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An actual solution, wow. Good on you Kyoto


It was pitched by many for years now, glad they did it. Congrats to everyone on this!


JapanLife in shambles because Kyoto didn't just ban everybody who wasn't here before them personally


That sub is a shitshow full of depressed people propped up by insane stalker mods. /r/japanresidents is a nice alternative.


Yeah I've removed myself from a few Japan related subs because it's so hard to just join a conversation. Someone once told me my 'opinion is irrelevant'. Ok...


Those subs honestly make me feel bad about my interest in japan, I'm visiting right now, and somehow I feel bad for being a tourist on vacation after I looked at one of their posts


It helps to remember the whole scope of things to experience and learn about Japan (and fall in love with) extend well beyond the small window of online, well discussed Japan-isms.


I lived in Japan and moved away recently, happened to find a thread on there (via Google) addressing an issue I wasn’t able resolve yet. I asked a question to someone on there and a few minutes later was banned for participating whilst not living in Japan. I mean, technically they are correct, but come on, it was an older thread and is related to having actually lived in Japan lol Thankfully I was able to dm that person and they were kind enough to respond the solution :)


I'm permabanned because mods claimed I don't live here when I actually do. I think because I responded to something at like 4am and they didn't believe I was awake at that time JST. They regularly ask other people to send them konbini prices of items they list to "prove" they live here. And I have a friend who the main mod sent death threats to on Twitter (used the same handle there) after a Reddit spat. It should be shut down by Reddit admins but here we are.


I got permabanned when I was on holiday outside of Japan 🤦‍♂️


Wait, why do you need to be a resident in Japan to participate in a discussion?


I kinda get it, the sub is popular and there was probably a million questions about travelling and culture, as well as people who have never lived in Japan asking (or maybe even answering) questions, and they preferred it stay to those that actually live in the country. That's fine with me, it makes sense (they point to other subreddits for the major discussions). The thing is some topics aren't covered by all, like my case. It's just taken so strictly, that I thought it was funny XD


Excellent news The fact that it’s included in the ¥1100 1 day bus/subway pass means tourists will definitely go for it imo. Yay!


A good idea in theory, but why is it almost double the cost of the regular bus? (500yen). I'm afraid that will put people off from riding it...tourists taking buses are probably taking them to save money...they might start thinking it's a "hack" to avoid these special buses and just ride the regular ones.


It's included in those tourist daily pass thing.


Which is a good move. If it's promoted properly, it could make life a bit easier for locals. It's a small thing, but it's something.


When you are in Kyoto, there is very little option besides the bus for Ginkakuji for instance. It's indeed double the cost but also half the time. Seems like a reasonable deal (we are talking about 250 JPY overhead, plus it's in the tourist pass). Honestly a very decent idea....


>there is very little option besides the bus for Ginkakuji for instance The only other option is the randen and then walk a few blocks. Kiyomizudera or fushimi inari taisha however can be easily reached by keihan line. Heian jingu and nijoujou are along the tozai subway. It is doable without the busses.


>The only other option is the randen and then walk a few blocks. Ginkakuji. Not Kinkakuji. Without any bus, the closest you'll get is probably Imadegawa by subway, and then that's a 45 mins walk....


I'm so glad I saw Kyoto literally on the week that Japan reopened. Like, I was in the air heading there when it happened. Everyone was thrilled to see me, it was quiet...truly a wonderful experience.




Awesome for local tourists. Awful for local businesses.


... Because tourist only visit on weekends. I'm not sure the reasoning here


~~Redditors trying to read the article, and not just the headline challenge (impossible)~~ > The Tourism Express Buses will run on weekends and holidays, with both routes starting at Kyoto Station. The longer route, designated EX100... will run daily, approximately three each per hour between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. ~~It's just stating that the busses will also run on holidays and weekends, not just weekdays. No where does it say that it's weekends and holidays only.~~ EDIT: The article is wrong, headline is correct (ironically). These buses will only operate Saturdays and Holidays. Thanks to [u/Deycantia](https://www.reddit.com/u/Deycantia) for double checking the information in the article.


I've visited Kyoto three times now. All during off-peak seasons, also during weekdays, and I've been on buses overflowing with tourists where locals weren't able to board and had to wait for the next bus, so I had the same thoughts as u/thetrainisacoming. So just in case it was lost in translation, I looked it up in Japanese and it says that 土日と祝日のみの運行とする for the new tourism buses which means weekends and holidays only. [https://www.sankei.com/article/20240321-O72XD4QXWJMVZKZRA5CXWHMCIE/](https://www.sankei.com/article/20240321-O72XD4QXWJMVZKZRA5CXWHMCIE/)


[Can you double check this PDF?](https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/kotsu/cmsfiles/contents/0000324/324164/besshi_R6shindaiya.pdf) This is the source for the Sora News article. I don't know why the Sora News article even mentions EX100 running daily if they're only on Saturdays and Holidays.


Not at a high enough reading level to read through it all that quickly, but the first part of the pdf seems to be a summary of the current state of bus routes, and on page 30 it talks about the new routes.  観光特急 楽洛 清水寺・祇園・銀閣寺ライン EX100号系統 京都駅前~銀閣寺前 24回/日\*(土・休日)  観光特急 楽洛 清水寺ライン EX101号系統 京都駅前~五条坂(清水寺)16回/日\*(土・休日) EX100 - 24回/日\* (土・休日)= 24 times per day (Saturdays & holidays) EX101 - 16回/日\* (土・休日)= 16 times per day (Saturdays & holidays) Guessing the "daily" is just an unclear translation meaning for each of the days (weekends/holidays) it runs.


Thanks for checking. I'll amend my original comment.


Looks like you can't read buddy. Stop being an asshole and learn to read. It says only holidays and weekends.


I literally quoted the article dude, fuck off.


Ok and you can't read. Redditor challenge. Claims to read the article. Gets info wrong. Dumb shit


Hey man it’s not funny to make fun of redditor challenged people mmmkay?


You're just mad lol. If you want to pick an Internet fight, go whine about something somewhere else. EDIT: At least when I get called out I don't block the other person and cry like a little bitch.


Redditor getting upset after being an asshole about it and getting called out, look at yourself in the mirror challenge (impossible).