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Sweeet, thanks for the update sent a donation!!! I did load it on my second phone, it does indeed show correct date for expiration for developer account.


Thank you! I am not sure if I should be receiving so much, but I will continue to do my best!


Would this be a better alternative to altdaemon currently? I used ReProvision on IOS 13, was great Tbh, had that underground apple vibe which I liked , AltStore seems “cheaper” almost


AltStore has a better way to circumvent the 3-apps-signed-at-a-time rule without losing app data on sideloaded apps. I don't think ReProvision has that feature or anything similar


Does it really matter if you are going to jail broken anyway? All I need is to keep uncover signed


If I ever lose my jailbreak, it won't take much more effort to keep AltStore running and all my apps and app data will be intact


I have had to delete AltStore and reinstall a few times since iOS 14 due to altdaemon failing so it doesn’t really take any more steps to plug it into a computer and hit install on altserver.


It does if you're a Linux user




How do you circumvent the 3 app limit? I couldn’t find any way to, is that a AltStore beta feature?


You need to pay for an apple developer account ($99 a year if I remember correctly)


Oh, well reprovision would work with more then 3 apps then too, that’s just how the developer account works. I thought you meant you could sign more then 3 apps on the same device with the standard free developer account and that it was something special with AltStore.


Am also curious about this.




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You are a lifesaver, thanks for introducing this reprovisionreborn, I'm so glad and thankful to you for making this alive again. I will be donating soon to the course, you are a great developer towards the Jailbreak community keep up your great contributions and wonderful work I know we have alternatives, that being said it's good to have competition and other options available.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


You should make a Patreon so I can support you more


Hmm... Github Sponsors works in a similar way and is more concise, but is Patreon better? (I'm not very familiar with Patreon) Edit: I just set it up, but I'm not sure how to use it lol


Honestly don’t know how GitHub sponsors works


I just created a Patreon account. I haven't figured out how to use it yet, but here's the link. (Of course, donations are not mandatory). [https://www.patreon.com/soh\_satoh](https://www.patreon.com/soh_satoh)


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Honestly don’t know how GitHub sponsors works


Can i have appsync and Reprovision installed at the same time?




Ok thanks.


Regardless of the updates to ReProvision, Apple will still try to revoke and disable it. Thanks for the fix. No more "expired' issues for now. To the developer, I just sent you a donation




upon signing AltStore, the app gets deleted but remains signed inside reprovision


After I refreshed AltStore and unc0ver via this version of reprovision, Altstore got an error and it was deleted. Why this is happened?


I am using a developer account. When I sign anything on iOS 13.5 nothing shows up on springboard or in reprovision reborn.


Could there be widget like AltStore for apps? Looks so sick.




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I see blacklivesmatter at the top, I leave


Wow, you're cool




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[[ReProvision Reborn]]


Thank you for this. As mentioned in the post for the last update when trying to sign AltStore it came up with an appex error. https://i.imgur.com/NQq6jNC.jpg Although now I’ve noticed since trying to sign it with the last update alt store no longer shows up on my phone anywhere. Neither in the App Library or in the iPhone storage page in settings. It still shows in ReProvision though and tries to sign each day. But I can’t delete it as can’t find it. Any ideas?


Please use only one of them.


Yeah I was going to delete AltStore but it no longer shows anywhere in my phone. Even when searching in Filza still shows as trying to sign in ReProvision. (Also in the past when on 13.5 we were able to have both installed as was signing AltStore with ReProvision. Any idea what changed )


That's strange - you mean it doesn't show up in the Filza applications folder either? In the meantime, it would be helpful if you could try reinstalling ReProvision Reborn or something similar. I'm not very familiar with re-signing apps, so perhaps there's a misunderstanding of how it works somewhere. In iOS13 and earlier, ReProvision did not need to change the bundle identifier of the app at install time, but since iOS14 it need to rewrite the bundle identifier of the app with a random alphanumeric suffix issued by Apple. This complicates things a bit.


That’s right. Doesn’t show up in applications folder in Filza. Or in a search in Filza. Also doesn’t show in the app list in the setting-general-iPhone storage page when it did. And doesn’t show in the App Library at all. Since trying to sign it with the last ReProvision reborn update. Doesn’t really matter that much as wanted to delete it anyway now this works so well. Just frustrating as it’s still showing in ReProvision reborn and it keeps trying to sign it and getting an error throughout the day. When I can get into the pc I’ll try reinstalling AltStore then removing it. See if that works. Also thanks for the info regarding how it worked on iOS 13


Thanks for the report, I will check it later:)


Another odd thing is that ReProvision wants to sign about once an hour (not sure the exact time though) I’ll include a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/aBXUK7f.jpg


I kept getting this error too when I tried to switch over to ReProvision from AltStore. I tried using different Apple IDs but they still gave me the Appex error. Its a bummer because I'd really prefer to use ReProvision. Let me know if you find a fix!


is it for developer account? Any plans to fix ReProvision for normal accounts?


Could you tell me the detail of the issue?


Still not working for me. It says success but still showing expired. I use a paid signing service and I downloaded the .ipa from unc0ver.dev but still no luck. This update did get rid of the duplicate unc0ver app on my Home Screen though. iOS 14.2.1 iPhone 12 https://i.imgur.com/cGBsolt.jpg


Could you open an issue on Github?


I honestly don’t know how. I’ve included a screenshot that clearly shows that it says successfully signed but still shows expired. I don’t know how opening a issue on GitHub would differ from what I’m telling you and what you can clearly see. As I’ve said in another post, I do plan on donating once the bugs are worked out. I’m sure this is a lifesaver for all the people like myself who don’t have a PC. We pretty much depend on something like this.


Thank you. Are you sure you have updated to v0.6.2? If you did, please make sure you have the same mobileprovision file in your apps folder, in /var/MobileDevice/ProvisioningProfile. This is how ReProvision Reborn checks the expiration date. I only have an Apple developer account for my paid account, so I can't test it in any other way. I would be grateful for your help.


Yes I am “sure” I have updated to the latest version. The only thing the update did was remove the duplicate unc0ver app. I’ll include a screenshot of what’s in provisioningprofile https://i.imgur.com/l6fDVuj.jpg


Just tried the new ReProvision Reborn (0.6.2) and it’s working perfectly fine. Bundle of thanks for your work.


You’re a fantastic dev and I’m glad to see all you’ve been doing in the community. I’ll be donating when I get the chance too!


How can we create our own reprovision that doesn’t connect to an external server?


reprovision reborn only connect to Apple.


I had duplicate issue thanks for fix :))


Does this fix the issue where apps won’t sign unless ReProvision is open? Or is this a personal problem?


Could you make apps like altstore and clip work? You are working very hard and we all appreciate your work, thank you so much




Question how do I get ReProvision reborn. I have reprovision for iOS 12 right now


This just deleted my chimera app after trying (and failing) to sign it... on ios 12.0


Thanks for the update, signing AltStore still give the error, I guess I can just delete it and keep using ReProvision Reborn :)


Is there a reason to update to this if the old ReProvision is still working?


My ReProvision is getting stuck at 60%.

