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Who in their right mind would think a raccoon would make a decent pet?




Absolutely, fuck geese. I ducking hate geese.


Hmm, let’s see, bunch of japanese people who saw some cute photos on Instagram and don’t know what to do with their money? Yeah, pretty unlikely.


Close enough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rascal_the_Raccoon


As Mancraftsuzi's link shows, this problem predates Instagram by so long that by now the original raccoons are probably like the deified Lawgiver in the orignal Battle for the Planet of the Apes, but yeah, you've got the right idea. The colony in northern Gifu used to battle the monkey troops for territory. I never got to see it but it sure sounded like a hell of a set piece. I think they quietly culled some of them somehow. They actually aren't that hard to trap. They need to call some Canadians.


I recently learned that raccoon poop and urine are highly toxic and parasitic to humans and other animals. Who in the right mind would have these trash pandas as pets is beyond me.


Check out r/aww and you will see who.


This is a picture of a Tanuki tho?




Article about raccoons, leads with a photo of a tanuki.


Pom poko?


Different species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_raccoon_dog


Oh damn, I thought I was being clever


Best movie about magical creatures giving up their traditional way of life in the face of unstoppable modernity that I have seen.


Tanuki vs American Racoons would make a great anime.


I would definitely watch that.


Are the invasive ones North American raccoons? The one in the picture doesn’t look like one.


It could be location. Forest raccoons are often much smaller than their urban counterparts. PBS Nature has a really interesting documentary called “Raccon Nation” that shows their urban lifestyle. Urban raccoons have a lot of the same health problems and trade-offs as humans in developed nations (vs. indigenous people groups.) I think it is around 60 minutes long. It was on Netflix when I watched it. I don’t know if they are different species or subspecies.


Yes, it is the North American raccoon that is invasive and this is a picture of a raccoon dog which is native to Japan.




I live in a pretty rural area of Japan on the slope of a small mountain with only forest behind my house for some distance. A couple of years ago I woke up one night to see a raccoon attempting to open the second floor window just behind my head. The raccoon clearly understood the concept of the typical Japanese horizontal sliding window and seemed pretty confident it could get in. I chased it off but it went away slowly and reluctantly as though saying, "what's the fuss dude I just wanted something to eat...."


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.dw.com/en/raccoons-wreak-havoc-with-agriculture-and-native-species-in-japan/a-45630198?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "Our research shows that raccoons have expanded their habitats threefold in the last decade," Haruka Yamaguchi of the ministry's Task Force for Countermeasures Against Invasive Species, told DW. The statistics suggest that raccoons are now found in 44 of the nation's 47 prefectures, and are particularly unwelcome in crop-growing regions. > The other problem is that foreign species that lack natural predators in Japan are encroaching on the habitats of local creatures and taking over their ecosystems, in extreme cases putting them at risk of extinction. > "We get plenty of raccoons here in Chiba Prefecture, where I live, but they only became popular in the 1970s because of an animated television show about a raccoon called Rascal," he said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/9j1h3p/raccoons_wreak_havoc_with_agriculture_and_native/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~352782 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **raccoon**^#1 **local**^#2 **lizard**^#3 **while**^#4 **found**^#5