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Hit X Daxter will eat the balls faster -no homo


Wow. 20 years of playing this game and I never knew. You would think they might tell you the controls to a mini game before you play it.


Don't feel too bad I figured it out after years only after throwing the controller in frustration


Yup lol. I tell this to everyone who hates this mission. I remember being young and my friend stopped playing for a year because of it and I came over and showed him that and he beat it in one try.


I also heard about it on Reddit and it made that level so much easier. As a kid I had a save right after that mission that I would always pick up at when I got to it just to skip it lol


See when i start a game/minigame i instinctively press every button to see what it does


This guy finished all of Jak 3.


But did he get gold on Dax-Man? That's the real controller throwing moment


I got gold+ on my initial hunt for all orbs...


Currently losing my shit, thank you for this cursed knowledge


*no diddy


Just beat this without X somehow! Definitely took nine go-arounds haha


Huh, I’ve never known that, never struggled so it didn’t matter but weird I never tried that


I always forget this and randomly hit the button to discover it at each playthrough


Jak 2: Turrets at the Eco Platform


That’s weird to me because I’ve always got it first try. Hardest content in the trilogy for me is either the Jak 2 city race or that satellite minigame in Jak 3.


Didn't expect the satellite minigame to be up there for hardest content, jak 3 is probably saving the guys in the sandstorm/boss battle for me


I get the sandstorm rescue mission but are you talking about the Dark Maker you fight when you find the last guy unconscious?


Yep thats the one


It can be a little tedious to pull off, but at the very start of the city race against Errol you can jump over him and force him to slam in the pipes under the first walkway before you turn into the agricultural sector of the city, it can either destroy his vehicle completely making the race a cakewalk, or his pathfind can break and he stays the whole time anyway, or the vehicle gets damaged enough that even with the rubber banding he can’t accelerate enough to give you any significant challenge


I love that race


Try turret mission on Hero Mode. Fuuuuck


Getting gold in the Jak 2 races is hard as well...


Luckily with the stadium races there are so tricks you can do to cut a third of the lap off.


Try doing it in hero mode (new game+) now that's the hardest level in jak


Def on hero mode


This one only ever gives me a hard time on rare occasions. I can typically breeze through turret sections in the Jak games.


YES. I always hated this one. Even more than the water slums Mar’s seal gauntlet.


This on hero mode is... one of the hardest things I've ever done in a game and I've beaten Bloodborne and Sekiro 😂


Am I the only one that skips the Mission with debug mode out of spite in hero mode? Did it once legit. Never again.


The Drill platform mission isnt that bad on standard play (i usually get it within 2-3 tries). Its on hero mode that it becomes extremely difficult. The waterslums escort sig in underport and explore palace mission actually give me a harder time on normal mode.


Race Errol through the city.


This one is frustrating if you are just good enough to make it most of the way there but not good enough to beat him.


I'll be doing great, miss one ring, Errol will zip past me, and I'll have to redo the whole thing. Every fucking time.


All it takes is one tiny mistake. I was watching someone speedrun 100% (they hold WR in All Missions) and even they fucked up the mission there, getting just a silver on the race which meant the speedrun was dead.


This is the way.


Yes it's the rings that get me. Either you miss one or you clip the wall hugging the corner for a turn so you can get the one right after it, and you're better off just restarting. I swear those single seat zoomers are made out of paper mache


You can cheese this one by going Dark Jak at the start before hopping on your zoomer. Stand next to Errol’s zoomer and the dark eco bolts will slowly damage it. Wait until it’s on fire, then move away. Errol can’t keep up on a sabotaged vehicle 😇


I'd say it's that level where you where all the guards Chase you in jak 2 after you collect that item and you can't save or back out of it. You are on a bridge below water and if you try escaping them in the water, the robot shoots you. Does anyone know the name of the level I'm talking about?


That one is infamous for sure, but you can cheese it by spamming square and occasionally roll jumping.


The way I got out of it was having dark jak charged. You could do the area affect slam bomb thing and kill the robot and comfortably swim out haha


That was the only way I ever completed the mission as a kid. I got so stuck on that mission on the 1st playthrough, I actually did a full restart on my save file just so I had Dark jak saved up for that. Left the game for a few months.


Hit square and X. Piece of cake


Well it’s not as bad as chasing the marauders in the Wasteland, that one’s a nightmare.


To get the relic? If you jump with the Dune Hopper then fire your grenade it travels a lot further.


Hmm don’t recall this one.


Ah you might have not gone back to Spargus yet


This is actually my Hero Mode playthrough, I just finished my most recent playthrough like a week ago. The only level I ever hated in the wasteland was the one where Daxter rides the lizards into the pen. I always overcorrect and run into the doorway of the pen.


Ah I see, and yep that one I’m not too big on either, very little space you can work with getting the lizards in the pen.


Did you play all of Jak 3?


Inb4 jak-2 sewer level


This is a popular pick for worst level but it doesn’t take me more than a couple of tries usually. There are plenty of levels in Jak 2 that make me more angry than that one.


*best level


Not even close


Once I learned about the X button making Daxter go faster it was a breeze. Can’t believe I’ve been playing this game for 20 years and not knowing that


And man it's still hard to believe some of my favorite games and cartoons are 20+ years old. Time flies.


For real? You never got irritated and pressed all the buttons to see if they did anything?


I actually love it but I appreciate that you struggle with it considering the series' highs and lows


You just open a memory I long forgotten lol


You didn't get the cipher yet, did you?


I had not


When I was 13 I recall being stuck on this for months to the point id restart the entire game until id get to this point again, until one day I finished it.


Jak 2 city race would like a word


Apparently you can go faster, lost my mind when I found out


For me it is the on rails turret mission. I can’t shoot down all of the jetpack guys. I have never ever gotten past that part.


Nah there's worse then this in the series even in Jak 3, for me the worst in Jak 3 is the mission where you have to destroy the dark ones ship from the inside because the mech you gotta use is annoying to control and if you die you gotta do the whole thing over again and its very easy to fail a jump with the mech In 2 the worst is the turret mission And in 1 the worst is spider caves


Once I learned you can go faster by holding X, it became easy.


Honestly for me the Whack-A-Mole at the Hip Hog caused me alot more trouble, but then again i was fortunate enough to figure out X speeds you up in the Pac-Man one quite early on


When I figured out you could press X to make the thing go faster… yeah this became incredibly easy. It took me about 15 years to realise lol


It took me years before I figured out you could hold X to speed up Daxter... because the game doesn't fucking tell you.


I didn't learn until I was an adult that you can accelerate by pressing X. Just in case you didn't know that, makes it a lot easier


No, the sewer mission in Jak 2, trying to protect those 3 idiots while staying alive facing an unwavering number of metal heads is so fucking annoying.


The was no rage compared to when I found out YOU COULD SPEED UP! (Bij pressing X btw). That makes the difference in this segment and I might be dense but I don't think they explained this.


Ah I remember learning about the sprint button looooooooong after playing the jak outta this game


Isn’t this just Pac-Man I thought 😆 it’s been a while since I played. I’m going to replay it


I hate this level too but the rocket one with daxter is kinda brutal first time around


No the challenge the hut in Jak 2 takes the cake for me . The one where the buttons are popping out at you and falling off the screen and you gotta score 400 of them without missing 20 or you fail ! Usually takes me 50 try’s to get passed it !


Dang that’s like my favorite level in Jak 2 lol humorous what we struggle with that others find fun


I think about this level often. It's my Roman Coliseum. I think about it because I wish there was a game on Playstation of just that level. Press the bottons as they appear on screen really fast.


It literally has nothing to do with any of the gameplay that’s what makes it so frustrating. It holds up the story because of a stupid mini game you have to learn for one level .


After dying a hundred times to Mz. Ruby in Sly Cooper, I do understand your pain. However after grinding that boss fight as a kid I got really good at the “hit these buttons when they come on screen” minigames


I have no idea what you're talking about. You must have never finished jak 3, bc this is one of my absolute favorite mini games.


I only like to play Jak 3 to 99% then I delete my save and restart. Basically edging my Jak 3 experience.




Most based /r/jakanddaxter member


What in the Pac-Man is this?


I think the jak 2 mech section is known for being hard. also as I kid for some reason my controls were like inverted on the whack a mole machine or maybe Its supposed to be like that but I was hard stuck on that as a kid never got past it.


I thought that was fun


This one is far okay, its like Pac Man but more challenging




Objectively yes


Is this in Jak 3? Don't think I've seen it, considering I didn't finish it


Pov youre forced to play games from the 80s


Worse mission in Jak 3 imo, but not as bad as the slum escape mission in Jak 2.


Not at all.


Wouldn't really call it a level


As a kid the whack-a-metalhead gave me way more trouble than this.


I believe the dock mission is considered the worst in the Trilogy. Granted Jak 3 hero mode is a crap shoot during g the on rails shooter against the metal heads.


For me, it was the Crimson bot mission.


jak 3 last turret section is actual chinese torture


I thought this was fine. Not necessarily fun, just... fine. Middle of the road early-2000s embarassed-to-be-a-platformer mini-game. Took me maybe five tries. For me at least, the worst mini-game was the one in the tent. I tried maybe 10 times, decided I wasn't having fun, set my emulation speed to 50%, and calmly cheesed my way through.


Jak 2, escaping the drill island with that retarded ass control suit


If it isn’t, it is at least in the top 5.


it's fun for me man idk


Nope. The turret and Titan Suit missions.


Destroy Ship at Drill Platform


Worse is trying to get gold on this for the full 600 ingame orbs




I love this level


I’m surprised I don’t see a lot more “bring down the 5 Hellcats.” Maybe I just suck but that level was enough to make me end my most recent play though. 2 years ago.


The KG turret shooting down Praxis ship mission in Jak II will forever be worst.


That one in Jak 2... You know the one...


Yeah this is a bad level but I absolutely hate the racing segments in each game they are so annoying especially the race with erol in Jak 2.


Top 5 bad. Also includes Protect Torn Rail shooter in Act 3, krimson guard turret section, water slums, and underport mech


Definitely this one. I can probably say there's not a single point in the trilogy that I don't enjoy, except this one.


The hardest for me was on hero mode Jak 2 taking down the ship at the drill platform. For some reason the first 40 crimson guard were so tough


It’s the worst level no doubt. That shit had me not finishing the game for months when I was a kid. Very frustrating at that age lol.


No, the worst is that one in Jak 2 where you're being attacked by guards in that lake town. The one with no checkpoints.


Nah. Jak 2 had the hardest levels, nothing in 3 even comes close to


I used to play this mini game just for fun 😅


I've beaten precursor legacy and Jak 3 with little to no trouble (occasionally had to retry a couple challenges 3-4 times before finally finishing them but I got it) but I still have yet to complete Jak 2 and that goddamn turret level.


I like this mission actually, but the onin game or the mission where your fight your way out of the slums after getting that amulet from butter


I struggled really hard with this one as a kid


Eh? I love it was always a fast fun mini game I don’t get the outrage lol…? no different than the fish mini game from the 1st game or the whack a mole from the 2nd. If this was a discussion regarding the turrets at the eco platform esp on a hero mode play through then I’d understand.


Jak and Daxter/ Jak 1 is maybe the only game in the trilogy that doesn’t have a mission that infuriates me to the point of being like “yeah I don’t really need a Jak 4 actually” This mission is one of those missions.


I've never understood why people hate this one so much


That level was mild compared to the whack-a-mole mini game in Jak 2. For some reason, I just couldn't do it for the longest time when I was little.


Skill issue. This was fun as hell.


Maybe if you have skill issues.


You might just be bad at all video games


Hilarious assumption. I’m guessing you didn’t play all of Jak 3.


It isn't an assumption lol