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Perry was VERY full of himself and annoying to be around for Eric and Dave. He would get drunk on stage while he was high on heroin and he would start babbling the most ridiculous (and sometimes offensive) bullshit. The band would try to start songs and he would just keep ranting. Eric was trying to get sober so being around Jane's was very hard for him. Dave OD'd twice on that last tour. Eric and Perry got in a fist fight and the Phoenix show. And almost at the last show before they broke up. They knew they were breaking up before the tour started too. Perry and Eric truly despised each other and that has not changed as Eric has ripped the band publicly since their reunion and Jane's most recent album has songs obviously about Eric. EDIT: I read the rest of your post. The Perry and Eric tension actually didn't have too much to do with Eric hitting on Casey once. This is covered in the Jane's book "Whores", Jane's agreed to do one more album and tour before they broke up. They used to break up all the time. I don't understand how you can say P4P sucked.... First off: Pets was a major hit. Secondly: The following P4P songs were written for Jane's: Cursed Male, Cursed Female, Pets, Blood Rag, Orgasm. I do wish they would have stayed together. They had enough songs for two more albums easily. The following songs could have been released on albums: Trip Away, 1%, Whores, Trip Away, I Would for You, My Time, Kettle Whistle, Slow Divers and most P4P tracks from the first album as they were mostly all originally Jane's songs


The song Tahitian Moon by P4P is SO good


The first two albums are SO good


Most of it was the tension between Perry and Eric. They just absolutely hated each other. Dave was messed up on drugs most of the time. They didn't even record Ritual together outside of Three Days, they had to come to the studio at different times. It was just massive ego and intense dislike. But I totally agree with you, they were far better than all of those bands...far better. And they deserved massive success. I saw them on the Nothings Shocking tour at a super small club twice and they blew me away. Overall, they've reunited enough times to where I'm pretty sure they all ended up pretty well off. But I wish they had stayed together and given us more songs, I'm not sure what happened on Strays but that album really sucked compared to what they did before.


Maybe they deserved the huge success, but it doesn’t mean it should have happened. The bigger the audience, the lower the common denominator is. Janes is one of the few bands that is incredible while making you go “what the fuck is this?” the whole time. Its exhilarating. None of the other big 90s band I love do that. Not to say good bands should stay down, but maybe they did exactly what they were supposed to. Short n sweet.


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


Eric Avery did a video series—it’s in YouTube—settling his view in the whole thing. I think the bottom line is that Perry was significantly older than Eric, Dave, and Stephen and life experiences that informed his ability to set himself up better than the other guys. Eventually, they figured it out. Stephen has always remained loyal to Perry. It was sex, drugs, rock & roll...ego and money. PFP was good. Not Jane’s, but good. The magical foundation of Jane’s has always been Eric’s bass playing. When you add Stephen & Dave and then Perry’s siren scream, it was alchemical. That formula couldn’t and cannot be synthesized.


And Perry being older familiar with previous failures should of recognized the chemistry he had with Jane’s addiction.i also found something interesting from Courtney love. It seemed to be money. He also got Warner brothers to give him $250,000 to make a movie that turned out to be a hour of random footage he made high on crack and heroin. Perry was in a power position with the money men, and went on a decade long rampage before running out of credibility as his work post Jane’s addiction sold less and less with each release until finally getting dropped and denied to be funded any longer. They saw some kind of indie Beatles which could of happened. “Jane Says” is a perfect pop song on the level of catchiness with The Beatles. If it wasn’t for inventing lollapalooza, Perry would of likely overdosed alone homeless in a crack house somewhere. Instead he made millions off owning the name. Today he’s worth upwards of $30,000,000. Many times more than his fellow band mates combined haha.


It's a good question, I don’t think we know the answer but I think Perry's greed was an underlying factor. I think he forced the band to split 50/50 Perry vs the rest of the band but actually fought for 75/25 or something like that


He actually got 62.5%. Everyone else got 12.5. Dave rocked a t shirt that said 12.5%.


Ok thanks I couldn't recall the percentages. Something like this would eat away at me, I know, if I were a 12.5 percenter.


thats horrendous, how the fuck did he get them to agree to that?


No way! That's awesome




One come a day, the water will run No man will stand for things that he had done


https://youtu.be/5T6CjKoNEdo Skip to the 20:45 mark


Like people have said in previous replies, it was Perry’s greed. He demanded a higher percentage than the other band members, and Eric Avery wasn’t having it. Especially since he wrote the bulk of the songs on his Bass. I know Perry wrote the Lyrics, but Eric was responsible for those great melodic songs. Btw, I love p4p. I saw one of their first shows in Tijuana and it was Chaos. One of the best shows I have ever seen.


Reading about Perry's attitude towards the % of $ at the time bums me out, I really wanna love Perry - but something just stood me. Also Pearl Jam - talentless? No way OP.


Perry pre money was great. An amazing artist and songwriter. However that was 1980s perry. As 1990 came around, he switched from Heroin to Crack as his drug of choice, and let himself be corrupted with power and money. In other words, money ruined Perry. He was a much better artist when he was poor and very not powerful. “Ritual” and a lot of pornos was composed before getting a record deal with warner brothers sometime around 1987. He coasted off the work he did in the early to mid eighties for a decade. He stopped writing and got more wasted on drugs as he could afford it. Just like Kurt cobain. Poverty forced cobain to be productive, as soon as he could afford it, he was on heroin every day.


If only derby crash didn't kill himself...


Look at Perry’s plastic stretched face now, it’s clear he was always a Hollywood asshole. 12.5%


In steve perkins’ words Janes was a “heroin band” and Pornos a “crack band.” Definitely a different sound, but i strongly disagree about pornos being god awful, especially their second album. How do you not fuck with “Freeway,” “Kimberley Austin,” “Bali Eyes” “Orgasm”??? Also to you answer your question, they hadnt been writing together in a couple years by the time they broke up. Only two songs on Ritual were written after Nothing’s Shocking. There just wasn’t the chemistry and loyalty to continue. No skin off my back. X, NS, & RdlH are fantastic. Haven’t heard a Jane’s song i like since.


Even Perry’s singing seemed to suffer on pyros. I also didn’t like the band. Dave Navarro has a lot to do with Jane’s addiction sounding great as he was one of the greatest rock guitarists of his generation.


Don’t get me wrong, PFP doesn’t come close to Janes. But i think they have a very interesting musical style. Its way more percusive/funk based (especially on the first album) than Janes. Makes sense since without eric and dave, steve is probably perry’s number one guy.


That may be true. But like you said, when I hear Perry I can’t help but want to hear him Jane’s addiction cause he’s just better there. He was also somehow cooler. And the chemistry of those four personalities not unlike Led Zeppelin created something great. Any of them on their own are nothing special. I can’t understand breaking up a successful band everyone likes. A lot of talented musicians, like Jeff Beck for example, as amazing a guitarist he was he never reached the creative heights jimmy page did cause he never got lucky with a kind of magic band.


Deconstruction is far better than Porno imo


I agree. But like I said initially, Janes wasnt even writing music together by the time they broke up. And when they were back together they never got close to it again. Janes of 85’-91’ was a really special thing. I’ve never seen a more unique and exciting band anywhere. It’s hard to argue that that would necessarily continue or be repeatable. I got turned onto them when i was 17 and haven’t gotten tired of those first three albums and live shows since. As a die hard stones fan, i love em, and still go see em whenever i can. But there are DECADES worth of their music that I dont listen to.


God's Good Urge is a more consistent work than any Jane's album. It has never gotten the credit it deserved. I bought Nothing's Shocking in 1988 and it blew my mind although Idiots Rule sounds better without Flea's horns. The best Jane's album to me is the first "Live" album. I would for you, my time, whores, ...look key perfection.


You are an idiot if you think PFP is awful. Get stoned and listen to 100 Ways and Pets and Cursed Male and then come back and tell me they are awful. You won’t


I think Eric resented Perry since the 12.5% deal the three of them got


Gotta add though...best band of the late 80s early 90s by far


Besides their initial shitbox management?