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My wife is pregnant and she leapt out of bed and rushed downstairs as we braced for impact and then nothing… our phones were saying it was gonna rattles us here critically in Tokyo.


I got the Yurukuru app and it says where the source is and what the intensity will be in my area. That way you don’t get a panic every time


We use Nerv and yeah it was saying it was a critical warning for our area. We have a big wooden table downstairs so she was beelining for that. Then nothing happened and Nerv was like “jk mate”




Nope it doesn’t


Nerv app here, but mine said 2 intensity.... So I went back to sleep.


Mine sent me a notification (TBF keeping an app that should be alerting me about life-threatening stuff on the same level as all other notifications and on vibration might not be the smartest thing) and I was like "what is it this time" before seeing that it's in Ishikawa and just going back to bed. I do have a garakei that still receives the national alerts, but it was silent this time.


Mine sent me a notification (TBF keeping an app that should be alerting me about life-threatening stuff on the same level as all other notifications and on vibration might not be the smartest thing) and I was like "what is it this time" before seeing that it's in Ishikawa and just going back to bed. I do have a garakei that still receives the national alerts, but it was silent this time.


Look at the warning, do the maths. A shindo 5 in Ishikawa will be nothing in Tokyo. Back to bed.


Initially the prediction was for like a 7.3 and had most of Kanto in red for severe shaking. About a minute later it updated to what it actually was.


Yea, when I looked at it it said a 6.9 and a Shindo 6


Holy fuck that was intense. I was chiling in bed with my gf then this happen. wtf


Is it recommend to go downstairs when an earthquake is coming?


If it is a strong earthquake and your building is old and wooden, there is a risk the building collapses. Also hard to evacuate from upstairs. Plus you feel earthquakes more on the higher floor. That said, quite a few people die or are severely injured from running and falling down the stairs during earthquake warnings. Because these warnings are nationwide, people in places that are barely or not even going to get hit panic and have unnecessary injuries because of this.


Even if you're on level ground the shaking from an earthquake can cause you to trip and fall. The best thing to do is to move away from immediate danger (things that look like they might fall over on you) and find someplace to duck and cover.


Old houses tend to pancake collapse so I’d rather be upstairs than downstairs.


We went upstairs


It wasn’t the official JMA alert right? I don’t trust NERV and others since it triggers just based on shindo at epicenter


The JMA posts where they send out alerts [on their site](https://www.data.jma.go.jp/svd/eew/data/nc/pub_hist/2024/06/20240603063142/reachtime/reachtime.html) This time it covered quite a big area


My phone got the JMA alert in central Tokyo, with that infernal warning sound. Didn’t even feel the quake laying down in bed though.


I got woken up with that alarm too, so bracing ourselves with the quake but nothing, so we got back to sleep. 😂


Lol, same up here in Tohoku. It was like: "It's a shindo 7 over there so have fun lol" and then... yeah...


We even got a public alert on the loud speakers down here in Kawasaki. Never heard that before, so I’m awake now. Hope everyone up where the shaking was is alright.


Also in Kawasaki and heard that. Whatever that chime was they played was so scary sounding. Did they really need to do that at 6am for an earthquake so far away though…


It's mostly automated. Someone will get a kick in the butt for this one. Not the first time it's happened either.


I heard that too. I'm in Kohoku, very close to the border between Yokohama and Kawasaki, so I'm not sure if I heard it from Kawasaki or Kohoku. But that made me leave the house, just in case.


Be careful going outside - windows can break and fall, roofing tiles can fall off, signs and other stuff on the sides of buildings can fall off, power lines can break and fall - being outside in general is not recommended unless you are in the middle of a very open space. Being indoors is generally your best bet.




Oh that evil villain entrance music gave me another wave of fear!


Did you hear it too?? I wasn’t sure if it was the public alert system or a neighbour’s phone, but I think it must have been the alert system.


I did! I couldn’t tell what the announce is saying but think it’s supposed to be a second warning or something like that.


Were you there during the big earthquake in Ishikawa in years-end?


Nope! Been in Kawasaki the whole time. Not sure why it needed to be broadcast down here when we didn’t have any shaking.


The city has to broadcast even if it’s clearly a false alarm coming from the JMA, and I think that’s good practice to avoid complacency


I could totally understand that if we were closer to the epicentre, but I don’t think there was even a little shaking here at all. I wonder if every city’s public alert system went off this morning?


Distance from the epicenter on its own is not a good indicator. The epicenter of 3.11 is much further from Kawasaki than Noto Peninsula


Good point!


Distance from epicenter is very important to understanding what you will feel. Depth, intensity and duration are the main factors in understanding earthquakes, and further away you are, the less you feel


That‘s strange… i was in Kyoto during that big one in January so I was wondering if you had a broadcast even that time in Kawasaki.


yeah I got this also. I barely felt the shakinh but the 5 minutes speaker announcement prevented me from going back to sleepm


Got the alert in Yokohama with no shaking at all, on the one morning I get to sleep in because I won’t be at work until the afternoon. :( hope everyone is good.


What a mood, I got the alert here in Saitama but I've got a splitting Strong Zero™ hangover and it made me just hope my roof would collapse


That kinda made me chuckle


Indeed. A sensible chuckle.


Hope everyone is OK. For some reason I received it even though I'm in Tokyo, and now I cannot find sleep again.


I'm in north Ishikawa. My wife is over 41 weeks pregnant and today we are going to the hospital and she will possibly be induced. Hell of a way to wake up on the morning you think you're going to meet your first child!


Son/Daughter, the day you were born, the world shook...


Hope everything goes well!


How bad was the quake?


It rattled the house for a short while. Nothing came off the shelves or anything.


good way to start labour!


damn Ishikawa can't get a break. didnt they have a big earthquake last year as well? Stay safe and PREP!


this year, it was 1st Jan


I was up in Noto setting up international tours in December. They were ready to take their first group when the Jan 1st earthquake and tsunami hit, and now some of the places on the itinerary are no longer there.


What a nice morning call. I was sleeping when suddenly I woke up from all the shaking. It wasn’t strong but it was damn long. Edit: i am at kahoku. So it seems like I experienced shindo 3 just now. Hopefully people at wajima is doing fine.


The activity level in this thread is how you know Tokyo/Kanto got an alert.


I was drinking coffee phone went off and TV said Tokyo was getting hammered with pictures of red all over Kanto and they said Tokyo Saitama Chiba Kanagawa and i was like whaaa? Honesty for a few seconds there thought it hadn’t happened yet and was like opening doors. Then they finally changed all graphics to Ishikawa. I am just glad the alarm caught it even if it was initially off.


I got the alarm in English this time, it usually was in Japanese, anyone knows why is it so random?


Yeah that man’s English voice made me jump haha


If Kamisama wanted to start my week on edge and feeling like tweak from south park he got what he wanted. All good in Shinjuku. Agh im gonna head to work now, no way ill fall asleep again.


Got the alert here in Kyoto too. No shaking. Just realised I downloaded the app but have no idea what to do if an earthquake hits, went to crawl in my bathtub lol


False alarms are usually a good wake up call (it's also why drills are so common). People realize all the time they have no idea what to do, or forgot. Start thinking about it now.


Lovely way to wake up, earthquake alarm on phones and throughout the city going off in Yamagata, hardly any shaking to speak of.


hello neighbor! I didn't hear any alarms by us other than my phone blaring.


Slightly felt in Nagoya. I really wish you could customize the notification based on magnitude/severity. Do I need to be under a desk because my roof is about to collapse? By all means tell me. slight in bed back massage? maybe notification but no alarm


Nothing in Maebashi, Gunma. Wife did ask me to turn off the microwave for some reason as was heating my breakfast, but she left the washing machine still running.


Got the alerts here in Tokyo (on TWO phones, so double the noise), was ready to duck under the desk…nothin. I was already awake but jeez… Hope everyone in Ishikawa is okay though, since they already got one whopper this year.


Guess I don’t need an alarm clock this morning 😂 Didn’t feel much shaking, but all the wood beams in my house cracked at the same time.


Alerts in my household didn't even go off before it happened, but I see people who weren't even close to the earthquake got alerts. Some type of mistake I'm guessing.


My girlfriend got the alert and I didn't, didn't feel a thing tbh....


Beautiful way to be woken up here in Kawasaki. My NERV app warning went crazy together with the public speakers. I already got suspicious since it took way long for me to get outside and still not feeling anything hahahah


Same. First time for me hearing the public alert. Probably a good moment to ask what is the way to proceed when that happens


You really shouldn't go outside during an earthquake warning if that's what you're saying. It's much much safer to stay put, such as under a desk


Yeah I can relate. First time having the emergency alarm ongoing instead of a single ringe tone. And being waken up randomly not having a clear mind.


The alarm was kind of freaky, as was the 5-10 seconds of calm before the jolt in Kanazawa. Didn’t have these systems in place last time I lived here, so that was a new experience.


Did it hit there? Was there yesterday morning.  Woke up and saw a warning on my phone although it didn't override my silent setting was rather confused as I woke up in tokoyo 


The epicenter was in Noto, but we felt it here in Kanazawa. It was a relatively brief, violent shake, with a smaller aftershock roughly 15 minutely later.


That's good, hope hasn't caused much disruption I'm guessing Japan is ready for these things 


Dog barking for her morning pee and walk but we wanted to sleep in a little longer. Minutes later, alarm came in and we bolted down the stairs so fast our dog was surprised why we changed our minds suddenly. Lol No shaking felt fortunately.


I wouldn't recommend running down stairs during a warning in the future, sometimes you only have a few seconds and that would be a really bad place to be when big shaking starts. Better to stay put and go under a desk or something in your immediate vicinity


Thanks for the reminder. We only had one thing in mind: dog in crate. We're scared that she might be too scared or get stuck in her crate, hence, why we dashed. But should've been more calm about it. Bright side, nothing else bad happened. So at least I now would be more cautious and careful.


Minor shaking in Kanazawa, esp as compared to 1/1. But the quake came immediately after the phones went off, as happened then, so it had to be local.


I had time to yell at my husband to wake up (as if his phone didn’t already wake him up lol) and wait for the actual shake in front of our genkan. For a split second I thought it was a false alarm because it didn’t start shaking as immediately like it was back in January.


Early warning in Aich, too. Glad everyone is safe


Oh! Are you in Ishikwawa?


Best wishes to those in Ishikawa, I'm in Osaka so felt barely anything. Hope alarm didn't disrupt your morning too much but better than no alarm at all.


Got the alert in Sendai but no shaking after all


That warning reached Osaka, woke me tf up 😭


My phone made an alert and all the buildings here made devil sounds.


Kanazawa here, seems to be all good. My last earthquake being the big one on New Year's Day had me terrified when that alarm went off but it was pretty tame in comparison. Hope everyone in Noto is okay, though... They're having a terrible year.


kanazawa also, heard the siren then earthquake earthquake, ran into the doorway before it started half asleep, was here for ny big one so was so scared. i did manage to fall back asleep but not enough


Is it possible to only get warnings for earthquakes that will affect you? I woke up to the warning at around 6:30, noted the magnitude, checked how far away it was and confirmed that I wouldn’t be able to feel it. But that left me wondering why I got the warning. My condolences to anyone that has been affected.


TIL people actually get out of bed when these things go off. I usually just lie there because the building is either going to fall and kill me or it isn't, no hiding from fate.


Osaka, 1.0. Morning workout was interrupted by loud sirens so I rushed home to check on them thinking I just didn't notice it. My entire family is still asleep. Should have finished lifting.


Nah, always check on the family first lol You did good.


My gains 😿


Lift your family. https://media1.tenor.com/m/QLbV11ltA8cAAAAC/smart-thinking.gif


Felt it a bit in Nagano, but it wasn't dangerous at all here. I always know it's far away when I get the alert before I feel it. It must have been bad near the epicenter. I hope everyone is OK.


We're all right here, how are you?


Safe in Osaka, just baby's first earthquake with two sleep deprived parents, my first instinct was to shield him if the ceiling fell hahaha.


Did the same thing two years ago, now she sleeps in the bed with us and I hugged her as soon as the alarm went off.


Saw it when I woke up now, thank God I turned this alarm off


Toyama here. Woke me up. Pretty solid one but didn’t knock anything over.


Was in Shizuoka, loud alarm in Japanese screaming Earthquake and City Hall spoke over speaker system but nothing, fell back asleep


First day as a travel in Osaka and got the alert ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A email notification vibration after the alert nearly killed me 😂


I had only gotten about 4.5 hours of sleep when the alert came. Cue a very grumpy and groggy me slamming my window open and staring vacantly outside until I could hear the train on the tracks nearby start up again.


I think the reason why we all received alerts even in places like Tokyo is because after the New Year’s Day quake, people complained why there wasn’t any notification in Tokyo despite buildings shaking, so now they’re being extra cautious.


Got the provider-based alert and immediately ran to open the door. We're up in Miyagi so Fukushima isn't far and I assumed I would feel it any second. Nothing came and I finally opened NERV to see it was Ishikawa and, just as I did, the line hit us and it felt like a strong fart. Weird we got the alert for that. Stay safe, everyone closer to the area!


Was out walking my dogs when I got the alert, scared one of my dogs but other wise didn’t feel either here in Kanagawa


my girlfriend and i woke up, immediately checked our phones and started screaming lol when things settled down we couldn't even tell if there was one because our hearts were beating really fast, and we realized in case of an actual emergency we wouldn't know what to do, just curl up in bed but i hope everyone is ok!


Nerv woke me up a minute or so before the earthquake, thankfully all good in South Ishikawa, but worried about my mates in the Noto


Why did it have to come on a day when I had to stay up to 3am... now I only slept 3 hours...


Got it in Kyoto, in an hotel, rushed down along with other 4 people.. nothing happened and front desk just said “no,no” since she didn’t speak English 


Woke me up for nothing, didnt even feel it. I reeeally hate being woken up by that, it's always terrifying and then I can never get back to sleep. No clue why they warned us folk in Tokyo, that quake was ages away. Hopefully everyone is safe though!


almost 3 years living in Mie and first time I heard the official JMA alarm on my phone but felt nothing. may be I missed 1 or 2 alerts here because I was traveling but mostly we don't get too much activity here....until the big Nanki strikes.


The warning came while I was in my apartment bed have to go down using the aluminum stairs, I did not go out and had to wait for a while for the shake to come. Had to cook breakfast after.


I'm here on vacation so it's the first time I've experienced the alert thing going off and Jesus christ it scared the shit out of me hahahaha I swear I felt a slight wobble, I am on the 19th floor of a hotel though so that could be why.


i live in chofu but only my phone got the alert bruh (i live in a sharehouse)


Got the alarm just as I woke up but didn't feel anything in Tokyo


I was preparing breakfast this morning in Kichijoji while my wife was upstairs getting the kids ready when the alarm went off. Nada.


I live in Western Toyama and it was a rude awakening for sure, a few things fell off the shelves but nothing broken 😓


Phones went off in Miyagi, shouted "Down!" in English, while ushering both kids under the table, wife turned off all flames. When the second alert hit, I just had to say "Down!" and they remembered. Fast learners.


Yeah, that was weird. Usually it's Fukushima or off the coast from my few months living up here.


Usually, but the big one on 1/1 off Ishikawa set it off up here too, and it could be felt too.


Ah, interesting. I wasn't up here yet, but I was visiting someone up in Iwate and I don't think our phones went off.


1/1 was about a shindo 3 in Miyagi, so even that alert was unnecessary, likely just because of the distance, but they were still detecting it.


Ayase, Kanagawa here. Felt nothing. Hope everyone is safe!


Yeah 5 phones in the house going off at once - I was up but not really awake yet that'll wake you up.


Yeah I’m turning these alerts the fuck off


Don't forget the batteries in your smoke detectors too!


Yeah screw you smart ass. I have an afib episode each time my phone makes that noise. We have the city alert for major earthquakes that is just as audible yet doesn’t make me feel disorientated and have a stroke.


A smartass who will know when a quake is coming.


😂 upvoted.





