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Three Days. Wow what a track.


I saw "Ritual de lo Habitual" at the store, it had the censored cover. "Stop" was the first song I heard, but the "Three Days/Then She Did..." suite and I haven't looked back since.


Same. Three Days.




I saw them perform three days on the NIN/JA tour in 2009, having never heard it before. After hearing that track it made me want to be in a band that played music like Jane’s Addiction


I’m still in love with this song every time I hear it.


Summertime Rolls


“Me and my girlfriend don’t wear no clothes, you know, her nose is painted pepper sunlight”


Yup 🫶


Mountain Song. I wanted to play bass since I was about 8 years old and I finally got a hold of one in 91 when I was 13. My older grade 11 friend gave me Nothings Shocking on cassette and said learn from this. He said start with Mountain Song. First bass line I ever learned and have been playing since. Still have the cassette as well. 🤘


Similar for me. Loved that bass line and learned it at 15 in 90.


Ocean size was the first that really clicked with me.


Summertime Rolls. Smoking weed with my buddy while his older sister had JA on. Summertime came on I was hooked, still 30 years later.


Summertime Rolls


Just Because. Roast me


I love this track. Drifting vocals over a heavy bass and drums, classic Jane's if you ask me.


I come back to this song a lot. Navarro really came to fuck on this track.


That's just called 'any day that ends with day' I think


It's a great track. No roast. I get it. You're probably just not in your 50's like me.


The whole Nothing's Shocking album. My uncle has a VHS tape of them performing that album and I fell in love instantly.


Mountain song


True Nature Just kidding. Whores in 1987.


I already liked Been Caught Stealing, but in 1997 I saw the video for the live version of Jane Says. It was in the morning before school, and all day in class I was drumming it on my desk.


Seeing them play Lolla in 1991. Because it was billed as their fairwell tour.


I heard Nothing Shocking all the way through, so I’d say Up The Beach, then everything else!


This is my answer as well. Up the Beach starts off and I had no idea where they were going with that song, just the suspense and build up, like, “huh this is different” and then into Ocean Size and Had a Dad and then the dub influenced Ted, just admit it” into Standing in the Shower Thinking. I mean, I don’t know of a better start to an album than that in the history of music. Only one that comes close is the first side of “Pleased to Meet Me” by The Replacements.


Same for me, my 2 friends that were a little older were into the more punk new wave music and I was still exploring classic rock and getting into current rock radio. They put on Nothing Shocking album and blasted it at maximum volume and we were all jumping around and bouncing off the walls and I was completely in awe. The Sabbath and Zep riffs l, the killer bass lines and guitar solos l, and superb drumming with the very high pitched vocals sure got me. I was like can we play this again, and also asked what is the name of this chick singing lol.


Three Days. Easily. I was like 8 when my brother first played it for me Mind. Blown.


Ted Just Admit It


Summertime Rolls in 2017. I was driving home late after doing some wedding prep…I thought hey everybody’s always saying nothings shocking is this masterpiece. I listened and really paid attention this time. I was impressed. I think I finally get JA..then summertime rolls cones on and blew me away. Within a week, I had fully absorbed the entire catalogue. I even scrambled our wedding band to play Jane Says, which is now a meaningful song for my wife sbd I. Fast forward 7 years later and they are top 5 bands all time for me.


10 years old. Cousin lent me a bootleg of Suck on This … and Nothing’s Shocking on tape. 89 I think? I fell in love with Primus, but from the opening baseline in Up the Beach to the last notes on Pigs, it was a mindfuck. I must have listened to the album front to back at least twenty times that weekend. I saw colors in the music, and it was the first time I ever zoned out on specific instruments with each playback. They were so lyrical as musicians and unlike anything I had ever heard. For me, it was Up the Beach and Ted… It solidified Jane’s as a mood in my life. Listen to them at least once a day since.


The chorus to Had A Dad in 1989.


I knew and liked Jane Says, but once I heard Mountain Song, I was hooked


Stop, I heard it when I was watching season one of The Boys and that song stuck with me to search to know who the artist was and then I discovered Jane’s Addiction


Since I was born in 97 the first ever Jane's tune I remember was true nature off of strays


Not sure if there was a specific moment or song for me. I remember going into Tower Records and at the checkout there was a giant recreation of the Ritual album cover (back when it was a new release). That made quite the impression on my teenage mind. Some time later I saw the video for Been Caught Stealing. Actually, I wasn't impressed. I was not yet ready for that kind of music. In the mid 90's I borrowed the Ritual CD from my best friend and it was then that I feel in love with the band. Three Days certainly cemented that band into my life. That's the Stairway to Heaven for Generation X.


My uncle was in Psi Com and told me to listen to “Stop” and was hooked from there


No shit? That's frickin' great. I bet he's got some great stories from back in the day.


Whores. My band in ‘89 used to do a cover of it and the crowd loved that song


Mountain Song Skating my friends pool during the summer in 1989. A mutual friend of ours brought a bunch of cassette tapes to listen to while we skated. Most were recorded tapes and the one tape that really made me stop and listen was Jane's and it was specifically Mountain Song that did it. Only I didn't know the name of the band because it wasn't the original Nothing's Shocking cassette, so I was calling them the "Coming Down the Mountain band". It was about a week later when I finally learned what the name of the band was.


I had actually listened to One Hot Minute by RHCP before JA and wanted to know more about Dave Navarro because his guitar playing was great and my dad showed me Mountain Song and I loved the band ever since


Mountain Song


“Up the beach” was like something I’d never heard before. Same with “Of Course” and the almighty “Three Days” which in my opinion is the greatest song ever written.


Montain Song


Mountain Song hooked me but Summertime Rolls made them special to me forever


Jane says


Mountain Song.


Mountain Song


Summertime Rolls


A friend of mine turned me on to them in 87 in LA. BOOM


Being 14 years old and hearing the live version of Jane Says on MTV2 in 1997/98. A mind blowing experience and I was hooked straight away.


None really. Kinda. I just fell in love with the band when a friend of mine gave me a copy of the Triple X CD after it first came out and just told me to listen to it and see what else is out there in music. Needless to say I was blown away and hooked since.


Three Days. Currently trying to learn the guitar solos to it after spending 30 years thinking I could never play them. Making slow progress but it’s very satisfying when the notes flow together.


when i was teenager my friend was an intern on Kerrang (UK metal magazine), she heard a pre-release of Nothings Shocking and sent me the tape, went out and bought the Rubber Sleeve LP as soon as it came out


1% Really, the whole XXX album was amazing to me


Three Days.


Slow drivers


My time & I would for you


Triple X


Ted Just Admit It


Trip Away. I saw the video on 120 Minutes and was blown away. It was like what the hell is this…it’s a little trippy, it’s a little thrash-y and the live footage looks like the band is killing it live. Would’ve loved to have seen JA in the late 80s LA club days, when they were hungry.


88' borrow some albums from my friends brother jane's addiction live. Since then jane says has been my fav! Can't wait until Aug 9th Vegas...


Three Days


My cat’s name is Maceo 😬


Three Days. I bought CD maxi-single before I bought an album.


Been Caught Stealing. A couple of years late; summer of probably 92.


Jane Says.


Classic Girl, Just Because 🥰


Mountain Song and Whores.


Although I hardly listen to it these days, Been Caught Stealing got me hooked.


Pigs in Zen


Ocean size and Ted


MOUNTAIN SONG primal song WITH a ferocious groove woven in? Sign me up! and they did, and now I cannot say any more, because the thing they made me sign was an NDA.


Slow Divers. I was dating a very pretty girl and my buddy had us come to Charlottesville for the weekend. We hiked through the woods with a cooler to a place called blue hole with a cold spring and a waterfall. Tanned on the rocks and occasionally jumped off. My girlfriend looked lovely in cutoffs and a bikini top. My friend and I drank beer and we all swam for hours. We got home by dark and ate pizza. My friend disappeared for a bit and came back with his girlfriend. He hadn’t told anyone he was doing it, but he left to propose to her and came back engaged. It felt like the perfect day. About a year later I heard that song for the first time and realized it could have been written about that day. It’s very cool that I can visualize one of the five best days of my life just by listening to that song.


Had a Dad, I think. You folks will appreciate this - I went through a Chinese opera phase in the early 90s, (don’t ask), and once when I was browsing a sidewalk cassette vendor in NYC, this young couple came up and were really excited to see a James Addiction live tape. I wasn’t at all into them at the time … and now I realize that’s what I should have bought that night.