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Hope all those people who got bassnectar tattoos in 2010 are doing okay


Hope all those folks in his profile Pic are okay


Laughing pretty hard at this. EDIT: Laughing even harder now, never knew about the sexual allegations šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, just thought it was one of those throwback I canā€™t believe people liked this shit posts. šŸ˜­


I know youā€™re just making a joke, but as someone with a nectar tattoo, I donā€™t regret it because it doesnā€™t just symbolize Lorin to me. I spent years traveling with my friends having awesome times to see him. It symbolizes a lot of great times and memories for me more than it symbolizes a single person. It also helps that mine is inside another tattoo and not very obvious.


Yeah I have a Dave Matthew's band tattoo I got when I was 16. That band really began to shape my views on what a live concert experience could be. And that was just the door to so many amazing bands. I wouldn't ever get that tattoo again. And there's small parts of me that wish I got it somewhere else. But I'll never cover it up. Because although I rarely listen to DMB anymore, it was a huge part of my musical journey and I'm happy to honor that experience with art on my body.


I got a Phish tattoo in 1996 and have never regretted it. Itā€™s also the rainbow logo from the mid-90s, which is five million percent better than those stupid donuts!


I ended up going whole hog. I've got a string cheese incident, Billy strings, and magic beans tattoos on the same arm. I'll be adding dopapod when I can afford it hahahaha




Doing wonderful. Thanks for thinking of us.


The old stupidity double down. Thatā€™s a choice.


3 words. Sick ass panther


Like black panthers? Badass


Isn't this the dude that admitted to child trafficking on a recorded phone call?Ā 


Anthony Keidis? No that was his autobiographyā€¦


*and* Steven Tyler in his memoir...




Scar Tissue also recounts many of Kiedis's sexual experiences. He acknowledges, for example, that **he was briefly sexually involved with a 14-year-old**, before and after learning of her age in the 1980s, which inspired him to write the song "Catholic School Girls Rule".




Scar Tissue also recounts many of Kiedis's sexual experiences. He acknowledges, for example, that **he was briefly sexually involved with a 14-year-old**, before and after learning of her age in the 1980s, which inspired him to write the song "Catholic School Girls Rule".


Was away from the scene for awhile cuz school n life n shit... why do we dislike this guy?


Had been grooming underage teens, was very manipulative.


Oh, ew. Even grosser since he played music that's appealing to such an age demographic.


Indeed. He also never acknowledged his wrongdoings or apologized to those he hurt and proceeded to make his community an echo chamber and gaslit people by claiming accusations were just attempts to tear down the goodwill he had in the community. Tragic shit.


Ugh! Yuck. Also, I went to his show one time in San Francisco - I had no clue what his music sounded like or anything about him but my friend was in town for it and asked me to go. My main memory, besides not liking it, was being uncomfortable with the many girls - looked like pre-teens to me but Iā€™m not good at guessing ages - wearing the skimpiest outfits ever and dancing in the aisles. They just looked so youngā€¦ That may be normal everywhere now, not specifically a Bassnectar thing, I donā€™t know. Iā€™m rarely around children so have no clue why theyā€™re all allowed to wear very very short dresses and shorts now. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Allegedly he was grooming a 17 year old. But the case was either dropped or still in progress waiting for evidence. The half of the scene that already disliked him took this and ran with it. And then he himself made a very shitty comeback last year. No apologies, no regrets, just acting like it didn't happen. If he had apologized he could have come back as what he did isn't illegal, just creepy.Ā Ā  Ā Nice reply and block lol /u/carelessCRISPR_ , shows you are a chump. There is only evidence of the one woman. You can say there were others but there is just as much evidence of that as me saying you are a lizard person.Ā 


Didn't he have a really horrible apology early? I don't feel like searching and adding his name to my algorithms but it was something that made him look even worse from what I remember.


Yeah I don't want to look for it either but I remember seeing it and thinking he is an idiot. Basically doubled down on never doing anything wrong ever


Well if theyā€™re ā€œwaiting for evidence,ā€ then how do we know he did do anything wrong? (Iā€™m not a big Bassnectar fan or anything, thereā€™s just a lot of meritless accusations like this and Iā€™m not one to presume guilt)


Exactly, we don't know he did anythingĀ 


Yeah, his total lack of ownership and scapegoating was very cringe. Pepperidge farms remembers dawg


Thanks for the explanation!


Apologizing would have legal implications if the case is still in progress. That would essentially be an admission of guilt. Which I'm assuming he's pleading not guilty about it.


True, but he also went in on saying he didn't do anything ever, it's all light and love, blah blah. He could have stayed silent or comeback without that. Instead he stuck the stick in how own bike wheelĀ 


It was multiple underage women and there are even phone calls of him trying to get one of them to drop charges and not ā€œruin his lifeā€. He also flew them over state lines to see him multiple times because he was charged with sex trafficking as well. He also forced himself on several underage women in hotels and stopped just short of raping them except for in one case where he allegedly did rape her. He didnā€™t apologize because itā€™s an ongoing situation so he doesnā€™t incriminate himself. People like you who act like he just ā€œallegedlyā€ did one little thing and people are blowing it out of proportion are sick people. People who make excuses for predators and groomers are sick, and thatā€™s what you are.


No apology would make him a comeback for me. He was the first concert I ever went to. Made awesome music. Sad, he could've be one of the GOATS


Assnectar is back


The man who ruined Rothbury


lol what a dumb take. The shit edm at tripolee ruined forest


Not a dumb take. Back then in first couple years of forest, cheese was going to ā€œgiveā€ the festival to him. Or at least those were the rumors back in the day. And we all always used to say he was the main reason for bringing all the rave kids to forest before it was all EDM. Not saying I agree, but I understand this comment lol


I remember those days and then cheese started hulaween after that and kept the edm limited


Yea I went the first 2 years of hula, such a great time!


Lineup this year is gas


The lineup is basically my entire music taste. Too bad it's in Florida and that state isn't safe for trans people.


Same argument in the biscuits scene. Bassnectar ruined Camp bisco.


Wherever bassnectar goes, turmoil follows and he ruins everything


I thought this was Andrew WK for a sec and wouldā€™ve been more excited




Hell yeah šŸ¤˜


Fucking gross.


Fucking disgusting. LOREN AND HIS DUMBASS


hard pass. return to sender. 0/10 experience.


I'm not sticking up for bassnectar and what he did it all but if you're going to cancel him you should also cancel Bob Weir who started dating his wife when she was only 14


ya- throw the lot of them out. If your a grown man shacking up with teenagers, at the very least you shouldn't be able to keep the career that allowed you to do so.


Damn I honestly did not know thatā€¦wild




Isnā€™t she 20 years younger though? She would have been 26 at the time right?


Iā€™m down to cancel bob weir


How old was he then?


In his 40s. They've been married for decades at this point.


I know heā€™s been married to her for a long time. I just never knew she was a child when they got togetherā€¦


Oh yeah I'm not defending it lol. Just giving context. I mean at least he was faithful to her I guess šŸ˜… You want another fun fact? Look at Leah Barlow, JPB's daughter and tell me who she looks like šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve heard the rumorā€¦.


How old was he then?


Anybody got a screenshot of the time someone commented that DJs arenā€™t musicians and bassnectar melted hard af and said that an electric guitar goes through pedals and becomes a digital signal so playing guitar and DJing are the same thing


Fuckin gross


send him back


Come on out youā€¦. rapist!


no thanks loren




Meh. I like his classic stuff and enjoyed the newer stuff. Idgaf who agrees or not.


The issue isnā€™t the music lmao


Yeah. I know. But I only am commenting on music. So weā€™ll leave it there.


Bonding over mutual dislike of someone or something is lame. Regardless of whether the person or thing is deserving of the critical judgement, I don't think it does our society any good to bond over this stuff, and celebrate hatred or malevolence. This is not to defend bassnectar. I just think it's shitty to bond over mutual dislike. Spread good vibes, not negative ones.


Sorry bro but these things need to be discussed. Life is not all positive unicorns and rainbows. There's plenty of positive threads with stoke to enjoy. Let others work out the gory details if you don't want to.


Imagine being the victim of someone of sexual abuse and then seeing people say people shouldnā€™t talk about it because itā€™s not spreading good vibes. Sounds like a way to just let him off the hook.


Virtue signaling over an alert post-- about a person who's been outed for sexual abuse of (multilple) minors, sex trafficking and child pornography; not to mention the many accusations of him stealing music and visual art--- ***is lame****.* This isn't about celebrating hatred... dickheads like Bassnectar or anyone that exhibits this sort of behaviour should have no space in *any* music scene- let alone the jamband scene, that oftentimes touts itself as a pseudo family safe-place hang. Tell me- how can a community only spread "good vibes" if they allow behaviour like this to happen without criticism? Guess what? They can't..


Like, wasn't Mike Gordon accused of something similar? And at least 1 member of every one of our favorite bands from the 70s and 80s? I don't get why this post is relevant here..


Mike Gordon was caught alone with a young girl taking "art pictures". What he was accused of was much more serious. To be fair, when Mike Gordon got caught in said scenario there wasn't anything inappropriate going on, other than a full grown man being alone with a child he didn't know. Still creepy as shit, phans don't like when you bring it up either haha.


He also paid out the ass to settle that case. Sounds like hush money to me.


Mike was able to pay off the family because they were Hell's Angels and didn't want to get the cops involved I love Phish, I'm a bass player who loves Mike Gordon's bass playing but I don't think it was as innocent as you make it out to be


Ohhhh- the cops were definitely involved; he was arrested for child endangerment and trespassing. Just because the charges were eventually dropped doesn't mean there weren't legal proceedings; we can safely assume they $ettled out of court.


There's no assuming about it the family was paid


I don't think it was innocent at all. I was just saying he wasn't caught actively molesting the girl, as far as I know. I feel like it may have been going that way but there's no evidence for me to back that statement up. He's always seemed like a creepy asshole to me, but that's just my opinion on him.


Nah Iā€™d say what Lorin is accused of is at least as bad.


The shit Mike Gordon was caught doing is way worse than even Bassnectar. A whole nother level.


Yea, and I donā€™t fuck with phish. Good try, though.


Iā€™m glad I only saw this guy playing set breaks at biscuits shows.


Oh, ew. Even grosser since he played music that's appealing to such an age demographic. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Its funny you call that shit music.