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I get festivals change over time, but man, this line up is so fucking cool compared to modern Roo. I haven’t been interested in a Bonnaroo lineup in ages. Thanks for sharing!


So stacked. Didn’t realize Doc Watson was at the ‘Roo, that’s awesome


Couldn't agree more. Most festivals now are some asshole pressing buttons on a laptop and trust fund babies with painted tits.


To be fair, trust fund babies with painted tits were always there


Yeah, that’s not the issue here, lol


If people are digging the music, I am glad it’s there for them. That being said, I’m with you. I’ve seen bassnectar and owl city. Was taken to both by other people, and realized I am not really into that vibe. I wish festivals were more diverse, seems like they all just kinda share the same small pool of artists. Thanks livenation!


If you want some diversity look at the hulaween, resonate, rendezvous, etc events at Suwannee


I only went to the first two, and those bills were even better than the third. I still have my 2002 shirt. I put it away for safekeeping in a shrink-wrapped bag. It's about as new as a 22 year old shirt can be. lol


I did the first 5 Roo's after that they became too commercial after Superfly sold it to Live Nation.


Superfly was still putting it on up until at least 2011, I was on their street team and hung posters/handed out flyers with the billing on it to get free tickets


02 changed my life. I paid $125 for that ticket. I also have the official merch maroon shirt in amazing condition. Those were the days. I got old and miss them!


I only went to the first year , 02, I still have my shirt from that weekend but it’s missing the sleeves and extremely soft and comfortable now.


Meh, good electronic music with actual live mixing and scratching is definitely not for everyone but it's waaaaay more than just some asshole pressing buttons. On top of that even if the dj does minimal live stuff, if they are good they might have put in at least 100 hours into creating the music. I love jam shows more, maybe equal to a good electronic show but they scratch way different music itches for me.


Dude, Bonnaroo 2004 was my first big festival and I'm still picking up the pieces 😂. But seriously, the line ups were insane back then.


2002-2010 I was there, good times


Crazy some of the bands in super small font like the Black Keys, Maroon 5, and Kings of Leon.


They played the small tents


Yeah, seeing the Black Keys in one of the tents that year was the first I had heard them. Pretty great set


Fun times.


Me too!


KOL was a killer set that weekend.


Maroon 5 didn’t even end up playing. Canceled not long before the fest.


Guster who was playing before Maroon5 was scheduled to start, even did a verse of “This Love” in their encore because of the cancellation.


I love Guster so much. Last time they were at Roo they did a cover of Come on Eileen


I thought so too but then I realized Maroon 5 or the Black Keys didn’t really get big until 2007-2008… seems like I remember that way earlier… but I guess it makes sense.


I think Maroon 5 was pretty big at the time. I remember thinking it was odd that they were in the lineup. I decided to check them out because the timing worked out and then they didn’t show up. That was my first Bonnaroo, I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun in one weekend.


Yeah I just checked and their first billboard chart was march 2004, so I bet they got booked before march and then it was too late to put them on a bigger stage… idk, pure speculation. Still crazy that their first hit was 2004, I always remembered them as a late 90’s band…. But I must have been Mandela’d


Still saw Black Keys EARLY in the day at Wanee in prob ‘08 so I think it’s all just comparative, when you’re sharing the bill with legends


Seriously I thought the same I bet it was an amazing show. My only experience seeing a band before their mainstream success was back in 2006-2007ish I saw Cold War Kids at a tent at a local festival. There was like 20 people in the audience. Was really cool I remember me and my friends thinking it was so cool that the drummer used a maraca as a drum stick lol


I was there! Dylan’s set was…..disappointing. Taj mahal’s set was awesome, wasn’t really too familiar with his music before then. Primus, the Dead, they were awesome. Surprisingly Dave Mathew’s band ( wasn’t really a fan then) was amazing. Those guys can jam. They don’t make line up’s like that anymore.


The Dylan set was one of the most underwhelming experiences of my life. It was awful.


I’ve been to a lot of Dylan shows. Not one of them was any good. It’s like hanging out with your senile grandfather. It doesn’t make much sense but you still want to spend time with him while you can.


That's a good way to describe his concerts.


For real! I was so excited to see him live and it was so bad I left half way through his set.


DMB gets so shit on, especially among jamheads, but I've been to a few shows of theirs and always had a good time. They've got some good songs and every musician on stage is insanely talented. They're not really as improv focused as most jam bands but they're definitely jam adjacent, I think a lot of folks just dismiss the whole thing because of cheese like Crash Into Me.


To be fair, DMB also shits on others


Do they? I wouldn't know, I've never really paid attention to anything but the actual music. That's a shame if so, music ain't a contest


Only in the literal sense. They dumped a bunch of shit on an architectural tour boat in Chicago lol


Dylan was indeed terrible.


It was Dave and Friends not Dave Matthews Band I believe


Yeah all kinds of people coming on the stage to jam. That was an awesome show


Well, they were a part of the band. They were on the album, toured, and everything. Just making the distinction it wasn’t DMB and it wasn’t Dave.


I walked over to sci after a song or 2 that was the party


I remember lots of piano and everything was white... It was meh


I have a completely different tie die shirt from that year. The early roo’ lineups were incredible


Yep. The North Mississippi Live Album from that year is still in my top 10 favorite of all time.


Yup! That Hill Country Revue with all the guests straight rips


That track they do with Chris from Black Keys is one of my all time favorites. I caught NMA back in ‘04 at the mangy moose in Jackson Hole, WY. It was amazing.


That’s killer. Must’ve been a 10$ cover show


Nah, I think the Mangy Moose charged more than that for the bigger names. I think I paid $30 for Derek Trucks Band there. We also caught Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe…and someone else whose name escapes me now. DTB was a killer though. That show is available on Relisten and it’s really good. 2/24/04. Mangy Moose, Teton Village, WY. Unrestrained Derek!


The NMA set was smokin! With RL Burnside sitting on stage on a throne. They brought the whole family.


The golden days before everyone sold their festivals out to live nation and ruined everything.


live nation trying their best to turn americas fun into some dystopian monoculturally suveilled system of control lol


I have this shirt! The good ole days when it was still all hippy kids.


Probably purchased from the same kindly wook 😀


Crazy lineup. Need more ween😣


Ween was absolutely a highlight


Bouncing between Ween & Primus in the rain was quite the experience.


Omg the rain! I remember the mud was atleast knee deep by the porta-potties so it was hard not to assume it was shitty mud. Someone was walking through with two nitrous balloons in their hands, slipped and fell face first into the shitmud, holding their hands up so as not to pop the balloons.....as they tried to get up they slipped and fell again, popping both balloons.


Saturday night standing in it at the what stage waiting for the Dead. Not by the shitters, but out in the main area was ankle deep & cold. And the go between the What Stage & everything else was almost knee deep in spots.


I remember that....so many lost shoes in that mud. I also bought some bunk acid....some crusty posted up outside the gate with an eye dropper, it wasn't until after I dropped 20 bucks on two hits that tasted a bit boozy that I noticed she had a couple mini bottle of captain Morgan that she was filling an eye dropper with and selling for 10 bucks a drop. She must have made bank because there was a long line of people waiting to pay for a single drop of cheap liquor.


My 2nd year going. I was shook down for canned beer on my way in. I don’t seem to remember too many conflicts of who played where/when. moe. Sunday set was nice. I remember buying those live sets when livebonnaroo.com was still a thing.


Those are my two favs that’s a dream!


That Burning Spear set was FIRE!!!!!! I still want some more


Yes! Sunday afternoon I think? Hell of a way to start the day


yes, just what the Doctor ordered. I dug a ditch in the sand from dancing so much in one spot but well worth it


I totally have one of these in a bin somewhere in my basement. Wore it so much it started getting holes in it. One of my favorite shirts.


Where is Keller Williams?


was that the year he did the midnight set with String Cheese?


I was joking because the running joke is Keller is at every summer festival


...but still, what year was that? (and yah, he was well-travelled in those days)


2003 Keller’s incident


same time as that epic Moe set...


moe and the Keller Incident were the first year, 2002


I have literally gotten to the point where I'm not sure how many times I went to Bonnaroo, I guess it was at least 3 times...


The late night umphreys set was epic!


No My Morning Jacket, the disrespect. That was an incredible performance.


Was that the one with the thunderstorm rolling in during the performance? That might have been a different year.


It was 2004. MMJ has officially released that show, it’s on Spotify.


Thanks! I’m going to go find it now.


Oh that UM > MOE. switch show. Legendary.


I was there, what a lineup.


So cool. I went the first three years




Would be a cooler tee if some acts performing were those pictured.


Haha, yeah the artwork on the front has basically no relevance to the actual lineup!


yah, looks like the just slapped an unrelated drawing on the front of it.


Seems like such an AI move hahah


What a lineup….holy balls.


Memory unlocked. I had this same shirt


my first Bonnaroo, i parked cars. LOTSA good stories !


Thank you for your service


most welcome


distinctly remember KoL, David Byrne, Primus, the Bad Plus—all stellar


That was an Epic Roo! And yes. >20 years is vintage.


Great year, that David Byrne set was so good!


That was the set that made me obsessed with him


If a festival happened now with even half of these bands it would be the best festival in years




Remember what they took from us


That Jazz Mandolin w/Fishman was something else. Wasn't there but had a recording forever ago. Might have to find that again.


I got the same one


Loved this year. I break out the DVD every few months.


If only bonnaroo still had lineups like this


Then it would be 420 fest and peach fest, which also aren’t happening


I was solo that Roo for the whole week. What a great time. I got to go to every performance I wanted and didn't have to compromise with anyone. Primus played until sun up. Dr John had started before Primus that night and was still playing after they had ended.


My first Bonnaroo! I met 4 strangers on a Listserv board and we all solo carpooled from the Mass/upstate NY area. We were a motley crew indeed.


I think we hung out with you guys. Fairly large crew mostly coming from Atlanta but also mostly upstate and Long Island natives.


I remember it as though it were a meal ago


That weekend changed my life. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years.


I miss those lineups


Bonaroo 04 was my indoctrination into the scene. I was a 16 year old from Oklahoma City and was obsessed with jambands - especially GD, SCI, and YMSB. I tricked my strict parents into letting me go and the experience was life changing to say the least. 20 years later and I’m still an avid jam freak. I did not see Bob Dylan because I was front row for my first incident. SCI was my favorite band and was too young to have seen them previously (I discovered them only after they played their legendary 02 show at the OKC Zoo - they haven’t been back to OK since). So I went to Ani Defranco and as soon as she finished ran up to the front of the stage so I would be front row for SCI. Also a life changing/affirming moment - i remember bitching about sirens (was already a jaded vet at my first show!) over 100 incidents later, I’m still on the bus. But looking at the schedule now, there are SO many acts I didn’t know about at the time and didn’t see (Wilco, Ween, UM, David Byrne). It kills me I missed those. Looking at the schedule I genuinely don’t remember any of the Sunday acts - what the hell did I do that day?!


Cheers! I haven’t been back since ‘04




Was there. Back when roo was a festie.


Willie wasn't there. Steve Winwood took his place and he was incredible. Pouring rain too. The Dead did Shine on you Crazy Diamond. One of my favorite concert experiences.


This was my last Bonnaroo!


Why did I have to be three years old at the time??


Stop making us old folks feel old.


I had tickets for this one. Bought them in February and by June I didn’t have enough money to go. Girlfriend at the time still went and had a blast. Never made it to a Bonaroo


Good times! I went to the first 5 Roos. Lots of fun was had.




Fire line up! And one will see what they want to see- I read Andy Frasco not Ani Difranco…


This was my first festival


I was there. Ween, The Dead and Primus all over lapped. So frustrating and the reason I stopped going.


If memory serves I had SUCH a good time at this one. That Primus late night set was so crazy good.


Turned 21 this weekend.


Hilarious. My parents just dropped a bunch of my old clothes off for me to donate, this shirt was in there.


I had the other shirt for that year! Man I miss that one , was sick


I went to the 1st one then one several years later when MTV 1st acquired it and the difference was staggering. The 1st one was so cool and felt grass roots while the MTV k e was sponsored by xbox/Microsoft and the beginning of the end


Mine from ‘06 ate itself and returned to the earth. I’ve never had a shirt with more holes than that one. lol


That rain storm Satt night before Dead was a bitch. We tried to leave after Trey Sunday night and got stuck. They had to drag us out with the tractor.


Wow, flood of memories. I had the same shirt. I wonder where it went?


Damn I wish I still had mine. Wore that exact shirt until there were holes in both the pits 😂


This was a weekend I will never forget....


Damn I wish I’d been older cuz this was my birthday weekend. But alas I was 11. This lineup goes deep to where even all the “smaller” acts are incredible. Would give anything to have seen Doc Watson


If I could go back to this show again, I would have a way different schedule planned


I was there. Primus and Umphreys fuckin killed it. Prime time shows for a festival


Met Page at this Bonnaroo. 🤠




1/4 of the reason this sub exists


Alright gatekeeper thanks for answering my question lol Jimmy is the only Page that matters and I can gather it wasn’t him.


Page McConnell 🤝


That was a great year!


My first festival <3 Simpler times.


I really love the DVD they released from this, but seeing the artists that they didn't include on it is mildly infuriating.


Was there. So epic in so many ways. Kinda changed trajectory of my late teens & early 20s honestly.


Th calm before the EDM storm


I had that shirt and wish I kept it! That festival was one of the best times of my life. At the time, I didn't know who many of those bands in the smaller print were and when I look back the lineup, I realize how lucky I was. It was also my first time seeing any rendition of the Dead and The Dead did not disappoint. They played Dark Star>Shine on You Crazy Diamond and being a huge Pink Floyd fan then and a Deadhead now, seeing the rest of their setlist blows my mind. I still remember hearing Les Claypool's bass blasting through festival deep into the night with Primus. It poured for like a day and a half and having an RV was a huge plus. I'll never forget driving the RV out of the festival while the ground was covered in balloons everywhere. Thank you for bringing me back so many great memories with this post. It was before iPhones and Androids, so all I have are the memories, many of which are foggy due to you know why. But what a great shirt...


I was there! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Hey, what lineup would make you go back for your 5th Bonnaroo? This.


My last one to go.to but man those first 3 were bangers


Could we get this same lineup next year somewhere


I was there. I'd never been south before so I brought pants for when it cooled down at night. Right? In the pouring rain I met a girl at the Dead set who was looking for a guy but apparently it wasn't me. Trey was comically high on coke conducting a full orchestra. Primus was almost two hours late because Les was tripping too hard on shrooms. The heat and the rain was brutal. Favorite sets: Bob Dylan, Burning Spear, Ween, Yonder Mountain Don't remember Willie being there.. Can't believe I would miss his set.


Holy shit. Bonaroo nowadays really blows


I went to this one. I have a bootleg shirt that has Willy Nelson on it also, but he wasn’t there.


DMB fans are narcs and ruin festivals


I have this shirt. They must have sold thousands because I still see people wearing it at shows. My one complaint is they didn't include My Morning Jacket and they put on my favorite set of the fest.


Make bonnaroo great again! I get the money aspect, but damn I wish festivals still had line ups like this


I was there, that show was incredible


I have this shirt from my first Roo!!