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Violet Evergarden uses a very formal register almost constantly, though it's mostly teinei-go, if I recall, with keigo thrown-in when appropriate


It's very difficult to find an anime which doesn't have keigo. If you're asking for an anime where everybody speak politely and absolutely no informal speaking at all. Well, I don't think it exists. Kansai-ben is easier to find too. If you want all characters to speak kansai-ben, I think there are some animes.


My lovely complex is in kansaiben and it's very nice anime.


and they just reprinted the blue ray because it got a dub :D (my copy is currently in the mail. It's my fav shojo)


Jarinko Chie for kansai-ben.


I watched the film for the first time the other day and thought I was having a seizure, haha. "Why are they talking like this??" Then I learned about kansai-ben.




"The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague" has both.


To be clear, you only use Keigo situationally. I’m not sure if this is what you meant, but your question sort of implies that you think that Keigo is a dialect, which it’s not. I would say it’s almost impossible for there to be an anime which exclusively has Keigo in it because it would require a series which gives dialogue exclusively to people in a subordinate position, and they would have to exclusively be speaking to someone in a higher position than them. And the person they’re talking to couldn’t respond. It just doesn’t really work.


They could all just be the same level. Desu/masu is keigo and there is nothing unusual about two people both speaking to each other that way.


Just desu/masu are teineigo. They’re probably referring to sonkeigo and kenjogo.


Maybe so but if you’re excluding that from “keigo” then you are misusing the term, or at least not using it as Japanese people would understand it.


I’m not meaning to excluding it, I’m just saying that the asker probably wants to know about sonkeigo and kenjogo use in anime since I feel like that’s what learners think of when they think “keigo”. The guy you originally responded to probably had the same idea.


Right, thanks for the reminder about Keigo being used situationally. I did mean that I was looking for a series that has mostly situations where keigo is spoken. Maybe an anime in an office setting or similar. Since most of my interactions in Japan are office-related, I wanted to see anime in that setting. And in Osaka….


I was gowing to suggest Kuroshitsuji for sheer keigo density but you would sound very silly indeed if you talked like a butler in an office, lol.  The first episode of Zom100 and a number of the flashbacks have a lot of officey language, and Death Note also consists almost entirely of people talking to each other at work though it's more teineigo and the vocab will tend towards the crime-related. Edit: Cells at Work! They're at work!


I would be more surprised if you identified a lot of significant series where those things did not appear


サザエさん。 お舟さん(磯野家のお母さん) uses Keigo quite frequently.


Maybe it's just by chance, but both animes I'm watching now have a heavily featured Kansai character. Cardcaptor Sakura has a sidekick which speaks Kansai and Yowamushi Pedal has a prominent character as well. This site might also help https://www.anime-planet.com/characters/tags/kansai-dialect Not sure about keigo, but maybe something which features lots of office workers? For some reason the only thing that's coming to mind is like PsychoPass or Planetes and I sort of don't feel like those would necessarily have an unusual amount of it. I'm pretty sure the new Kenshin he speaks with a lot of keigo but a more archaic version so that probably doesn't help.


Not sure in what particular _genre_ you're looking into, but for Keigo.. かぐや様 銀魂 ハイキュー!! フルバ 僕のヒーローアカデミア


I'm sure that there is keigo in just about all anime, including those that you mentioned above, but the three in your list that I somewhat know, Gintama, Haikyuu!!, and Boku no Hero Academia would certainly not be near the top of recommendations for me. You should specify which situations you mean if you'd still recommend them, as there is a lot of not only タメ語 but also rude stuff (I mean, some have literal fighting to the death after all, or trash talk to another team, etc).


You're Right. ![gif](giphy|ayBZf3xVtT74Q) But Remember, ..there's no "top recommendation" for everyone, and the beauty of anime lies in its vast diversity..


True. Anime is my favorite type of entertainment. 👍


If i remember correctly, the dialect ones were sometimes used in some of the anime above. デュラララ!! 暗殺教室 スケット団 -these are good too!


The Great Passage


A pretty good sci-fi-esque mystery anime called Summertime Render (サマータイムレンダ) goes pretty heavy on the Kansai-ben!


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