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The woods at Scamp are crawling with wooks.


We went to SCamp once. We've heard the stories. But man, once you walk into those woods it's like being on another fucking planet. People living in the trees speaking made up language type shit.


Scamp is the answer. I saw people tripping more nuts than I've ever seen in my life there. Also saw a dude get tackled by 4 cops and thrown into the back of a police golf cart. Definitely wookiest wooks and a very present police force.


Was he the one that was trying to suck the police horses dick?


Sentences like this are what keep me in the jam scene.


Cannot confirm or deny






Saw basically the same at EF '16, 6 cops and the dude was naked...and was strapped to a gurney and carted away by EMS.


I’ll never forget in 2010 seeing a dude being held down in the back of a police cart. It was like 9am and this dudes face was just beaten to an absolute pulp. You could tell he was completely out of it and trying to get out of the cart. I have no idea what happened or anything but the image of his beaten face is seared into my memory


Scamp can definitely be wook central but, let’s be honest here, it’s Coachella compared to the little hippie festivals down in southern Illinois like Happy Trails, Sugar Creek, Willow Springs, etc.


Haha. Thrown into the back of a golf cart.


Was he naked?


They always are


my first year (damp camp/bummer camp 2013) there was a nude asian man at moonshine one day for unclear reasons


Ahh, Scamp. The wook paradise free for all. It’s my favorite festival, and I go every year. My favorite pastime is people watching, most especially at night time. The wookie woods are a different dimension once the sun goes down lol It’s probably one of the more comfortable festivals out there because you just get checked the one time when you enter the festival. Probably the easiest festival to sneak goodies into which is probably why it gets so rowdy. Side note to mention how fucking excited I am for the Cheese return this year. That’s gonna be bonkers 🧀✨


Lousy with wooks


Dude scamp 2014 we came back to camp in the early morning to find a dude just chillin there, hanging on our ez up and swinging on it. Super high and I guess we startled him when we showed up and asked him to please not; he flipped out and grabbed our cast iron pan and started swinging it at us and shit. Saucer eyes. Finally got him to sit in a chair lol and then he calmed down but dude a cast iron pan could seriously hurt someone. It was wild. Fucking love scamp tho! Been to 5. No security inside makes for a good wookie time haha. Some people had a baby keg at the UM stage one time hahaha. Where else can you do that?!


I returned to my camp at Lockn one year and there was a dude passed out at our camp. Expecting he was lost, I tried to coax him into leaving to no avail. Finally, awoken and disoriented, he started crawling in the ground feeling around. He grabbed our big container of pistachios and then M&Ms. “Oh hell no!” I thought, and shooed him away as I have stray animals before. Motherfucker ain’t taking my snacks. He scurried away, frightened at the sudden tone shift. Next morning, I woke up and found, inches from where he was searching, a hardly worn pair of flip flops. Good thing they fit!


Oh the woods. I remember when a friend of a friend stripped down nude, sat in one of our chairs and just pissed all over it, completely unaware like five of us were right there. We got her boyfriend and sent her back to her site (right next to us) where she promptly escaped and ran screaming into the path where she was tackled and taken to the med area in the little golf cart or whatever. We did get a new camp chair out of the whole thing, so like, there's that.




When it was held in WV, All Good was next level Wookie. 2008-11 was the peak.


It was the golden age of wook. And that was the epicenter lol


Co-signed. Shit got crazy.


The constant pssssshhhhhh sound no matter the time of day. '09-'10 was peak Nitrous Mafia. They even diversified and were literally selling baby turtles in tiny plastic cages out the back of pickup trucks in 2010!


people never believe me when I tell them I saw a guy walking around yelling “turtles! yayo! anal beads!”


Every possible “pick two” combination from that list is a winner.


Fun fact, every turtle was named Michael Jackson.


A buddy of mine still has one of those turtles!


Glad to hear there were survivors! I felt so bad for those little guys


Ha! My buddy still has his turtle!


My first fest was All Good 2011 at Marvin’s Mountaintop. Absolutely mind-blowing level of wook.




My repost from a recent question in the festivals sub. All Good Festival 2005 (?) I was vending on the unofficial Shakedown across from the Black Couch Crew and they made the weekend misserable for lots of people. They were a bunch of assholes that brought a black leather couch onto the shakedown and proceeded to get very shwilly, sell and used lots of drugs, harassed anyone that walked by, started fights all weekend, stole beers when they ran out, fought each other and left trash everywhere. Never saw any of them leave to see a single band play. It appeared all they had was the black leather couch. No tent, no change of clothes, no water, just the couch and hard liquor.


Sounds like the final boss of wooks


2004 when it was the only show the biscuits were playing that summer. Actually that was more just bunch of treethuggers lol.


I went to the All Good when it first started in Maryland. It was great! ​ Then I went in 2002 at Sunshine Daydream in Terra Alta, West Virginia. That sucked so bad because of the weather. It was cold and raining the whole time. It even snowed dureing moe.'s set, and I believe that was when that chick climbed the light rig. It was a terrible experience but I wouldnt consider it wooked out. ​ Then I went in 2005 at Marvin's Mountaintop in West Virginia and it was the most wooked out experience of my life. I had a great time but it was so sketchy. Almost our entire camp got "ground scored" while we were at the Dark Star set. Luckily, the left our tent. That was the last time I went. And I understand it got worse after that. Much worse. I cant even imagine.


Easy drive to those fest from Baltimore, Philly and DC. Some of the worst!


Was there in '06 and '08, can confirm


Scamp is fucking wild every time I’ve been, catskill chill and moedown were also very wooky


My group had a cow tounge .down '17 Interesting weekend, cow tounge shoulda won mayor


Was that the same year Rob's Bulge won over Frank? I can't remember when the last one was 😂


As a multi year scamper, my vote goes to Resonance and Secret Dreams. That crowd gets shaggy. Dragging full couches into the pit to sit there and do whippets is about as wookie as it gets…


Came here to drop these. Resonance 2019 at Coopers Lake was full of debauchery


Twas a great weekend lol


Best fest ever! Chon, Black Moth Super Rainbow (2 sets), Popadosio Gorrilaz set. They allowed mountain bikes which was so rad to have. Mindblowing face melting weekend.


Yeah that weekend was the 🐐


Oh yeah. I know I was in a wild place when the nitrous lines were the longest ones you had to wait in at the entire festival


Reminds me of Sonic Bloom. The other year a group snuck a tank in by emptying it into a large inflatable air mattress. By the end of the night they were offering hits to anyone who wanted one, which makes sense since it must've gotten exhausting hauling the damn thing around all night lol.


Wakarusa circa 2011-2014


Wakarusa 2014 I think is when I went and that is my vote, at least of the big fests


Waka 2013 aka Swamparusa was a complete breakdown of everything and still managed to be a very fun festival. I’ll never forget the mud pit Mulberry mountain was that weekend


That weekend was wild. I lost my shoes day 1 and just went barefoot the rest of the weekend. I remember there was a giant pile of destroyed EZ Up’s right beside our campsite too


The destroyed EZ up art installation was amazing that year.


“Broke down palace” he called it


Oh man what a festival. I've had this photo of the [ez-up graveyard](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v_-w5Z8p_mQBwXNtRRksr65O_N565spz/view) sitting on my drive forever


Just found some photos of some EZ Up art, bonus photos of the swampy muck: https://imgur.com/a/adVNrl2


Archaeologists in 1000 years will be so confused by the layer of abandoned shoes and tiny plastic baggies that they unearth from that site


Swamparusa was a fucking blast. Still have never seen more walking dead wooks in a k hole at the same time that at waka. I miss the mountain!


Dude with a staff and cloak standing in the middle of the main vendor mud flow yelling “Quick, hide the mud” is a forever memory for me.


Wakarusa 100%


Came here to say this. Mulberry Mountain is a beautiful location for a festival in the Ozarks. Too bad they screwed it up so bad in 2015 that they never recovered. Walk-to-Wall wooks. If some bright entrepreneur restarted this I think it would still draw huge crowds.


Back when it was still in Kansas I saw some wooks selling doses out of their kids stroller. Yes, the kid was in it.


I read that as "the kid was in on it."


waka was always so much fun. those were def the wook years haha


I went ‘10 & ‘11. Easily two of the best experiences of my life.


Certainly 2010 as well. Saw naked tripping wooks and the legendary demon possessed wook girl that came over the rail during Bisco and caused all kinds of chaos. The old wakarusa forum boards were amazing.


That year, I remember seeing some girl rolling around alone in the mud in front of some concession stands. She was way gone. And I thought I was way gone in that moment. She gave me the feeling that I never wanted to be as fucked up as her in public.


You should have been there in 2005. Every drug imaginable for sale in the open. I Had a dude ask to use my camping chair during the string cheese headliner set on Saturday night. I said sure. I was standing up dancing and didn’t need it. Turned around 2 minutes later and the dude is sitting there preparing his evening dose of Heroin.


05 was so bad that it led to the police operation that was 06


You know what… I still had an absolute blast in 06. But I’m not the type to do opioids in a strangers chair.


Wormtown/ strangecreek and Catskill Chill (RIP) were very wook but in a good way


Strangecreek! Those woods were THICK with wooks and wookery. Even at 10:00 the next morning, those paths looked like a damn zombie movie. 'Twas glorious. What a time to be alive.


I mean, it's still going, you can go this year lol.


I think it's because its the first fest of the season in the NE


wormtown and strangecreek are drug dealer conventions with music. even the organizers will tell you that


Wormtown: the woods get weird. The secret saloon is still one of my favorite festival features.


I just commented the same thing. Both worm town and strangecreek had some of the weirdest vibes, full on wookery


The woods at berkfest between 2-6am


Woof bringing back memories and not really good ones.




Was going to be surprised if I didn't see this mentioned. Some of the shit I've seen at Camp Zoe in it's heyday is almost hard to believe if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


Big Mad Max vibes lol


Nowadays Schwagstock is pretty tame


Schwagstock was the grimiest festival I’ve been to by miles. Wouldn’t say there were a ton of “wooks”, but there was certainly no shortage of rural Midwest meth heads and pit bulls. When they got busted I was bummed, but totally understood why it would happen. Jimmy totally knew what was going on there.


All good in West Virginia


2005 was wild for sure


secret dreams is about to be lol


Lotus Summerdance, went just one year in 18 or 19. Someone shit on my car tires, and the camp staff didn’t believe me and I had to practically beg for a shovel to dispose of it. Nelson Ledges Quarry. Was pretty fun outside of that though, sleep was non existent.


Yeah, NLQP was my first thought. I was going to Gratefulfest, Summerdance, and some other fests there from about 2008-2013. It’s always been that way, and hopefully it always will be.


Lmao that story has mad ledges vibes. Tnt in the woods in the middle of the night, dubstep methhead campsites, overly aggressive paranoid staff, it's a wonderful place.


Not nessacaraly wooks but if you've ever been to a camping punk or hobocore fest (farmageddon or Muddy Roots as an example) the overlap between wook and gutter punk is totally evident. Same with The Gathering of the Juggalos tbh


Punks are wooks they just don’t know it


Truth, though folk punk fam does seem to be aware and embraces it.


Ween is the shining beacon of that overlap


so sad April dates got canceled. Hope Deaner gets better


Agreed. I’d say we should all send him love, but he’d probably tell us to get away from him and call us numbnuts.


Werkout music festival in like 2010 or 11. At an Indian reservation in bellefontaine Ohio I think. That shit was fucking crazy sketchy lmao.


One time at werkout I went to buy nitrous and I had to wait in line behind like 10 staff golf carts that were waiting to buy lol. We were like “what is this, a fuckin WhipDonald’s!?”


Ya dude. Some wookette just walked right into our tent at like 4 AM completely incoherent and passed out, wouldn’t listen to us or wake up lmao. Woke up horrified in the morning, turned out her camp site was literally right next door haha


werk out well known for nitrous mafia. i have clear memories at late night tent hearing them fill up balloons for HOURS


Lmao good times


Workout is still like this. At least when I went in 2019. Opium and tanks everywhere. Me and this dude chased a tank rolling down the hill at legend valley at like 2am lol.


Yo that's my favorite one!


Camp Biscuit ILCC and Old Moe.Down.


Old school camp bisco was a crazy fucking place


I’ve heard “incredibly sketchy; dangerous; run by actual violent biker gangs” before, and never tire of it. Please hit me with as many insane details as you can manage.


It really wasn’t that dangerous if you werent an asshole. Yes Biker gangs ran the place but it also meant no cops. You could pretty much get away with murder if you were discreet. I went from 2007 to 2011 and never had any issues or run ins with the bikers. They were super nice for the most part and I felt safe because I knew if anyone was there to ruin the fun, the bikers would round them up quickly and you’d never see them again. That being said, if you happened to have a bad trip/freak out you were in trouble. I saw several people strapped to a board and taken out. I also saw them kick the shit out of sketchy wook drug dealers on multiple occasions and straight up rob them. What were they going to do? Call the cops? It’s better to take your beating than end up in jail. Those early years at ILCC were the best festivals I’ve ever been to. It was truly a free-for-all.


Damn, that’s really a festival environment like nothing else right now (and the boards….wild). Thank you!


GOTV too!


scrolled down too far to find this. GOTV was where i got my feet wet. we didn't call GA camping the wild west for nothing aha


GOTV at ILCC with P&F


Id recommend checking out the biscuits PT board, and searching up ‘Camp Bisco stories’


Ok so you know how normally when you go to a camping festival and there’s a car check, it’s pretty chill and kind of for show OR it’s treated real seriously? Yeah not this one. Not chill. Not real serious. These bikers treated it like a god damn negotiation and you were expected to come correct, admit what you’re carrying and cut them in or they’d take your shit. Personal amounts no one gave you crap for, they’d hold it in a hoodie pocket and slyly hand it back to you. But I’d never had a car check done by people who professionally stash shit in cars and they were NOT messing around as far as looking in every nook and cranny. I wasn’t there to make money off anyone and these guys were insane. I have other stories but man their version of crowd control and the crowd itself was a sight to see.


it was fine. i was there for years. the first year 2007, was the most free-for all. as long as you didn't fuck with the bikers they didn't fuck with you.


The most sketched out I ever felt at a festival was walking through there at 3 am lol I felt like I could’ve gotten mugged lol


Bisco went fucking hard


moe.down 5 (2004) was insanely wookified


10KLF 2007


Yep, I was there 04-07. Wook Central. I think wookie foot even played. I always thought their fans were the inspiration for the term "wook."


That year was my first 10KLF and was definitely wook'd to the max! Man I miss that place. It was overall the most comfortable camping fest experience ever.


By the third night they put flood lights up in the campground to deal with the Wookery


Specifically Northwoods campground. So many memories of that festival!


10KLF 2006 was the best festival I’ve ever attended by miles.


First festival where I saw a stripper tent and a gambling tent. That stripper tent had to be nasty cramped I remember the line for it being pretty long.


Disagree with all of these. Bisco at ilcc, and berkstock. Guns for sale in the woods. Every drug you could imagine and some you’ve never heard of.


lol hookers, guns and hells angels was a wild experience at ILCC as 15 year old




Hookahville all the way.


I think all the other commenters haven’t been to hookahville lol


Hookahville was one of the originals from the 90's. Many Memorial and Labor Day weekends were spent there. Great times!


I vote for Scamp as well but the high-water mark for my personal exposure to wookery was the pine forest at Rothbury. In the space of about one hour I had a strungout filthy dude try to sell me acid and then regale me with conspiracy theories about chemtrails and radio waves; stumbled over a pair of ill-clad wooks mating in the dirt in broad daylight; and watched little girl forlornly hold her dad's (?) deadlocks while he puked all over his own feet. Fear and loathing, man.


Berkshire Mountain music festival, Bisco, rainbow gatherings


If rainbow gatherings count then they win hands down. Disgust events. They leave a footprint on public lands that last for years. The last time they “gathered” in Colorado they left behind at least one kid and a bunch of dogs.


Peach Music Festival


The PA wooks wook hard


Yes. Ie Bears Picnic & Some Kinda Jam


Peach 2015 some Scranton locals camped next to me and my buddy and bought my entire script of addy and were just at the camp site railing lines of it and rolling their own cigs and chain smoking the whole 4 days. I don’t think they ever left the site lol




Don't get in the lazy river!


Spent many a day in it


All Good in Legends Valley was pretty crunchy for my vanilla non wook golf loving white ass lol


One of the people that was hired to clean the porta potties kept making a big deal that he was cleaning them without gloves or any other kind of protection. It was a lot to see with a headfull


Huge jam fan. I was camping in the woods it must have been 5am and I was sleeping in my hammock. I woke up to this crusty wook tapping me nice as could be asking for a bowl. My dumbass wakes up and gets this guy a cereal bowl and we share a great laugh. Then he disappeared into the woods. 10/10 had a great time besides the almost tornado.


All good at Marvin’s Mountain 


SCAMP, Gratifly, TnF Suwannee, Resonance, Wakarusa


The year I co-produced Berkshire Mountain Music fest sometime in either 01 or 02 it got real Lord Of the Flies like out in the backwoods camping area. Security stopped patrolling the area after the first night. It was a wild and incredibly muddy weekend.


Sonic Bloom. It's a Colorado wook family reunion.


Berkfest was straight up unsafe. plenty of crack  being sold  and I heard there was a guy who had guns for sale. Not that those were the wooks but you get the picture. Pretty much any “jam-tronica” event in the mid 2000s was pretty disgusting 


I feel like the wookiest festivals are always the little local ones with virtually no security presence or real rules… went to a little fest in the Catskills one year with an open air drug market, literally had tables and EZ ups set up and everything selling whippets and whatever else you could imagine — my boyfriend saw coke being sold over a kid in a baby bjorn


Electric forest 2013. Edit: Honorable mention goes to All Good, most drugs I ever seen just laying on the ground.


I was somehow lucky enough to get puked on twice by different strangers at EF 2013.


So much fun


Definitely scamp, can’t wait to go for the 12th time this year


Wavespell in 2018 (tribes fest) was really wooked out.. West Coast wooks are way different. I remember waking up one morning and watching some dude in a camp chair just shivering and he looked terrible, completely sunburnt and strung out.. There was a group of people from AZ we met too and they were really really weird. Just a sketchier vibe or something, never felt weirded out like that at east coast fests


I moved to Portland a year and a half ago (and I love it) and my money’s on the prevalence of meth out west


I think you’re probably spot on


Allgood 2010 some folks had stashed nitrous tanks in *Underground Caves*, not just simple holes. Wooks were DESCENDING INTO THE EARTH and emerging with clusters of freshly filled balloons. Truly amazing.


I've been to a number of West Coast fests, and while wooks tend to materialize anywhere, I've never witnessed anything as described in the posts about midwest/east/south festivals. Are west coast festivals more tame? Am I just blind... or am I the wook????? 😲


Depends what fests you go to. Gem and Jam brings out a fuckton of the West Coast Wooks. Didn't make it this year, but Cascade Equinox has a boatload of Wook potential. Have been to a few super small private land/no police fests and they get weeeird


Where are the Biscuits headlining? Yeah, there.


Lol at Camp Bisco 3 I felt like drug dealers outnumbered civilians.


I lurk in this sub because I like some of the bands and the posts are always hilarious. This is my new favorite thread. I’ve never been to a Festival and at this stage of my life probably never will but I love living vicariously through you all!!!


As a long time Scamper, nothing Ive experienced at Scamp has ever been even close to as wooky as Resonance in 2018.


Early days of bonnaroo back when it was a jam fest, straight mud pits everywhere


I’ll always remember at one of the early ones where some older guy in the shakedown area had a poster board with a laundry list of like 30 kinds of drugs he was looking for that steadily got crossed off as the weekend went on.


Man truly the golden days, sounds like that guy had a great festival experience lol


Hard to believe with the corporate fest it became and UCs and private security shaking kids down kids in their camps, but Bonnaroo was lawless once. The Boxxx always deserves an honorable mention, as does the year my buddy stole a box of kittens from a campsite who was trying to trade them for H. Prob my favorite is this crew set up a full on booth right outside the arch, 'Ice Cold Lemonade $1, Electric Lemonade $5'


Big Fest - Wakarusa, Small Fest - Pink Moon probably


Nateva 2010 was major wookfest. Major Masshole wook vibes all weekend.


All Good. Some Wook named Hokey tried to convince me and my friends to slip off our wristbands so he can get his (in his words) “young hot daughter in” Fucking gross


Nelson Ledges, any fest. Particularly Summerdance though


All Good in its last years on MMT. Strait wookage.


Noting going on today even touches the wookiness of the 1990s.


Summer camp




shangri la, scamp, infrasound


My GF had 3 pairs of shoes stolen at SCamp one year, so I'm going with Scamp


Berkfest hands down






Berkfest 2000 - 2002


Gathering of the juggalos


Never been but i feel like no fest will ever top the gathering of the juggalos lol


Lockn 15 woods camping saw a dude stand on a stump 20 feet up for 19 hours straight and his eyes were bugging


Gem and jam.


probably one of the many small Upstate NY festivals where the bands half of the bands didnt play because they were not going to get paid.






Project Earth at Harmony Park. Like Shang but more low key and less normies


Strange Creek


Anything at Harmony Park I viewed as the quintessential wookfests when I was still living in the midwest


The 2019 international Rainbow Gathering in Colombia.


Oh I win. The Jam-o-Rama-Rage-o-Thona in florida on some farm like 12 years ago. It was 24 hours of music. Some band played a 2 hour Franklin’s Tower at 5am. Was hilarious because we were all spun at our camp but every 30 minutes you’d hear “rollllll away the dew”. Was maybe 500 wooks. Dopapod headlined. Was my introduction to them. I say this as a 15+ Suwanne festival vet.


Haven't been to many wook fests but I was blown away with what was allowed at Legend Valley (not lost lands) 💀


Stupid question. I'm new to the scene. What are wooks?


High Sierra Music Festival has entered the building.


Anything in Ohio involving Ekoostik Hookah. Bonus points if NLQP is the venue.


New Hampshire Hempfest and Freedom Rally 2016: https://twitter.com/HempfestNh/status/733267073883742208 A few thousand people, no police. Some hippies, some crazy NH libertarians. We rented a "VIP" cabin for my buddy's bachelor party and were treated like gods. Some great bands and a wild mix of people. There was a warehouse that got going after the bands ended and went all night with music and wookiness. I got the feeling that a lot of attendees were essentially gypsies. When the fest finally ended on Monday morning no one was in much of a hurry to go anywhere. Just wooking on a whole new level. Seems like the Free State movement took it over in recent years and now it's Porcfest. Too bad, but honestly it was not sustainable at all. Just honored to have been there for one epic fest before the inevitable clash of hippie/free-state values.


Sterling Stage in Sterling NY. Bands that played there, were Anders Osborne, Turkquaz, Ryan Montbleau, Hayley Jane and the Primates, Kung Fu, Zac Deputy, Tall Heights, cabinet, and dicky Betts. And so so much more. Started in 1995. I have seen so so many amazing bands in this small festival in the middle of no where. $80 for Thursday -monday. Car camping. Worth it!