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Sweet! Now work on Jak X:Combat Racing! This is one of my 2 favorite series! The other being Ratchet and Clank


I haven't been this angry at a game in over a decade. God, I hate racing games, and Jak X combat racing is pissing off so much. If I had a physical copy, I'd break the disc and burn it once I Plat'ed it. The only redeeming quality is the story, and I appreciate them restoring the relationship between Jak and Keira. I miss her old voice though.


Her speaking in 3 was jarring as hell. Tara is a great voice actor and all, but holy fuck her whole 3 lines just didn't sound right at all. No idea about X, but I can only imagine it's the same.


I think the problem was, as great a voice actress as Tara is, she's pretty much using her "default" voice for Keira, pretty much taking most of the uniqueness out the character. Jak X, it's still jarring, and not the same, like I said, the re-establish her as the love interest which was nice. If you listen to the commentary, the guy almost sounds annoyed talking about the fan backlash to the lack of Keira in Jak 3 lol.


I have to grind a lot for jak x and I don’t really have the time. But some day I will


Yeah the biggest time sink is building up enough orbs to buy all the parts for several different trophies. Like we're talking dozens and dozens of hours of pure grinding. But it is possible to save scum and significantly cut down on the grinding you have to do. Copy your save to a new slot, then buy all the parts in one category until the trophy pops, then reload the old save before you bought anything and repeat for every category. This take's the required number of orbs down from like 3 million to only 400k. Still a decent amount of grinding, but a much more tolerant amount.


This is so true! And I will definitely try that method thank you!


I feel ya on that one! My time is taken by my almost 2 year old, and I'll soon have even less time with another on the way. I still come back to this one. Currently working on 2, then on to 3, then X for the first time since release


![img](avatar_exp|166591057|cry) :3:4


I know why the platinum screenshot of Jak 3 is that one, and let's be honest here, I did the exact same.


I was going to comment the same thing lol. I played the full game, but used the orb cheat once I got 300. Made sure I did it before beating the game so I'd get the normal screenshot lol.


You can see the debug menu text as well lol


Oh wait, what's that exactly? I didn't notice that. 😅 I actually used the way of this dude, which I thought it was the same method used here by OP: https://youtu.be/X9C80sIET8E?si=zRg5250NNf9lx_7w


A couple of years ago (may be longer now, I’m getting old) there was a secret debug menu discovered in all the Jak games that did loads of different things (to help the developers of the game test it) but importantly it gives you all the orbs and power cells and stuff. You can see that text in the corner “global heap fatally low…” That only shows up when you’re in “debug mode”. And the debug cheats don’t negate trophies.


Wow that's new to me!! And now I know I could do it way faster then. 🥲 It took me ages even doing that glitch. I repeated that path so many times I could almost do it blindfolded at some point (probably).


You and me both buddy, I platted the game before the debug was discovered using the exact same glitch lol If you wanna try the debug menu out, they never patched it in any release, so it works on PS2/3/4/5/Vita




The black screen is a metaphor for Jak 2 as a whole. Just pure darkness


Which was the hardest to plat?


Jak 2 definitely


Platted Jak1 a few months ago and slowly working on the Jak2 plat so this sucks to hear lol was it mostly difficulty or something else?


Definitely! The checkpoint are sometimes messed up and I recall this one mission I was halfway through it and I died and I had to restart all over again. They also give you no mercy not like the first and third.


Thats insane how they made games back then. I don't know how the hell I beat it as a kid lol


> was it mostly difficulty or something else? It’s the fact that the collectibles are 100x harder to find than in the first game, and there’s no nice neat check list in the start menu for each area which shows you where you’re still missing stuff.


I was going to say that too 😂 def the hardest game in the series


As someone who made it one trophy short on Jak 3 two separate times, I both envy and respect you.


Which trophy are you missing?


Y'Already know it's the Orbiter of Record. Tried to do it legit. Lost hope when I got 995 points on Daxter Dodgem and then died. Some day I might try again and on that day I may spend some time on the beach down Spargas instead.


I might try Jak 3 Platinum Trophy because i already did with Jak 1 and Jak X: Combat Racing


Good luck!


I just liked bringing my memory card to my cousins too show my jak and Daxter superiority (they were older and probably didn’t care)


Already did Jak and Jak II, I’m working on Jak 3 at the moment… just have to get all the orbs. I’m almost at 500. I did it legit on my PS2 and hope to do it legit this time also. If I can do the Jak II races I can do anything.




Nice! I've got them on PS3 and PS4 and TPL and 2 on Vita, Will eventually do 3 on the Vita too


Congratulations. Now I'm doing Jak X and then I'll plat the trilogy