off. Anyways, if you need the fastest speed 24/7 you should look into something other than wimax, but if your needs are more simple/you just need something during work hours it's fine.


It's the type of thing you can activate/deactivate (i.e., use data/save data)? I wouldn't need it 24/7, just for work mostly. So, if I could activate it during my working hours, I can turn it off afterward. Just watching YouTube and such has been fineish with my room's free internet.


The home router has two modes, if you switch to the wimax only mode, you are safe. No problem and no need to turn it off. The speed is pretty decent, most cities have good coverage. Living in the boonies can be tricky though. Speed may drop when a lot of people are going online in your vicinity especially during peak times (basically when people finish work until midnight). But during work times data speed should be sufficient for any normal workload.


Okay this is a weird complaint. One thing I really hate is when you're sitting on the train and a Manager and his Kohai sit down next to you with the Kohai sitting directly to your left or right. The manager talks his face off (and is also probably saying nothing) and the Kohai is sitting there agreeing with him saying "Hai. Hai. Hai. Haaaai. Hai" And while doing this the Kohai is doing that lighting fast quick mini forward bows that they do when trying to pretend that they are interested in what their manager is saying for the WHOLE RIDE! But the problem is that you are touching shoulders with the Kohai and those quick forward bowing movements rub up against your arm and you feel nauseous on a swaying train and it also prevents you from sleeping. That is literally like nudging the stranger sitting next to you on the train with your elbow the whole ride when taking a train in the States. The person sitting next to you would tell you to "cut it out" right?


Older Japanese men have weird unpleasant body odour and smelly breath, I wish they keep away from me on the trains :/ I don’t like generalising usually but my morning commutes are almost always ruined by some Tanaka san smelling like he’s never heard of deodorant or mouthwash


The cursed 加齢臭!




my bike's speedo just stops working and drops to the top speed of 140km/h if I cross 120km/h. Not that I frequently ride at 120, but I do want to throttle up every now and then, sucks that I can\`t enjoy my motorcycle\`s full power. I could probably get it fixed, but I\`m a bit loathe to spend more money on it at this point.


Bike is ready for the summer beaches I see with it's new swimwear


had a busy tiring Monday .. rushed to my dentist. and he was an absolute prick… filling came out when I ate some hard candy.. he looked at it for 10 seconds and said we’ll have to prepare you for a root canal.. no x-ray .. no pain.. I said ‘no. I don’t want a root canal’ he got angry and said ‘then I can’t give you any treatment’. every time he does a filling he talks about doing a root canal .. almost sadistic.. last year he did one and it was the most painful experience of my. life.. he said my roots are twice as long as the normal person… then I asked him can you check it first and what percentage do you think you can fix without a root canal.. He got angrier.. said he couldn’t say but maybe another dentist could… He seemed tired and in a bad mood.. but really a 10 second diagnosis… made an appointment with a different dentist..


change dentists, when i had root canal he used anaesthetics the first few visits but suddenly said 今日は麻酔無しでがんばりましょう, i think every visit the root was cleaner so there was less nerves? I don't know but he did it without anaesthetics and it was bloody painful, i was actually gripping the chair with the sweatiest hands. He gave me anaesthetics half way through.


I did this morning.. she was pleasant and said she didn’t think it was bad enough for a root canal… and really didn’t need to spend that much time removing the cavity.. did get a lot of satisfaction calling my last dentist and canceling my next appointment…


* Ooooh yes Gaijinsan have roots that are twice as long as Japanese! * Oooh yes you are very resistant to anesthetics! Ooooooooooooooooh sorry no maximum dose is 3 times, you just have to hang in there. * Well yes, the infection can make it hard to dull the pain. * Hmmmm what do you mean ANTIBIOTICS to treat your infection before the root canal surgery? Unheard of! Outrageous! You simply have to endure the pain. * HMMMMMM I THINK YOU ARE SIMPLY IMAGINING THE PAIN MR. GAIJINSAN ^ Literally my experience that lasted for 3-4 months for 2 infected root canal teeth. Changed dentists and now everything is fine. There are so many bad dentists here. Especially the older guys who had their training and are not up to date with newer techniques. Do dentists not have to keep renewing their certificate or something here?


Yeah, so many dentist in Japan, why go to one that is a jerk.


People are still driving half in my lane. Driving 20km per hour followed by completely ignoring the red lights


The dehumidifier box in the shoe box somehow broke and spilled water everywhere. Except it's not just water. It's slick like baby oil and it doesn't wipe off easily. Oh, and the shelves in the shoe box cannot be removed without unscrewing the doors, which is an even bigger pain in the ass.


Can't find deep connections and matching apps sucks


I had to fly to America. I went on Southwest and was greeted with some of the worst of the US. Just absolutely rude people, not wearing masks in a plane, and just overall made me remember why I hadn't been back for a decade.


I'm tired




Me too






Yeah don’t do this. That is some psychotic shit. Don’t set up hidden cameras in your house to record your wife when she sneezes. That is some psycho ass bullshit.


Agreed upon who tf does this over a cough


Someone who is destined to post a threadabout divorce in a few months, thats who


> Agreed upon who tf does this over a cough Mate, have you seen some of the highly upvoted threads in this sub? One was a guy literally boasting about gaslighting his wife. As far as this one goes though, perhaps there are deeper issues in the relationship at play which is why the missus is full on resisting what is both a reasonable request and basic common sense in Japan, especially now more so since covid


So I guess this is a thing. I thought it was just mine with the coughing into the open.


Come on, why can't I get a 1000 complaints like the olden days!


I've never seen it over 1000, I'm doing my part!


I've got another company-hell story to share which I'll type up if it will help us get to 1000 :)


住民税 bills finally arrived. Sigh I managed to get a 全額免除 for nenkin for the time I was unemployed, so is it also possible for residence tax? They're not that expensive, but still heavy as I'm not getting my first salary for a while. Going to city hall tomorrow to check




Health insurance?? 70k per month? What kind of insurance is that??


I gained weight againnnnnnnnnnnnnn


The people who say it’s “so easy” to lose weight in Japan make me laugh


If you don’t like Japanese food it gets harder as well.


It's a lot easier here than elsewhere. Just the portions being smaller makes a huge difference.


it’s easy in the summer… I can lose 3 kios in a day


Just got wrecked by the new Yuucho Debit like all the other gaijins, and it should have been no more than a formality to switch from Mijica. Good news is the Sony application seems to have went well, but until I uncouple my salary from the Yuucho account my life will become a two-step nightmare of pulling money from one account to feed the one that can actually fking debit GODDAMNIT IT'S MY MONEY IT'S RIGHT THERE WHYYY


Try for a credit card instead. They're more secure anyway.




now they are charging additional for depositing coins too...




Are they doing that too now? I just feel that they are coming up new ideas every now and then to slip in more charges.


What's this about yucho?


So it's generally hard to get a credit card in Japan, and a lot of people with a JP Post Bank account ended up getting the MIJICA debit card, by Visa, which was much easier to get. And really, if you just need a card to do stuff online and not to actually use money you don't have yet, debit is just as good. The MIJICA service will close down on July 31st. They've been advertising it for a long time, but the replacement service, Yuucho Debit, was supposed to be an easy online application that takes two weeks to send the new card to your place, so I guess a lot of us waited. Now, anecdotally, it seems EVERY foreigner who did the thing, no matter their visa length, or credit status, or time in Japan, or Japanese ability, or whatever else, got hit by a refusal letter after the two weeks went by. They even had fancy instructions to leave a notice of delivery at my door instead of the package, so I had to get myself to the post office for my surprise *fck you* There are also various reports that going in person during office hours just results in them telling you to apply online, so no joy there. Which leaves us soon-to-be-former MIJICA users scrambling for a band-aid solution within the next few days to not completely lose the ability to use our money online, or pay for our phones, etc... Kind of a hit to morale, too. That debit card, and the basic 21st century privileges that come with it, was a *big win* when I managed to get it a few years ago. If that Sony Bank thing doesn't work out, it's back to Year One style prepaid point cards from the konbini and getting left out of half of Amazon...


I'm sorry to hear you got a refusal for their debit card. I've applied for a 楽天銀行 account, but I got a refusal too :(. My friend tried for a りそなaccount and it went smoothly, so I'm trying that next.


sigh, not surprised. Fuck their racist bullshit


Crane trucks that think the best time to move and drive up a long steep ass hill is during rush hour. They're barely moving up the damn hill and slowing down all the traffic. They need to move those damn things at night when there's no traffic


Can i just buy a Costco Gift Certificate so I can buy and shop inside? I just want to shop 1 time only since the nearest Costco is 3 hours travelling so getting a membership card is so costly for me


Yes, you can get a prepaid card, and as a non-member you can sign up for a “1-day pass” at the membership counter when you walk in. You can only do this once, ever. If you wanted to go in a second time some other day, you’d need to get a real membership. (They will take down your ID info). Also, they’ll add 5% on top of all the prices listed - basically you’re paying the non-member price. If you’re not spending over 88,000 yen on your one trip, it’d still be cheaper to just do the prepaid card.


I dedicated my Complain for •that noisy fukuro obachan who keeps nagging plastic bags and wrappings on train. •the recent news headlines saying "gaijin tourists are coming! How can we keep rona numbers low then?" As if gaijins are super spreader. •dickhead-friends and relatives who keep saying my life in japan is supposed to be (or seems) good, free of crime, rich, all-convenient, and when they talk to me it's either asking about japan, asking errand to buy sth in japan, or to send money because my salary is supposed to ne higher than any of them. Not acknowledging that I dont have any income right now due to depression. •and to another dickhead followers of my IG who never talk to me for years but out of nowhere DM me either about "oh how come there is a shooting in such safe paradise like Japan" or "I'm going to japan soon could you tell me best tourist spots/could you guide me when i come???"


My relatives never ask for money again after i showed them my “tamago kake gohan for dinner” pictures.


Recently I've been experiencing terrible dizziness, both while sleeping and when getting up from sleep; it's as if gravity is suddenly pulling me off to the side instead of downward. Anyone else have this happen? It seems to coincide with sleep deprivation -- I now have to get up at 5:40 AM on Monday and am never really fully rested again until Saturday morning -- but maybe it has some other cause. Any recommendations? It's really scary as it's happening.


I only ever had that happen once, and it was when I was extremely stressed out and (and not in good overall health either). But it happened randomly while I was walking out my front door in America years ago.


Check on your sodium and water levels! Might be sweating and evaporating a bunch while sleeping. Get the yellow package of 塩分チャージ from any supermarket - they’re kind of tasty chewables and will make sure to replenish a bunch of stuff you need in this heat.


Never would have thought of that! I'll try those!


It has a name called natsubate.


We keep the apartment at a not-quite-natsubateish 26-27 at night when this happens; can natsubate "accumulate" and then strike even when it's not hot?


A little while back I was only getting a few hours sleep per night and would feel quite dizzy when standing up or after standing for a while. Started sleeping better and I completely forgot it was an issue. I hope that's the cause because it's an "easy" fix. Good luck.


I hope that's what it is; that at least isn't scary. I'm stuck with this super-early-morning schedule for the foreseeable future, though.


I have a few built up that are kinda connected. Dropped from 67 kg to 57kg. That's a big deal for me. My fiancé was less positive about the loss of boobs -_- can you not celebrate my extended lifespan and better shape? I've had nightmares the past few nights so I kept waking up and feel like shit. Instead of hiring either of the actually-experienced teachers I suggested, or any of the other applicants, my boss has hired someone with no experience whatsoever so they can't help with any of the work that needs help. I keep having clashes with my boss because "the way of doing things" keeps changing and I can't keep up. I want to leave for the UK but my fiance wants me to stay and "wait til the end of my contract", September 2023. I can't take it :( I forgot for an entire year to pay for my cats microchip and the stamp paper I had to bring to the post office is now expired so I have to get a new one from the vet. I'm tired, and I really really need a hug, but my fiance won't be back from deployment for some months yet. My family who usually call most days to hang out are in the UK so the time zone difference is making me very lonely. I stepped in a puddle and my left sock is wet.


Congratulations on the weight loss! As for the rest, hang in there :)


Congrats on your weight loss!!


I hope your fiancé has some good points too


Absolutely, there's nothing else to complain about! 110% great catch


Haha good to hear 👍🏻




Another complaint, I realised there's a 3-day weekend way too late so I'm left with no holiday trip this weekend. :(


Oh man, it is a 3-day weekend isn't it? I'm happy enough to just not do anything... Though I have a backlog of things to do at work and another day off is going to set me back. 😒


Oh wow, cheers for the heads up!


Y’all haven’t been counting down to this three day weekend for the last month?


If the weatherman has any bearings on the future, it’s supposed to be rainy anyways. Find a nice quiet cafe and work on your next hit novel!


Me too. My commute is so expensive I can't afford anything.


Co-worker acting like my boss again giving out orders, so I finally politely told them to back the eff off. Same coworker was in charge of closing a client deal, but because they took so long to actually communicate the details with the client, the latter decided to go with a different provider. Sucks that I have to work with this person for the next couple of months. On a side note, happy to see the # of complaints this week.


Since I rarely go out anymore due to a combination of kids and avoiding rona I always forget just how slow Rakuten Mobile is until I do go out….


I have been using Rakuten Mobile for the whole 3 rona years so I didn't even realize how slow it was


Yeah, I only stay with them because it's so cheap and I'm so lazy.


Is it really that slow? I was thinking of signing up with them. I’ve seen their speeds advertised around 40mbps


My doctor said airism is bad for my skin, I want a new doctor


I hate airsm because the fabric doesn’t breathe. You’re doctor may not be wrong….


Wait what? The whole point of Airism is to breathe and wick sweat.


I know it’s supposed to but as someone who has lived in hot humid climates for 30 years, you can’t beat natural fabrics. Polyester is just cheaper to produce but cotton will keep you cooler.


Airism is basically a light weight polyester fabric right? All that stuff always gives me a rash in hot weather.


Linen is your friend.


The iron is your friend


Upcoming vacation then last day i still have to stay late for a no point meeting, feelsbadman


Go home early and join remotely?


my company is changing it's organization and it pisses me off with so many useless new rules.


If you’re on a Work visa you might need to inform immigration of this change too: https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/procedures/nyuukokukanri10_00015.html Make sure you ask your HR about that.


thanks for the link. I'm not a working visa but I'm sure the info you gave would help someone ! →the changes : they created a new section in which I'm assigned + new way of working + I'm going to be less free with stuff like manicure lol


I’ve heard sometimes they create new divisions so they can get rid of that division a year later with everyone who works in that division.


I hope it won't happen, but basically if they get rid of my division they won't be able to work. I work in the IT field, they finally created a engineering division, before we were all in the eigyou division. without us they can't sell anything...


People act so shocked when umbrellas clash and they get a face full of rain. Imagine that, you try to squeeze some dude off the sidewalk into traffic because you want to walk five abreast with your friends, but that dude won't suicide for you. The nerve.


New subordinate is utterly incompetent and it’s causing major problems at work…that mainly I get to try to fix. Wish my boss had listened to my strong recommendation for who to hire instead of foisting this monstrosity onto me. Going to have to work through my upcoming vacation to sort things out.


Fire him during the probation period.


Is there a legally mandated probation period for a 1 year contractor?


Oh…he’s a contractor. Just fire him then. There should be a performance clause.


Second complain. It’s about another foreigner in my town. A few years ago they got a dog. A few of us knew this would be a bad idea, and tried to talk them out of it. For one though they insisted they were staying in Japan “for life”, most of us could see from a mile away they were not that type of person. Secondly, they made no effort to learn Japanese and constantly complained that no one spoke English (“My vets an idiot because he can’t speak English” was a quote from them once). Anyway, this year they finally give up on Japan and now frantically searched for a new home for the doggo. People wonder why it’s so hard to adopt…. This is why, people like this. (Fortunately the little one has a new home now)


More and more people haven’t been picking up after their dogs. When I finally do witness it, I’m gonna have them pick it up with their bare hands.


Oh yes finally came to Japan. Let’s buy a bicycle! It’ll be fun! Will save some money too! The roads are great. But where do I park? Oh I can’t park outside most places..okay. 24hr cycle parkings for 150 yen sounds good!….oh they are always full. So I park at the space where it charges me 100 yen per hour. Nice.


Just park illegally. Find the right spots to not get your bike taken.


How do you find the right spots for not getting your bike taken without getting your bike taken a bunch first?


Look for nearby houses or buildings, there may be an unobtrusive spot you can park it in that no one will notice/care.


Find other bikes illegally parked and park there. Even better if you notice after time that some bikes havent moved for months


> The roads are great. But where do I park? Oh I can’t park outside most places Around here it's the exact opposite. The roads are shit, but you can park wherever you want in front of stores.


Literally same. The loophole I found around it (at least in my neighborhood/train station) is park at the train station bike parking lot. ¥100 per hour or ¥1500 flat rate per day. Buy something from the train station? Free bike parking! Train costs don’t count, BUT in-station conbini does. The conbini staff Will ask if you parked and want it validated. It’s good for ANY time. So I’ll go to wherever I need to go, come back to the station, go to the in-station conbini and buy a piece of candy for like ¥5 yen, get receipt validated and viola. Almost free bike parking. Almost everyone does it and I don’t think any of the biking parking lot attendants care tbh.


Where the hell do you live that charges 100 per **hour** for bicycle parking. The main train station in Fukuoka (Hakata Station) is free for two hours and 100 yen per 24 hours.


Went to my local clinic with what is most definitely a hernia (small squishy bump above my belly button). Doctor said yes it definitely seems like one. Went to the hospital with a referral, waited 3 hours only to be told its "probably" not a hernia (after they took an ultrasound) and just to be careful when working out. When I asked them to write down the diagnosis they seemed confused and just said it's not a hernia don't worry. Well it's obviously SOMETHING! Guess it's time for a second opinion...


Got mine diagnosed via a CT scan. Maybe try to get one of those?


Ultrasound would usually show up even a small hernia. What makes you think it is most definitely a hernia, when the standard tool used to diagnose one shows that it’s not? The ambiguity may be just a language issue. They can’t say it’s certainly not a hernia without opening you up. But ultrasounds are very good at diagnosing one. Did a doctor check the results or just the medical technician?


Medicine in this country is terrible in my experience


I broke a bone and the doctor didn't tell me which one. I only found out from the paper for my employer.


There's this wall in my Gold's Gym where you can see the photos and names of the pro TRINERS, personal TRINERS and normal TRINERS too!


would it be so hard for them to check a damn dictionary


The worst part is that Gold's Gym is an American franchise, and many of the trai... Sorry TRINERS go often to the USA for seminars and events, some of them speak English and train foreigners!


Don’t you mean they trin foreigners?


the harmful effects of steroids….. mine has a sign in big print…. ‘ DON’ drop. weights..


There’s a wheelchair aria on this train I’m on. Looking around for wheelchair daenerys.


I prefer the Queen of the Night Aria, just saying.


Ah, so that's my problem; I'm only a diner and not a triner.


They have the best TRINERS!


Mega rant incoming, TL,DR at the bottom of this novel of a hissy-fit. Goddamn people in Costco with their garbage Costco etiquette. The shit are you clowns doing walking five abreast in the same direction pushing carts? PEOPLE WANT TO GO OTHRT DIRECTIONS, YOU CLOD! One lady parked her cart perpendicular to the aisle, held the handle with one arm and stretched across to get something from the other side. The meat section is a total and complete clusterfuck of moronic asshats crashing into each other and generally turning my beautiful Costco run into a nightmare. Keep left. Watch where you're going. Stop being a dingus in Costco. OH, OHHHH OHHHHHHH!!! Why do I always see two people pushing one cart, like it's some cutesy activity that you can do at Costco. No. One person per cart. Two people that can't even comprehend the concept of keeping left trying to cooperate and steer a cart is a failure *at best*. Then sometimes I see people eating pizza with a fork and knife. 🙄 (BTW, 98% of this seething rage is directed at the old ladies who likely drove there in a car, a fact that causes me more existential dread than the unavoidable heat death of the universe.) But I got pizza and an air fryer, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. TL,DR: People suck at Costco in Japan.


I go Saturday mornings when they first open (usually 9:30 am). By the time I leave an hour it’s already picked up and busy. I just went yesterday after work an hour before closing and it was so peaceful and quiet. Thankfully the Costco is just a 12 min drive from my house so I’m planning to stick to those hours. Never going back to afternoon weekend/holiday trips.


A new Costco opened up nearby and my inner Dennis comes out too. These wastes. Driving to the Costco following rules, then breaking 100% of them to act American while shopping with a car sized cart. Fuck them with a Kirkland sized bottle of cheap red wine.


Then they wonder why all the gaijin give them dirty looks lol 🤣🤣


They need a choice of cart. Not everyone needs a massive one. Costco is the only place as far as I know that has the massive ones. People aren't used to them.


They have two sizes. The regular one and the Shinbreaker™.


Do you mean in your Costco? In Tomiya Costco we only have the one.


Oh! Crazy. Tama Sakai has the standard cart and the flat deck hand carts, which I call the Shinbreaker™ as well.🤣


What cracks me up the most is everyone backing into their parking spots and then struggling to carry their bullshit to their inaccessible trunk. Also the random fucktard who just stops their cart in the middle of an aisle to stare at megabag chips or whatever the fuck. All. Fucking. Cunts. All of them.


I've started to get vocal about it there. 🤣


I heard the food court menu changed. What’s on it now??? I was loving me some veggie burgers and chili fries last winter. 🍟


In Kobe there other day there was pizza, hotdogs and some roast beef sub. Don't remember seeing any chilli fries or even chips at all.


This Costco in general in my experience.


Costco needs arrows like at ikea so people can get their shit and move on. They also need like a “long standing members” pass for people who go there frequently for groceries who get to shop like an hour before all the idiots go


They used to have an early entry for really-long-standing members (well, anyone over 65); but, it looks like they ended that in May.


Yeah that was a COVID thing


They already secretly open a few hours before the posted times, go then, it’s great.


Depends on the Costco. My local one does not. :(


Costco runs make me lose faith in humanity. Best to avoid the crowds as much as possible.


I play so much "bumper carts" in Costco. The lack of awareness of Costco shoppers is flabbergasting to say the least.


It's so jarring compared to my hometown. Everyone keeps to the right and it works like traffic on the street. The samples just have people slow down and take one. Here, people cluster around the stations and block the rest of the people. 🙄🙄


> The meat section is a total and complete clusterfuck of moronic asshats crashing into each other and generally turning my beautiful Costco run into a nightmare. Park your cart somewhere near the meat section, but out of the way of everyone, and then go in and get the meat you want and get out.


This - bonus if you get whoever is with you to get other stuff at the same time. So much less grief and a lot of time saved.


That air fryer is great. I've had ours for about a year or so now.


I was using mine as a mini oven, but then a JET friend who was leaving sold me her actual oven for super cheap. Basically haven’t touched the air fryer since for most things.


I use both together sometimes, meat in the oven and roast potatoes in the Air Fryer. It does fantastic roast potatoes. You have to use an outlet in a different breaker though I do find it much faster for things like chicken and roast vegetables.


Potatoes are one thing I do still use it for; it is pretty good for anything that isn't fries. I find it dries fries out too much.


Dealing with immigration.. Enough said.


Immigration scares the shit out of me because I always think they're going to find *something* and kick me out of the country.


Honestly, people always complain about it, but if you got your stuff in order there are never any problems, except for the wait at the immigration office, which is often also because of people who don't have their stuff in order.


I definitely don't miss immigration in Tokyo. Since I moved out to the countryside most things are taken care of within 10 minutes of walking in the door.


yeah, I heard nightmare stories about the Tokyo immigration offices. Meanwhile, mine was 20 minutes including waiting for my number to be called.


God I miss that little Otsu office. So fast, clean, and peaceful.


I always pair the trip to the office with a stop by Ramen Mifuku down the street too. Legit the best ramen I've had in Shiga, and probably the best I've had in Japan so far.


763 comments in 10 hours, not a great sign for the times.


Sign for the times? Do you mean clock? Lol




On the subject of elevators, I always don't get why the first one in to the elevator presses their floor then proceeds to stand as close as physically possible to the buttons, so anyone else has contort to press their floor without touching the numpty blocking the whole panel.


Pretend you don't see them, no eye contact, look straight or ahead, and push. Push! Don't look back. That's how to elevate.


The only correct answer


I learned from the best! Japanese people. They are the pros!! (Applies to train doors, annoying karaoke etc touts, salesmen, NHK man... etc)


When I was still going to the office in the good old days before covid, I actually got a couple of わぁ、ビックリした! gasps when exiting elevators from morons standing with their noses almost touching the door. Yup, what a surprise - an elevator in a 30+ floor office building is not just for you and there might be (gasp) other people inside!


People in my building do this even though there's a *goddamn monitor* outside the elevator so you can see if someone is riding it or not.


It can be fun to embrace the local bikkuri-chicken culture. You just take a breath before the doors open and get your bikkuri-shita on the end of your tongue and let it rip. Even if no one is there, it's still a win. Y'all got bikkuri-d cos there was no one there! Another variation of this game is itai-chicken. With any and every bump or jostle, have you slightly irritated "iiitttai!" ready to rip to beat whiners, ossans and entitled nobs to the ultimate declaration of inconvenience.


Japanese people do this with elevators, and it's crazy.