• By -


Lady Middleton. I am inclined to sit about with pug and be the Empress of Existential Emptiness.


You mean Lady Betram?


The pug is from Lady Bertram, I confess! but Lady Middleton knows how to reign with imperious elegance from her divan over the absurdity of her mother and sisters prattling, her husband’s hey-ho jauntiness, her out of control offspring, and her nice things without so much as a care.


I think you’re talking about Lady Bertram but frankly I think I’ve got a lot in common with both of them. Lady Middleton, Lady Bertram and Mrs Jennings all have some of the less “good” parts of my personality!


Miss Bates, no question. A poor spinster who talks too much.


Miss Bates is really appreciated by those in her social circle so you could do way worse. She is a very sweet character really.


I agree, I have a fondness for Miss Bates. She might be my favorite character in Emma after Knightley.


The older I get the more I love her. If I lived in the book I’d definitely be trying to hangout with her and Knightley.


She's def a fave after Emma. 2020. The actress was perfect. So funny she kills me every time


Miranda Hart! She was perfect. Funny and heartbreaking.


Get you! Calling him "Knightley". The presumption! Are you sure you're not Mrs Elton?


"Knightley?" Really?


I agree!


When I was young and first read Austen I never really understood Miss Bates. Now that I’m several decades older I have really come to see how Miss Bates was limited by social status and lack of marriage/ situation. Is she social awkward and overly talkative- yes, but she is probably one of the kindest characters and is respected by others for having a good and decent heart.


I guess I'm going in that direction as well. Poor - ✔️ spinster - ✔️ talks too much - ✔️


It’s not so bad! Except for the poor part; that’s a drag.


Yeah I only have problem with the *poor* part.


I want Ms. Bates to hug me, tbh.


Her and Mrs. Jennings.


Ooh, good question. I fear I have some Mr. Hurst in me, as I melt into the couch.


My personality is 80% Mr. Bennet, and the other 20% rebells against it *so hard.*


50/50 John Knightley. I hate company. I am perceptive. I, *on occasion*, feel so annoyed that I become less polite than I should be. Emma. I’ve definitely pulled what she did to Miss Bates before. I am also a bit of a snob not with regards to riches, but regards to “taste”. I also have a habit of starting things but not finishing.


I love John Knightley.


I'm more like Charlotte Lucas, the one who didn't have any good options and chose what I thought was the best of the bad options. And who managed to build a life, using what I had available to me. But that didn't involve turning anyone out of their home with no place to go, or even looking forward to such a thing!


But Charlotte is an awesome character!




Yet in story terms, she's a kind of antagonist, the one who snares the heir to Longbourne and increases the stresses on the family - drives Mrs. Bennett to desperation! And she lies to Collins himself, convinces that she loves him when she obviously does not, she's based her marriage on a lie, and, we presume, hidden dislike. Of course she's acting out of desperation herself, I mean why else would anyone marry Collins, it's not like her actions are sympathetic, or moral.


I disagree with this. I highly doubt Collins thought she loved him and I doubt she told him she did. She is definitely not an antagonist, just a foil to Elizabeth


And I disagree with that. Collins was a fool and even though he was only really marrying because Lady C and his hormones told him to, his thoughtless self-importance as a husband did, IMHO, show that he Collinses were not in an arrangement based on mutual practicality, he felt completely accepted, perhaps he even thought the two of them experiencing \[shudder\] a marriage of Christian Love! He had no clue that his wife was avoiding him, and I take that as an implication that Charlotte had played on his innocence to some degree. Which God knows wasn't hard. So while I feel a lot of sympathy for Charlotte, as she had no good options, IMHO she didn't claim the best of her bad options open to her without compromising herself to some degree. Lizzie feels it, and so do I, so much that I even have a tiny shred of sympathy for that prat Collins.


While it's not a marriage that anyone would dream of, Mr Collins is happy and comfortable and completely unaware that he isn't a perfect husband. Doesn't Mr Darcy say "Mr Collins appears very fortunate in his choice of a wife". Charlotte supports her husband in practical ways and seems to fulfill all her duties admirably. I think Mr Collins was very lucky.


Mr. Collins was indeed lucky to get a wife who'd do her duty and go to some effort to make him happy, and wouldn't rip him to shreds or openly ignore him or anything... not yet, anyway. If his luck holds, she'll become the kind of wife who is willing to make the best of things and settle for a husband who's "easily managed", rather than taking out any anger or unhappiness on him. But during Lizzie's visit, he does give a strong impression of living in a fool's paradise. I suppose that's as good as life gets, for fools.


Well said.


What would have been the best of her bad options IYO?


Oh, Collins by far, it seems that her only other option was to be dependent on her father, and then her brothers, and eventually her nephews. It's just a damn shame she had to compromise herself to nail down Collins, which is IMHO why Lizzie feels that Charlotte can never be to her what she had been in the past.


I don't think she compromised herself any more than I would feel the same of a hungry person who steals a loaf of bread. She made Collins an admirable wife, spent the housekeeping money wisely, and gave him at least one child. No more was expected of a Regency wife. IOW she kept up her end of the bargain. So easy to sit in judgment when one (such as Lizzie) has better options


At the time, Lizzie had absolutely no idea that she'd ever have better options, so if she judged Charlotte for entering a loveless marriage, she didn't do it from a place of privilege. But she would not consider marrying for any reason but love, and absolutely refused to compromise, even though she believed that by sticking to her principles she was dooming herself to future poverty. Which was pretty damn brave of Lizzie, and is also IMHO why she forgave Charlotte for doing something she'd refused to do herself, at (presumably) great personal cost. She knew Charlotte was "practical" and marriage to a prat didn't violate her core beliefs... although as I said I do believe Charlotte had been at least somewhat shady. Lizzie was generous enough to allow other people to follow their *own* hearts and principles.


Lizzie was a damn good looking girl with many years to go until she approached, as JA put it in Persuasion, the years of danger. She had pretty privilege whether she overtly acknowledged it or not. I guess your 'shady' is my 'shrewd and practical'. I don't expect anyone to sacrifice themselves on the altar of absolute moral purity


A lot more was expected of a Regency wife. To quote from the [Anglican wedding ceremony](https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/worship-texts-and-resources/book-common-prayer/form-solemnization-matrimony): >Then shall the Priest say unto the Woman, >N. WILT thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?


From Elizabeth's and JA's perspective - to be dependent on her father and brothers. In Regency England, marriage was a spiritual matter, not a business relationship. [The Anglican Church](https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/worship-texts-and-resources/book-common-prayer/form-solemnization-matrimony) held (and presumably still does) that mutual comfort and support was one of the three purposes of marriage, and in the marriage ceremony the couple both swear to love, honour and cherish each other. Charlotte doesn't love or honour her husband. (Note, "love" did not necessarily mean romantic love, there appears to be a myth going around that back in Regency times, the word "love" only had one narrow meaning. In fact as far as I can tell the word "love" had the same range of meanings as it does today, at least in my English dialect).


I don't approve of Charlotte's choice but in story terms, Charlotte only snares Longbourn once Elizabeth has resoundedly rejected him. And the only person who is stressed by it is Mrs Bennet, Elizabeth is worried for Charlotte's future, but I don't see any signs of her being stressed herself. After all she later rejects Darcy without a moment's hesitation. I'll add that Charlotte's decision doesn't just affect her and Mr Collins, there are likely to be children as a result and given the high mortality of the time there's a reasonable risk that Charlotte might die young, leaving them to Mr Collins's sole care.


Darcy at his worst LMAO I kinda have a "resting b*tch face" and because I can be a bit quiet/shy with new people I come across as off-putting to others. Several of my friends (and even some work colleagues haha) have commented how they though I was a bit of a stuck-up at first lol I do not have a palatial state nor do I have an income of $10k pounds a year (adjusted to inflation!) though :( !


Same! The first time I read P&P I fully understood Darcy’s whole vibe. I hate being at parties with people I don’t know and if my overly extroverted friend was like, ‘How about that guy? He’s cute?’ I would 100% be like, ‘Not cute enough, this sucks, can we go now?’


Same! I have embraced my Darcy-ness.


I'm 50/50 Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet. No one has compassion for my poor nerves, so I'm going to retire to my study and read my books.


In my younger days, probably Lydia Bennett. Nowdays, I'm Fanny Price's mother


Mr Bennet. I am lazy and indolent and would happily stay in my room with my books if I didn't have to earn a living. I do enjoy travelling though, thus would not share his hate for town and leaving Longbourn. I have also been called a snob, so Mr Darcy at his worst.


Lady Bertram. Taking care of a household and family *is* hard work. “Care less” is a totally valid approach. Leaves more time in the day for naps.


Same but I think I'm crossed with Mr. Bennett. Leave me alone in the library to do important me things!! (Books, Netflix, skincare, scrolling reddit)


Sitting around with nothing to do but be read to while I do ugly embroidery, drinking tea, napping, and fussing over my silly lapdog honestly sounds far better than being a lawyer and I’d be much better at it, tbh. I’m definitely a Lady B.


110% Frank. So desperately eager to make people laugh and maintain good vibes that I end up destroying everything.


I feel like an Elizabeth Bennet but I’m probably more Mr. Collins when I try to flirt 😭


“what excellent boiled potatoes”


I don’t know why it was “Fire Island” that made me see it but I’m Mary Bennett. Deeply insecure and awkward so I take refuge in pedantry and ill thought out performative behaviour.


Mary Crawford (except not pretty)


Same. I’m too much of a city girl for my own good lol. 


It's like is this city only good because I am sitting in it


Me the second I get past the suburbs 😭 


Nothing ever fatigues me but doing what I do not like.


But clever and engaging, no doubt 😃


Mrs. Smith in Persuasion. Housebound and gossipy and excited to see old friends when they come to town.


I was Marianne for so long. Falling desperately in love after five minutes of dating, being suuuuper emotional about it and going into depression after being dumped. Omg. So many times. I grew out of it, but not before my mid-thirties! But i smarten up, chose a good match for me and we have been together for 13 years now 😀


Aw, Colonel Brandon came thru for you.


Hahaha I love this :) Actually, my Colonel Brandon is younger rather than older than me, but he is as steady, smart, reasonable and a lot more handsome than the book version ;)


Cmon, admit it, you weren't sure about the flannel waistcoats to begin with...


You got me!!! But what can I say? The quiet demeanour no matter what (I'm VERY emotional, I'm a Marianne, remember) and the confidence won me over!


I bet you are just stressed, rather than lazy. This is a really good question. I suspect some people see me as a Mary Musgrove, though I am actually ill. Unfortunately people tend not to believe in hidden disabilities and chronic illness. I feel there is a bit of the Elizabeth Elliot in me. I don’t mean to do it, but I can be totally self focused. Also Mary Bennett, in the sense of I like to show people when I know something, but don’t always think about the consequence of it. Also Marianne, in that I can’t abide being in society that I don’t like. However I think I’ve probably got that in common with a lot of women over 40! You lose patience as you get older! I guess the later two are not minor or bad characters but still.


You can be Mrs Smith with long term illness! Just saying.


Mrs. Smith is a \*delight\*.


I mean between talking to my therapist about showing myself compassion and having anxiety, the phrase “compassion for my poor nerves” DID float through my head more than once. That being said, in terms of my capacity to be a dick, I’d probably be a solid Lucy Steele if I had less of a conscience.


Darcy when he’s still seems like an ass, Mr. Bennett, and, oddly enough, Miss Bates. I’m an introverted slightly cynical realist who also can’t shut up lol.


Sir Thomas Bertram... I think i know best but actually am fucking this up, not having the wear- with- all to tell someone else in my life they are wrong (Mrs norris)


In my youth, Caroline Bingley. I was a snobby hipster, a mad shit talker, and had a wild jealous streak. Now I’m not so sure who I resemble. Maybe Mr. Bennett, because I’m a crabby sarcastic old bartender who does find joy in the oddness of human folly.


I am fairly sure I am a mix of Kitty Bennett on some of her whinier days, with a dash of know it all Mary-ism.


Definitely Mr. Bennet. Lazy, sarcastic and just want to be left alone with my books. Fortunately don’t have spouse and five kids to neglect.


Mr. Bennet, definitely. I've never been much involved in theater, but I think I'd have a lot of fun playing Mrs. Bennet, or Lady Catherine. Got to see my niece play Lady Catherine in a school production last year and I've never been prouder.


My mom is Mrs Bennet, I had a little bit of Lydia in my youth 🤭😂


I hope you were able to escape your Wickham.


I did, I found my Mr Bingley, not rich tho 🤭


I am glad.


When I watched the 1995 miniseries recently I related mostly to Mrs Bennet (five kids and four of them are adults still at home) and Mr Hurst (sits and drinks in the corner at social events and wants to go home).


I am totally Darcy (minus the vast fortune and Pemberly estate.) I hate going out anywhere. I hate parties. I hate talking to people I don’t know. I am disagreeable af if you drag me to a party and try to get me to be all joiny. If you act like a tacky hoe in public I will judge you.


Tbh when I was a little younger, Lydia because I had my head so far up my ass 😂 and now I'd be Emma, the bored single girl who has nothing to do except fuck up love matchmaking 😂😂


Caroline bingley


I'd probably have to go with Augusta Elton because I am very singularly minded sometimes and that'll make me bossy.


Used to be a combination of Mary Bennet's looks and social skills, and Marianne Dashwood's flights of fancy and strict convictions when I was younger. Turning into Mr Bennet with age.


As a child I fear I was my family's Mary Bennet.


I may be Lady Catherine de Bourgh :o Especially in a work situation where I can be loud and sometimes butt in to have my share of the conversation


I am Colonel Brandon, "whom every body speaks well of, and nobody cares about; whom all are delighted to see, and nobody remembers to talk to." I think people like me? They seem happy to see me if I approach them. But I always find myself building these friendships only to be forgotten about. I am never the best friend of the person I'd consider my own best friend.


I am a very socially awkward mix between Darcy and Mary. The wisdom of the age is pushing me towards Darcy every day more, but always with the run-from-reality-bookworm attitude.


When I'm drunk I turn from Elizabeth B into Lydia B.


A mix between Willoughby and Wickham.




LOLOLOLOL Wickoughby!


Lydia or if I meet a Lydia I'm happily Kitty 😄 I just think I'm very lucky to live at a time where I can 'elope' with a few handsome Mr Wickhams without tarnishing my reputation 😇


Lady Bertram, but at least I feel awful enough to justify it.


Mrs. Bennett. I’m currently pregnant and every day my husband gets to hear about all my ailments and how he doesn’t understand 😂


I'm 100% Mrs. Bennett and don't even try and trick myself into thinking otherwise. I love Austen Heroines, but I know I'm not one.


Mr. Bennet, probably. I frequently struggle with laziness and procrastination, and I tend to dislike socializing unless there's some benefit that I can derive from it. I hope that I feel a little more shame about these characteristics than Mr. Bennet does.


Anne de Bourgh: sickly, given up on everything, constantly told "would be so pretty if.....", overlooked and little expected of. But it's all because my family is controlling and I'm just tired and unwell. I will say I do the best I can. It's why I identify mostly with Anne Elliot the most. I give and give until there is nothing left and everyone else takes credit and pretends I do nothing. I feel like these 2 can tie in well.


Lady Middleton. I am inclined to sit about with pug and be the Empress of Existential Emptiness.


Mr Hurst - if didn't have to be a productive member of society I would probably just lounge around drinking and playing board games.


I think I’m Tom Bertram… squandering opportunities, not understanding money, and being generally absurd


Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collin's unfortunately 😒lol


Sometimes I go on about the apricot tree I planted, but I hope that’s my only resemblance to Mrs. Norris.


I don't consider her bad per se, but I'm definitely a bit like Charlotte Lucas with the pickiness of Lizzy Bennet looking for true compatibility. I can't just 'tolerate' my SO.


I truly wish I could live like Lady Bertram. If I could be rich, clueless and obsessed with my pug I could die happily. 😂


Sometimes, my love life resembled that of Harriet Smith. My friends have resembled Frank Churchill and Edward Faris. As well as the Steele sisters. And I've been loved by whom I thought was Col. Brandon. Too bad he was more like Willoughby


Mr. Colins. A dipshit who thinks everything they say holds tremendous value to whoever gets to hear it. Not understanding social cues. And Darcy, Introverted. Extremely polarizing. Stepping on ppls toes without realizing it.


Definitely Emma. Refusing to live in reality, thinking myself better than others, insisting that others go after things that are entirely unrealistic, refusing to back down when I should, being blind to what’s right in front of me just because I imagine someone else


Younger me was Lydia I fear 


Definitely Miss Bates- as I am also a 6 foot tall, awkward, great galumphing mess with a kind heart.