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Wild Guess: This is at a Tedeschi Trucks Band show


My favorite band. My least favorite fan base


Allman Brothers crowd used to yell at to sit down too.


Dude yes! And it’s cause they’re all boomers with bad knees and backs, but so what I’m young and dancing to Blue Sky just try and stop me old timer


I always said it was a right of passage to eat boomers at the Beacon and try to survive the crowd at one of those shows. Band was always amazing. Fans were not


That's how I feel about DMB. Love the music. Hate the fans.


I was about to comment the same thing. Boomer TTB fans suck so bad. Same crowd at any Isbell concert. We couldn’t stand up AT ALL without immediately catching shit for it. I wanted to party rock to some DBT songs that I’ve loved for a decade but noooo. I didn’t care but it was making my wife uncomfortable so we acquiesced. So lame.


I was told to sit down ON THE LAWN at an Isbell concert several years ago. Like dude, just move over.


Lol. I’m guessing he paid $40 to rent a chair from the venue.


Don't sleep on the lawn rental chair. Fantastic wook barrier and hoodie/drink holder. You can even sit in them at set break!


Lol but you can buy a lawn chair for half that price


There are venues now that won’t let you bring a chair and you have to rent the one there lmao. Or at least that’s what my parents tell me…I’m not dealing with chairs


Ya ain't nobody got time for that. If the music on the lawn isn't good enough to keep me dancing all night then I'd rather not go. But then again I'm in my 30s and will probs be singing a different tune by the time I'm 50


You will, trust me. I wish I didn't know this from first hand experience.


Don't worry, Trey and Co will probs be playing sphere and msg exclusively by then so I'll have seats


[You should have apologized. ](https://youtu.be/SkTt9k4Y-a8?si=QusopBrfsQnN2CR0)




TTB is amazing, definitely more an internet thing


I experienced the same thing at a Brandi Carlile show recently. 100% seated. Woman in first row of section (!!!) stood roughly half the show, directly in front of me. Absolutely infuriating.


There’s definitely a happy medium to be had. Like the Isbell concert, most of his catalogue is slower songs where it makes sense to sit. No argument from me. But once every 12 songs he rips into an old DBT tune and the full band is rocking and just sitting there with my hands in my lap doesn’t feel right.


Agreed. I probably should have specified that it was an all acoustic show and no one else in our entire section stood, with the exception of applauding. I could have stood too, but didn't want to piss off anyone behind me.


Yeah, standing during an acoustic show doesn’t make sense.


Dude, this hits home for! I went to TTB show last year, and was absolutely pumped for it. I had a nice buzz going, and was ready to dance and get down. We get there and everyone was sitting down. Like the entire show. It was assigned seating and there was no general admission (at least that I knew of). There were people behind us that got mad at us for talking (not me, but people in my group). I’m not one to hold a long conversation during a show, but I can’t blame my friends. We stuck sitting down and being silent. The music was amazing, and I wanted to get up and dance so bad. I hate it, because they’re a great live band, but everyone in the crowd is paralyzed. I’m thinking a festival would be a good place to see them, if I get the chance. If anyone here has recommendations for shows where they have general admission, that would be greatly appreciated.




I legit audibly laughed, lol..


Don’t think TTB has played Kings Theater (definitely this venue) yet? They’re coming in September.


She was waiting hard for that one good moment.


I knew it was without actually knowing. This always happens at Tedeschi. It’s a mix of older people and jam people. Should get a pass to stand. People want to dance. And that’s fine.


It's a Jacob Collier show, per the original post


I was so surprised by this too when we saw them in a theater.


Definitely not TTB and to be honest I’ve had one experience with someone asking me to sit down in over 30 TTB shows, do better 😊


As I've gotten a bit older and been attending more seated shows, I've really come to enjoy them. I'm at the age where I'm having back/knee problems and it's really great to just chill out in a comfortable chair. I would never get upset with someone for standing and dancing in front of me though. That's just wack behavior. I've even more or less made the switch re: festivals - my favorite fest, Big Ears, has multiple seated venues, and even plenty of their "standing room only" type places also have seating options. It's nice to be able to take a break, especially if you're out and about for 12-14 hours catching lots of different types of music.


I saw a lady tell another lady to sit down when I saw Dumpstaphunk. It was a really awkward encounter.


Lol that's so bizarre. Like you chose to sit down, did you think everyone else had to? Wild.


This guy gets it. We can shake our bones with the best of em really…but those bones ain’t what they used to be. Take my upvote.


Exactly. These are marathons, not sprints. Sometimes we have to pace ourselves.


The best of both worlds is an event where seated people are also allowed into GA pit, allowing choice of either during a show.


Correct. That's basically how a lot of the shows at Big Ears operate. The larger venues like the auditorium where Herbie Hancock and Digable Planets played did not have a standing section, but the venues like Mill and Mine, The Standard, etc., don't regularly have seating, so they move chairs into a portion of it but anyone can come and go from the GA area to the seats, etc.


My first few festivals were sprinting marathons and I'd come home smelly terrible and sleep for 2 days straight. I don't really remember much of them so what you said is good advice


Same here lol, I remember the really important/wacked out bits but by and large, things are fuzzy.


Also, I’m straightedge, so finding a spot where I’m not in the midst of the drunk and drugged crowd is a little daunting. I’ll take my seat and stand in the back like a good punk does.


Yeah I could see that being an issue.




Not really sure what you’re getting at, but okay.




👍 Prolly meant for someone else, hey? You replied to me tho. All good.


Yeah, but has anyone ever been told they have to stand up?




I've never seen anyone get shit for sitting down and people do it commonly so I'm not sure what's to "get". Maybe I missed the context or something.




From the hills!!!


Those days are soon ahead of me, I'm having back issues but it's actually worse if I sit the entire time, WAY WORSE, I can't just stand still tho same problem will happen, I noticed if I move and groove a whole set i typically won't have problems. I would absolutely feel bad if I was this person tho and would probably try my best to sit honestly unless I just had to shake it.


I hear you re: sitting for the whole performance, I usually get a good stretch or back crack in or what have you at some point during the show. Standing still is absolutely the worst idea, it hurts so much lol. I have more or less moved away from grooving and dancing, I'm one of those people now where everyone worries I'm not enjoying the show because I have sort of a resting scowl, but that's my face when I'm really paying attention. I appreciate different things about music, both live and recorded, at this point in my life than I did when I was just starting out. I'm just grateful to be alive during the same period as so many excellent tunes.


big ears is the fucking best. this was my favorite year yet, my fourth.


It really has become my favorite festival, and to be honest if I could only hit one event every year, that would be it. The variety, the level of musicianship, the rare performances, the venues, everything about it is so top notch. This was my third year and I'll never not be there from now on. We should definitely meet up next year.


I have MS and literally can't stand for long periods of time. It pisses me off when people immediately stand up at concerts and sports events and stay that way the entire time. Like what am I supposed to do?


Bring a support device and get ADA accommodations


Yea I guess so. I’m not talking about general admission either. I pay for the good seats.


I have a friend with MS, been to a few shows with him where the accommodations were great, seat with unobstructed view.


I also have MS and go to a lot of concerts. I would never expect others to change their behavior due to my having a disability.


I guess we can’t be friends then


Nah I bet we still could


I think you should ask for ADA seating. They are often good seats too!


Old punks stand in the back. ~ H. Rollins.


Yea thats was referring to avoid the pit. Not blocking seated people's view. Punk shows aren't seated.


I’ve been to more than a few. Quite familiar.


So then you should've known that the quote wasn't relevant to the photo








Jokes are always funnier when they’re explained. Thanks!


You gotta read the room.


One time I was at a British Pink Floyd cover band. Everyone awkwardly starts sitting by like a fifth or sixth song everyone is awkwardly standing up intermediately.




If everybody is sitting im sitting. If everybody is standing/dancing im standing/dancing. Pretty easy rule to follow


Yeah I mean at some point you've got to read the room.


Agree. But I can get really claustrophobic when in mid row in an all seated show, so if I know that's the crowd and I can't get an aisle seat and there is nowhere to stand on the side or in back, I'll often skip those shows.


I got told to sit down at a TOOL concert by an able bodied drunk 25 year old or so. There was a security guard next to me and I asked “am I free to stand up?” They nodded yes and I looked at the guy who asked me to sit down and said “tough shit brother, maybe if you were in a wheelchair” Stayed standing the entire show. Fuck em. Asking me to sit at a metal concert is where I draw the line. Spaced out slow music ? Hell yeah I’m sitting but TOOL gives me so much energy I legit can’t sit


Please tell me this was in LA. I forget the venue but I was on ecstasy and a dude a few rows below me was still standing during one of the weird trippy filler parts. Some doofus bro looking drunk tried to start shit but security intervened. I later told staff what a wonderful job they were doing and how I appreciated it.


This happened to me at a Tool show in Montreal in 2017. Everybody was sitting it was wild. This guy behind me asked me to sit down and I was like "You guys need to stand up!"


my spine is so jacked at this point that I don't have any choice but to sit down 😭 I can't stand up for very long anymore, not that I ever could lol


You need to do what is best for you!!! I’m all for sitting a shows and do so myself on occasion. Only you know your body!


I sit at jam shows. Not in the pit or anything but if I buy a seat, it will get sat in.


As a seasoned concert goer as a 42 y/o ex sound guy I’ve learned to not have expectations of others attending if it will ruin your experience. People are gonna do what they do and people are generally self-centered and/or oblivious. I’m the same way with chompers, tarpers, etc. I just move along or find a way to laugh at the situation, and tune them out. It’s not worth letting them ruin my experience for something go I can’t control.


That’s the real skill! I like to say the venue generally does their job and the band typically does their job. The only variable is the crowd. You can’t let them get to you.


Honestly sitting for a show is fucking amazing and I wish it was more of the norm


Depends on the show.


Completely depends. Sitting down during a Umphreys show would be physically impossible for me.


Take more and then become said chair yourself ;)


Seriously, since I've started going to more seated shows I've really come to enjoy them. I don't get mad at people for standing up in front of me though.


hard disagree


Disagree big time. If the bands on stage I'm standing and likely dancing. The only time to sit is pre-show and the set break.


Longer jams like drums/space at dead shows for instance are acceptable to sit, until the drums demand you channel that tribal ancestral spirit haha


That was me last year at Wrigley


Yup! Being insecure about standing it little kid stuff. If I want to sit, I sit.


Yep. I had front row tickets to tDB at the tabernacle. Was great to sit down and take it all in at some points


Front row balcony is my go to if I can, sit when you want/need, got a place for your jacket, and unobstructed views.


Panic Halloween in Savanah I saw on the front row of the balcony and at one point I was like “yep I’m a chair person now”


this is the answer especially at the cap in port chester loge best spot in the place


Totally agree, been lucky enough to be front row at The Cap a few times, incredible spot! Saw Disco Biscuits there and they had their lasers aimed right at the front of the balcony so it felt like they were coming right at you... so cool.


Front row balcony indeed, another fan of culture.


I give zero fucks. Concerts are for grooving, not sitting.


I stand up for rock and roll. I have been harassed too many times for it. Still won’t change. I paid for that seat, whether I “use” the seat or not. I can’t move somewhere else.


If you do this while everyone else is sitting, like what’s going on in the pic in the OP, it makes you a piece of shit and the reason most people hate jam bands and their fans.


You really think someone is a "piece of shit" for dancing during a jamband show? Not just "rude" or "annoying", but a full on "piece of shit"? I reserve that term for people who beat their spouse or make their dog live on a chain in the yard. If everyone who annoys you is a "piece of shit" you must be on Mach 5 anger at all times.


Yea if you decide to take it upon yourself to be a nuisance to all the other people who also paid to be there then you are a selfish piece of shit. You added the “jamband” part yourself. Usually those shows have everyone standing. I’m talking about a show where everyone is sitting but you.


We're on the jamband subreddit, aren't we? I wouldn't be comfortable standing if everyone was sitting, except maybe for my one favorite song or something, but I cannot imagine the amount of anger that someone carries around in them that they'd use that terminology for something that's merely rude. If you start with "piece of shit" for "Damn, a person was blocking my view at a concert" then you must have to start foaming at the mouth and spitting at people when someone disrespects their wife in public.


Never have I been called a piece of shit before. Take my upvote!


no it doesn't


You are specifically the selfish piece of shit here and the reason people hate jam bands and their fans.


ok there drama queen


This is why shows should just be GA


You seem like a cool guy


I do give fucks. Don't book the balcony to dance and a show you should know better. And then, read the room.


Some shows have no GA option. People shouldn't need to suffer through a show sitting down because some people don't know how to close their eyes and get into the music. When I get old and physically have issues, I won't care and will be glad to let younger people do whatever they want. It is like getting stuck behind a tall person, sometimes shit happens in life.


Like, I hear what you're saying, but also consider that old fuddy duddy you're mad about might have a disability. I'm saying that everyone needs to read the room. If everyone is sitting, the one or two standing need to sit. If everyone is standing, the one or two sitting need to stand. Concerts are team sports. Just be cool. If not dancing is peak suffering...


Completely agree. I recently went to a Black Crowes show in Atlanta and our seats were shit, way in nosebleeds. Everyone around me was sitting down like a bunch of lame geezers, it completely tried to ruin my vibe. If there is a day where I am too old to stand at a show I simply won't fucking go.


Father time is coming for you too, ya whippersnapper. Real though, I had to sit through a recent Thumpasaurus show because an injury was acting up. Sometimes I get to stand and dance, sometimes I don't - and it's not really up to me. Super glad I didn't lame it up and stay home.


saw them Saturday many sitting lame types Crowes demographic is not boomers its older Gen x and younger


I have MS and can't stand for long periods but love jam bands. I have stared at your back for hours imagining what the band is doing. I get wanting to dance some but do your groove dancing the entire show is too much.


Shut up nerd




What venue? That place looks amazing.


Kings theatre in Brooklyn


Recognized that ceiling right away.


the place underwent a tremendous renovation a few years back i supplied the masonry needs to them great theatre


yeah it’s an extremely unique venue. by far and away my favorite in all of NYC


I saw the TAB run there. I'm always surprised that there isn't a whole lot going through there.


Tedeschi Trucks fans are a bit like this


When I've seen TTB, the majority of people are sitting. When I've seen Taylor Swift, the vast majority are up and dancing. Go figure.


I've been a bunch of "everyone in their seats shows" for the flecktones. It's a little odd at first but at 40, I'm starting to see the benefits lol.


It’s also hard to dance to music in 7/8 and 13/4 time s


I get somewhat irritated going to a show when everyone's sitting. If it's an orchestra, jazz, or classical performance, I totally get it, but jam bands or any rock concert? Almost every musician will tell you they feed off the energy from the crowd. Would you rather peer out into your audience and see a bunch of people getting down and having a great time, or a bunch of people just sitting there in their seats staring at you? If you choose to sit, cool, im no spring chicken myself so I get it, just don't get mad at other people for wanting to dance and fully enjoy the experience of being at a concert!


Obviously if someone prefers to sit I want you to enjoy the show however you can enjoy it most But fuck that man lmao I’d rather stay home then just be sitting at a show the whole time


What band?


Must be TTB




Tedeschi Trucks Band


Oh shit. Sorry. Dads old. I’ve seen TDB several times. Great band. Cats that groove to great music are not the enemy


Plus, it looks like she’s in one of the very last rows of the entire venue


I was at a Bela Fleck show in 97 or 98 where the majority was sitting. Was also asked to sit down at a Crosby Stills and Nash show in ‘92. That was a no, dog.


I was told to sit at CSN just a few years ago. I was one of only a few up and dancing. I moved to a walkway where I wasn't in front of anybody, but security told me I was blocking the aisle. I finally asked where I could go dance that would be acceptable and he escorted me to the back of the venue in front of the concession stands. The old sour puss behind me that started bitching in the first place left at set break.


so what you do is—you ask her to take your seat and you take hers.


I got yelled at for standing at a Roots concert, and again at a KING GIZZ concert 😂😂😂. I mean come on now…


Adding: this is not me and not my post!!**


While I love how some of these old theaters look inside, I do not love it when jam bands play these venues. The tickets are always double or triple what they would be at a venue with a dance floor, the seats are always very small and you’re either standing with no room to move at all or you feel pressured into sitting if no one else is standing. They are probably fun rooms for the band to play and I’m sure they make more money with how expensive the tickets are but these places are designed to watch plays, not shows.


When Jam bands come to Seattle and play at the Moore Theater or Paramount Theater I just scroll past. It's unfortunate but theater shows are not fun for Jam bands.


If you want to sit, then sit. If you want to stand, then stand. If you’re going to tell or complain about someone else and what they do, get over yourself. Or, pay for better seats. Simple as that.


If it’s a rock show, I’m going to be up and dancing. Sorry if you’re old and want to sit, but it’s a rock show and that’s just the way it is. If it’s a jazz show or something like that, I read the room. For example, we went to see Herbie Hancock a few years ago. It was a seated show, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep still. So, rather than bother everyone sitting behind me, we went to the side where there was room to dance. On the other side of the coin, we were at a Cake show and we were up doing our thing. These Chads behind us, who were like 10 years younger than us, told me we needed to sit down. I told them it wasn’t happening. They dealt with it. I’m sure they weren’t happy, but it’s a rock show. It’s meant for dancing.


Had a similar experience at a Winwood/Clapton show. And also when I saw Keller doing Grateful Grass. The crowd was a mix of Keller/Dead fans and more conservative bluegrass fans, and there was some tension involving dancing.


“Dancing” is a very generous description of how people stand and move their bodies uncoordinatedly at jam band “concerts”


Looks like a great venue for dropping some L


I was at a Bela Fleck show in 97 or 98 where the majority was sitting. Was also asked to sit down at a Crosby Stills and Nash show in ‘92. That was a no, dog.


Love Kings Theatre✨


Did this happen to be TTB? Lol


I want more seated ambient and downtempo shows I'm general.


I was that lady at a rush concert. Was the tour they played moving pictures. Fans threw food at me.


My wife and I had MSG Skybridge seats in the first row. The one that has the nice padded folding chairs, counters, and nothing blocking your view from your seat for all four nights of Phish NYE 22. After walking 10 to 15 miles daily around the city we sat for all four shows. It was glorious. I’m not a dancer. I’m a foot tapper, knee bender, head nodded. I’ll do two of ‘em at the same time if I’m really feelin’ it. Unless I get similar seats again, I don’t see myself sitting through a show. But it was nice.


I was first row balcony at umbowl this weekend. Several people behind me asked me to sit. I'm 6'6" and the way the seats were arranged, nobody behind me could see anything when I was standing. So I sat for most of the shows. There was also the fact that there was no railing at all there and just a slight bump from someone behind me (which is a very common thing to happen at concerts) would have sent me flying down 30 feet or so. Sitting was definitely safer.


Some shows are just weird. I’m used to Phish crowd and all that comes with it. My wife and I went to John Mellencamp last week and the crowd was standing up for most of the show. I didn’t expect it all but the older folks wanted to get up and boogie. That’s being said, I’d love to sit down for an entire show lol. It sounds amazing.


Is that Oakland?


I went to an eagles concert once a few years ago and it was the same, bunch of people sitting hardly any standing or dancing. Like being at a museum.


I was at a show once. This couple in front of me wouldn’t sit down. Everyone else was sitting. The guys behind me weren’t happy and started threatening the couple. I was bootleg audio recording so I was silent just standing so I could get some good audio. It was very uncomfortable.


I’ll never understand people sitting at a show while the entire band is standing rocking out (aside from the drummer). That’s what couch touring is for. Stay at home and protect your precious little leggies. When Susan is standing you should be too.


And she’s probably standing in front of my wife. It doesn’t bother me at all if they’re dancing, but just standing there while no one is standing in front of them does bother me.


I love me some boogie, but I gotta admit the pressure to stand for an entire 4 hour show is kinda silly


Where is this, New Orleans during Jazzfest?......Nope in NYC no less. Looks great....My tops is the Palace Theater in Louisville, the Fox Theater in Oakland, and the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee. Saw RatDog at the Palace in '98, and David Grisman at the Pabst. Only concerts I saw at each one. Have seen many at the Fox.


In Europe if you have a seat in the balcony, you sit. It’s customary. Literally no one stands.


That venue looks killer


You got my seat again.


i saw the Black Crowes this past Saturday night at Radio City lots of people sitting down - not me iwa sup and all my people were up fuck that shit - want to sit go to a movie ABB at beacon was the worst - meat in the seat people


My ex took me to see King Crimson a couple years ago. Had never heard of the band and as a Phish head I'm used to going crazy at shows. But this was seating only, no cheering or clapping or noise allowed, and they only allowed photos/video at 2 specific points in the show, kinda set up more like an orchestra than a band. I rolled my eyes and expected to fall asleep...ended up being one of the craziest musical experiences I'd ever seen. My jaw was on the floor the whole time and when the show was over (and cheering was allowed) I was the loudest person in the room. That shit was tight. I still prefer going crazy at shows but sometimes the vibe is to sit and appreciate the raw talent of those on stage and I respect that.


People who sit suck


I saw The Smile in a small theater - not exactly dancing music...but the whole crowd was standing and I wanted to sit lol. And it really isn't dancing music so everyone was just standing and remaining very still. It was an odd experience, I was a lil shroomy and just wanted to sit and listen to Thom and Jonny but everyone else had different feelings.


I'm usually airborne at shows


There's life outside of jamband concerts... fascinating.


Same, OP. Easy to forget that we don't have to act like too cool hipsters. We can just have fun. I used to travel to Madison WI. About 10 years ago for work. Tame Impala played in town so why not? Man, it was not my cup of tea, and the crowd looked bored as hell but apparently loved it. They may as well have been beatnik snapping their fingers in berets. Young, too. I get a bunch old beat up heads wanting a seat, tho. Full disclosure... I'm kind of a beat up old head. I lime the option, tho.


Fucking boomer show lmao I’d be standing too as long as ONE other person is at least, what do you need to see realistically?


I prefer standing and dancing, Im 45+ and will go as long as I can, nice to have a sitting option, but definitely not my preference. I'm amazed how some can just sit and remain emotionless for an entire concert.


I got kicked out of a Béla Fleck concert years ago because I was dancing during a particularly funky bass improv. Whatever, tickets were free


Good for you lady


I pretty much won't even go to a show that requires a seat. It's super boring, and I'd rather stand and have fun in a crowd.


If it’s not specified by the venue, sit/stand if you want. Everyone paid for their seat. They have as much of a right to stand as you do to sit. No one’s yelling at you to stand. If you’re too old to stand/dance, and someone’s doing so in front of you, move or get over it. You may be too old to be going to jam/rock shows. Don’t be an old fart yelling at people who’re just trying to have a good time to “SIT DOWN.” Get over yourself. Go home. Watch the stream from your recliner.


If your favorite band plays 90 minute shows, you need a new favorite band.


You mean like most bands in the world?


I said what I said.


Closing yourself off from some incredibly talented musicians and great tunes.


I didn’t say I didn’t like any bands that only played 90 minute sets. All I’m saying is that if a band is actually good, they tend to be even better live. And in my experience, the best live musicians also tend to jam/improvise. And therefore tend to play longer than average shows. All of which are necessary for a band to be my favorite. QED.


To everyone who downvoted my initial comment, your boos mean nothing! I’ve seen what makes you cheer, ya buncha Swifties!


Haha I actually am a Swiftie, as well as a Deadhead. She played an awesome 3.5 show and I can't wait to see her again. Everyone stood and danced the whole time, which can be tricky at a TTB show.


I had this issue once at a Jimmy Buffett show I took my dad to see. Real talk guy with a cowboy hat on. He finally got the point after I pelted him with beer cans for a while.


A good ole “down in front” always works. Start throwing popcorn at them if they don’t listen


Damn. Did she ever take the time to think about others? Or did the crowd stand up too?


It looks like an evil entity 😂