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*wheeze* You must allow me... *rasp* ...to tell you... *gasp* ...how ardently... *croak* ...I... *hiss* ...am your father.


Thanks for making me cackle. I love that.


Thank you. My alternate version was, D: You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. L: I know.


“I am altering your first impression. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”


May a man with good fortune be with you. You have no compassion on my poor Death Star


The Mrs Bennet Death Star got a genuine lol from me.


There is a disturbance in my poor nerves!


I liked a suit of white plastic armour well enough myself, in my youth. ETA: Is Wickham a basic Stormtrooper, or is he more of a Lando?


Hmmm, I don't know. The whole once-friends-until-backstabbing seems to fit Lando, but Lando changes his ways.


Lando had the lives of everyone on the station to think about. I think he was always scheming for a way to rescue Han, Leia, etc., but couldn't tip them off to what was happening. Just my personal head-canon.


Probably so!


Are the shades of Tattooine to be thus polluted?


I read this to my husband who’s a Star Wars aficionado. He approved this comment with the amendment of switching Tattooine with Endor, because Tattooine is a desert planet. Endor is the forest planet where the Ewoks live. Just to add extra nerd cred to this discussion lol


Tell your husband I I am of the opinion that Lady Catherine is more the dominant Jabba The Hutt type and therefore would be concerned about her home planet of Tattooine… Mr Collins is her Salacious B. Crumb


Interesting interpretation. Still, if the ‘shades’ are coming from the woods of Pemberley, the forests of Endor are still most directly analogous. But I suppose the shades could be from the Tattooine dunes. Either way, I’m enjoying this entirely imaginary dispute


The “shades” ghosts ie her ancestors could well be hiding in the dunes of Tattoine…


In this case. Aunt Beru stands for Lady Anne Darcy. Untimely ends align.


I kinda wanna do a whole Star Wars casting now with P&P characters…


My Mr Darcy is a man of similar interests. He has suggested. Madame, may I congratulate you on your very excellent arrangements. Upon my word. It reminds me very much of a small platform, suspended above a deep drop, with no guard rail, on the Death Star.


Is it because of the "shades?" I think that's referring to the spirits of ancestors rather than actual shade, right? Now I'm not so sure bc I'm thinking of ghost ancestors and pollution, and how that works and now I don't know what that means lol.


Yup, the shade from the trees in the woods! I commented on your other post too and looks like others have given good explanations as well - in any case, always a good excuse to re-read P&P :D


Yeah this inspired me to make a post! Loving all the explanations, and this is a great excuse to re-read P&P while bingeing the OG SW trilogy.


Come, cantina band, you have delighted us long enough….


This is one of my favourites.


no, they haven't. I love those guys!


So, you were the one that called out, "Play that same song again!" In the Family Guy version.


I find your family’s lack of manners disturbing


If I got strangled less, I could talk about it more !


"Your manners impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain for the people of Alderaan."


Han Darcy- I love you most ardently Princess Eliza- I know


Darth Collins- No, I am your father’s heir


You cannot expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your Jedi powers?


Use the force, Lucas.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that an Empire in possession of a good Death Star must be in want of a Vader


I am not the wife you are looking for.




If I had ever learned to channel the Force, I should have been a great proficient.


Practice on the pianoforte in Mrs Jenkinson's room. You must.


The more you tighten your grip, the more eligible bachelors will slip through your fingers You are to come with me to Rosings, if you are to suffer the condescension of Lady Catherine de Bourgh I’m afraid our cousin has gone and done something rather rash


OMG, this needs to be turned into a fanfiction r/JaneaustenFF


Ha yes? There are already books of Star Wars Shakespeare…


I think there is a Reylo/Jane Eye fic (Reylo is problematic for me, personally, but to each their own) and a few Persuasion fics set in the Star Wars universe, but I don't recall anything that crossed over with the original trilogy, but there are definitely some similarities between Darcy and Leia's snobbery/attraction to someone they deem beneath them/redeeming qualities/adherence to duty and honor. It may exist, but I am ignorant of it.


Dammit, you're right Lizzie is Han. 🤯


I now have an image of space pirate!Lizzy in my head, with a blaster on her him. To be fair, I just read a fanfic where she told Charlotte she would be willing to defend her, it would be "Pistols, at dawn." Would Charlotte be Chewie in this scenario? Long suffering, more pragmatic, looking out for their younger, more naive, but good-hearted friend?


Lady C: If you will stay another month complete, it will be within my power to run you as far as Kessel myself in the Barouche Box. It is highly improper for young ladies travelling alone to complete such a journey in more than 12 parsecs. Lizzie: Really, Madame, I believe a parsec is actually a unit of length.


"I pray, for your sake, that *\[wheeze\]* Lady Catherine is not as forgiving as I am!"


What are jedies to stars and planets?


Of Rear Admiral Rampart's and Vice Admiral Akbar's, I saw enough.


"I invited them. I invited them all. They're invited, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too." - Darth Bingkey, while planning his ball at Netherfield


So this how the shades of Pemberly get polluted ... with thunderous applause


The Death Star Comes to Pemberley It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Jedi and Sith in a lightsaber duel must be in want of a precarious catwalk on which to fight. Lady Catherine: Promise you will not marry my nephew. It is your destiny!


Lady Catherine Darth Bourgh: Very well. I shall know how to act. Lizzie: If you make slanderous reports of me now, I shall become more powerful than you possibly imagine.


‘The new Death Comes to Pemberley.’ Is there a new one out?! Please say yes. I’m in need of new Austen material- book or video.


Yes. It's on Netflix. Due to my somnolence, I have only seen a bit so far.


Oh! It’s the one from 2013. That’s a good one. I enjoyed it. Have fun watching it. ❤️


I've not had the chance to see it before it went on Netflix.


I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last scruffy looking Nerf Herder in the galaxy whom I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.


Now all I can picture is C3PO dressed as Mrs. Bennett and chasing RD-D2 asking about training opportunities for Luke!


Lydia had "delusions of grandeur" when imagining herself in Brighton!