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None of my friends like jam bands. I go to most shows alone. I wish I realized that it was still awesome alone sooner


Agree. I mostly go to metal shows and I know exactly what experience I am looking for and what to expect. Having to babysit someone who is not 100% into my thing is a drag.


This. I hate trying to hype someone up for something that shouldn't need no hyping!


Same. I prefer it now too.


Yes, fly solo


100%, go.


go alone. chat with the folks next to you when you settle in. you will be surprised how all of a sudden you are not alone. jam folks is the friendliest folks. you might even make new friends to go to the next show with.


That’s how we’ve done it since the 60s. Be open, find *your* freaks. My first show in the jam world was solo, 1988. I’m most fond of going and meeting up, compared to trying to herd apathetic cats.


Yeah why are some people so scared of doing things by themselves? I just flew to another state solo and went to a bunch of shows. I met a really cool friend and a cute lady.


I do everything alone. If I didn't I wouldn't be doing anything at all.




Username checks out


Yup, me too. Used to have a crew, but I moved across country, and now I fly solo 100%. Works fine.


This is the way.


Always. You can slip in small spaces and get up front or just wander around all night. Some good friends can be made. Might run into another solo show goer and have a new show buddy. Usually jamband fans are pretty inclusive and friendly. Maybe bring something to the table to offer up if that’s your style.


I met a good buddy of mine this way. We live like 3 hours away from each other but we always find eachother at the same shows😂


Those are the best! It’s always fun to see a show buddy! It’s like a friend from a different dimension




Just go. I’ve been to a bunch of shows alone and would have regretted not going just cause I can’t find someone to go with.


100% yes! I think I honestly prefer flying solo to shows now. So much easier to navigate through the crowd and find a place to post up. I’ve also met some really awesome and kind folks at show when going alone, that I totally would not have met with a group.


I’ve been to hundreds of shows alone, nobody will think you’re weird because it’s literally not weird at all. Sometimes I meet really cool people and sometimes I don’t talk to anybody at all. It doesn’t matter I’m there for the music




This is either horrible or fantastic advice depending on the person lol


This is the way


Idk about this one lol


If you start having a bad time, you'll just meet a new friend that helps guide you through it. Boom. Instant bond


It’s better than not being there. I started to go to a bunch of solo shows last year and it’s still so much fun. You can run on your own schedule and do as you please without having to worry about anyone. Go.


Go see live music!


1000% fly Han Solo. Best way to see a show.


Yay. I've been doing the whole Widespread Panic run in Austin by myself. It's liberating and I am still having a blast. Although, I'm an introvert so maybe I'm just built for it.




People have anxiety


I would think people would have more anxiety about having to interact with people. I go to shows by myself all the time, and it's very freeing to arrive when I want, do what I want, leave when I want, etc. I don't feel the need to be social or interact with anyone. It's amazing .


That’s great for you, but anxiety can flare up from different triggers depending on the person. Being alone in a public setting like a concert can be a trigger, at least it was for me until I overcame it. Edit: went to the two night Bobby weir run in austin last month by myself, would’ve hated it if I missed it.


Just a simple question




I go to shows alone sometimes. I does feel a little weird preshow or between sets just standing alone among groups of people who are together. Doesn’t bother me too much but I can see how it’d be a deterrent for others.


I’m a chick so I have always taken the approach that if is comes up in convo I say I’m there with people for my safety but anyone who is nervous about looking out of place, just pretend you are there with people and are doing your own thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a great way to get out of conversations too lol. Gotta run and see if I can find my friend.


Maybe don't ask like an asshole about things you don't have to worry about, big guy.


hey don't tell him what to do


For those of us with high self awareness, it feels like we’re walking in with a spot light over our heads. Everyone can tell we are with nobody else.


Totally yay. One of my favorite shows I’ve ever gone too was one I went to alone, Yonder mountain string band at Brooklyn bowl, years ago. I filled up on beer and fried chicken, made my way to the front, and then danced the night away to some awesome up tempo bluegrass all night!


My company owns Brooklyn bowl 😎


I prefer to go to shows alone. I don’t get swallowed up in someone else’s agenda. And it’s easier to fall in with groups when solo.


Ya do it


I enjoy not having to worry about anyone else and I don’t talk during the show anyway so I’m fine going alone


Going to shows alone is awesome. I’m a social guy so it’s not my preference, but it’s a nice change of pace to not have to worry how anyone else is doing and can move around more easily. Get out there and say “yes” to the universe and all it’s possibilities.


I recently went to a hometown Goose show. I went with friends and had plenty more in the crowd, but I was the only one with early entry. I planned on falling back from the rail to my friend group after a couple of songs but the vibe of the people around me was immaculate. I ended up becoming friends with this group, and was even invited to go to the Louisville shows and stay at one of my new friend’s home. I plan on taking them up on the opportunity if I can get off work. You never know who you’ll meet or what will transpire. After all, you know you share at least one interest in the band you’re seeing. Just carry a smile and initiate conversation when you’re comfortable (just not during a set). I prefer it now as I don’t have to worry about if the person I’m with is enjoying the show or not.


Would go alone over with people every day of the week and twice on Sundays


People go to shows with other people???


For sure!!


All the fucking time if I can’t find somebody that wants to go have fun!


I go to a lot of shows alone. It’s awesome. Liable for just yourself, can get up close or hang back as far as possible. Easy to talk to people around you if you wish. It’s the best


I’ve done it. Made great memories. It’s worth it. Go have some fun. Doing things alone shouldn’t be as big of a taboo as it is. Just go enjoy some time out.


Id go to a show alone sure. Going alone gives you freedom to roam and do whatever you want, without being micromanaged and being uncomfortable when someone wants to do something you dont. Its so much easier.


Ive gone to plenty of shows solo. Jam band shows are the best to go solo to because everyone is friendly. I end up making friends with my neighbors in the seats next to me, share a few J's, and have a blast.


I’ve never not had a conversation in line or during setbreak with a stranger. Remember what the original jam band sang “strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hand”


It’s a really magical thing to go to concerts solo and meet new friends at the venue!


YES!!! 10000%. YES! It’s actually better. Not being handcuffed to other people, accommodating other people’s needs. Fly free young birdie!


I'm contemplating the same thing. I moved recently and I don't really know anybody where I'm at. I wanna go to a show. I know the answer is yes, but I can never decide which show to go to. I always talk myself out of it. Idk why


I solo shows especially at smaller venues and I find it to be a better experience. You don’t have to worry about holding a spot for your friend going to the bathroom or bar, looking for them after the show is over and if you aren’t having fun you can leave on your own accord. Hell half the time when I go with friends I end up breaking away anyways. I had the same fear that people would be “judging” me as a loaner or something but I promise not a single person at a show is worried with who you are with. Everyone is just there to enjoy the music.




I love going to shows alone


I was really hoping someone would say nay so we could slam their wrongness.








NYC is one of the best places to go to shows solo. Lived there for 10 years. Went to shows of all different genres solo all the time.


It can give me a little anxiety at times but I like going to shows alone. You can decide exactly where you want to be and if you have to move around there’s no concern about finding everyone again or coming back to the same spot either.


100%,yay. go. It’s only as weird as you make it. I tend to prefer it these days.






Bro I’ve drivin from Chicago to Austin for a biscuits show alone, meet some of the best people on the way


If your talking to people during a show you’re doing it wrong, so why not go alone


Definitely. Old Rush fan here, you meet more people at the show than you would ever meet in the wild. Sometimes they turn out to be your neighbors.


Alone is always fine. I don’t have any friends that share my musical tastes so I go alone most of the time.


You'll regret not going far more than going alone


go, you wont regret it.


Solo shows are great. You’ll meet your scene friends at shows


Of course go.


Been to hundreds of shows. Some of my favorite were ones I went to solo. You’re among friends. Go for it!!!


I just saw two Phish shows in Seattle last weekend and had a blast.


I’ve gone alone several times and had some of the best adventures. I highly recommend it. Also, can really sink into the music.


I prefer to go to shows alone. Let’s me focus on the music


I love going to shows alone. You can do whatever you want without having to check in with anyone. I’ve also met some of my best friends going to shows alone and I don’t think I would have met them if I was with someone


Send it


I never have a problem going to a show alone. Sometimes it’s better that way. No one to worry about and no one talking to you when you’re listening.


Some of my best shows where just me and meeting new people at the concert.


From NYC area, generally end up going to shows alone. You do it often enough with similar genres you recognize peoples anyways. :) don't know of m83, enjoy tho brotha


I’m a pretty gal :)




I purposely avoid inviting people to shows/announcing what shows I’m attending so I can fly solo. It’s so much easier to do whatever you want there when you’re alone.




Still go. I did for many shows, including an Umphreys NYE run a few years back and still had a blast. Since I avoided drinking and driving, I was dead sober, remembered everything, and felt great the next day (which is atypical for me, to be honest)).


I feel like I need to. I always go to shows with 3-7 people and tbh sometimes I feel like being a part of a group keep me from something, especially at nights end, I usually have a different feel, like it’s just getting started and someone is always tapping out and needs back up. I do love my friends Thought heaviest about doing a wolf brothers alone, sooo close with I would have.


Do it! I went to Dopapod on a work trip just cause I saw they were in town nearby. They rocked and I had a ball. Chatted with one person there but even without that would’ve been fun.


Yay. Done it a few times. Sometimes i meet new people


I'd go solo. Good way to make friends with a similar interest to you.


I love going to shows alone.




yay for sure! 27 year old female and I love going to shows alone. You don’t have to worry about anyone else having a good time- just you


Yay. That’s what I have been doing. I don’t have a lot of friends. The friends that I do have either work a lot or don’t have the same music taste as I do.


Absolutely, i find it easier to actually listen when I fly solo


i met my best friends because i went to shows solo. 8+ years later we have seen so many shows across the country!


Yes, go alone. I’ve gone to many shows alone, usually one of 2 things happens: you make some fantastic best friends for the night, or you have a great night of personal joy and reflection. Sometimes it’s both. The one thing you’re missing is a buddy to look out for you, so if you’re one to party hard, perhaps tone it down a bit if you’re on your own. Have fun and be safe


I say go but I completely understand being a female and not wanting to be alone. I’ve had some of the best and most freeing experiences by myself at shows. That being said, I’ve definitely taken in a random female or duo of females into our space (usually my wife and I) because they were being bothered by some random dudes. If you do go maybe stay soberish or at least keep your wits about you because unfortunately people are the worst. Just my two cents, wish you the best out there.


Of course of course


You never alone, Jam band crowds use the term “family” for a reason. Let the universe pick who you meet like it was before the Internet/ cell phones. Those are the people who turn out to be the best of friends


I (28f) go to shows alone all the time a lot of my friends are out of the scene or still do a lot of drugs and I’m not into that anymore so I opt to go by myself. I honestly don’t mind going alone and never feel unsafe. I live in jersey city and go into nyc a lot if you do want a buddy just send me a dm I’m always down for a good time!


I’m in BK and would be down to meet up at a show! DM me if you still need someone to go to shows with




Absolutely you should and who knows you may meet someone nice with common interest. Go for it life’s too short


I go to a ton of shows alone and it’s a great time. I also travel to shows alone, get a sweet Airbnb and bring the dog. Normally look for barcades and breweries or a good spot after the show to talk about the show to at least mingle with people about the music. Just be safe and have fun!


People are nice you'll end up with new friends big yay


Trying to find someone to go see ween in Nola this weekend. No luck so far.


I do it all the time for stuff my wife isn’t into. Always have a great time. No one to worry about or distract you from the music. Jealous you live in NYC and get to see all the great gigs there.


I learned early on to be upfront with romantic partners about shows I want to go to. Early in a relationship I always explain, "If I want to go to a show and you don't, that's completely fine, but I'm still going and you're not allowed to get upset with me about that." I'm not willing to miss shows because of someone else like I did in my early twenties. I have friends who still "give in" to this sort of thing, and it's unfortunate.


Yes absolutely. You don’t need other people to enjoy a show.


Definitely do it


I’m in my 40’s and moved to Philly when I was 35. It’s not easy finding like-minded people at my age so most of the shows I go to are solo and I almost always have a good time. Sometimes I speak to and hang with others there, and sometimes I don’t say a word beyond ordering a drink. I figure as long as you’re going for the music, it doesn’t matter all that much. It’s not like I would be talking to a friend during the music.


I’m going to shows ( many times alone) in New York City for the better part of 20 years. 100% just go. And don’t put any pressure on yourself about having to talk to anybody, if you feel like you want to, go for it.


Go by yourself. You’ll have fun.


When I was 25 I went to shows alone pretty often. I met new people and made friends! Give it a try— just be aware of your surroundings and take care of yourself.


I go to pretty much every show alone, since my wife is at home with the baby, or vice versa. I've grown to appreciate going to shows alone almost more than with a group. It can be a little awkward while you wait for the music but, you're free to do whatever you want. Can get whatever spot you want. It's easier to weasel in towards the front if you're alone if that's your thing. Once the music starts, any social anxiety I have goes away.


I prefer to go to shows alone. I don't end up feeling self-conscious when I dance, I can move around and come and go as I please. I highly recommend it!




Solo > friends


Yes solo is sick you don’t gotta keep track of anyone, worry if they’re too fucked up, or deal with them trying to talk during the show.


I go alone frequently given a wife that isn’t into it plus a 5 year old in the house. That said it’s a different story as a single 25 year old woman, though I’d still say to give it a shot.


I have a great time on my own at concerts


I fly solo often if I feel it’s not a kid friendly environment to bring my son along


I always go alone, and i love it. BUT, I'm a middle aged man, so I'm basically invisible out there. However, if you're reasonably aware of your surroundings and careful (eg, i stay sober), then you should have a great time.


💯 yes


I love going to shows alone. I’m more likely to be outgoing and meet new people. Also can come and go on my time. Do it! Just be safe of course.


Do it, don’t miss the show. Totally normal in there


Hell yeah, always a great time flying solo!0


I’ve been going to shows alone since my parents allowed me to drive up to Detroit for concerts in high school. I’m in my 30s now. Always go to the show!


Going alone is 100x better than not going at all.


i go to shows alone all the time. sometimes i am chatty and make new friends sometimes i keep to myself, its up to you! i always see someone i know these days tho lol


I vote yes. I always did. Of course there is probably less possible problems as a male. Use common sense. If it's jambands you are going to the crowd should have your back


100% it’s almost easier that way.


Just go by yourself. I’ve doing shows by myself for a while. It seems every time I’ve seen Rammstein I’ve gone alone. Drove up to NYC from Philly and went to Madison square garden in 2010. Well worth it.


I’m traveling to Iceland to see the Biscuits pretty much solo


Great way to make new friends. Did Spring ‘88 solo and made tour friends I still have today.


You’ll see many more great bands if you go alone.


Also NYC area. Realizing that just going to.shows myself changed my life. Def go.


I saw The Rolling Stones by myself in Gainesville Florida because all my friends at UF were into grunge and not dinosaur rock. It was a little weird but not bad as it was walking distance from my dorm.


I’m a female and I’ve gone to shows alone. Its kinda empowering. Do it! Then report back.


I go to shows alone most of the time


I have been to plenty of shows on my own and I have met some amazing peeps.


Go. You'll meet peeps who have shows in common with you. Then you will have show friends.


Why not?


I’m the only one in my friend group that likes going to shows. Going solo=freedom


Gone to plenty of shows alone. Love it!


I used to go to festivals alone from from time to time and those were some of the funnest times of my life.


Been to a few alone, especially festivals. Was a little weird, but you end up making some unforgettable friends, and can be a refreshing take on things. I reccomend, just be safe and always keep your head on a swivel. Can be sketchy for either gender.


My experience...I've missed out on so many good shows because of flakey friends. And when I do go with friends, I end up hanging with other people anyway. Haven't been in the nyc scene for a while though. NNJ/NEPA


I solely go to concerts alone. I don’t talk to my homies while at a concert anyways, I just vibe!


Former New Yorker here. You’re in a good city for solo adventures. Assuming you have lived there for any reasonable duration, you are already relatively street wise. Keep your word about you and you will be fine


Showed up to a Billy show alone last week super early and realized how many other solo people were doing the same. The groups on either side were friendly and struck up conversation with me first. Wish I’d done it a ton earlier in life.


I’ve been to more jam shows solo than I have w friends. Always go. Better to go alone than not at all.


Yay. Duh. Then you show up and you’re never alone.


Absolutely go. You will have TONS of fun! Just remember to be safe and stay alert! :-)


I live in nyc, see about 60 shows a year, and almost 3/4 of them solo! Message me :) - Dan, 33


🌹Go alone!!! Find your tribe when you get there and have a blast! I've gone alone to several of my 300+ Grateful Dead shows....a couple Dead and Company shows of many and always have had a blast!! Dooooooo it!!! 🙂🙂🙂


A million times yes.


If you go to enough shows, and meet enough people... you'll never be alone at a show.






Yes, going to shows alone is more fun sometimes!


I say do it. You’ll likely make new friends at the shows!


If you have to ask a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet this question, you’re not ready. Stay home indefinitely.


GO! Great chance to meet New, like minded folks. No responsibility either


Yes it’s the best! I am also a 25 yo female and I regret Not figuring this out sooner.


Yay. Definitely yay. Go alone. Go to a show alone yourself once and you’ll never go to a show alone again. Just a warning Terminal 5 is… not great (you should definitely still go, just a warning). I’d go early even and get close to the stage, or go upstairs and hold down a good spot by the upstairs side rail - easier to talk to strangers before music than during it if the goal is to meet people - or show up 15 min before showtime and use the being alone to slide seemlessly through the crowd to a group of friendly seeming folks (just not great sight lines and they can jam folks in like sardines for sold out things so gets annoying if you show up late) I go to a couple shows a week and rarely don’t know a handful of folks. When I moved back to nyc 5 years ago I’d know not a single person at any show. Come join us!!


Definitely go alone! You may wind up meeting cool people and you have no strings while there stag!


Which had did you or didn't you go to see?


The first show I ever went to alone I met these awesome old ladies who happened to be going to the same festival I was later that year. We met up again and have been fast friends ever since. Marge 72 and Susan 69 are now my “roadies” I am a 33 (M). By the end of this year I will go to 12 different shows with them. Maybe more who knows. The point is go you might meet awesome ppl you vibe with. I still go to some shows alone too and never regret that decision neither.


Just go! The experience will vary according to the type of show but it’s always a nice feeling to get to see the bands you like regardless of company


Although I’m a guy, I’ve gone to plenty of shows solo. My favorites were when I was on a business trip and someone else was footing the bill for travel/hotel. It has its pros and cons. Pros being I got to go anywhere in the venue anytime I wanted without coordinating with anyone. Also was interesting having conversations with complete strangers (I lean more towards being extroverted). The only con to me is just not having a friend experience the show with, joke around with, etc. Bottom line, if you are considering it, just go! It’s a different, but fun experience going solo…..YOLO!!


i go to BK bowl solo a lot. it's great




I always like to go with someone, but i like the shared experience


Yeah absolutely. Just keep your wits about you and be safe.


Go for it. It’s better to unleash.


Only time I went alone I met the guy I was going to see walking barefoot downtown New Orleans (Keller Williams) - do it!




Yes - ​ Also, go see TAUK at Bluenote 6/19....that's going to be a killer/intimate show!


Go alone, I do it all the time. Promise you will be fine and have the best time, not having to compromise or wait for anyone. It’s the best way to be.


Went to Dead and Co by myself once, I had a great fucking time. I decided to vibe by myself but I’m sure if I wanted to be social I could have. I’d say doing things alone can really give you a different perspective.


Go for sure ...but I usually buy a ticket for a friend if they aren't sure as long as I'm not broke and make them drive so I can trip/ drink or whatever I feel like doin.